My last new project before the baby!

It’s the Rambling Rows Afghan from Cottage Creations and so far I’m really enjoying it! It’s pretty much miters and log cabin, so what’s not to love? I’m about halfway through the first row. Basically, you continually cast on and pick up stitches for the next block (square or rectangle) so there’s NO SEAMING at the end. The pattern calls for five colors, but I guess you could do it anyway you wanted to. I’ve been thinking about doing it again (yes, I’m ambitious!) with all of the leftover Takhi Cotton I have from the great Miter project of ’07. (NO! It’s NOT SEAMED! Leave me ALONE!)
When I thought about this FAMILY blanket, I knew IMMEDIATELY what yarn to use!

Socks That Rock Heavyweight, of course! I love this yarn. LOVE IT! I used it to make my green log cabin and I think the stitches come out absolutely PERFECT in garter and the colors, well, everyone knows (or should know) that Tina is a genius.

From top to bottom we’ve got Oregon Red Clover Honey, Jasper, Brick, (oops! forgot one!) Jade and Spinel. Perfect together! The red is the main color (color C) and the honey is the least used (color A).
I’m knitting it on size 5s. The fabric is just perfect in my estimation!

I’m making the largest size, but I’m using a thinner yarn than the pattern calls for so I’m not sure how big it will be and I totally overbought on the yarn so I wouldn’t run out. Which is good because I’m thinking with the leftovers I can make some really cute baby stuff! As soon as I get to the end of a row I’ll measure it for you all. The different shaped blocks and the map are just enough to keep it all interesting, but I can still stop in the middle of a row and pick it back up and start again. Ahh the wonders of garter stitch! Sadly, the denim blanket has been neglected of late, but that’s going to the hospital with me! Much more portable.
Thanks for all your support. I really appreciate it!
PS – Don’t forget! Today is the last day to get in on the contest. I won’t accept entries after midnight tonight! THANK YOU!
For two weeks now every time you haven’t posted I’ve wonder ‘has she gone into labor?’
And I can’t wait to see more of the newest blanket…I love to watch how you pair colors.
You have done another wonderful job pairing yarn, color, and pattern. I know that it will be a joy to watch this project come together. How neat that it fits so well into your life.
I just made this as a “family” blanket for our 4th boy due in May. It is an addicting pattern and you can’t help but knit one more square. For an edging, I just knit 2 inches of a garter stitch strip and this made it look even more quilt-like. Good luck with your new little one!
Another gorgeous afghan that makes me want to run out and buy a whole slew of STR! I love the Rambling Rows pattern and the idea of no seaming up. Love that.
Gorgous Cara! My mouse finger is itching to dash over to BMFA and order some of the heavyweight. Must resist, must resist!!!
I guess I’d better hurry and get my entry in for the contest!
Every single blanket you start I want to start, too..I love this!
And if you want someone to seam your mitered square blanket, I am a really good mattress-stitcher! lol..
I am constantly amazed at how you can make garter stitch look so beautiful. Can’t wait to see this one grow.
thanks so much for linking us to cottage creations–i love the construction of their patterns! so genius yet so simple!!!
hang in there and hope to see a baby soon!
Pretty colors! How much of each skein did you buy? I’d like to know since I’m stuck in baby-blankie land at work and I’m tired of the pinwheel blankies.
That is so pretty! Your talent at choosing colors to put together are simply amazing. You really have an eye for that. Can I just totally copy? Or can you send me via the internet some color matching vibes or something? Great, now I have to add this one to my queue too.
It’s such a great pattern. Earlier this morning, I saw mine on our Raverly page & I thought about starting another one for our family. Maybe I should do a blanket count first. How many blankets can one family have?
That’s such a great pattern for using color! I made a huge one for my brother with a super-bulky yarn (seriously, it fits a queen-sized bed!) and he loves it. I’m thinking about doing a baby-sized one with some leftover stash yarn for another couple who is expecting.
I don’t really want an answer, but I’m so jealous that you can afford enough STR for blankets! I buy one skein at a time =)
Gorgeous, gorgeous stuff! You have the best eye for color of anyone I know.
I love this pattern! I knit one with Cascade 220 for Afghans for Afghans. I also added a 2 inch garter stitch border to using stipes of color A and E. It really made the whole thing look more “finished”. I wish I had remembered to take a picture before I sent it off. I can’t wait to see how yours turns out.
Beautiful colour choices and another pattern to add to the que. There’s something about knitting miters that’s mesmerizing, just what you need while you wait to meet your baby!
You knit the most beautiful things! You inspired me to knit a mitred blanket for my niece, which I loved (though the seaming was another issues) and this pattern looks even better.
And you definitely know your colours. If only you rented your colour knowledge out to the rest of us…
