Knit Olympics: Day Seven: HOT FLASH!

First off, thank you everyone for your commiseration and suggestions with the whole Ikea thing. There really shouldn’t have been any doubt in your minds that I wouldn’t take apart the whole thing and rebuild it. The glue thing was just a nod to G, who came up with the idea, and honestly, a temporary lapse in judgement. I will be rebuilding it tomorrow. With finished pictures of amazing goodness on Monday. I had two favorite comments from the lot of you: Stacey said, “Like knitting, you would frog it if you discovered a huge mistake way back. Leaving it as is may be bad karma for the knitting to be held in it!” Food for thought! I’m a HUGE believer in Karma and this one is very, very true. It would be like putting a curse on my yarn! Can’t have that. And the other great comment was from Carrie K., who said, “Oh, how horrible! I say burn the thing and start over.” Oh my, Carrie, if I had the money, that’s exactly what I’d do. My OCD perfectionist self would LOVE to throw it out the window, drive to Ikea and get a brand new one. Also, I find Carrie’s comment wonderfully ironic, given that her blog is called My Middle Name is Patience. HAHAHAHAHA! Isn’t that great?

A little update for you – G’s hip isn’t as bad as we thought. The pain isn’t being caused by bone rubbing against bone, rather the theory is the pain is being caused by tendonitis, which in turn is being caused by all the crap floating around the bad bones and stuff. His hip is still really bad and EVENTUALLY he will need replacement surgery, but for now we’re going to try to fix the severe tendonitis and do some hardass PT as a way to strengthen the muscles around the hip to better support the area. To wit, yesterday he had a cortisone shot in his hip. To get it precisely right they had to do a “special procedure” which meant the hospital and hospital gowns and no eating before hand etc. His shot was pretty delayed so there was plenty of waiting time to do this:

Honestly, I was going to cast on a new pair of jaywalkers but I brought a size 2 and a size 1 and at least now Ann will stop her bitchin’ that I’m going to lose. It seems she has some sort of wager riding on me. Alas, I’m not completely finished.

I think I’m going to start on the second mitten before I get to the thumbs. I’ll do both thumbs together. I’m going to plug along on these gloves, but, the bloom is off the needle, so to speak. If I hadn’t brought the wrong needles, I would NOT have been knitting them. Is it bad to say I’m a bit bored by them? I am. But I’m an knathlete, so I persevere.

Did you see that new spanky yarn in the picture?

Oh my god can you STAND all that pinky goodness?!?! Do NOT tell me it looks like pepto bismol because I LOVE it and also because I will have the pepto dance in my head all day. (Do yourself a favor, PLEASE click on the pepto link!)

Anyway, this fibery goodness is a NEW Socks That Rock color – HOT FLASH! How great is that? I’m thinking a picot edge plain stockinette sock because the stripes are thicker and I’ve decided I don’t like jaywalkers with thicker stripes. I think they look best when there are lots of colors. What do you think? I ripped out the other stockinette socks I was making way back when and I’m not sure I can do it anymore. But I can try!

ETA: Every color you’ve ever seen of Socks That Rock ON THIS BLOG is available directly through Blue Moon Fiber Arts. All you need to do is call or email with the name of the colorway you’ve seen and ask them if it’s still available (they do retire colorways.) They have over 200 different color combinations – their website and Toni’s site, and my site for that matter, only show a fraction of the colors available. They are planning to unveil more colors on the website – but these things take time – and I for one would rather they dye yarn, then worry about web stuff! 😉

Thanks again for all your comments about G’s hip and possible replacement surgery. We’re feeling really optimistic that he has at least a few years before we have to worry about surgery – he even sent in his membership fees for the tennis club this summer, so he’s definitely feeling better. We appreciate all your kind words and thoughts.

Today has been declared cast on day. I’m going to cast on two socks and my mitten and then I’m going to weave in Short Row ends. I don’t feel real well – awful horrible headache yesterday that’s come back today and I think I’m getting a cold, but not really. So I feel like crap – but not enough to say I’m SICK. You know? Hope you’re well and have a great weekend. WISH ME IKEA LUCK!


  1. Thank you thank you for the Pepto Dance.
    I am easily amused, but that goes without saying. LOL! xox Kay

  2. That is definitely NOT Pepto pink. It IS gorgeous.
    Love your mitten. Yay for G!! (Another summer of love on the court!) Feel better. And all the IKEA luck in the world to you!

  3. I love that pink! It looks like tulips to me!

  4. I WANT THAT PINK! I am the Hot Flash Queen and I deserve it…damn Stashalong, anyway.
    After spending 3 months in PT last year I can say it will be great for G. A good PT knows more about the body than most Drs. Anything that wards off the day of surgery is worth doing. The mitten looks great. The next one will look even better and go very quickly.

  5. That pink is perfect! I love the idea of a picot edge – so feminine.

  6. heehee that pepto link was funny. I used three cowboys in a row.
    The glove looks great! I’m loving these pirate items in black and pink. I’ve been such a sucker for pink ever since I got my pink ipod.
    Hope G’s feeling better soon! My dog had hip problems (I know it’s not exactly the same..) and supplements like MSM, Perna Mussel, and Glucosomine Chondoitin helped rebuild the connective tissue a little. Vitamin C’s supposed to help too. Hydrotherapy’s really helpful too.

