Cue The Rocky Music

Dudes! We’re running up the Art Museum stairs! We’re chasing a chicken! Burgess Meredith is spitting at us with his half-eye! It’s TRAINING TIME!

Rest assured, no photographers were harmed by the ultraviolet glow coming off the Neon Pink Falk.

I received my yarn yesterday, from a lovely shop in Wisconsin, Yarns By Design. Prompt, friendly, and the woman I spoke to you used to live in MY neighborhood. She also told me that if I had any problems with colors running, I should promptly send back the yarn. Good customer service goes a long way in my book.

So here we go! I cast on a swatch last night – late – but so far so good. The Xs on either side of the garter stitch edging are a bit wonky, but the ones in the middle are pretty good. I’m using some kind of mutant combination knitting that is so completely awkward it qualifies for a special version of the Olympics. (Insert Ann and her fake Boston accent!) I’m thinking things will be much easier when I start knitting in the round. So far I like it! I think I might do one mitten with the pink as the main color and one mitten with navy as the main color – just to make things really wild and crazy. So far so good with the yarn – the fabric is nice and thick and I think they will make nice warm mittens – even though it hasn’t been cold enough to wear mittens.

I will be in Philadelphia, home of Rocky, when I cast on this Friday. I can guarantee, at least once or twice in the knitting of these mittens, I will be screaming ADRIAN! ADRIAN! at the top of my lungs. Even if I don’t really need too. 😉

PS! Is there a Team Philly Button? Do I need to make one? I think casting on in the City of Brotherly Love qualifies for team membership. C’mon on out you Broad Street Bullies! Where are you?