Jaywalker Nine!

Honeys, we’ve reached the Tipping Point.

It’s 5:13 PM EST on Thursday and we’ve got over 250 people signed up for this KAL. The way things are going, I would wager that by the time I hit publish on this post tomorrow morning ten more people will have signed up. I think I can safely say that this knitalong has reached the proportions of Clapotis, Rogue, Birch – whatever came before that I don’t know. It’s INSANE. I never, ever, in my wildest dreams thought it would come to this. NEVER. I have to say, honestly, it’s making me a little bit uncomfortable. I was reading over at Stephannie’s today and she had a very compelling post. I’m quoting it with her permission:

“There’s an interesting tension in the knitting world…. It’s about whether to join a trend on the blogs.

Do you knit the Jaywalker socks or not? If you really like them and have sock needles free and the right yarn, are you a mindless trend follower or are you just knitting what you like, recognizing that lots of other knitters like it too? How does something become a big knitting trend anyway–the next Birch or Clapotis or Jaywalker or Rogue?

In the end it shouldn’t really matter to anyone else what you knit or what you do with your knits. We all come to this craft with differing sets of motivations and desires and that’s what makes it fun. Yesterday at Lettuce Knit (yes, I finally attended a Stitch’n’Bitch and had a great time) there was a woman knitting a beautiful Jade Starmore steeked stole, two of us making jaywalker socks, some blankets, a baby sweater and a nifty-box in progress. Some swore they would never make Jaywalker socks now that they are the thing, others were thinking about it despite the teasing of their friends.

Really in the big world out there, we are not a trendsetting sub-culture that will be on the cover of People magazine, we won’t get to the front of the line at the “right” bars because we knit. And we like it that way. We’re used to be on the outside of what the media deems as popular culture. So who cares if a bunch of us knits the same thing?”

Steph’s post came a very interesting time for me – what with my inbox filling up every five seconds with people wanting to get in on the KAL. I, myself, follow along the lines of I knit what I knit when I want to knit it and am not one to follow trends – in knitting or in my life in general. In fact, I’m often one of those people that WON’T go along with the crowd – sort of following Groucho’s maxim: I wouldn’t want to be a member of any club that would have me as a member. Along those lines, this is my reply to Stephannie:

This is such a tough question for me! I’m generally one who really likes to go along with my own thing – only knitting things I really want to knit.

I have knit Clapotis – and I enjoyed it. It was the perfect gift for a friend and I got to use glorious silk yarn and over all I was very pleased with it. That said, I haven’t knit any of the other knits you listed. Except of course The Jaywalker.

Ah the jaywalker. As I said before, I knit what I want to knit. How did I find the sock? Well, I had come home from Rhinebeck with a lot of STR, lol, and was looking for the perfect pattern. I really don’t like the whole feather and fan sock thing – at all – and I’m not a real chevron fan either – although an argument could be made that the Jaywalker is a chevron. There was something about the clean lines and stripey goodness and I cast on. I never swatched. I never deliberated about size. I just cast on and started to knit and I LOVED the way the yarn looked. And of course, I love the STR. I mean how could you not love that yarn? But anyway, back to jaywalkers. I was EXTREMELY lucky in that the pattern fit right off the bat, if not a tad tight over the heel, and I managed to make a pair without running out of yarn and it really was one of those fated yarn things where the pattern and the yarn and the wearer all kind of had a kismet relationship.

So I tried to see if I could duplicate that lightning strike again. And I did. And I did. And believe it or not I cast on for sock #14 last night. I’ve got six pairs of finished jaywalkers with no end in sight.

Did I mean to start some kind of crazy knitblog fad? ABSOLUTELY NOT! In fact it’s starting to drive me a bit crazy all those jaywalkers out there. Believe it or not, I feel COMPLETELY AND TOTALLY responsible when someone has fit trouble or runs out of STR or basically hates the sock.

The only reason I keep knitting them is because I love how they look and I love how they feel on my feet. I love the yarn. In fact I have all this other non-STR sock yarn that would be perfect for jaywalkers and I can’t do it. It’s like they have to be STR, for ME, or nothing else. And I’ve seen some great jaywalkers out there with other yarns, yarns I have in stash, but I guess my goal is to work my way through the small(er) skeins of STR in the stash – stuff I know how to make a pair of fantastic socks with.

