
First off, for Chelsea, who wants me to post a flower a day for a week. (Okay, not just me, everybody! So join in the fun!) And for Lara.

Next up, we’ve got one you’ll all know. I feel like it should be on Army Warning Posters by now – beware of pretty girls with the Clap!

Alchemy Yarns of Transformation Silk Purse, Sea of Cortez colorway. The color is much darker than I thought it would be, but I still like it. The silk is interesting to work with – very slippery and fuzzier than I thought – also, don’t know if this is something that should be happening or not, but sometimes I find a spot in the yarn where the dye has not penetrated – you can see the white poking through. Normal? I don’t really care, just asking. I’ve dropped three stitches so far and am almost through my second hank of yarn. I started with seven. Used one and change for the increases – I threw an extra repeat in there – and will probably end up going through the rest of the yarn. By the way, thanks Emma for the tip link – very helpful!

New favorite Children’s Book:

Have you seen it yet? Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus! by Mo Willems. Seriously, after reading this 479 times in three days, I actually miss it. It’s a hoot, and the kids get to say their favorite word, over and over and over. NO! (This takes it’s place of honor in my kids’ books bookcase along with Bark, George, Rotten Island, and Duck Is Dirty. Classics all.)

I don’t know about you, but whenever I look at this, I see the Grand Canyon times two:

Pinwheel avec holes.

I’ve been too heartbroken to pick it back up. I promise it will be fixed before I head back to my sister’s – for my niece’s second birthday. (She’s having a Dora party don’t you know. She so freaking cute. She LOVES Dora. She calls Dora Dodo. But if you say to her, is that Dodo? She freaks out. No, Dodo. Dodo? you say. NO, DODO. Poor girl. We’re so mean!)

What’s this?

Maybe something, maybe not, but you’ve got to try, right? We shall see.

Have a great Monday!


  1. That Habu stuff is wild. I’m glad I live nowhere near because my bank account would be empty.
    Those holes, though distressing, are eminently fixable as you know. A well-rested knitter in good light with a patient attitude can kick its ass.

  2. Cara, the Clap is to die for! The receiver is definitely going to pass out with love!

  3. That photo is LOVELY! Once again, there you go, Cara. Those holes would scare the bejesus out of me, but I think Claudia is right – with patience it can be done. Good luck on that! 😉

  4. Love the clap! Any hints about that blue yarn? What’s it gonna be?

  5. Your flower is so beautiful. I’m not sure we have enough flowers left around here for a weeks worth. The colors of your clap are perfectly yummy. And that Claudia knows best. You can easily fix it and not pull all that out!!

  6. Beautiful Clapotis! And the blue yarn–swatching a pattern for a sweater?

  7. Cara those holes! I know they won’t take long to fix but still, ugh. you poor thing. I hope the Clap and the silk road are making you happy while you work up the courage to tackle the pinwheel problem! Oh and that flower is just stunning, so beautiful.

  8. Your Clapotis is looking lovely – that’s a beautiful colorway.

  9. your clap looks mighty fine. those colors are so rich!!
    the holes ain’t so bad. I didn’t even notice them with the pretty flower to distract me…

  10. That Silk Purse Clap looks amazing, Cara. Lovely colors and texture. Good luck patching up the PinWheel blanket–it is not really as bad as I thought when you described it the other day…
    Lovely flower photo 🙂
    Wow, 24 was crazy last night! Did you catch it? ahhhh

  11. The photo of the daylily is unbelievably beautiful! I can’t get over the colors – it’s like the first time I saw a skein of Manos. 🙂