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Aw man. You guys make me blush. Hard. Thank you so much for all the kind words on my CPH. I hope you all knit it – it’s really a nice sweater – and like I said – it’s a great FIRST sweater. I forgot to mention yesterday that there’s a KAL going on – with all kinds of nice pictures and good advice. I never officially joined up – but I certainly referenced the site. Thanks again! It’s great to be able to share my knits with such a receptive audience. I mean, Georgie’s suitably impressed and all, but you know what I’m saying.

Okay. Now I want you to click here. It’s okay – nothing work inappropriate. Just click and then come back. I’ll wait.

See that? Yup. That’s right. I used to SPIN! USED TO being the operative words here. Used to. Back in October, I finished my first handspun project which I knit with my own handspun. I loved the shawl, loved the yarn, loved the fact that I had spun the yarn to make the shawl – loved all of it. I loved it so much that right after I finished it I decided to buy a Woolee Winder because everyone said they made spinning so much better and plying a breeze and gosh darnit, I deserved one. I thought I might be able to buy it and pick it up at Rhinebeck, but the Woolee Winder people weren’t going to be there, so I ordered it and thought it might be here when I got back from Rhinebeck.

Well, it wasn’t. And then I waited and waited and I had emtpy bobbins and I didn’t want to start any spinning projects because I was waiting for the Woolee Winder. No use starting something only to abandon it in the middle when the new toy comes. So I waited and waited and after about a month I started to question the whole Woolee Winder thing. In the meantime, G got sick and I reverted back to my first love – knitting – and let the whole spinning thing fall by the wayside. And I STILL freaking waited for this Woolee Winder. Of course, the day I send the threatening email (after about 100 nice ones before that: “Um, dear sir, can you please tell me when my Woolee Winder will finally be arriving, you know the one you were paid for six weeks ago?) it comes in the mail. But by that time I was so disgusted with the whole thing (and, honestly, the world in general) that I let it sit in the box for a few weeks before I ever took it out to try.

One day, though, I did try it and maybe I just had a lot of bad karma stored up around this particular apparatus because I hated it. I couldn’t get the tension right, I was wasting good fiber on it and eventually I pulled out some of my plain vanilla BFL to practice on. I still couldn’t get it and truth be told it’s been sitting there ever since, my poor wheel, lonely and neglected because of this freaking Woolee Winder. Why didn’t I just take it off, you ask, and go back to spinning without it – the wonderful way I know how? Because I was too pissed off. I figured I’d ruin everything I touched.

But now I think I’m ready to get back on track. Tonight I’m going to my inaugural Guild meeting way out in Lawn Guyland. I’m hoping this will jump start the whole spinning thing. I really, really miss it! And if it doesn’t go so well, watch this space for a very slightly used Woolee Winder. I’ll be selling it. See you Friday!


  1. Yippee…see ya tonite and could you please wear that kickass sweater??

  2. Man! I hate hate hate it when those stupid retardo piddling ridiculous hang-ups get in the way of just doing the great stuff.
    But I guess it’s a comfort I’m not the only one.

  3. I know everyone said it yesterday, but your CPH turned out just beautifully! I’m definitely adding it to my list of sweaters to knit, and if I ever get to it I’m sure I’ll be going back to your entries on it for guidance (especially if I mis-cable a cable!)

  4. I hope all goes well with you and the WW. It took mine a while to get to me too — and the first stuff I put on it didn’t really turn out the way I wanted it to, but now I can’t imagine parting with it.
    One thing I did discover — it needs a lot more tension in the beginning than the standard Lendrum bobbins do… but after that, the adjustments are pretty minor.

  5. Oh, and by the way, as I was waiting for the last comment to post I was looking at your copyright message at the bottom and notice that your date span only goes through 2006. You might want to change that to 2007, since I know how much you hate those people who try to pass off your words/pictures for their own. 🙂

  6. I’ll be at my very first guild meeting tonight, too. If anyone can get your WW working it’s the guild peoples…have fun!!

  7. I remember it taking a bit of adjusting to get used to the WW. Now I wouldn’t trade it for anything, particularly when it comes to plying.
    The best advice I can give is that you have to adjust your tension a lot because the WW is so heavy.

  8. I don’t have a WW and I’ve wondered about getting one. I guess I’ll just wait and see where you come out with yours. Good luck getting things straightened out.

  9. It took me about 2 months to adjust to the WW–I was ready to send it back, and one day it just ‘clicked.’ But I made some really bad yarn out of some really good (teyani) fiber in the meantime. I was having some trouble that it wasn’t winding on evenly, and I emailed Nathan and he got back to me in an hour. So it’s too bad you’re having such a cruddy experience.
    I’m off to Tender Buttons for some CPH buttons!

  10. I keep thinking about getting a WW, but I actually don’t mind not having one, so … I keep putting it off (especially since I ordered more bobbins for my Lendrum). Have fun at the guild meeting!
    And I love your CPH, I am so highly tempted to make one. Except I hate knitting hoods (but I love to wear them). 😉

  11. Are you aware that the Woolee Winder “people” are actually “PERSON”. That is right, one man show. One man making these spinning tools. Maybe you should learn to keep your opinions to yourself and get off your high horse. You are no better then the rest of us knitters out here. Seriously – you whine about everything under the sun. Walk a day in my shoes and then you can bitch. Seriously SHUT UP!
    You should delete your rant about the woolee winder before Nathan gets word and sues you for defamation of character.

  12. Your CPH Hoodie came out FABULOUS and it’s been added to my list of “must knits”. LOVE. IT.
    WooLee Winders can be tough to get used to, don’t give up yet!

