When the Dog Bites, When the Bee Stings….

I’ve been in a wicked funk the last week (no biggie – it happens – it’s on the way out) so I’ve been concentrating on Vicki‘s tag.

Ten of My Favorite Things

1. Georgie’s hands on my back before we fall asleep at night. It helps him, and it helps me.

2. Max, Charlotte and Elijah Lew.

3. Any song or book or movie or tv show that elicits a STRONG reaction – whether it be tears or laughter or tugs at my heart. I’m all for emotion. Even when it hurts. Means your alive.

4. Georgie and I in the car, singing at the top of our lungs, stereo blasting, laughing our heads off.

5. It’s rare to find a beach I couldn’t be happy on. The surf has an incredibly calming effect.

6. My home. Especially when Georgie’s home with me. Just knowing he’s in the house.

7. Being completely engaged so that time stops and speeds up together. Whether I’m taking pictures or knitting or writing. Especially writing. There’s not much better than coming out of being in the zone and finding you’ve got five pages in front of you that you don’t remember writing. I get it when I’m shooting kids and flowers too – but not always. And you certainly don’t always get it when you’re writing. But the rare times you do – WOW!

8. The friendship I have with my sister. I can tell her anything – no judgments. And she knows my whole history (well, there were 18 months when she wasn’t around 😉 ).

9. Kisses and hugs. Lots and lots of kisses and hugs.

10. Knowing that the love of my life thinks I’m the love of his life.

Georgie and I had a good weekend together. I had a good cry and he listened and helped me and I’m feeling a lot better. Can you tell? 😉

Oh and number 11! Knit One Read Too. We now have over 150 members – can you believe it? And our third discussion starts today – so head on over and be a part of it.

Who am I going to tag? Let’s see. How about Annie, Lolly and Wendy (where’ve you been girl?)!

Harlots Everywhere!

I’m happy to annouce that Cari from Iowa has won a signed copy of the Harlot’s Book! Cari, email me your address and I’ll get it out into the mail. Thanks for playing everybody!

More Maryland Meet-ups

Joy and I have been talking after our serendipitious meeting Thursday night. It seems she and Kaitlyn are putting together a Friday night bash at the Wharf Rat in Baltimore! Click on the Jack Daniel’s bottle on Kaitlyn’s blog for the evite and all the details. Thanks for planning this girls!

Opinions Please!

This is the border I have going so far. (Doesn’t it look like a sad kitty cat? Not liking that by the way!) One thing I’ve learned in the experiment called BORDER THAT’S SLOWLY KILLING ME! is that binding off and picking up the stitches gives a MUCH nicer border than attaching it by doing a k2tog at the edge. Now, this is the border (sort of) I had in mind. Georgie likes it – thinks it looks like the sun. Me, I’m torn. I think a simpler border might be better – this might pull away too much from the loveliness that is the pinwheel. I’ve looked through Nicky Epstein’s Knitting on the Edge about 452 times and can’t find what I want. (In looking for a link, I see she’s got another edge book coming out. Maybe I should wait for that. The kid won’t know any different. NO! I want this FINISHED!) Any and all suggestions (and opinions on what I’ve got here) would be greatly appreciated!

Have a great Monday!

The Harlot Takes Manhattan!

[I want to say that I have purposely NOT read any of the other accounts out there (of which I’m sure I’ll spend the whole day reading) so as to give my own gospel. But make sure you read all the others! And they will have pictures. I didn’t drag out the camera – sorry!]

I’ll start with this: There was wine. There were traveling hors d’oeuovres. There was a GIFT BAG people!

It was, by all accounts, I’m sure, totally nuts.

Jen and I met in Hoboken to travel into the big city. Midtown was crazy – haven’t been there at 5PM in ages (and I’m not going back anytime soon.) Although I have to admit that it was a sight seeing that group of Hasidic Jews outside the Empire State Building mingling with a befeathered and berobed group of indeterminate origin getting out of a van. Only in New York.

We got to Lord & Taylor – and you know – I never read the invite on Stephanie’s blog – just sent in my plea to be included – so I had no idea where we were supposed to go. But we were early so we hit the bra floor (no such luck for either of us!) and then we headed up to the 11th Floor. Which isn’t listed anywhere. It’s like the magic floor.