Each pair I cast on is my new favorite pair. I completely understand the idea of I’ll never make them because everyone else is making them and honestly, I’ve done that in my life. Not wanted to do something because everyone else is doing it. At this point I’m like THANK YOU! That’s one less update I have to worry about. 😉 Although it also makes me a little bit sad because, you know, I do think it’s a great pattern.

In the end, what’s so AMAZINGLY WONDERFUL about knitting is that there’s stuff like this out there! You can knit what everyone else is knitting, or you can’t or you can make up something on your own or be inspired by something else or knit dishclothes all day long and be EXTRAORDINARILY HAPPY! How LUCKY are we to have found such an amazingly diverse outlet for our creativity!

Thanks for your post and I’m sorry to take up so much space – I probably should’ve saved this for my own blog. But it’s something I’ve been thinking a lot about – feeling guilty I guess – and wanted to get my feelings off my chest.

So, that’s how I feel. I appreciate all those people out there that say Clapotis, Schmapotis. Rogue, Schmogue. Birch, Schmirch. And of course, Jaywalker, Schmaywalker. If I had come along right now, with all those Jaywalkers out there and jaywalker jaywalker jaywalker I would think twice about it too. I honestly would. Which is kind of a shame because I know what a great pattern it is FOR ME and how nice MY YARN looks knit up with it and how comfortable it feels on MY FEET. And I have no problem knitting it over and over again. BUT I understand that there are people that knit something once and have to move on. There are no WRONGS in knitting. NONE WHATSOVER. We need to knit what we need to knit when we need to knit it. And for those who don’t want to jaywalk, I’ve made you your own button:

Dudes! I’m all inclusive! No one should be left out! Which brings me to my next problem. I can’t keep up with you people. When it was a small group of say 100 people, I could write up all my superfantastic updates and trust me when I tell you I had a lot of fun doing it! It’s great fun to go and visit all your blogs week after week – especially the ones I don’t normally read. But now, now I can’t. It takes hours to go through all the blogs and honestly, the updates you send me end up getting lost in the shuffle with all the sign-up comments and I’m not as organized as I’d like to be, so what I’m going to do is list everyone who has an update with a link to their blog post, and if you’re a non-blogger I will still post your pictures and where you’re at in the progress. I’m sorry. My only other alternative is to close the KAL
and I just feel like I can’t do that. We’ve got over a month to go in the KAL – or at least until the winners are announced, and I just know the updates are going to get bigger and bigger and I need to do other things. Sometimes at least. I hope you all understand. I just hate disappointing people! HATE IT!

That said, MY OWN SOCK updates will go on forever. Yes, I’ve finished another pair of jaywalkers. Introducing: TWO POP ROCKS!

Remember this song, Two of Hearts? 80’s Madonna like, artist is Stacey Q? I always thought it sounded like Two Pop Tarts. (Apparently I’m not alone either.) So the whole time I’m knitting these socks I’ve got that song playing in my head. Made for interesting knitting that’s for sure. Suddenly I’d burst out with Two Pop Tarts and G would start laughing at me. Craziness. These jaywalkers are making me CRAZY!

I tried to do the whole sexy shoe thing like Anna, but I don’t really have many sexy shoes. I’m a Merrell girl. But I did find the shoes I wore for my wedding, which happened to be dyed in almost the exact pink of the POP ROCK Jaywalker. Here’s the artsy fartsy shit I came up with:

Um, my calves aren’t that big. I mean they’re not skinny or anything they’re nice and shapely and the one in the picture above just looks weird.

Oh and in case you were all wondering, I immediately cast on for another pair. Yeah. I can HEAR you all groaning.

I swear to God – this is my favorite Jaywalker YET! I SWEAR! And before you all jump all over me about the yarn, this is Socks That Rock, BUT it’s a Rare Gem which means there is NO OTHER YARN LIKE IT IN THE WORLD. Rare Gems are skeins that don’t quite make it to the color they’re supposed to be, so they become like blank canvases for Tina and she does whatever her genius deems necessary at that moment. They are truly rare gems. Sorry y’all. This one’s mine. 😉

Which leads me to my last point before I start with YOUR updates. Kris, my better than the best better pal, said something really profound on her finished jaywalker post, she said:

“what is wrong with me? i never want to do a pattern twice. there’s something strange with this pattern – just look at cara; she’s up to double digits soon – it is just so brilliant in combination with self-striping or variegated yarn that you can’t help yourself, you need to try it one more time to see if it’s as gorgeous in another yarn.”