  13. Sorry about the WW bad experience, but it is really good to hear that you are going to be spinning again. Your shawl is stunning. I love love love knitting, but spinning is soooo relaxing. Have a great time at the guild meeting!

  14. Cara, you say CPH is a great first sweater to knit. And tht you love it. You also love your Ariann. Do you prefer one pattern over the other, or do you love them equally?

  15. I’ve read about a lot of people having problems with the Woolee tension when they first start using it. That’s one of the reasons I don’t have one (also, I’d rather buy fiber…) I’d guess that if you really hate it, you can put your old flyer back on and sell the Woolee – they seem to be in high demand. But please give spinning another try – your handspun is so much fun to look at, especially as you photograph it so nicely!

  16. good luck! i hope you get a fresh start with it!!

  17. Cara, the CPH sweater is gorgeous! Where on LI will you be? My guild meeting is tonight in Smithtown, it couldn’t be the same one?? I refuse to get a WW, since I have a Lendrum and it doesn’t have hooks, it has an infinitely adjustable clamp and guide instead. I still have to reposition but the bobbins are very evenly wound. I just can’t justify the expense, and the need for yet more bobbins.

  18. Cara, I know you don’t have a high horse of your own, but were there any at the barn today?
    Have fun with all the spinners tonight!! I hope you get on track with the Woolee Winder and, if not, if it turns out you really don’t like spinning with it, then I’m sure you’ll have no problem finding someone who does…

  19. It will be great to see you back into spinning. I have to do so myself – not that I had done a lot of spinning before going into some sort of break, but still, I need to get back to it. And I’ll sure make good use of all the inspiration you always provide!

  20. Cara your CPH is simply perfect. I’m nearing cast-on for this same project but have some questions about the Beaverslide yarn. I’m not a big fan of ‘itchy,scratchy’ yarn, even if it is to die for. How would you rate the beaverslide’s softeness on a scale of 1-5?

  21. Response to post by Christine:
    Many people find Cara’s musings inspirational, esp. about the challenges we all face in our lives.
    And what’s the matter, cancer isn’t enough to whine about?

  22. Is your WW for a Lendrum Folding wheel? If so, I might be interested in buying it from you if you’re still planning to sell it!
    And love the CPH, by the way. This one was on my list already, but after seeing yours, it’s been bumped closer to the top of the queue. You did a lovely job!

  23. You know I’ve been skeptical about getting a WW for the very reason that you’re about to sell yours. I’m afraid of messing with my spinning mojo. None of my friends can understand it. Now I can point them here and say “told ya so.” So thank you! 🙂

  24. Cara, thank you SO MUCH for saying it AS IT IS!!! I LOVE your blog, love it when you speak the truth about things…the fact that the WW was indeed extremely late and that is seems to not be easy to use….We need to know that!

  25. Give the WW another chance. I have an Ashford Traditional and the WW that I received worked great (well, after I figured out the correct one to order – but the customer service was fantastic!) Shocked that you had such an issue! The only thing that I had some issue was with the yarn not drawing in – turns out it was user error (again) and that it had ‘wrapped’ around the guide hole (oops). I can’t imagine spinning without this! It keeps me focused on the spinning and not worrying about moving the yarn thru all those pesky hooks (which I absolutely hated). Good luck and I hope you end up enjoying yours as much as I LOVE mine!

  26. wow…i’m surprised at the mixture of comments here and there are only 25!?! (way more than i get in a given day, that’s for sure. not that i’m complaining.)
    i don’t sense a high horse, and i’ll be damned if someone rains on my parade for something i made with my own two hands. you practically made that shawl from scratch! you did everything short of producing the sheep who made the wool. (please don’t make any sheep.) that’s a lot of effort for just one person to put into just one thing.
    and i suppose if you didn’t know that one person was making all those woolee winders, i’m sure you appreciate it even more now because of the effort you put into your shawl – regardless of if you get it to work or not and do end up selling it. it’s all a matter of perspective.
    i don’t see a point to flaming on someone else’s site. perhaps someone else had a bad day? yeah, having a bitch fit in someone else’s comments makes it sooo much better. hmmm…i’m really not trying to kiss ass. i just thought it shocking.
    i totally forgot what i was going to post about after getting caught up in all that stuff and now that i’ve written so much, i’m just going to post this comment as is.
    good luck with the spinning!

  27. TO FLAIR:
    Try burying your husband who dies from brain cancer and then raising your two children alone? You people are just a bunch of whining asses!

  28. Cara, you rock. Rely on your fans. You got plenty!

  29. I think we all realize that it’s a big world out there with war and illness and lots of bad things happening to good people. I find this blog community to be a way to momentarily escape that and burrow into my own little world, with knitting as one common denominator. If you don’t like what’s presented here (or on another blog, or on the tv, radio, in the newspapers), change the channel.

  30. I am always amazed when my favorite bloggers getflamed in their own comments. God, how incredibly RUDE!!! and how often does it have toe said — if you don’t like it, don’t read it?!?!
    so sorry for the flame (and some of the later responses wouldn’t have helped at all either), and hope you recover soon.
    lurker Joanne

  31. Nathan (the WW “people”) will give you a full refund if it is not working for you. I love mine and did have some problems at the beginning but those are solved. It is just tweeking the tension, once you get it right, you will not look back. Contact Nathan and he will help you if the guild could not do it.

  32. Goodness. It’s so easy to be nasty when one isn’t face to face, isn’t it? I hope the guild meeting went well, WW or no.

  33. To Christine:
    I am truly sorry for your loss. Maybe you can start your own blog to work through the grief and pain you clearly are struggling with. You may come to find it helpful and constructive (as opposed to lashing out at others), and maybe someday others can find your thoughts inspirational, like so many find Cara’s. Good luck.