Honeys! There is NO NEED TO PANIC! The world is not coming to an end. Just because I say I might be bored with knitting socks, please, everything is A-OK. Actually, The Wise One hit the nail on the head. It’s not that I’m bored with socks, per se, it’s that I honestly can’t see me needing to wear any until, oh I don’t know, Socktoberfest? And really, one of the things that kept me knitting them so fast was that I couldn’t wait to wear them! The natural state, though, of my tootsies is barefoot and if that’s possible, we’re gong nakid! Besides, why would you want to knit socks when you can be doing this?
It was WONDERFUL! My bare feet on the pedals, a nice breeze, the late afternoon sun on my face and hands. I don’t have an IPOD, but I downloaded and burned to a CD the first episode of Cast-On (figured I should start at the beginning.) I’ve never listened to a podcast before and it was nice!
When Ann was taking me for the tour of her house, I commented that if I were her, I’d be spinning all spring and summer long outside on her expansive deck. HOW RELAXING! Just so nice. She said we should have a great big SPIN-IN in Central Park and all kinds of spinners could come and wouldn’t that be fun. Ann gets all the credit for this fabulous idea because really I was just the YEAH! YEAH! YEAH! girl.
Saturday, June 24th, 11AM
Central Park
(exact location TBD)
Are you in? Bring your wheels! Bring your spindles! Don’t know how to spin? Bring your knitting! Want to learn to spin? Come for the FUN! How very cool will this be? TELL ALL YOUR FRIENDS!!!
Please RSVP here, in this post. We’d like to keep track of how many people are interested, just in case it gets huge, and we need to look into permits or something. And anyone who knows the ins and outs of the park, please! HELP!
Once we gauge the interest, more information will come. Thanks so much! YAY FOR SPINNERS AND KNITTERS!
UPDATE! I’ve applied for a Parks Permit – so we should be all legal and everything and get this! I’ve been contacted by Spin-Off/Interweave Press! They’ll be sending some prizes for the day! HOW GREAT IS THAT! Thanks Amanda and everyone at Spin-Off/Interweave Press!
PS – Feel free to swipe the button AND the idea! Have a SPIN OUT in your neighborhood! How cool would that be – spinners and knitters around the world UNITE. June 24th. Be there or be square.