Couldn’t have said it better myself! BRING ON THE JAYWALKERS!
(Updates in the extended entry!)


= Everything’s going A OK! Making progress!

= ^&$#$%@ this ^&$^$#%$#%@ SOCK!


Carmelle A little bit of this and a little bit of this
Chelle – she had to rip it good!

Ellie (Oh and big hugs Ellie!)
Kristie – A little of this and now hopefully a lot of this She had to rip the first attempt and then start over, but things seem good to go now.

Maritza (again!)
Morgan (again)
Nancy She’s rolling right along – I’m guessing a finished pair next week!


All you finished sock knitters, go over and add your totals to Amie‘s blog – she’s hoping to count up 2006 socks knit in 2006!

If I missed you in the updates, I sincerely apologize. HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND!


  1. That’s it. It’s intervention time for you! 😉
    I love them! And you crack me up. Our Stitch ‘n’ Bitch, errr I mean SnB are casting on our Jaywalkers on Tuesday! We’re doing our own mini-KAL!

  2. Cara, I love that new sock yarn. It really is awesome. Wanna send them to me instead? I wear an 8½ shoe. Just kidding.
    I downloaded the pattern back in October and only in January was able to schedule it in. I wish I’d done it earlier!

  3. I feel you, girl. The same thing happened with Socktoberfest – it was crazy times… and took way too many hours to work on. That was only a month (well, a little more than a month).
    I joined Jaywalker because I love socks and knitting socks. I think it is a brilliant pattern, and someday, I will get around to casting on for it… perhaps when things die down a little bit 😉
    Take care, C.

  4. I love those “I cross at the crosswalk” buttons!!! That’s just like my “I heart Crapotee” button :). Yep, I’m one of those who has trouble “jumping on the bandwagon” for anything that’s big enough to be a bandwagon. Ironic. I’ll put your picot socks in the gallery when I update it next.

  5. Thanks for sticking with the KAL, Cara! If you need a link checker, let me know. I love your handy status icons. Heh.
    Y’know, I like your first “coy feet” photo better than the artsy fartsy shoe pics. And as a Keen wearer, I sympathize – ain’t no sexy shoe photos happening there, nosirree.

  6. That button is hilarious. And I think your new update format is perfect. Update in the way that works for you (you’re right, you have lots of other things to do) we still love you and your sock-making craziness!
    And those pink socks….so 80’s I now have Two of Hearts in my head.

  7. I agree with you 100% Cara – people should knit what they want to knit! Sometimes, I want to knit something that’s popular, sometimes, I don’t. But I can tell you that Clapotis and Jaywalkers have been two of my favorite knits ever, and I’m definitely using my STR from Rhinebeck to knit another pair of Jaywalkers. And I totally found the pattern via your site! 🙂

  8. i ADORE your little pink socks. and i look forward to every single post you post. x

  9. I agree that we should all knit what we like, whether it’s popular or not. I don’t understand not knitting something just because many other people are — also, I don’t understand knitting things only because many other people are. I think we can recognize a good pattern when we see it — like Jaywalker.
    Also, you gave me an icon for finished socks and, alas, I have not yet finished. My conscience would bother me if I didn’t mention it. 🙂
    Thanks for organizing this. You have mentioned before that you saw this as an ongoing KAL, after you give away the prizes. If I were you, I’d set up a separate Blogger page for the KAL and enlist a couple of people to help you with membership, etc. (Yes, I’m volunteering.) Then everyone can post their own updates and you can just check in when you like. Much less work for you!

  10. While I’ve been knitting for going on 20 years, I’m a fairly new sock knitter. For me, the appeal of the Jaywalker pattern is that it fits me very well, it makes the most of the variegated sock yarns that I love, and it’s a fairly easy pattern and you can make alot of progress in a short time.
    As for the KAL thing, I never understand why people need to question the motivation behind any knitting. It doesn’t matter if you KAL or not, if you knit mostly for others or for yourself, if you make up your own patterns or not. We are all knitters – process, product, joiners or no.

  11. J’adore the shot of your Jaywalker-clad feet, one crossed over the other–along with the pink hues and the ruffles, there’s such an endearing, soft-focus innocence that just breaks my heart.

