Nothing Says Hell Like High School

Via Ann and Vicki. Hey Ann? Where’s YOUR picture?

Fill in the blanks about your senior year. The longer ago it was the better.

1. Who was your best friend? Beth and Steve, that is until Steve got a girlfriend and she wouldn’t let him hang out with me. From what I understand, Steve eventually married her and they had at least one kid who was born on 01/01/01. I always found that CRAZY amusing.

2. What sports did you play? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

3. What kind of car did you drive? I was at the mercy of my parents on this one. Usually I drove my dad’s car which was a Pontiac Sunbird. White. I didn’t mind that car. My sister and brother and I drove that thing into the ground. I learned to drive on a Chevy Impala Station Wagon, but they got rid of that sometime my senior year and my mom drove a Buick something or other which was totaled by the neighbor across the street right after I left home. Did NOT like the Buick, but because of the Chevy, I can parallel park anything.

4. It’s Friday night, where were you at? Somebody’s basement, but most likely Dave Goodman’s. We would listen to the Grateful Dead or Led Zeppelin or some other classic rock (I don’t remember any Bruce, to be honest – not with this crowd) and we would drink and get high.

5. Were you a party animal? Not really. I had a midnight curfew, which I was usually very good about unless I arranged to sleep out. I never really liked getting drunk or high and when I drove there were RULES about my car – no alcohol, no drugs. I kicked somebody out of my car for drinking. I guess I was more scared of my father than peer pressure.

6. Were you considered a flirt? Yeah. Probably. I liked to fuck with the boys. I was smart and had a fairly voluptuous body, but I was way too honest for my own good. ETA: I should clarify this – when I say I liked to fuck with the boys I meant tease them or mess with their minds or whatever. Not necessarily get down and dirty. Also, when I say I was too honest for my own good – I mean very free with my opinions, of which I had many, which maybe didn’t go over so well. I think I was a little bit scary.

7. Ever skip school? All the time. There was a two month period when I missed 7th period English almost every day.

8. Ever smoke? Yes.

9. Were you a nerd? Yes and no. I was known, at times, to eat lunch in the M.G. room (the place where the mentally gifted mentors and students hung out – about as nerdy as nerdy can get.)

10. Did you get suspended/expelled? No.

11. Can you sing the Alma Mater? Maybe, but somehow it mixes with the UMich fight song. So no.

12. Who was your favorite teacher? In high school? No one really comes to mind.

13. Favorite class? None. I really couldn’t stand high school. I was bored and restless and probably thought I was better and smarter than everyone. I couldn’t WAIT to get out of there.

14. What was your school’s full name? George Washington High School

15. School mascot? Eagle

16. Did you go to Prom? Yes I went to the prom – both my Junior and Senior and they both sucked for various reasons. Although I did wear great dresses for both.

17. If you could go back and do it over, would you? Not if you paid me millions of dollars and threatened the lives of small animals.

18. What do you remember most about graduation? After it was over, I remember finding a friend – an old friend – we hadn’t talked in a LONG time after a particularly nasty blow up in tenth grade where she called me a bitch and I told her she taught me everything I knew. When we “broke up” I lost my base, if you will, and never really solidly belonged to any one group again. I was kind of friends with everyone and friends with no one, you know. Anyway, at graduation we some how met up on the football field and had a huggy/weepy moment. Otherwise it’s all a blur.

19. Favorite memory of your senior year? We had a class trip to NYC. I already knew I wanted to live here and I remember leaving the class and hopping in a cab over to the Hard Rock Café where I bought a t-shirt. A very risky thing for me to do. I also remember English Class with Mr. Lynch – we were reading The Portrait of An Artist as A Young Man and I said I didn’t believe in God. Mr. Lynch, I’m assuming he was a Catholic, put me on “trial” at the front of the class and the two of us argued theology for the rest of the class.

20. Were you ever posted up on the senior wall? I don’t know what this means.

21. Did you have a job your senior year? Absolutely. I worked, if you count babysitting, from when I was 12. My senior year I worked at Casual Male at Welsh & the Boulevard. I was an Assistant Manager.

22. Who did you date? I had a steady boyfriend for a couple of years from 9-11th grade and in 11th grade I dated a guy that was bad news and totally fucked me up and in 12th grade I didn’t really have a boyfriend. I did sleep around a bit. Just a bit though.

