Block Head

Block Island. Block Party. Knock Your Blocks Off.

You guessed it, fine readers. I finished the front of G’s Vest and it’s off to the Blocks we go. I have towels in the washing machine as we speak so I can try Bonne Marie’s wonderful blocking tip. I think I might run out to Home Depot today and pick up a blocking rug as well. Thank you Bonne Marie! Thank you!

I’m not as upset about the neckline today as I was yesterday.

I’m confident that whatever inconsistencies there are will be taken care of nicely when I pick up the stitches for the neckline. I’m not quite sure I understand the directions for the said neckline, so I may be back with questions.

My new concern (you knew I’d have one) is that it won’t be wide enough to fit Georgie. I’ve been using a vest he has to measure against and I really, really think another repeat would have rendered the vest too wide. I’m hoping it really just needs a very good blocking. That and that fact that the Knitter’s Review article distinctly says the yarn “exapanded by 5% per inch” after washing. I’m hoping the blocking and expanding will do the trick. [Of course, the article is about Jo Sharp Silkroad Aran – not Aran Tweed, but the expanding should still apply. Right?] It’s plenty long though and G’s really excited about it. He keeps asking if he can wear it to his Xmas party. I told him I’m not sure it will be ready by then, but we’ll see. (Actually I’m not quite sure when his party is exactly, but it seems like a good answer. Always cover your ass.)

The washing machine just buzzed so I’m off to block, block, block!

PS – I’m instituting some new features today:

  1. Bruce Springsteen Lyrics of the Day:
    Because everyone needs some Bruce Juice, I will be choosing a link to a song that best reflects my mood today! Yes, I’m crazy.
  2. On My Nightstand:
    This is the book(s) I’m currently reading. I’m hoping to have book reviews on a monthly basis. I haven’t been reading as much as I should and this really bothers me. So maybe putting this out there will shame me into reading more.
  3. Picture of the Week:
    Every Friday I will change out the picture of the week. All of the pictures that will appear have been taken by me. Shameless self-promotion I know, but they are pretty pictures.

Oh and I just got off the phone with Jen and she helped me formulate my idea of great knitted ornaments. I’ll be back later if they work!