  12. Well done ! I totally understand that you can’t keep up with us 🙂 Keep on knitting them, I love your latest pair- very jealous.

  13. Just finished two socks… steelers not jaywalkers 🙁 — you can add them to the count!!!

  14. hahahah, the smilies are a fastastic way to get your point across 🙂

  15. I don’t really understand not knitting something just because it’s popular. I saw the socks when Grumperina was first making them (because we used to go to the same SnB) and decided then that I wanted to make some.
    And waiting for the pattern was hard!

  16. You are a genius! I hope you have 100 JW socks by the time your sick of them. The yarn and pattern are perfect together. My favorite is the picot edge! Now I want to make a pair just like them (I have two socks that color but I want JWs!) I’ll have to contact Tina when this damn StashAlong is over. Do what feels good, in life, in knitting and when you are the one who starts a mania;-)

  17. There are not even words for how much I love this entry and your ongoing obsession with Jaywalkers.
    [moment of reverent silence]
    Here’s to knitting what you want, when you want to knit it. For me, that might even include a pair of Jaywalkers 🙂

  18. I would like to join please. 🙂 I have just started my first sock, am not quite down to the heel. I have posted one pic so far.
    I don’t join many KALs, and am usually pretty late to the game (have my yarn for Rogue haven’t actually cast on yet) when I *do* join.
    I almost did skip on by the Jaywalkers. I think it was simply I didn’t care for the color choice on the pattern page and didn’t really pay close attention. Then I started seeing them springing up all over blog land. The final straw was when someone told me how well it worked with LL. Funny thing though, I didn’t end up using the LL yet. Started with Opal.
    But, seriously, I really like this pattern. It’s easy to memorize, patterns great and isn’t lacy.

  19. I knit what I want–I do hate trendy but these socks do rock. I feel that knitters generally do the same as me–like when an awesome pattern surfaces. I feel a necessity to knit something iingenous when I find it. I knit for pleasure and knit items that I will use and wear. I haven’t run into other Jaywalkers in my day to day things. In the summer during the tourist season I have met many knitters while knitting at work and have admired everything from Clapotis to Booja bags.

  20. The picot edge on your pop rocks socks is just awesome! So flirty and cute! I think that I could happily go back and forth between Jaywalkers and Feather & Fan (I do happen to like this pattern A LOT) and not worry about learning another sock pattern ever. I like that you can get a cool looking sock with a very easily memorized pattern. And, really? I knit socks for my down time knitting – the mindless knitting, so I’m not looking for a challenge here. That’s what makes JW and F&F so ideal for me. Anyway, great updates, I think you’re doing just fine with this new version of them.

  21. Thanks for the hugs!

  22. CARA! You are insane. In the best way possible, of course…you are JAYWALKER CRAZY!
    I totally understand you being overwhelmed at the way this Jaywalker thing has taken off. Thank you so much for organizing the KAL, and for the awesome post today. Knit what you want, when you want is my new motto.
    Also? If it weren’t for the constant inspiration of your gorgeous, incredible Jaywalkers, I think I would have given up now and been soured on the sock knitting experience forever. You are my fairy sock godmother.

  23. I *heart* you! That Stacy Q thing will have me laughing for the rest of the day…

  24. oh dear! the pink ones are so girlie and cute! and that STR color is gorgeous! hrmph. you and your STR… 😛

  25. Deep breaths, Cara. Deep breaths!

  26. I’m overstimulated!! You ARE an absolute genius, my dear. Not to mention — OH! what a pretty pink picot pair! You could cross anywhere in those. ; )

  27. I also volunteer to help with updates and think that a separate blog for the ongoing Jaywalker KAL is a good idea. Cara – email me and I even volunteer to do all the setup work on Blogger.

  28. Your newest pink JW are adorable! In fact, I have loved reading about your JW adventures so much that I, too, cast on for a pair this week. I am using STR in Lapis, and I’m not getting the stripey effect you are getting in your socks, but I think I like them just the same. Anyway, I chose not to join the KAL as (1) I could see how absolutely crazy it was getting and one more person to add may just be the stick that broke the camel’s back, and (2) I hate deadlines. I don’t know if I’ll have my socks completed by Feb. 15, and I don’t want to push it. I want to enjoy it and love it, like you!
    Keep on sharing all your wonderful socks!

