
  1. Wow! I am proud to be a knitter–that is, of the same breed you are!

  2. ALL RIGHT! You made it! We all made it! Yaaaaay, Cara!

  3. Madame de Farge says

    HOLY COW, Batt Girl! Spinners take over Gotham, World Safe for (naked) sheep!

  4. Fantastic! Thanks for inspiring us, Cara.

  5. Nice work – I’m proud to be a part of it!

  6. Zoiks! Congratulations, Cara!

  7. Congratulations!!!

  8. I am proud to say I am a very tiny & inexperienced part of the hugely talented knitting community with an even bigger heart. Congratulations Cara on a job done exceptionally well.

  9. congratulations!!!! that’s quite a number! you must be so excited 🙂

  10. Oh my!!! whowza ! What a team knitters are !
    thank you for organizing this Cara – this is fantastic !

  11. Holy crap! That’s so fantastic! Congrats, Cara! and yay for knitters.

  12. Wooo-eeeeeeeee!!!!! Congratulations!

  13. Whoa!

  14. That freakin rocks! Think of all the families that we have helped. A community of fibre lovers who have come together for a cause! This is so awesome. Great Job Cara on organizing this. Thanks to everyone who donated prizes! and to EVERYONE who shelled out some cash! Good Karma awaits you!

  15. Laura Dundas says

    Dear Cara, You are an angel. Thank you for your generous heart. Laura

  16. Knitters rule!! Fantastic job Cara!

  17. i have goose bumps….you are awesome! inspring, smart, witty and creative…to just name a few.

  18. Wow! Refresh my memory — what was your original goal? And by how much did you exceed it? I’m proud to be a tiny part of it.

  19. Yay! That’s amazing. What an inspiration! 🙂

  20. In-freaking-credible! Major kudos, Cara, and everyone else for participating! I’m thankful to have played even a tiny role in this.

  21. ; )

  22. Nice work. Using your powers for good.

  23. Holy Chai, Batgrrl!

  24. Kristina says

    That’s wicked awesome!!

  25. YAY!!!

  26. Whoo hooo…Holy gucamole !!! Cara….Condradulations!!!

  27. woooo hooo!!!! Great job!! I am soo glad I was able to donate.. I was soo bummed when I thought I might not be able to!

  28. wow cara! i have tears in my eyes . . . this is SO great! good for all of US.

  29. I can’t say it any better than everyone else above has said it. I’ll just add my voice to the chorus. You did such a very, very good thing here, Cara.

  30. Awesome! Just like you, Cara.

  31. You are amazing! Congrats!

  32. holy crap!

  33. knitters rule.

  34. WAY TO GO!!!!

  35. Wow. That’s just about all I can say, Wow.

  36. Wow — that is amazing! You rock. 🙂

  37. Knitters Rock!

  38. Woooohooo, that is an awesome figure! Way to go!

  39. Congrats Cara, we Knitters are saving the world one cow/sheep/pig/bee/goat at a time!

  40. ok…. now I’m obsessively checking to find out what a loser- I may be…. even though you SAID July 4…. you never know- you COULD post prizes early;)
    thnx again for all you did- what a great project!

  41. Wow wow wow!

  42. YOWZA!
    All that Chai goodness 😀

  43. Woot! Power to the people! I’ll be checking back with you (the Internet Cafe has Key Lime Pie…)! Let the prizes roll!