23. Where did you go most often for lunch? Probably Aldo’s Pizzeria if I left school – otherwise we just hung out on the back steps and smoked.

24. Have you gained weight since then? Yep.

25. What did you do after graduation? The summer after graduation I was a counselor at an overnight camp. I had signed up for it because I didn’t know if I could leave home to go to college, so this was a test run. Needless to say, that September I started at NYU and I never lived in Philadelphia again.

26. When did you graduate? 1987.

PS – The picture. I didn’t have some kind of weird skin disease back then, it’s the scan and oh my god I wish you could see the tan lines and FROSTED hair! I was a looker, that’s for sure! 😉


  1. I KNEW there was something about your writing that a wee bit familiar. I went to Olney & left Philly as fast as I could…the only things I really miss are the Tasy Pies,chocolate juniors and of course the steak sandwiches. Have a great day, look forward to the next post.

  2. I’m too old to remember most of the answers and the rest wouldn’t be interesting. I hated high school more than any should or could.
    It was great readint your answers (and Vicki’s, Ann’s and Katy’s, too).

  3. I’m really enjoying this meme! And I think, other than the frosted hair, that you look exactly the same.

  4. Ha! This is such a great meme! Thanks for reminding me about it- I meant to do it a couple weeks ago and then totally forgot about it. So funny! High school…eeesh! :p

  5. I’m TEMPTED to do this one. My senior picture is pretty dang funny. ‘If Farrah Fawcett had a sweet round face and glasses’.
    But like everyone else I hated high school. But I was such a goody 2 shoes that I only realized it when it was over. xoxo Kay

  6. Nope. Not even if Johnny Depp gave me head for half an hour. Uh-uh.

  7. Don’t know what made me click the GWHS link but was shocked to see the GWHS I know! I went to Little Flower and then lived at Rhawn & the Boulevard till ’84. Been in OK ever since. Yep, miss the soft pretzels and Tasty Kakes!

  8. not so sure it has the same effect for me who’s just 7 years out… haha but no matter there’s NO going back!

  9. Very intersting. Ah, high school. I’d just rather not think about that. I think your photo is lovely.

  10. Too funny! I graduated in ’87 too and I was never more relieved in my life. I hated High School!

  11. You are beautiful! ; ) I think my hair was frosted in 1987, too, but while you were graduating and doing all that hugging, I was probably nursing Baby #2!

  12. No Way!!!! I drove a Pontiac Sunbird, too! Great pic.

  13. Frosted hair–I always wanted frosted hair but I had to wait till I was 16 and by then…I started dyeing it pink and blue and purple and stuff.

  14. I like your answer for the sports question … it’s totally how I would have answered too.

  15. what do you mean you probably were scary??
    ps. you’re all about sacrificing animals these days – what gives?

  16. Love the picture!

  17. Ha ha! I learned to drive on a Chevy Impala wagon too! Man, that sucker was a boat, but I can sure handle a car now!

  18. Oh, man. Just thinking about high school makes me break out in hives. I might do this meme, though, because I could hit the high spots in between the endless Plains of Geekiness. (I am still a geek, but I think I am better at it now.) Anyhow, your high spots are fun to read.

  19. Look how cute you were!
    I knew I was quite a bit older than you, but you almost had me convinced you were older with your listening to Led Zep and GD. I’m not going to take the quiz. Instead, just think of the movie Dazed and Confused. That was high school!

  20. I think you look great in the picture!
    Mmm… high school sucked. Except I met Kris there, so it was not ALL bad…
    Thanks for sharing the fun meme, C!

  21. OMG, that Rock Chick!!!! You were a looker. Still are. I have absolutely nothing interesting that I can say about high school. Well, I could. It belongs in a therapist’s office, though, not the blogs.

  22. Okay, okay . . . I’m succumbing to peer pressure and doing this myself, now!

  23. This post is so amusing, especially since if I drag out my yearbook we could compare NE hair! I hated high school by the time senior year was over and could not wait to go away to college. The cliques at GWHS really annoyed me, even though I was probably in one. Dave Goodman is a chiropractor now, I hear. I recently ran into someone from our class who is hoping that a reunion is planned for next year. I just laughed–I doubt I’d go! Thanks for the flashback!