Knit Olympics: Day Sixteen: TEAM BOSTON ROCKS!

I wanted to thank everyone who came out for the Closing Ceremony party! It was by far the best party I’ve ever thrown and that’s only because of ALL OF YOU! TEAM BOSTON ROCKS!!!!!

I also wanted to CONGRATULATE all of the knathletes whether you finished your project or not. It’s enough that we all participated and challenged ourselves. What an amazing endeavor! I’m truly impressed. So I say GREAT JOB! YOU ROCK!

And last but not least, I’ve been told by the designer herself: my Olympic mittens are mutants. 😉


  1. Aaawww! I miss all the best parties! Sounds like it was a blast. And I don’t see how your mittens could possibly be called mutant. They look wonderful to me!!

  2. Your mittens were gorgeous as were all your socks! The food was fabulous and the company even better. Thanks for hosting, it was a lot of fun!

  3. Dude, if your mittens are mutants, I dread to think of what she’ll say about my hat…
    I wish I’d been there! sniff, sniff…

  4. Thank YOU for hosting the party, Cara! It was an honor to be there. I officially did not finish*, but I now know what excellent company I am in — of both medalists and non-medalists, you are all winners.
    *That is I didn’t finish in time to win a medal. I learned nonetheless that I can do it!

  5. It was a great party — thanks so much! Everyone in my house loved the button and especially the medal. Very impressed bag o’Jaywalkers 🙂

  6. I so wish I could have made it! Work and moving got in the way, but I heard rave reviews from the Knitsmiths that were there. I hope to see you next time you are in town.

  7. Sorry I missed it too! I was sending you knitterly love from the couch!

  8. Mutants? Well, evolve or die, eh?!

  9. It was so much fun! Thanks for having us!

  10. I had a fantastic time yesterday, Cara. Thanks so much for having us over. I thought your mittens were awesome – small, but awesome. And the bag o’ jaywalkers was a riot. Again, thanks for letting us hang out.

  11. Not to change the subject, but I absolutely love the new, every changing pics on your blog! I keep going back to see what the latest will be.

  12. No no no – THANK YOU for organizing the whole team thing – website, party and all! You guys went to so much effort with it all, but as far as I can see, it was a great success and way worth it!! It was great to meet you in person after lurking on your blog for ages! Now, what to make for next year??? Thea

  13. Sounds like a blast. Even though I don’t think I deserve a godl medal I did have fun challenging myself with my leetle hat.

  14. I bet that was a rocking party!
    Congratulations again on medaling!

  15. You are so naughty! I didn’t say they were mutants. I just called you a tight knitter. :p They’re extremely cute miniatures.
    Thanks SO MUCH for having us all over. It was a blast and everyone was totally rad.
    I blame you for the fact that pretty much all I ate yesterday was three pieces of cake and a bunch of cheese puffs.

  16. Thank you, Cara!

  17. Sounds like you had a great time!
    How about showing your embossed leaves socks? I casted on last night for them and am dying to see yorus in the Koigu!

  18. GGGOOOOOOOOO Team Boston!

  19. Mutants are a form of evolution, but I see from the comments that Aiden (aka The Designer) claims to have merely said that you were a tight knitter. Isn’t that what closing ceremonies are for? To get tight? (Does anyone even use that slang anymore?)

  20. You R O C K ! I knit my first pair of socks. And thanks to you I knit a pair with cables.

  21. Coming up for air after a long day. So you all had fun!? You did a great job and showed off all your Jaywalkers, too!