Livin’ Large

Thanks for all the comments on my goof up on row gauge. I actually figured it out myself while sitting a red light yesterday. Thank god no one told me how much math is involved in knitting before I actually started because I’m afraid I never would’ve picked up the needles and knitting is manna from heaven so WHEW! Dodged that bullet. I still hate math and knitty math even more because I know what should be right but I just can’t seem to wrap my brain around it. So I sort of gloss over and ignore it and, well, that just makes more work than necessary.

When I left you all yesterday I was pondering which size to choose for Ariann – the 38″ or the 40.5″ I was pretty set on the 40.5″ and then I went home from buying yarn (more on that in a minute) and measured my ginormous boobs and found out that I’m about 39.5″ around. Hmmm. That’s not a lot of ease in the 40.5″ and people have said that this pattern is running a bit small. I don’t want a close fitting cardigan. I’m not going to wear a camisole underneath it (the last time I wore a camisole I was like 8) and I want something I can really wrap around me. So in a complete surprise I cast on for the 43″. I don’t think this sweater will look bad on the bigger side. I don’t intend to ever really belt it or button it and I like the big floppy look to it. Besides, so far I’m LOVING knitting it and I have enough yarn so why not? What’s the worst thing that can happen? It’s a little big? I’d much rather it be big than small.

I bought yarn yesterday while out with my stylist and she said it was PERFECT.

It’s one of Cascade 220‘s THE HEATHERS which I totally love because pop-culturally that makes this yarn really really bitchy and I’ve just been itching to be bitchy lately. Color #9460 – Dune Heath – it’s a mixture of celadon green, some subtle yellow and gray. I think the picture above is fairly accurate. After debating for too long of a time on what size to cast on – I cast on.

I’m about 4.5 pattern repeats in. Technically I should’ve started the waist shaping but I’m going to do at least 2 extra pattern repeats (two rows) maybe more because a) my row gauge is a bit off and b) I want it to be a bit longer anyway. So I’m knitting knitting knitting. And I’m loving it! It’s so nice to not want to put a project down. I’ve been missing that.

Kay bought my boy a present yesterday too and then I bought one for me.

These are string dolls from Kamibashi and right now I love them more than anything. Kay bought Safety Boy for G:

Safety Boy will help you recover from your injuries quickly. My boy really needs that now. And I bought Lover Boy.

Lover Boy attracts passion, inspires loyalty, and serves up the love. As you all know, I’m all about the love.


  1. I just love that color, and I think it’ll look beautiful on you too!
    The string dolls are cute!

  2. The string dolls are adorable, and so perfect!
    Glad to hear you’ve gotten your knitting mojo back! I’ve always found knitting to be therapeutic, especially when I’m in the zone, so I hope it proves to be relaxing for you.

  3. Nice! I really look forward to seeing Ariann! Color is great! I have one of those dolls too! It’s the Voodo one. Leave it to me to be evil. Got caught up in the impulse display at Hot Topic of all places, damn kids.

  4. Those little guys are cracking me up. I love the little heart shaped eyes.

  5. Yep, I see why you can’t put that project down. Nice. I can’t wait to see more. And those damn Cascade 220 Heathers are the devil b/c there are just too many awesome colors to choose from. Seems like these days everyone is trying somma that Cascade 220, and I’ll be damned if I can’t just pick a color. Nice choice on your color.

  6. Ooh, I really love that color.
    Like a great novel you can’t put down, sometimes that’s just what you need.

  7. While SafetyBoy and LoverBoy are downright adorable, Sid rocks my world.!
    Great choice on the yarn btw, I’ll be watching from the sidelines cheering you on!

  8. OMG, I’m laughing right now- I have a Heathers reference in my post today, too! How very! 😉

  9. I love those guys. I saw them in NYC, didn’t buy any and then regretted it. Now that you’ve reminded me of them, Ronin (I need to find my path) is coming my way.
    Pretty yarn; I’ve never seen it at my LYSs. That’s going to make one beautiful Ariann.

  10. Those string dolls are killing me. Brilliant.

  11. Pretty color! I like big sweaters too. The dolls are adorable.

  12. I love the color of yarn you chose, it will look great!

  13. {Like,} what’s your damage, {sicknesses}?
    (What I really want to say is “…. me gently with a chainsaw” but I can’t think of a good way to work it in — and I forget your policy on, ahem, vulgar language)
    Enjoy the knitting!

  14. A beautiful beginning…

  15. It brings such relief when after agonizing over the decision of which size to knit, I have a moment that brings everything into focus, and I can choose well. It seems that after going through this phase, the knitting flows smoothly from the needles, and the process is so much more enjoyable.

