Ribby Cardi Redux

I did nothing this weekend, and I really mean nothing, but knit this cardigan. Did I enjoy it? Not really. I’m not loving the yarn at all – a little too scratchy for me and one of my skeins had some annoying knots in it that were somehow fused together – and I’m so sick of stockinette I want to scream! BUT, that said, I finished the back, did both fronts (together) and am now working on the sleeves. Thank god I’ve changed color. Speaking of color, it’s really off in the picture, but here’s a reminder of what I’m working with:

grape heather antique blue

I’m not sure what I’m going to do with the collar yet – mainly what color it’s going to be.

Now, don’t get me wrong. While I’m not particulary enjoying the actual knitting of this project, I can appreciate how well written the pattern is and I can easily see how nice the finished product will be – it’s just the stockinette lolls me to sleep. I’m yearning for something meaty, challenging, deliciously cabley. Like Vicki’s St. Brigid. It’s absolutely gorgoeous. I even found myself reading St. Alice last night. And then the library called today to tell me that Fisherman’s Sweaters is in. It’s fate telling me something, right?

There are lots of ideas brewing in my head these days. I’m feeling a little crazy with all of them. It’s all this alone time – and knitting stockinette. Nothing to really concentrate on, so the mind wanders and wanders – sometimes into dark places, sometimes into the light – but it’s exhausting! My dear, sweet husband has been working his ass off – all through the weekend – and today he’s in Chi-town all day. Left at 5 this morning and won’t be back until around midnight. I love my alone time, don’t get me wrong, but enough is enough. I was supposed to work yesterday – they rescheduled. Today I was supposed to be all over with a friend I haven’t seen in a while – it looks like I’ve been stood up.

Friday I’m off to Beantown, and hopefully meeting up with some friendly neighborhood knitbloggers for a yarn crawl and a couple of meals. I hope so – I need some play time! All stockinette and no fun makes Cara a crazy girl! (You must, I repeat, MUST click on the link.)

Back to the freakin’ sleeves….


  1. Oh, I’d blame it on the yarn. It’s just not that fun to work with. I’m using Felted Tweed for miles of stockinette and it’s dreamy happiness.
    Although I agree, I look at the cable sweaters and want to knit NOTHING else.

  2. Sorry Melanie, but I blame it on the stockinette/ribbing combo. Enough to drive this knitter insane! I’m like you, Cara, I *crave* something interesting. St.st. just doesn’t do it for me.

  3. The yarn softens up with you ‘bathe’ it. I had to redo my sleeves five times (my error). I’m finished with the knittin’ and ready to seam. Yawn.

  4. You know, I think you’re both right. When I knit Picot-Boo, which was all stockinette, I didn’t complain once – but the yarn was a dream and the sweater was small.
    This yarn is definitely icky, but with the size of the project, the st st is getting old fast. Although, even if it were cables galore, I still think I wouldn’t like it.
    So it’s a tie, okay? 😉

  5. Thanks, Cara! But now I’m going to turn green and whine a little… because you get to go to knitblogger get-togethers and I don’t! Here I am, all dressed up and nowhere to go! ; )

  6. I need playtime, too. I’ve been finding some seriously wacked out shit on the net and it’s creeping me right out. Still workin’ on the sitter angle!

  7. Stockinette has its limits, you know. I’m curious to see which color you decide will be the collar, I can see the virtues of both.

  8. I saw the bunny troupe do It’s A Wonderful Life a few months ago. Charming.

  9. I find I work faster on things that aren’t that much fun, fear that if I put them down I won’t pick them up again combined with a desparate need to do something else I guess. It sounds like you are doing the same – roaring through it to get the process over with. How did you find doing the fronts together? Are you going to do the sleeves together too? It is looking just lovely.

  10. This is Elann Peruvian wool? If so I’ve got 44 balls of the stuff that apparently need burning. Yarn you love does help the ennui of miles of stockinette but wait until you hit cables and travelling stitches. I love seeing the pattern unfold.

  11. well, thanks for that link — totally turned around a bad mood! i feel you on the endless stockinette. but your cardi is going to be gorgeous. great colours!

  12. Hey Cara–I know it can be extremely boring… but look at those pretty colors! I like the way it is shaping up. I hope it goes quickly for you! I don’t mind stockinette too much.
    Lucky you getting to go to Boston and hang out with all of those fun girls. You should come to Maryland and hang out with us sometime! 🙂