  7. I’m not a pink fan but that’s a great pink.
    I am now scarred by the Pepto Dance, thanks a lot;)

  8. The mitten looks wonderful. I’ll be thinking of you and your IKEA project…….good luck!

  9. Where do you buy your Socks that Rock? I’ve ordered from Blue Moon Fiber Arts, but their selection on the web is limited.

  10. Me wants pink Socks that Rock… 🙂

  11. I never thought I would wish to have anything called hot flash, but that pink yarn changed my mind real quick. Must.Have.Some.Now.
    Your mitten looks great, matey and I totally copied the name thing instead of the year for mine, too.
    I found the first thumb to be a bit fiddly, I’m hoping that the 2nd will be easier!

  12. great hip news! i can very much recommend acu and that painful kind of acu that goes straight into the muscle, whatsitcalledagain, intramuscular stimulation, that’s it. helped me a lot!
    what text are you putting on the other mitten, btw? they are looking great! so does the hot flash!
    happy weekend, my dear!

  13. Mitten looks fab! And your IKEA adventure! I love the challenge of putting IKEA furniture together as well, so I sympathize with your setback – you will prevail!! I think your idea of some cast-ons and knitting will definately improve your day – hope you feel better soon.

  14. glad to hear about g!!
    my bf wont let me take us to ikea anymore since basically our whole apt is their catalog.
    where did you get that pink str? I love it!

  15. Cara, thanks for the update on G’s hip. I’ve been wondering how that was going for y’all. The skill mitts are looking great and I’m CHEERING FOR YOU with the Ikea challenge!!
    Keep on keepin on! And the pink sock yarn is really great – not Pepto’ish at all. 🙂

  16. What the hell? Are you on automatic shipment for every new STR that comes along? If so, how do I get on that list? Hot Flash. Too perfect.
    Good news about G. The new hip will be great, but putting it off as along as you can is probably best.
    Great mitten!

  17. I love the mitten, but I love HOT FLASH even more! Where, oh where, did you get it? Every time I go to the Blue Moon site I see the same old colors.

  18. I’m sending good furniture building vibes your way. I love the STR – yummy pink goodness. And the mitten looks great. Just think about how much fun they’ll be to wear. Maybe that’ll get you through the second one.

  19. So glad that G doesn’t have to do the surgery thing at this time!
    Your pirate mitten is too cute. Love it!

  20. I’m with all the others – where are you getting info on the latest colors? The Blue Moon site has a limited number, the Fold is better, but still doesn’t have Prove It All Night or some of the other spiffy colors I’ve seen on your blog…how can I lay my hands on some??

  21. good luck with the ikea madness!! if today is cast-on day, yesterday for me was swatch day – i didn’t work on my stockinette sock (also starting to get bored) or my scarf or wash and block the blanket i just finished. too much more fun to think about new projects, so i swatched!

  22. I love that colorway—its nothing like pepto pink. The mittens look awesome. I love the mix of skull and crossbones with the hot pink. You make the coolest things!!

  23. Okay – it’s Friday so you’ll have to cut me some slack, but I didn’t think that was a mitten no siree bob. I thought it was something completely different – a pattern I had seen once as a big joke….yeppers I need a weekend!
    Love the pink – –

  24. I just ordered that same yarn last night! The best part is it’s for Breast Cancer awareness so $2 go to research. I’m glad I ordered two, after seeing the picture, I love it!

  25. Don’t you just love yarn when it’s been wound up into a neat little cake? It’s just … so.
    Man, I want a job naming yarn colorways.

  26. why can’t you just cast on for the other mitten and leave it at that? why all these other projects??
    I am not doubling down on you girlie.

  27. that didn’t sound right.

  28. ahh ok! I still dont get how you even know about some of these colorways…you’re a bad influence 😛

  29. I LIKE that yarn! It isn’t Pepto Pink, it’s Bubble Gum Pink!

  30. I’ve given in to the cuteness that is pink. It just is! and practically everyone looks good in the color. Your yarn is gorgeous and I really like the pink pirate mitten(s).
    Not burning it and starting over? Metaphorically burning it. Good furniture vibes going your way.

  31. And good health hip vibes for G.

  32. I love the colors of your mittens. Really cool!

  33. LOVE the new headers. That sheep face is priceless.

  34. I am so glad that things are looking better for G. And rock on with the ironic pink chickie!

  35. I don’t know if you’re still wrangling with the Ikea thing, but I’ll tell you this anyway – have G teach you how to use the drill, then take it and one of your screws to Ace and buy a drill bit. It turns the whole drill into a nice power screwdriver. No sore hands, no sore shoulders, no epic all-day projects (unless you’re building a house or something). If you’ve already finished that desk, feel free to use this info for the next time.

  36. Must buy more STR. Cara, post some more new colors because I just hate to order one lonely little skein. Even though it has friends waiting here, I feel like it might get a bit sad in the mail without some company.

  37. that pepto link is evil!
    thanks for the info on the unlisted STR colorways — didn’t know you could get colorways other than what’s on the site!