
Go see Claudia’s post on Repetition. I turned the heel on the second Sock Pal Sock last night. Just the foot to go. BOR-ing.

Holey Moley those wheels are expensive! Geez. What have you guys gotten me into?

Cate has a wonderful post on perfection. Remember the google search string that landed someone here: debilitating perfectionism? Yup. That’s me. Made me think of my favorite IMperfection story. When we got married, I got two rings – one’s a plain platinum band that I was married in, the other’s a gorgeous, beyond beautiful platinum band in a flower design punctuated with diamonds and small blue sapphires. I found the model for it while helping my brother-in-law look for rings for my sister, and knew it was the one for me. It looks JUST like my grandmothers platinum and diamond band that I’ve always loved. So I had we had it made and I wore it for a little bit before we were actually married, so I think of it as my pseudo engagement ring. Anyway, it didn’t take me long after I bought it to realize that there was an imperfection in it. One of the stems on a leaf is a bit bent and out of shape. This about KILLED me for a bit and I almost took it back, but then I realized that it was a fantastic symbol for my marriage. That no matter how wonderful and beautiful and precious our relationship is – it’s not and will never be PERFECT.

I left the imperfection in the ring and now, of course, it’s one of the things I love about it. Whenever I’ve misplaced it and fear I’ve lost it (more frequently than I’d like to admit) Georgie always says not to worry – we can get a new one – and my first thought is that it won’t be the same. The new one WON’T have the imperfection that I’ve come to love.

Okay. Off to a fabulous lunch today – hopefully I’ll have more to report tomorrow! Have a great day!

PS – Hope things in London are settled down and it was all nothing serious. I (reluctantly) watched some of Farenheit 911 last night and if even a 1/4 of its true – the US is seriously fucked and I pray that our friends around the world don’t bear the brunt of the repercussions. That’s not to say I don’t pray that WE don’t bear the brunt of it either, but you all know what I mean. The world is a very scary place.


  1. Oh, I adore the story about your ring. That’s wonderful!
    Spinning is a good antidote to perfectionism. I suppose there are those who focus on twists per inch and treadling rates and micron count, etc., but I think most people just make yarn and then love it no matter what. Good stuff.

  2. Hope the lunch was wonderful.
    The story of the ring is *perfect*. We so often ask more of ourselves than we could ever give and then we fail, never meeting expectations (another word to be rid of). Trying to be perfect can stop forward motion. Life is the process of doing the best you can with what you have at any given moment.

  3. Love thought on your ring…post a picture of it, it sounds beautiful.

  4. Geesh, I need to take a page from your book, huh? Lovely story Cara.
    Very scary about London…such a crazy world we live in. Sigh.

  5. love your ring ruminations…hope the lunch was fabulous.

  6. Great story! Post a picture of your ring? It sounds wonderful!

  7. I love your ring story! Enjoy your lunch today!