My Bleeding Heart

For Ann

Not much on the agenda today – some knitting, some photo stuff, some cleaning. Class went well last night. A good group makes all the difference. And I only had to do it for one night. No strings attached. I’m getting really excited about a couple of projects, one knitting, one knitting related. Hope to have more info in a couple of days.

While you’re enjoying this Wednesday, please remember the important things in life. Like our freedoms. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, ask Bill Moyers. (Thanks Mary and Kerstin for the link.)


  1. Great photo!

  2. Awesome blossom!

  3. remember how I said that you make me see things that I never noticed before?
    that bottom petal that hangs down? I never noticed that it has a slight curl to its edges – you have even captured the tiniest of dew droplets there!

  4. lovely photo!

  5. Thanks so much for that great Bill Moyers link. That’s a very important issue and, despite people generally seeming to be unhappy with the current state of the media, there’s very little awareness of these ideolagues trying to take over supposedly independent media. I found a link for a petition to protect CPB at

  6. Another fabulous picture…of a bleeding heart (you liberal you);-)

  7. bleeding hearts are one of my favorite flowers – but the ones here aren’t in full bloom yet! You perfectly captured the essence of the flower; I know who I will turn to if I ever need pictures taken for something (and please know that I am dead serious about that…). (right now I’m still enjoying the tulips that are in full bloom here!)

  8. beautiful!