  29. I’m loving the pink Jaywalkers with the picot edging…so girly, so cute, so feminine! I think there’s just something about the pattern that screams “Knit me!” and people recognize that. Plus, it’s so easy and fun to knit that it’s great for beginner sock knitters like me, who want to knit a great-fitting sock without a lot of hassle. No wonder so many people are knitting it! Now, Clapotis I’ve never really understood…and all of those freaking Jayne Hats! Don’t get me started.

  30. What the heck is with everybody today. Posts that make you think and almost demand a response…..honestly I don’t have this kind of time!
    One: I knit what I want. Period. And heck, when I read people blogging that they wouldn’t join the Rogue bandwagon merely because everyone else was doing it and they didn’t want to have the same sweater as everybody else…..WHAT EVERYBODY!? When you wear Rogue, how many others do you come across in the same sweater, say at the market. Okay, now, how many are in the same yarn? Okay, color? Okay, size? Okay, if you even ran across ONE I’m thinking that would be something. PUH-LEASE! And really, how many of the starters never finished that sweater? And of ALL the people in this country, how many are knitters? How many are knit-bloggers? Hmmmm? Do you think we make up a significant number of the blogging community? Maybe. The population at large? Ummm……. It may have grown, but I don’t usually sit down to knit while waiting for the kids or something and have a ton of company. So, I’m thinking that it is a lot less likely that someone will be wearing the Jaywalkers I made in the same color (although, someone actually did) than I am to find the Gap sweater I got two years ago. THAT happens all of the time. Almost every time I wear it I find someone else in it. Might not be the same color, but…… So anyway-I knit what I like. (And Clapotis is so NOT for me. I didn’t knit it.)
    Two: Paint me disappointed, I was expecting an Am Kamin swatch. Come on lady! I can’t do all the swatching work! 🙂

  31. Cara,
    Sign me up for the knitalong, pretty please? I’ve got four skeins of Koigu, one in Blues and one in Greens, that I think shall have to be Jaywalkers. That, or my Knit Happens Lorna’s Laces, which has sat in stash since I got it, waiting for just the right pattern…and your little picot-edged pink socks make me think this may be just the thing!
    Eeee! All socks, all the time!
    Meanwhile, I thought of you on Wednesday as I sat in the first night of my Digital Darkroom class!

  32. Ooooh! I love the pop rocks! This is an issue that I go back and forth on all the time. I’ve only made one of the popular knits listed above (Birch, and I don’t think it counts, since I led that pack!), but I am guilty of following the bucket hat hordes and loving the Audrey along, oh, yeah, and I started a Charlotte’s Web craze (round two) that I didn’t even end up participating in. I think where I end up on it is that I like to know for sure that I’m making something not just because everyone is making it, but because I like it and will wear it. For that reason I tend to Knit Behind more often than I knit belong. I may make Carla and Charlotte this year – still like ’em! I’m resisting the Jaywalker vortex simply because there’s other stuff in the queue, but I think it’s a great sock and I’ll probably end up making a pair someday.
    As for plying – it’s easy as pie. In the beginning I preferred it to spinning. So ply away girlie – you’ll love it!

  33. ahh jaywalkers… i joined the kal not only because i loved the pattern, but i loved the idea that people all over the place were working on it at the same time. it’s not a ‘trend’ to me, but kinda like a knitter’s solidarity! i completely agree, knit what you want to knit, f#&k anyone who passes judgement 🙂

  34. P.S. I love that you link to Malcolm Gladwell. He’s one of my favorite writers for the NYer.

  35. Cara! I love the new button and I love the tiny icons! You’re hilarious ; )
    I totally agree with you about knitting whatever one feels like. Whether or not it has been done many times does not make or break the deal for me. I did knit Clapotee, but only when the right yarn fall into my lap and I totally enjoyed it. It is the same for Jaywalker. Now I’m on to a new pair with trekking XXL 😉

  36. From this blogless person to you, Cara, you rock. Follow you via “the swine” and love your socks. Wish I only had your talent. Just a novice here. Fear not, you are making a statement not making people follow you. Your enthusiasm and excitement about the yarn and pattern excite people to try it as well. This is not “a fad” but an experience people feel the need to try and hope to be as pleased and excited with the results as yourself. Rock on, Cara!!