  16. That yarn is gorgeous! Your sweater will be as well 😉

  17. Mmmm, that color is pretty! I’m sure you’ll have a beautiful Ariann! I hate that decision making just before cast on… size up? size down? what to do? 🙂

  18. String dolls look like what happens to good sock yarn leftovers.

  19. Oh, you found the perfect yarn! It’s really gorgeous!

  20. ack! i saw those dolls at the bryant park tents this morning and totally wanted one! now i’m going to have to go back 🙂
    love the new yarn. it’s the perrrrfect color!

  21. KnitMath is like algebra story problem and I flunked junior high algebra. I can do all sorts of math in my head, can usual figure out an answer before someone can lay out a spreadsheet and come up with the same figure.
    Love the green. I used that 220 to felt a purse for my SIL last year. Yum!

  22. The Heathers! How perfect for bitchiness. And how awesome are those string dolls. I hope there’s no jealousy over Lover Boy!

  23. i LOVE the string dolls! i want to buy one of each and give them to everyone i know!

  24. All I can say is:
    “My teenaged angst bullshit has a body count!”

  25. Love your voodoodudes. Very good gift. I have one, too…
    and I swear he brings me good mojo 🙂

  26. I love those string dolls! I gotta get me a few of those!!!
    The color you chose for your Ariann is gorgeous! I can’t wait to see the finished cardigan. I have only just recently used Cascade 220 for the first time. It is great stuff. Amazing colors, amazing yardage, at just the right price!

  27. Love the color your choose. The string dolls are too cute.

  28. That is an awesome color you chose — I used it for a felted bag a long long time ago. It’s going to make a lovely Arianne.

  29. Arianne’s going to be beautiful and bitchy in that color.
    Those are great string dolls!

  30. ooooo, pretty color! Now I totally have to make one too…

  31. Gorgeous color and yay for a project that does it for you right now.

  32. you are always an inspiration, whether it’s socks, yarn choice, photographs, honesty, or string dolls. swear to god, i’d be so out of touch without your blog!

  33. margaret in manhattan says

    and I got “Crazy Eyes” (helps you track down whatever it is you are looking for) for hubbo since he is always misplacing something – like his glasses which are on his face ;-D
    in manhattan, you can find them at Knitty City on W79 st, or Reminiscence on W23rd st…

  34. I love that color yarn. I’m getting slowly obsessed with grays and gray-blues and darn it now I want to buy more.

  35. Those dolls are even cuter in pictures than in person. Don’t know why.
    This morning I noticed that Carrie had put a blanket (actually a Euroflax swatch circa 2003) on her Crazy Eyes doll for the night. (“Crazy Eyes helps you track down whatever it is you are looking for.”)
    I have it on good authority (Carrie) that they sell these string dolls at Ricky’s in NYC. So we can look there for that special one which we will not describe any further. xoxo Kay

  36. Not fair! All these folks doing Ariann, giving me itchy twitchy fingers, whilst I must finish up an unknown number of UFOs and WIPs, and then you say my Jo Sharp won’t work?? it is to sigh and eat more chocky ;P
    PS scrolled back up and was gobsmacked by the fabulous of so many jaywalkers all in a row
    PPS Humour, courage and sheer bloodymindedness make an excellent defence against outrageous fortunes. Toes crossed- the fingers are busy

  37. The Heathers thing is cracking me up. I was naming yarn colors last night and asked my husband for one, he said “Heathers”. I’m like, no way! That would make it mean!
    I started Ariann a month or so ago but it has stalled because the yarn (Nashua Creative Focus)has a teeny bit of mohair and I think it’s obscuring the pattern. I think you made a great choice, it’s going to be beautiful!

  38. “That’s good, but Heather would never use the word ‘myriad.'”
    I love that yarn! I might or might not also be looking for your for that sweater.

  39. Love the heathers. I recently told an employee at my lys (in a fit of total obsession) that I was going to knit with heathered yarns exclusively for the rest of my life.

  40. Those dolls are hilarious! And super cute. Good thing I misplaced my credit card.
    What a great celadon heather color. Can’t wait to see the sweater.

  41. I love the dolls – very Cinco de Mayo.
    Hopefully you’ll see this question amidst all the comments: your blog is beautiful! Can you tell me if you designed it yourself, are using any special system, advice for a newbie?

  42. Lovely color, yet I think I might’ve overlooked it had I not seen your project. Great choice.

  43. those string dolls are perfect! I can’t wait to see how your sweater comes out. I would love to give it a try, but I wasn’t sure because I have GB’s too :-). I love the color!