When we got there – there was already a line and who do you think was at the head? Lovely Cassie, of course! I went over and said my hellos and chit chat as the line grew and grew and grew. Juno soon arrived as well and The Harlot sailed past the line with her handlers. “She’s here, she’s here,” traveled down the pack in hushed whispers.

Soon after, a woman came out and told us they were going to let us in now. We should make ourselves comfortable and be sure to check our bags and stuff – it’s pretty tight in there. I looked at her, a wry smile on my face, and said, “No one is checking their bags. That’s where the knitting is.” The poor non-knitter looked at me askance. “No one,” I said, “is going in without their knitting.” Poor girl. Just trying to do her job.

So we started to move in and they crossed our names off the list one by one and no one checked anything from what I could tell and there were two seats left at a table WAY UP FRONT with Cassie and Juno and Tree (hope I’m spelling that right) and another woman who I’m so sorry I don’t remember your name. It was a wonderful group. Immediately Cassie pulled out her shawl and her new cable wonder (which let me tell you – everyone should consider knitting a yarn on a much lower needle size than recommended – what she’s doing with Peruvian Highland Chunky is just amazing – completely different yarn – so much better!) Juno had her cable masterpiece as well in Rowan Highland and I pulled out my measly Short-Rows sleeve which I cast on for just the occasion.

The room started filling up and there was much jumping up from seats and hugs and look at that’s and what yarn is that and touching and just amazingness. I’ve never been to anything like it. The commaraderie was palpable in a room where most of us were strangers.

The wine was served and the hors d’oeuvres and then it was All Harlot! She was EXACTLY like you’d think she would be – funny and shy and self-deprecating and spot-on truthful and nervous and smart and it was like reading her blog in the flesh – if you know what I mean. We had a knitting demonstration by her (WOW – who knew you could knit with a needle stuck under your armpit! And how fast!) There was lots of picture taking. Questions about Hank and the Guernsey and shopping. I think she said arse twice, but Cassie’s got the official number on that.

All the while Stephanie was doing her thing, pretty much everyone was knitting. I told Georgie this, and ever sensitive to rudeness, he was horrified. “While she was speaking?” he said. “Of course.” “That’s horrible.” “Everyone was doing it. Even she was knitting.” He didn’t get it. It was fantastic! (Of course I ended up knitting then frogging six rows, but what the hell. I was there. I had knitting!)

If you told me six months ago that I would be sitting in a room atop Lord & Taylor surrounded by knitters, knitting, listening to knit blogger extraordinaire read from her book, I’d’ve laughed my ass off. I’m not laughing anymore. (Well I am, but for totally different reasons!)

One thing I was shocked at was the LACK of bloggers. Someone asked Stephanie a question about blogging and if there were lots of other bloggers and she told everyone with a blog to raise their hands. Now my back was to the room, but it only seemed like a quarter of us had blogs – maybe even less. I thought we’d all be bloggers. Go figure. (There are people out there that knit and DON’T have blogs? 😉 ) [ETA: Maybe I’m wrong on this. As I mentioned, Cassie snagged a table right up front so my back was to the room. Other accounts say half the room was filled with bloggers – they’re probably more reliable.]

At the end they gave out gift bags from Lion Brand – yes, people – there was swag! Now before you start thinking that there was fun fur and stuff like that it was actually a GENIUS idea. There was, of course, a signed copy of the book – WAY COOL – and even better a big skein of Wool Chunky with patterns and a pamphlet for the Dulaan Project. Couldn’t have been done better in my opinion. Just wonderful.

Highlights of the evening include – introducing myself to Stephanie and asking her to sign my book and SHE SEEMED TO KNOW WHO I WAS!!! Really. I mean, it may have been in that polite sure I read your blog kind of thing, but I don’t think so. She really seemed to know me which made me feel like I had ARRIVED in blogland. I mean, if the celebrities know you – c’mon! That’s something!

