Flower Basket

Picked up the new VK yesterday and this caught my eye….

And wouldn’t you know it, while I was surfing the blogs today I found this:

So I joined up! The Tahki is really expensive so I’m thinking I’m going to go with Cascade Magnum. I just love this bag. It’s so not me, but I think it would make a nice yarn bag or something as decoration, not necessarily as a bag per se.

School Daze is coming along better than I ever expected. It looks EXACTLY like I wanted it to. Neckband’s done. One armband is done, but needs to be ripped a couple of rows – I think it’s too wide, next armband, seams and …. expect a picture on Friday.

* * * * *

I’m ready. Are you?


  1. I picked up an isse of VK for that same bag. I’m nowhere near ready to make one, but it’s so unusual, i couldn’t resisit it. This may sound sillly, but i suspect part of the draw of that bag is the model’s shoes.

  2. Thanks for joining the protest.

  3. No, I’m not ready! But I will be as soon as I get the rugrats into bed. Hey, keep an eye on the reporting around in your parts tomorrow. After reading this little book today on the “unreported story” of Bush’s 2001 inauguration, I’m curious to see how it will be reported tomorrow.
    I see Boston has a new terrorist warning this evening coming straight to us from the FBI. Seems they’re on the lookout for “four Chinese and two Iraqi’s.” The timing couldn’t be “better,” eh? Nothing like a little fear to keep the folks at home and off the streets . . .