Onto the Fiber Portion of my Chicago Trip!
Friday night, after I was sufficiently dried off and G was on his way to his obligations, I headed out to Loopy Yarns. As soon as I walked into the store, I spied Karen, who was talking with Michelle. We all chatted for a bit – my plans in the city, etc. and then they went on to shop the fabulous sales at Loopy. I just haven’t been feeling the yarn store love lately – I certainly don’t need any yarn – not for a long long time – and I’m more interested in knitting what I have and making my own, so I wandered around a bit and ran into Tere. Tere was in town from Santa Barbara picking up her daughter and Tere is blogless but she needs to go out right now and get a blog. We talked for a while and then sat down to knit with a group of women at the store – including Vicki, Loopy’s welcoming proprietress. It was great to sit around and knit with everyone and of course I bought something before I left – I’m not completely crazy! Loopy’s is known for their Lorna’s Laces collection – a Chicago establishment – so I bought some of the last LL fiber they had in the store!

Lorna’s Laces Wool Top
in Sherbet
Thanks girls for your hospitality!!
The next morning I was on my own for breakfast (which I had in bed, thank you very much) and then G and I headed out to MARENGO!!! To visit TONI! At THE FOLD! Toni, you’ll remember, was one of the very generous souls (along with Tina at Blue Moon) to donate the wheel to Spin Out! I’ve known Toni since I first bought a spindle last summer. Since then she’s outfitted me with STR and a wheel! NOTHING was going to keep me from The Fold. Not even the horrendous traffic on I-90!
On our way out, we made a pit stop at Superdawg!

Mr. and Mrs. Superdawg
G and I consider ourselves junk food afficienados and will travel far and wide for some good junk. Superdawg fit the bill! YAY!
Fortified, we headed back out onto I-90 towards NothingvilleWisconsin. We drove through farmlands and saw cows and horses and which is always a treat for us city folk and finally we arrived at Toni’s place. Listen – I don’t have ANY pictures. I SUCK! When we got there the sheep were outside and it was HOT and we were later than we wanted to be so I was anxious to get inside and when we left, the sheep had gone into the barn. So no pictures. I was having too much fun to stop and take any.
Okay. So I get there and Toni gives me a huge hug and I’m happy and G changes into his bathingsuit and finds himself a nice spot on the deck with a direct line to the UV Rays and I go off to spin. When I bought my Lendrum I had really never tried any wheels – just bought it site unseen on the expert advice of many people. I’m happy to say that I tried a bunch of different wheels at Toni’s and I’m still VERY HAPPY with my Lendrum. It was the absolute BEST choice for me.
The first wheel I wanted to test was the Schacht Matchless. I was afraid I’d love it because it’s expensive and pretty and thank god I didn’t. So not as smooth as my Lendrum. Then I tried the Ashford Traditional because I saw Delia spinning with it at Spin Out and thought it was pretty and eh. Nothing special. Toni had me sit at the wheel we gave away – a Majacraft Suzie Pro – which I have to say was pretty nice. Not bad. As close to the Lendrum as any. And then she killed me. KILLED ME! She had me spin on the GORGEOUS Black Walnut Lendrum Saxony she’s got there, right in the shop for everyone to see, and OH MY GOD! I FELL IN LOVE!!! The worst part is that when I was talking about it nonstop on the drive back to Chicago G was confused and thought I had actually bought it. DAMN! And it was the right way and everything – turns out that I spin left-handed. Who knew? I just do what’s comfortable. Guess my left hand isn’t useless afterall. Anyway. I love that wheel. Apparently so do some other people! (DUDE! I will so fight you for it!)
What’s that? Oh yeah. Of course, I didn’t leave empty handed. How could I leave empty handed? I bought some new fiber!

Interlacements Silk Roving
Color 206

100% Merino
I’m planning on maybe plying the Silk with some white Cormo I have from Maryland – I think that would look pretty cool – and the purple merino is destined for an experiment in 3-Ply. Don’t you think that will be neat? I’m excited. Not enough time to spin. Maybe if I had two wheels? NONONONO! I can’t get another wheel!!!
Alright. I’m okay. Whew. I also bought some fun tools. I have one niddy noddy which I hate. It’s unfinished and cheapy looking and I have to stick paper towel into one end or the stick comes out. Blech. I was SO HAPPY to see that Toni had the Niddy Noddy I had been coveting!