Every other highlight involves people: I finally met Enchanting Juno – whose blog name could NOT be more perfect – a stunning woman. Truly – it was great to meet you! And I finally met up with Cassie again. And I met Kay together with Phyllis – we talked family dynamics and religion – what could be more fun! I met Cari, who was so kind about my photographs, along with Valentina, who asked about the show thanks to Colleen talking me up and Mindy and so many others who I can’t remember! Please forgive me. I can see all of your faces! Really I can. I hope we meet again! And it was so great to be out and about with Jen – my first real knitty friend! Hey Jen – I was knitting, even if you weren’t! That counts right?

Thank you Lord & Taylor, thank you Lion Brand, thank you Craft Yarn Council – and of course! Thank you Stephanie for giving us an excuse to celebrate knitting and well, just celebrate.

If I screwed up your name or link – please let me know in the comments! I apologize!

Paying it forward.

I want to pay forward the generosity I received last night. I had already purchased a copy of Stephanie’s book – way before I knew she was coming. She signed my copy last night. Which means I have the free, signed copy they gave out in the gift bag. I’d like to give that away to a reader who won’t have the chance to see Stephanie in person. Please leave me a comment and tell me where you are and why you won’t be able to see her. I’ll randomly pick a name – you’ve got the weekend to try for it. Peo
ple outside the US are indeed welcome.

Baby’s Got Back!

I was so excited when I got home last night I finished this:

There is some subtle shaping at the waist – so it’s not as wonky as it looks. I am VERY happy with it. The front should be a breeze. I’ve calculated that I knit this sweater three times over already – since I’ve redone the short rows sections about three time each (I’m really not kidding here.) So assuming I can get through the front with a minimal of re-knits – should be cake.

Of course, I’m trying not to think too hard about this:

Cause that might make me cry. (I just flip it over and I’m happy again!) The duplicate stitch is working fabulously:



As I said, I cast on for a sleeve last night. Should go pretty quick – well, not that quick so I can weave in the ends on the back before I start the front. I’m going to be diligent – weave in a few every day – I swear.

Have a great day!

Big Hugs…

right back atcha! Thank you so much for all your comments and emails – it really lifted my spirits. While I’m so sad I’m not alone in my plight – I wouldn’t wish infertility on my worst enemy – I’m glad to know my feelings, however uncomfortable they may be – are not misunderstood. I’m forever grateful.

I want you all to know too that my sister is very conscious and solicitous of my feelings. She’s not without her own guilt about the situation, I’m sure. Know too, that when I’m around those kids, there are NO BAD FEELINGS. Only joy. It’s when I’m alone, puttering about, that the sadness wells up.

I’d been wanting to blog about it for awhile, but wasn’t sure if I should take so personal a leap. I’m glad I did. I hope someone out there read yesterday’s post and subsequent comments and was comforted a little to know they, too, are not alone.

Jen helped pick me up; she took me over to Handknits. It was a successful trip! I picked up some new Addis and this:

If you guessed Koigu, then you’re right! It’s much more of an aqua color – the perfect retro color for the Retro Rib socks. How do I know the color’s retro? Because we went to a totally retro diner in Englewood – Baumgart’s Cafe (it’s a combo Jewish Deli/Chinese Restaurant – don’t ask) – and my Koigu matched the retro blue booth. (Please, if you’re my friend ;-), don’t remind me how much sock yarn I now have and the fact that I have never knit a sock! Thank you very much!)

Beth, the proprietress at Handknits, had a great idea for a border on my Pinwheel blanket too! I’m very excited about it – but I think I’ll keep it a secret for now. Suffice it to say, I will not be using a different yarn – I’m going to do the border in the same ASC (which is good because I have way too much of it!) Onto the fifth skein as of last night.

Vicki asked me some more interview questions – so read further for THE KNITORIOUS INTERVIEW!

[Read more…]

I’ve been knitting….

You are Andie Walsh (from Pretty In Pink)!
Misunderstood and full of angst, you are
intelligent, talented and will probably go on
to do great things…once you’re out of the
hell of high school.

Which John Hughes Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

I found this quiz over at Kate’s. I’m posting this because it just so happens that I was watching Sixteen Candles last night. And as much as I hate to admit it, I think this one might be pretty accurate. High school was almost the death of me. Definitely blossomed as soon as I got out. [Huh – when I got the link for Sixteen Candles on IMDB, I looked up the actor who played Jake – very, very cute – but did he do anything else? Turns out he was the really cute guy in Mermaids too! Michael Schoeffling.]