  37. Its fun to be a lemming once in a great while. On this one, I dub thee “Lead Lemming”.

  38. “There are no WRONGS in knitting. NONE WHATSOEVER.”
    Put down the crack pipe, Cheech, and back away from the blow.
    1. Knitting socks for other people.
    2. Sockotta
    Now, I’ve had a *really* shitty week and I could go on, but you get the picture. 😉 (I don’t even merit a rockin’ metal dude salute for finishing mine. Fine. I’ll call you from the Betty Ford Clinic when I cast on for another pair.)

  39. Ok, all these crazy jaywalkers keep tempting me, despite the fact that everytime I’ve tried it’s been awful. Here we go again!

  40. Its okay to love a pattern and use it over and over and over again. I definitely get that way. In fact, I’ve made 12 of the Classic Cable sweater from Cabin Fever’s Top Down for Toddlers (mainly because I’m so lazy I hate doing any finishing work) for my babe and many friend’s babies http://www.cabinfever.ca/gallery3.html.
    I cast on my first pair of Jaywalkers last night and I see an addiction on its way. Need more yarn….

  41. I’m a lurker (happy de-lurking week!) knitting along with you without officially joining, since I am insanely busy and only knit sporadically these days. Here’s my bandwagon-jumping anecdote: the Jaywalker KAL started at about the same time as my guy asked for solid-colored socks “with a pattern, but not lacy or cabled”, and I figured Grumperina’s design would be just the thing. And he is loving the result so far, as am I. Many thanks for the inspiration.

  42. I am loving the Jaywalkers and have started my second pair.
    What I am really loving most about them is the fact that people are making them their own. Even though there are a lot of them out there people are making them unique with their yarn choices and colours.

  43. It’s funny, I can’t imagine knitting something simply because someone else is doing it. I have to really really like something before I take it on. Yours were just so pretty. 🙂 And the timing was right for the KAL – I’ve never done one before – they feel like too much pressure for me; I have enough pressure in my daily life as a single mom and indexer – always on deadline! I do find it fascinating that you have knit so many Jaywalkers – I wonder what makes this particular pattern so compelling for you. It took me two tries to make it work – that double decrease made my hand cramp, and after months of teaching myself to knit socks tighter, I had to unlearn, for the leg at least.

  44. this has to be one of my favourite posts from you yet. i am loving watching you churn out jaywalkers and these pink ones are your best yet! however, i have absolutely no intention of making a pair for myself.
    i think i might be adding the button!
    love your work girl!

  45. grrl, you are crazy!
    LOVE the pop rocks & the new colorways!

  46. I’ve actually been thinking about this quite a bit ever since the clapotis craze (which I knit) and I’ve just come to the conclusion that there’s if there’s a bandwagon, it’s probably for a good reason. As for me, I knit what I want.
    Anyway, I was at the yarn store today and heard overheard a couple of ladies talking about you. I couldn’t hear what they were saying, but I heard one give the other your web address. You’re famous in Plano, TX!
    And of course, the Jaywalkers are lovely–so delicate and girly looking.

  47. I’m in on half of the trends you listed Clapotis — (couldn’t make it work) and Jaywalker. I’d add the lace-knitting-shawl thing this last summer to the trend list, and by this trend, I was truly and soundly bitten. And smitten. Anyway, interesting rhumination — one we’ve been gnawing on at the LYS where I work. And I second, or third I guess, Laura and trek’s urges to set up a seperate blog, a la “Who wouldn’t love a handknitted gift” by Alison this past December. Less blog work = more time to knit jaywalkers.

  48. Remind me NEVER to start a knit-along!!! LOL! Seriously, you made it a lot farther with those updates than I *ever* would, and you’re doing a fab job! No one’s gonna fault you for not positing individual updates for EVERYONE’S progress (no one NORMAL and sane, anyway.)
    I just started my sock (no update yet) and I have a Rogue AND a clapotis in progress. Did I pick any of those cause everyone else is doing it? Not really. But knitting something a million bazillion other people are knitting is kinda fun. When I get really into a knit, I get hyper about it and I want to see how other people’s have turned out and what yarn they used and how they might have modified it, ec. I get INSPIRED by it, and disappointed when I do a search on a pattern and can’t find ANYONE ELSE who’s doing it too!
    I will admit though, I’m using my STR because you’ve kinda inadvertently made it THE yarn for jaywalkers. I have other yarn I could have used, but I wanted to join the STR fun and see if my colorways come out as pretty as yours…(so far, so good;) )
    THESE TWO you’ve jsut posted are YOUR BEST YET! I LOVE THEM! I was gonna say Pop Rocks was the bestest, but your new one is giving it a serious run for its money. (of course, but original fav was your very first pair)
    Knit what you wanna knit, post what you wanna post, and don’t stress yourself about it, girlie. we love ya!

