Actually, I elfed the whole family. We’re all sick now and miserable and tired and it figures because I’ve only got a few packages left to go out and then I’m DONE.
Anyway, I thought this would be fun and distract myself from the misery:
Send your own ElfYourself eCards

Hope you’re having a great weekend and feeling fantastic!
L, C
Ништяяк! Добавила в закладки, буду вашим частым гостем.
Meli is adorable! I especially like the last pic. The elf yourself video gave me a laugh, too. I need to do that with my family. 🙂
Meli looks great as an elf, as well as the rest of you guys too. Happy Holidays.
That was… disturbing.
Gotta go elf myself now.
If those were not card worthy the card worthy ones must be amazing!!!
She is the 3rd cutest girl I have seen (I have 2 girls so I am a little biased)
I’m going to have to agree with the disturbing comment…Funny! But maybe a little too odd on a Sunday before coffee.
I also like the last Meli pic, she is so cute!
oh no! I hope all you get back to health quickly!
meli is too freaking cute 🙂
Not card worthy? Oh my I would LOVE a card with that sweet face on it!
All the best, and happy holidays to all of you. May you have time to destress soon!!
Oh, I’m so glad I’m not the only one who takes a THOUSAND pictures of my kids and NOT ONE is Christmas card (or wall) worthy!
Побольше б таких штук…
That daughter of yours has some moves!
She’s adorable!! Happy Hanukkah!
What is up with the Russian comments? So odd!
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