I’ve been in a daze with my first, 8 weeks old yesterday, and came over to catch up on what you’re up to. For one thing, gorgeous knits. I’m so sorry to hear you’re probably up for a C-sec. I had a quasi-emergency c-section, after being so set for a totally natural birth. I know you don’t want a lot of doom and gloom, but I’m bothering to say because it ISN’T so doomful or gloomful. Yadda yadda with all the other stuff about c-sections, I was surprised how fast and not horrible it was. Totally not bad at all. Get a girdle or some generic non-spanx spanx from Target for afterwards for the jiggle, and hang in there. It totally isn’t so bad, and you’ll have this fantastic prize. I’ll be thinking of you.
I am so excited to read that you might knit (someday) for the baby! I recall about a year ago you insisted to me that you were a selfish knitter and couldn’t imagine knitting for anyone else. There are so many cute knitting patterns for baby items and I’m sure your’s will turn out fantastic!
I bought the rambling rows pattern years ago and have yet to use it. I am looking forward to seeing your finished product!
Yay for family blankets! By the way since you’re so open to other people’s opinions about your birth, I thought I’d write to say you should schedule for the 19th…The Feast of San Giuse’…a shout-out to South Philly! Wearing of the Red! Baci, c.
Cara can I again tell you how envious I am of your colour capacities… the intuitive way you know how to use them and light mesmerises me… seriously!
I would copy you more than not if I wasn’t scared you’d think I was stalking you 🙂
Oooh, so beautiful! A friend just finished a rambling rows baby jacket in malabrigo, similar colors, but these are even nicer!
Aw, it’s lovely! I always love your color choices.
Oh, yummy blankie.
I admire your photography so much. I can’t wait to see your photos of the baby. Does that sound weird?
Ooooh, I might have to list this in my future queue on Ravelry. Your mottled colors blend together gorgeously… and your joins… I’m green with envy… THEY are beautifully finished, too.
Right, the hospital. Cuz you’re gonna have all that spare knitting time on your hands! While you’re high on the great drugs that come with the C (btw-my favorite way to go!). Good luck to you, whether there’s knitting or not.
I love the Heavyweight too, but I couldnt figure out what to do with it!!! Thanks for the great blanket idea. Now about the sweet babe. I had this nutty idea that I did not want the first look my babe had of me to be disappointing so in serious labor I wouldnt leave the house without shower, hair done, etc. SO PAMPER THE FOOL OUT OF YOURSELF-I think I had more confidence in the hospital!
LOVE the family blanket!!
When you go for your (well-deserved) pedicure, be sure to pick a color with an awesome name! My two favorite nail polish colors are “Cha-Ching Cherry” and “Kinky in Helsinki”. How can you hear that and *not* smile? Best of luck to you.
yummy blankie…. but really now I’m just checking every day for baby pics;)
What a wonderful last project. In the throes of nesting, you have a good shot at finishing pre-baby! I love the colors and I can’t wait for that little munchkin to come out and let us know who s/he is!
That blanket is going to be gorgeous. I love the purple.
And oh my gosh that color for the baby room is absolutely beautiful.
If you happen to bounce to my blog, PLEASE ignore my Public Service Announcement post. I was pissy after my latest post surgical update. Your little darling hasn’t given you much choice in your manner of delivery (granted mine didn’t 18 years ago either heh).
I hope it all goes well.
This is gonna be one beautiful blanket! Love the colors and the pattern.
Your colors are perfect together. They would also make a great looking quilt. Now you have my mind whirling. Gorgeous, gorgeous colors. Hope you are feeling okay. Rest, rest and more rest.
Hey, Cara, I just sent you a regular email but then I thought that maybe it would go into your spam filter and you’d never see it. This is just a heads up. I’d love for you to see that email!
Cheers — Sally
baby? what baby? have I missed something? The colours of that yarn work so well together!
That is THE most beautiful one of those I have ever seen. Good for you for starting this.
Thinking of you this week!!!
I wish you nothing but the best. I expect you to come to Rhinebeck with that baby and bring it by the Sliver Moon booth, where I work! OK? Thanks.:)
Okay, so it’s been a few days since your last post… Baby yet? Well, regardless or whether you’re catching some last-minute rest and relaxation before Baby’s big arrival or whether you’ve officially become a Mama, I hope all is well and that you are happy. :o)
Okay, so it’s been a few days since your last post… Baby yet? Well, regardless of whether you’re catching some last-minute rest and relaxation before Baby’s big arrival or whether you’ve already officially become a Mama, I hope all is well and that you are happy. :o)
You have my permission to poke me with pointy sticks…. but….. is it YET?????
Baby, baby… come out and see us;)
this is one of my fav patterns
im on the 6th ( middle size all except on baby size)
girl with this yarn your using , all i can say is
this is one expensive afghan!!!!
& you doing the largest size
well best wishes
Sigh now I think I must get some Socks That Rock. Thus far I have avoided it. but now after seeing how pretty this blankie is.. I am twitterpated!
The other post you had your comments closed. I just wanted to tell you, I’m sorry someone did not respect your wishes. Don’t know why some people think requests, rules, etc do not apply to them.
You seem like a smart cookie, if you’d wanted more info I’m sure you would have gone to medical professional for advice and more knowledge regarding your birth to be.
May your day of labor be joyful for you and your husband!
Wow. I’m unsubscribing from your feed now — I don’t see respect working in both ways here. I wish you the best with the baby, though.