  49. You didn’t fail to include me in the update, Cara. I failed to tell you my update in time. 🙁
    One of the wonderful things about a KAL is that when you see the item on someone else, it’s solidarity. I’ve not seen a bad Jaywalker, and have seen tons of terrific ones. The pattern is very addictive.
    I made my daughter laugh at me today when I wore my very own Jaywalkers out in public today. She was probably tickled by how I’d hunch over and hold up my jeans hem to better show off the socks. ::snicker:: No one in Michael’s recognized them, of course. Cretans. What do THEY know?

  50. I love your new pair of socks, looks great with the shoes too! Thank you for hosting this knitalong, and for being such a great host and friend. Make sure to take time for yourself soon.

  51. The cute pink ones are the …um….cutest…ones ever. Sorry. I had to say it. It’s the truth, and I couldn’t think of another way to “use my words.” I’m too worn out. You’ve gone above and beyond in keeping up the KAL to this point. One idea is to have a whole ring for it, like Anne started for the ABC-Along.
    And yes, I will admit, I GROANED when you said you cast on another. 😉

  52. Oh, and btw, there should be a special WTF type of tag for people like me, who signed up for the KAL, but haven’t done squat.

  53. Ooooh, Pop Rocks Socks That Rock?! Pretty! I don’t give a shizzle if everyone and their great-grandma is working with the same pattern; if I like it and it will look good/work for me, I’m gonna make it. So there. So you go, girl; knit 200 pair of Jaywalkers. It’s making you happy!

  54. I am wondering why you don’t just set up a separate blog, and have people sign up to post if they like. Much less hassle for you.
    Check out the Scarf Style knit-along here at http://scarfstyle.blogspot.com/

  55. Yoda!!!!! Hahahahahahahaha!
    And I’m laughing at Norma. And you can tell her so. 😉

  56. I’m thinking about doing some too, and I think it’s because it’s rare to find a sock pattern that has an interesting stitch but is not obscured by the pretty colorways we like in our sock yarn. This one seems to allow both a cool stitch and cool yarn! I just did my first own colorway in kool aid, and posted today about wanting to try it on Jaywalkers.
    So I guess I’m joining too.
    BUT, I want to do that picot edge like you did, and I can’t understand Anna’s instructions. I can get through the eyelet, but what does “pick up hem” mean? Clearly that’s the key to the whole thing, and I don’t know what it means. No need to answer it you’re too busy and have too many posts, I’ll likely figure it out 🙂

  57. I’ve been waiting for the longest time to join the Jaywalker KAL, but made myself wait until I had several WIPs finished. Now I’m almost afraid to ask to join, since you’re so overwhelmed with participants! They are such cool looking socks, and I’ve been admiring everyone else’s. (And in response to the editorial on joining just because everyone else is, I’ve never joined a KAL before. I just really want to knit these socks.)Is there a special link I need to use, or just here in the comments? I’m casting on tonight,using Plymouth Sockotta. I don’t have a blog, or the technology to send you pictures, but I will send updates. Since you are so inundated with participants, you don’t even have to write me up in your updates if it’s too much. All I ask is that you put me in the drawing, please. Thanks. Gotta go knit those socks!

  58. Cara, you’ll be fine!!!! It’s amazing how central your blog is to all the jaywalkers….. I see you missed me. It’s cuzed I haven’t satarted yet. Going to swatch tonight. I’m planning to do 2 jaywalkers at a time using the magic loop. Hope it works, wish me luck.

  59. Ann Carpenter says

    I really do love the Jaywalkers. I haven’t made a pair yet because NOBODY here is Dallas carried STR and I really want to use it, not the piteous sock yarns available here. However, I may not be able to wait–may use the Ringel after all. I really like the pinky ones. They would be my favorite if I could get that very color. COOL and all that!!!
    Ann in hot, dry, Dallas

  60. I wasn’t going to do it, but I just got gifted two skeins of Knit Picks Sock Garden that will be perfect for these socks. If you would, please sign me up for the knitalong. Thanks!