It’s a Nancy’s Knit Knacks Niddy Noddy (say that ten times fast.) The little balls screw into the top and bottom to hold it all together so no need for paper towels! And I like the plain look of it. Very happy. Can’t wait to use it!
I also got some fun tools:

A baby niddy noddy for sample skeins and a WPI tool – I think they may be made by the same person, or maybe not. I know that the niddy noddy is from Charis Yarn.
I also
bought a book and the lastest issue of Spin Off and I think that’s it. I had SUCH a great time and Toni’s shop is FANTASTIC! Forget the spinning stuff – which she has in abundance – she’s got a KICKASS selection of yarn and books. I urge anyone in the area to get out there! It’s SO WORTH it! If not for the yarn, then for Toni’s stellar hospitality.
We lucked out on the way back and managed to avoid the horrific traffic we witnessed driving out there and G got home in time for his dinner and I was able to clean myself up in time to meet with Bonne Marie and Theresa! We headed out for drinks (Cosmos for them, Shirley Temples for me – I’m a freak!) and to wait for blogless Helen who was coming out to play! After drinks we all piled on the Love Bus (Bonne Marie’s beloved #66) and headed out to Navy Pier. We arrived JUST IN TIME FOR FIREWORKS!!! I love me some fireworks! After ice cream and some obligatory knitting, it was time to say good night. Helen escorted me back to my hotel – I think I was half asleep – sorry Helen – and my second night in Chi-town was over. It was SO FANTASTIC meeting you girls!!! I was so happy to have the opportunity to hang out. Thank you! (Tere – I’m so so sorry I didn’t call you. For the life of me I could not find your information! Hopefully we’ll meet again!)
The rest of my time in Chicago was fairly uneventful. Well, uneventful in a knitterly way. We went to the Southside on Sunday to find the house G spent his first four years in and hung out at the beach right by our hotel for a bit – the beach? In the middle of the city? SUPER COOL! Went to dinner Sunday night (Cafe Spiaggia – eh. Only so so.) Monday was too hot to do anything so I hung around and knit while G worked and then we left for home! All in all a very nice trip and I loved Chicago! Hopefully we’ll be back soon. When it’s a bit cooler.
Thanks again all you Chicagoans for your hospitality! Anytime you’re in my hood, I hope to return the favor!
L, C
Wow, I’m so glad you found the Superdawg. It is an institution, and I return to it every time I return to Chicago. I mean, I’m all about the knitting, but the Superdawg is one of kind not replicable. Did you read all the text on the box your dawg came in? “Hiya! From the bottom of my pure beef heart!” You gotta love it. Oh, and I hope you tried their malts. It’s a lot to eat with a dawg and fries, but dang, they’re good!
Sorry for no sheep photos, but thank GAWD the Superdawg was documented. I have never ‘really’ been to Chicago, but the dogs are calling me. Pickles, tomatoes, the whole shooting match.
xox Kay
looks like you had fun! my best friend works at Lorna’s…last time I went up there was after the january trade show and i got to visit the place where it all goes down and help twist yarn. isn’t that stuff gorgeous? i had my suitcase with me (went there straight from the airport) and had to resist shoving armloads of yarn into it before i left. pure heaven! =]
Sounds like a fantabulous trip. And the fiber…all gorgeous. Excited to see your experiment in three ply with the shades of purple!
What a fabulous time you had!
I’m relieve to hear that you’re still in love with your Lendrum because I just bought one sight unseen and won’t get to try it until next month some time.
Beautimous fiber. Good thing I didn’t know about all this stuff when I went to a very hot Chicago last June for the American Library Assoc. conference!
I think the Lendrum Saxony wheels are just gorgeous, but have restrained myself from sitting at one, because–where would I PUT it?? Temptation can be too dangerous . . .
Wow! What a whirlwind! But I don’t understand why you didn’t buy the wheel. What’s wrong with multiple wheels?!? HMMMM?
Cara, I am really enjoying these posts about your trip! What fun, it’s really like we went with you!
Oh…goregous fiber and sounds like lots of fun!
looks and sounds like you had a blast!
damn, I wish there was a superdawg in philly
Sounds like a great trip. I haven’t been to Chicago in years! I too was blogless and now I am not, but don’t know how to connect with other bloggers and get people to visit my blog. Any hints?
