I’ve discovered the secret of successful blogging: If you talk about poop – people come out of the woodwork. Seriously.
Thank you all for sharing your remedies and experiences. I had a good laugh. We did get poop. And then we watched for poop again. And then we got poop. I’m thinking this is how things go with a five month old. (Almost! Next week! Can you STAND it?)
Meli was very accommodating, as always, and didn’t poop at the doctor’s office. She didn’t leave the poop for her aunt either. She pooped very unassumingly at home, with her mama by her side, in the afternoon before her daddy and mommy left on their first date since she’s been born.
I heard the poop coming and went to change her diaper. When I opened it, I was surprised at how little poop there was, considering how long I had been waiting. Ha ha ha. Kids love to play tricks! It only SEEMED like a little bit of poop because the poop princess wasn’t done. Nope. As I was cleaning her up she started pooping again. And again. And again. Just when I thought she might be done she just kept on pooping. It got so I was switching out diapers under her so she could fill them up again! It was all actually quite efficient and no outfits were ruined.
We’ve since switched to the next size diaper. I’m expecting more poop at any time now.
Our date was WONDERFUL! We left the baby with my sister-in-law and things were good – no tears – that includes the baby and ME. Although I did make the rookie mistake of calling home once we got to the stadium. Yup. Meli was screaming in the background. But Aunt Katina is a seasoned pro so she was soon texting me that Meli had a bit of a bottle and had fallen asleep.
The concert was INCREDIBLE. (Scroll down to July 31.) Possibly the best we’ve ever seen and it certainly made up for the crap concert we saw last November. The joy lasted over 3 hours and I think I may have taken a cat nap somewhere in the middle. Because of a bad accident on the turnpike right at the exit for the stadium, the concert started over an hour late and didn’t end until close to 1AM. I can’t thank my sister-in-law enough for sticking it out. We needed that night out and MAN did we get our money’s worth!
Of course the baby was up really early the next morning and no matter how much we nursed, she wouldn’t go back to sleep. Which is totally unlike her. Until she started to poop AGAIN. I can’t tell you how fast I jumped out of bed to change her. I was so freaking exhausted too. Thankfully as soon as she was done we climbed back into bed and slept for another couple hours. I’m still recovering.
Tonight we’re trying the babysitting thing again. My sister’s coming over so we can go out to dinner to one of our favorite restaurants. We haven’t been there since before I got pregnant so it’s been awhile. I can’t wait. I’m going to have a glass of wine and good steak and stare at my sexy husband across the table. Did I mention? It’s our anniversary today. Seven years. Although that number feels so bogus because we’ve been living together for SEVENTEEN years. And that first August 6, the original, the best in many respects, well, that was EIGHTEEN years ago. I can’t believe it. He’s still my best friend. Still the love of my life. Add to that the father of my daughter and I’m just the luckiest girl alive.

May 2008
The courthouse in VT where we got married.
Only this time we took the baby with us.
Awww, CONGRATS to two of the best people I know!!
Happy anniversary!
Had I known you were in Vt earlier this year I would have taken you to some yummy yarn stores.
Congratulations to all of you! Celebrate and enjoy your time together.
Happy Anniversary!!
Happy Anniversary! And YAY for the poop!
Happy Anniversay! Today is my first baby’s 34th birthday. August 6th is truly auspicious.
Happy Anniversary. Enjoy dinner.
Happy Annversary Cara and G.
Happy anniversary to you and your sweetie! (August 6 must be a good day — it’s the anniversary of my first date with my husband!)
Yeah Poop!!
Also, glad the concert was awesome. Happy anniversary – here’s to many more!
Yeah Poop!!
Also, glad the concert was awesome. Happy anniversary – here’s to many more!
Happy Anniversary! August is good month for marriages. (DH and I celebrated 18 years on Monday, the 4th.)
Enjoy your night out! 🙂
Happy anniversary! Today is my dad’s birthday . . . so it must be a good day. Glad the latest concert was better than the last.
Happy Anniversary! Today’s my son’s birthday too (he’s now 22). And a friend of mine has her anniversary today as well. Apparently a lot of us have reasons to celebrate today!
Happy Anniversary! My husband and I are also celebrating our anniversary today-it is 31 years for us and our baby days are just fond memories at this point! Enjoy that little girl!
I couldn’t help thinking ‘why not hold her over the toilet if she’s pooping?’. My aunt insists that my cousin was potty trained at 6 months, but her sisters think she was just lucky and happened to hold the baby over the toilet at opportune moments.
Happy Anniversary!!!
I followed the links to some video clips from The Concert. It looks awesome!
Have a wonderful anniversary dinner and anniversary, with your two loves, alone and together!
happy anniversary!
happy poop too!
Poop cometh to those who wait.
Memories! Although MY kids pooped right on schedule, none of this drama. Poop poop poop. To this day, no poop drama.
I wish for you: the absence of poop drama.
Happy Anniversary!
Congratulations on your anniversary (and on doing so much better than my husband and I on having dates post baby)!
I haven’t commented for ages – I guess the poop talk really works, on parents at least. I think that when my daughter was about Meli’s age was when I started putting her over a potty. Helps contain those projectile pooping incidents and saves on diapers and the amount of cleanup.
I don’t know whether you’ve come across the whole Elimination Communication/Infant Potty Learning idea – but if you’re at all interested there’s lots out there on the internet about it. I didn’t do the full EC no diapers approach, but she still caught on to the queued peeing thing pretty quickly and now (she’s two) when we’re home she puts herself on the potty pretty reliably. We got one of these potty chairs and she LOVED sitting on it (regardless of whether she needed to do anything, just liked being able to sit up and look around) when she got to the point that she could sit up with that little bit of support.
OK, enough with the unsolicited parenting method talk, take it or leave it as you will of course. Have a fab dinner date!
Happy Anniversary! Hope dinner was excellent!
Happy Anniversary! Dates are SO important once you have a baby. It’s good for all three of you!
The joys of the poo watch. Its either too much or not enough some days LOL.
My daughter is almost 6 months, and we still have those never ending poo sessions.
Hooray for poop!
And way to go for going on a date. Thus far, Dan and I have managed to leave Raley with someone while we go to Home Depot or our storage unit, but never to actually do something “fun.” Maybe sometime soon!
poop factory
Happy Anniversary!! and Congratulations! Glad you were a brave girl to leave her with your sis!!
Your baby’s not pooping and now pooping lots is a sure sign of dehydration. It goes (as you’ve experienced) from constipation to a mix to diarrhea. I would suggest upping her liquids, but mainly water (unless nursing/pumping), make sure she’s getting plenty of veggies (if applicable) and maybe even a nice prune puree if she’s stopped up again. Once I figured mine were dehydrated, they never got constipated until I started them on bottles and mushed veggies & then after their bodies got used to it they didn’t have problems!!
Hope everything “works out”!
Bella Mama
I love how you express your love for your husband!
nice, definitely