Jaywalker WINNERS!

This is the end. Beautiful friend. This is the end. My only friend, the end.

Before I annouce the winners, I just want to say what a FANFUCKINGTASTIC time I had doing this. Yes it got crazy. Yes I lost some sleep. But really, I met so many great people and got to share my love of yarn and this pattern and got to watch other people love the pattern, and sometimes the yarn, and that’s just great. Knitblogging at its finest! I can’t say I’ll be hosting another KAL anytime soon, but I wouldn’t trade this one for the world. And I mean that from the bottom of my heart. Thank you all so much for knitting along! And just so you don’t feel like you’re walking away emtpy handed, I made you all a button. WEAR IT PROUD!!!

Now, to annouce the winners. Let’s bring out the accountants from Ernst & Young to explain the choosing:

The list of winners was dumped into an Excel spreadsheet in the order they appeared in THE LIST. The Internet Random Generator was then employed to choose six integers between 1 and 174. The numbers chosen were: 1 8 97 101 115 156.

And without further ado, the winners are:







(All links are to pictures of the winning socks!)

Congratulations to all the winners! Email me your address and your choice of Socks That Rock. Thanks! For those of you still knitting, KEEP ON KEEPING ON! You will not be disappointed. (And Noelle’s got some buttons for you too.)

L, C


  1. Oh the humanity, I just know I would have been number 7!! It was my triple lutz, wasn’t it? I know, I know, I just wasn’t focused, and I landed too low…
    Was it the spangles? Too many sequins??? SOB…

  2. Oh and of course it was Aimee Mann in my post. Til Tuesday anyway. I heart her!

  3. Hey, aren’t you already hosting another KAL (Crossed in Translation)?

  4. Up with Jaycrawlers!
    Congrats to the winners! And good job to all the finishers! Keep on Truckin to the fellow Jaycrawlers 🙂

  5. what, it’s over already? 😉
    great button!

  6. I’m so lucky to be one of the winners. I already send you an email but wanted to thank you again for hosting this KAL.

  7. Congrats to the winners! Thanks again, Cara, for doing this.

  8. YAY!!!! I won!!! Thanks so much Cara, for hosting this, for having a great blog, and for being the terrific person you are (though I’ve never met you in person, I can just tell).

  9. Woohoo! congrats to the winners and to you Cara for hosting a kick ass kal.

  10. Thanks for an awesome knitalong!

  11. Can I just say that this has made my day? I can’t believe it!!!! Thank you so much, Cara, not only for running this KAL, but for keeping such a great blog!!

  12. Thanks for a great knitalong, Fabulous Cara!

  13. Thanks for hosting! I ended up being a Jaycrawler, but will get to that finish line if it kills me.
    Congratulations to all the finishers … and to the winners of the drawing! Lucky ducks.

  14. No way!!! HOORAY! OKay…it was worth it I guess!
    Thanks C!!

  15. Thanks for being such a kickass hostess!

  16. Congratulations to ADA, AMY, KERRY, LARISSA, LIZ, and SCOUT!
    If anyone is interested, I’m willing to host a continuation of the Jaywalker KAL on a dedicated blog.

  17. Hee, Scout, looks like you DID win for your most fraternal Jaywalker pair!

  18. I saw an ad for Blue Moon Fiber Arts in the new IK and half expected to see your name. ; )
    Love you, Cara. YOU rock MY socks.

  19. Congratulations guys! Great job Cara. I need to go get my Jaycrawler button

  20. Thanks for hosting – and congrats to the winners!!

  21. Wow! I am so thrilled to have participated and finished at all, given how little knitting time I have these days, and to win is just amazing. I loved this knitalong, it was so fun Cara. Thanks. I’ll email you.

  22. Congratulations to the winners! And thank you very much, Cara, for hosting this wonderful KAL!

  23. Potentially silly question — did you keep any stats on what size needles people used? I just started mine in Socks that Rock and size 1s appear to be too large so I was wondering if the pattern will compensate for the beginning of the sock looking too large. Does this make any sense? Thanks!