Here’s that oft rumored knitting content:

Remember the Pinwheel Baby Blanket? I can’t believe how badly this yarn photographs – the color could not be more off – it’s a much deeper yellow – almost brownish in color. But anyway, I’m into the fourth skein. The diameter is 22″. I have a long way to go. The skeins are going nowhere at this point. Another thing about this project – there’s no way to tell how big it is without taking it off the needles – which is kind of a pain. I’ll get through six skeins before I take it off again. I do like the pattern though – the blanket is looking very nice.

Short-Row Pullover

I can’t help but have a nagging feeling that this is all going to have to be ripped out and started over. Or I’ll get through the back and finally figure out how to make it look nice and then I’ll do the front and want to re-do the back.

As you can see, I’ve started the short-rows. They’re not hard at all and actually kind of interesting. The ridiculous part is you have to change yarn colors every five seconds and you can’t carry the yarn up really. So I’ve been trying Johanna‘s method of knitting in the ends, but I think it’s making my stitches all wonky and uneven. Can you see it in the second and third picture? I’m not sure if it’s because of the short rows, or the ends, but I’m not entirely happy with it. I’m going to keep knitting – even if it does feel very much like an experiment – to see how the rows even out once I do the next short row section. Right now I’m in straight rows. But the next section will even out the left hand side. I still absolutely love the yarn – and I’m really liking the colors too. Georgie’s the best, because he sees it and instantly proclaims it’s the best work I’ve ever done! I say, you say that about everything I do. He does prefer just the stripes though – not the zig zags. I keep trying to tell him that’s the best part, but he’s not buying it. Anyway, I will persevere.

Jen (belated) birthday gifted me with some wonderfully soft Rowan Classic CashSoft DK! She brought it all the way from London! It’s in color #509 which is called lime, but is really a soft pastely mint in my opinion. Another one that doesn’t photograph well:

This will make a beautiful baby something – and it’s in green – so it doesn’t matter whether my sister has a boy or a girl! Speaking of which – did you enter the my guess-the-baby contest? Don’t miss out! She could go into labor any second!

I just noticed that all yarns mentioned in this post are from Rowan. Definitely some of the nicest yarns I’ve ever worked with. They can’t seem to go wrong. When that tax check comes in, I’m definitely going to have to join the club.

Kate asked me some really good rebound questions! You can read my answers in the extended entry. Have a great day!

[Read more…]

Wry Questions for a Punster?

Elspeth asked to be interviewed. As I spent a lovely morning with the Wry Punster‘s blog, here you go….

1. So, are you a comedy, history or tragedy kind of girl? What’s your dream role, Shakespeare or otherwise? Do you puke before you go onstage? If not, do you have any weird pre-stage habits?

2. Sour, dill, kosher, bread & butter? Whole, spears, slices, gherkins? What’s your preference?

3. Were you hazed? Can you talk about it? What’s the secret handshake? Ever been part of a panty raid?

4. What’s the best class you’ve taken that you had to take that completely surprised you? For instance, I had to take an art history class to graduate. I waited until my last semester to take Modern Art (what I thought was my favorite) because it was only offered once a year and always filled up. As a senior I had priority. It just so happened that this class conflicted with a Philosophy of Religion seminar I wanted to take (my majors were religious studies and philosophy), so I had to take Renaissance Art instead. It was literally my favorite class in college. I dragged my husband all over Venice to find that one damn Tintoretto. So, what was your surprise?

5. What will you be doing in Cairo this summer?

And the bonus question:
Money’s no option, skill level’s no option – what’s your dream knitting project?

It was a lot of fun visiting with Elspeth. She’s a year younger than my baby sister and having fun in school. (Yesterday was my sister’s 23rd birthday – Happy Birthday Samara! – I left her a million messages, but it seems our nephew Max was the only one who actually got to talk to her – he sang her happy birthday as a wake up call. Then she turned the phone off!) I loved college, absolutely loved it and I miss my sister – so I got to visit both, just a little bit, through Elspeth! Thank you!

Did you see what La posted yesterday? February 2017
