My last new project before the baby!

It’s the Rambling Rows Afghan from Cottage Creations and so far I’m really enjoying it! It’s pretty much miters and log cabin, so what’s not to love? I’m about halfway through the first row. Basically, you continually cast on and pick up stitches for the next block (square or rectangle) so there’s NO SEAMING at the end. The pattern calls for five colors, but I guess you could do it anyway you wanted to. I’ve been thinking about doing it again (yes, I’m ambitious!) with all of the leftover Takhi Cotton I have from the great Miter project of ’07. (NO! It’s NOT SEAMED! Leave me ALONE!)
When I thought about this FAMILY blanket, I knew IMMEDIATELY what yarn to use!

Socks That Rock Heavyweight, of course! I love this yarn. LOVE IT! I used it to make my green log cabin and I think the stitches come out absolutely PERFECT in garter and the colors, well, everyone knows (or should know) that Tina is a genius.

From top to bottom we’ve got Oregon Red Clover Honey, Jasper, Brick, (oops! forgot one!) Jade and Spinel. Perfect together! The red is the main color (color C) and the honey is the least used (color A).
I’m knitting it on size 5s. The fabric is just perfect in my estimation!

I’m making the largest size, but I’m using a thinner yarn than the pattern calls for so I’m not sure how big it will be and I totally overbought on the yarn so I wouldn’t run out. Which is good because I’m thinking with the leftovers I can make some really cute baby stuff! As soon as I get to the end of a row I’ll measure it for you all. The different shaped blocks and the map are just enough to keep it all interesting, but I can still stop in the middle of a row and pick it back up and start again. Ahh the wonders of garter stitch! Sadly, the denim blanket has been neglected of late, but that’s going to the hospital with me! Much more portable.
Thanks for all your support. I really appreciate it!
PS – Don’t forget! Today is the last day to get in on the contest. I won’t accept entries after midnight tonight! THANK YOU!