  61. Nice status icons.
    I wasn’t groaning; could you hear me grinning?

  62. I just love all of your jaywalkers. I just cast on for them this weekend and would love to join the contest and knit along. I will be posting my progress this afternoon. I just love the ease of this pattern.

  63. marie in florida says

    writing just to thank ya…
    i won’t join the kal for jaywalker since i just won over on Margene’s blog…
    on january 5th
    lucky me~and since you have SO many folk knitting; but i wanted to tell you how much i’m enjoying the progress everyone is making. i started this pair using “sock it to me” colori from Elann; looks like basic crayon colors . it”s the perfect pattern for these short burst of color. i’m no longer dating the guy i was making them for so now they are mine, which means smaller foots on them which is good since the yarn is running a little bit short. i’m going to start my next pair with the picot edge from the regia black and yellow and intend them for me so i can make the smaller size anyway.
    i’ll post a digi-pix soon even though i dont’ need to join the kal.
    thanks for showing me that!

  64. love those little pink gals. 🙂 awesome!
    here is the progress i’ve made (for your updates, when you get the time ;)) — i can relate, i used to run a writer’s website with over 150 women writers gabbing in my inbox all day. 😉
    one finished, one on the way…

  65. So, not that you need more work on this KAL, but I’d like to join!
    It’s my first knitalong, and socks seemed like a manageable size project for the first time around.

  66. Hey Cara…congrats on your newest Jaywalkers. They are adorable. Great colors! I know I keep saying this, but I WILL knit myself a pair..someday. I just love them and the Socks that Rock yarn. Yummy!

  67. I agree with a couple others – a Blogger page would be great. Definitely less work for you! Plus I bet there’s another 50 or 100 people who haven’t even signed up yet that would like too…

  68. Oops, I left my comment on the wrong post. Anyway, pics of my mum’s jaywalkers up on my blog dated jan 16th. I didn’t put fancy shoes on but I did shave my legs – you lucky people! Please nick the pics off my blog if you wish.

  69. woo hoo I’ve finally finished mine…they are sweettart jays!

  70. Hey, Cara. I’m totally with you on the whole trend thing. Also, I LOVE your pink socks! And the great status icons! AND the “I cross at the crosswalk” buttons!
    I also agree w/a few others – a Blogger page would save a lot of time and make it easier for you!
    In the meantime, here’s an update…I hope you have time to post it!

  71. My first pair of Jaywalkers are done!

  72. Those pink socks are the cutest ever!
    I know it’s late in the game, but I would like to join the knitalong! This is my first knitalong, so hopefully being part of all of this sockmaking will get my butt in gear and get those jaywalkers done!

  73. Hello. I want to partake in this Jaywalking madness. It’ll be my first pair of socks so I’m uber excited. Am I still allowed to join?

  74. I love the color. Call me silly, but it looks nothing like the color “Pop Rocks” that I have seen posted. Are they truly one in the same?? I must have some!

  75. I think when patterns like this develop a following, it’s usually because (and I know this sounds obvious) a lot of people like the pattern. That’s a good thing! Once a lot of people start knitting it, we all hear about it, and “Wow! I like that one, too.” Like it or don’t like it — we’re all free to knit what we want to knit (yippee!). I knit a clapotis and loved it; I don’t have these socks on my list to do. By the way — I LOVE the rare gems yarn. That’s my color! Love it!

  76. Can I be added to the KAL? (is this the right place to request???) I finished a jaywalker in LL Valentine a couple of days ago and immediately started another in STR Fluorite…
    thanks, and peaceful knitting.

  77. There were at least eight of us starting our jaywalkers at the Albuquerque snb group last night! We took a ton of photos too. I’d love to join this kal! Could you add me to the list please?

  78. I have just started a pair of Jaywalkers and they are my new favorite socks! Please add me to the KAL!!

  79. Okay, I hope I’m doing this right. I have posted an update for my Jaywalkers on my blog, http://blog.loopie.com

  80. I’ve been a too slow to make the last couple of updates but I hope that I’ve made it tonight!! It’s going great.

  81. Ten more members by tomorrow morning? I’d like to join. That leaves nine more!!

  82. Just posted my update, again too late for the week.
    About to frog and restart, anyway. But with new hope!

  83. I’ve turned the heels of my Jaywalkers. Hope I make it in time for the update. I hope things get better for you soon!