What the – how did that WPI tool make it back into your stash – I thought I snuck it into my purse thinking you’d never miss it with all the other BOOTY you scored!
So incredible to meet you and have the splendiforous opportunity to make you ride the #66 with us – who could ask for anything More (unless you offer me a Superdawg with everything – tell me you remembered the radioactive GREEN relish…)
What lovely fiber. I sometimes wonder if it’s odd to enjoy reading about someone else so much but I do, so keep it up!
You always by fiber that I want to steal!! Every bit of it is fabulous. Truly I have no idea why you won’t buy that wheel. Why? Why? Just do it.
Waddyamean, “NothingvilleWisconsin”? Wisconsin was the home of Elizabeth Zimmerman, fercryanoutloud! Not to mention Meg Swanson’s knitting camp, which Famous Franklin and [infamous] Dolores are attending even as I type. And the home of yours truly, thang you, thang you verrah much. But you are forgiven; it probably seems like nothingville to anyone from the Right Coast. (Sometimes it even seems like that to us Wisconsinites.)
..eh, but it’s special to me!! Sounds like you had a blast, Cara. As always, great photos and the Lorna’s laces fiber looks like cotton candy!Now, if you’ll excuse me, got a sudden urge for a hotdawg!!
Oh, it does sound like you had some fun in our little town here………….sorry that I was tied up for most of the weekend…
But, the trip to Marengo……….!Wonderful that you made it to see Toni and her fab shop! And Eric the welcoming dog?
Oh, it does sound like you had some fun in our little town here………….sorry that I was tied up for most of the weekend…
But, the trip to Marengo……….!Wonderful that you made it to see Toni and her fab shop! And Eric the welcoming dog?
So glad you had a great time! I LOVE to read about your adventures and all the yarny and fibery encounters you have!
Wow, I have been resisting the spinning urge for a while now and those photos of top are practically making me drool… yummmy…
Cara, you be sure to come back any time you want. It was lovely to meet you.
p.s. that SuperDawg photo is fabulous!
That Lorna’s looks just like sherbet — it looks like it would FEEL just like sherbet! Orange and raspberry are my favorite sherbet flavors. ; )
Isn’t her shop THE BEST? The husband unit(s) sit on the deck, quietly computing. We ronge around in the store, bouncing from one attraction to the next. That wall of merino is amazing. Her exotic fiber shelves? I partook. I tried very hard to stay away from the yarns…did bring home STR. Roving too. I tried the twin of the walnut Lendrum and loved it also. It’s in the running for Next Wheel.
wow, it sounds like you really did it up good in chi-town! look at all the luscious fiber you got and all the great memories. a perfect getaway 🙂
your trip to the chi-town sounds like it was fab. i am so jealous, as i only stalk, i mean lurk, on most blogs and don’t know that i could actually meet anyone in person. anywho, what i really wondered was if you could tell me some more about your drop spindle and your initial experience with that. i bought one…and some fiber, but just not sure what to do. ultimately i would love a wheel, but thought this would be a good experience. if you have time, would you (or anyone!) please email or leave a comment on my blog.
That totally sounds like the best time ever. I’ve never tried a Lendrum Saxony. Maybe its like crack, therefore I shouldn’t….
You are so wrong about Wisconsin! My Man and I escape up there from Chicago at every opportunity. The cows! The horses! Panoramic views from every highway! And, as previously mentioned, a very rich knitting tradition. One day, I will get to Knitting Camp.
No time to spin? Then you NEED the Lendrum Saxony. It spins really fast (honest). I can spin twice the amount of yarn on the Lendrum compared to my Jensen Tina.
mmmmm merino
oooo silk
ahhhh sherbet colors
Phenomenal purchases!
Just getting caught up with my bloglines and had to say that I’m glad you had such a super time in Chicago…my hometown! Although, no offense to Bonnie Marie, I loathed the #66 so much that I called it the 666 bus. It was my only means of getting to work in the morning and it was always late, especially when the temps were freezing, and then not only one would show up, but like, three. I’m glad you all had a good experience with it, though.