I got nothing.

No knitting. No nothing.

I guess I pooped myself out on the Ribby Cardi the other day, because I haven’t picked it up since Monday. Oh well. They’ll be plenty of knitting tomorrow. And especially on the train back from Boston on Sunday.

Pray a little for me will ya? I feel like a third grader, but I’m really hoping for some snow! Today is Thursday, in case no one noticed, that means I have class tonight. I need a break. I figure if it starts snowing early enough (say between 1-2) and continues on they might, just might, cancel class tonight. Every other term I’ve taught we’ve had breaks galore – Monday Holidays – School closings (we use classrooms in an elementary school) – NEVER ten weeks straight through. Tonight is Week #7. It’s exhausting – well the class yes – I have to be ON for three hours straight. But moreso the critiquing. It’s hard to be honest and gentle and helpful. I take critique very seriously. I’ve seen (actually been the recipient of) VERY BAD criticism and I wouldn’t want that to happen to my students. It takes a lot of work to be a good reader. So I’m tired. And I didn’t get some of the stories until very late this week (um yesterday) and they all have to be read at least twice. I just want to crawl into bed and read – something else.

Thanks for the vent. Pray for snow.

Rejected York Peppermint Pattie Commercial Blurbs.

The Plot Against America has made it all the way to the semi-finals! Don’t forget, the next K1R2 book discussion starts on Monday!


  1. We hit the same sites this morning! How funny….

  2. Snowy thoughts headed your way. I know just how feel, needing a break sometimes but not being able to get it through anything but luck. So here’s wishing you some luck.

  3. What? The next book discussion starts Monday? Oy….I better start reading.
    I say take a “mental health” day. Your students are probably ready for a day off as well. Do it for them, if not for yourself. 😉 Then again, I’m not a perfectionist like you…..

  4. Oh, I am hoping a snow day for me too, but as the afternoon goes on, I am leaning more and more towards a mental health day… I don’t particularly want to go to class tonight either. Hope things get better for you, Cara. Take a break and curl up with a good book (or some soft knitting)

  5. I think you are going to get your break tonight! PS – I was in Western Mass the other day and drove right past Webs (but it was late at night – boohoo!)