8:26 PM, Elizabeth, New Jersey
I’m home. I’m so so tired. Real post soon. Maybe Monday.
L, C
Saturday SKY!
Sandy – I was thinking of you! Here’s the view from our room on Saturday. We weren’t alone in the sky though:
Apparently big ass ugly spiders LOVE the sky scrapers. Who knew?! They didn’t bother us though – but at one point there were like six of them on the windows. They must be really sticky! Go Spidey GO!
We had a great time (Well I did. G worked a lot.) We went North:
We went South:
And in between met some great people and did a bit of fiber shopping. I’m beat though – we got in last night – and I’m HOT. It was pretty funny – everyone in Chicago kept warning me how hot it was – it was like they thought I lived in Alaska or something. This is what I came home to:
STAY COOL! More about Chi-town tomorrow! Now go say happy birthday to my favorite NORMA!