Better Days!

I sailed along on Ariann yesterday! I think I only had to rip back once – and that was only like two rows (it was faster to rip than to tink.) PROGRESS! I even got to talk to the designer herself, and she was most encouraging. Thanks Bonne Marie!

I hate to say it, but I think I might be able to finish this for tomorrow. I’m tempting fate, I know, but I’ve got 11 more decreases to go (although I lost count somewhere along the way and this seems like too many decreases, but it’s how I can get to the numbers needed in the pattern. I can’t find a mistake anywhere but it looks like I’m going to be two stitches short along the back. Maybe I’ll just drop off two decreases back there. Otherwise, everything lines up. It’s all going to be covered by the collar anyway, right?)

Anyway – I’m off to get buttons today. If I make it back and there’s still light I’ll snap a picture – otherwise, patience my pretties. Patience.

Have a great weekend!
L, C

ETA: I found buttons!

I went to Tender Buttons in NYC and this is what I came up with – I swear I went through a million buttons. This color is really really hard. I ended up with a pretty plain button – it’s gray with a hint of green – which picks up the gray in the heather of the yarn. There’s a really nice swirl to the button so it’s not as plain as it appears at first glance. These may not be the buttons I end up with, but for now, they’ll do. Off to finish the sweater! It’ll be the best Hanukkah present! Happy Hanukkah everyone!


  1. Yay for you! Hurry back so we can see pictures!! I’m excited for you!

  2. Can’t wait to see the Ariann progress! A friend and I are thinking about making it beginning of next year, so I’m eagerly reading your blog to find out if I can handle the thousands of stitches. I’ll have to pscyh up for it.

  3. Yahoo! We all know that if you confess on the internet how badly a project is going, and do the proper ripping atonement, you can take communion with a better finished object.

  4. pictures! we want pictures!
    good luck w/crossing the finish line ASAP. 😉

  5. YAY! It’s great to hear you’re back on track. I worked and worked on my sleeve last night but I’m not sure it grew much!

  6. How wonderful! Looking forward to it, C!

  7. Go Cara Go!

  8. You go girl! Buttons – not always as easy as we think! My LYS has few buttons, but what they have are very nice! Sometimes I buy the buttons along with the yarn, but sometimes you actually need the project there to see what looks best. Good luck!

  9. I always have the ripping vs. tinking dilemma. For anything shorter than 2-3 rows, I’ll probably tink, because it takes me so dang long to pick up stitches after ripping! And half of them are facing the wrong way… and I don’t really believe in life lines. Because who plans to make a mistake? Right? So why would I need a lifeline? And I’d still have to pick up the stitches. At any rate, I along with all of the above am looking forward to seeing photos!

  10. yea cara! i was hoping you’d get it done for the weekend!! 🙂 can’t wait to see what buttons you choose.

  11. Yay for better days! I can’t wait to see the sweater in all her glory.

  12. WooooHooooooo 🙂

  13. Happy Hanukkah to you! We might even light candles this year. The buttons look fabulous. The simplicity works well with the sweater design. I need to start searching, too.

  14. I really like those. Have a fabulous holiday!

  15. can’t wait to see the sweater….received my cards and they are simply fabulous…thanks and have a happy hannukah.

  16. happy hanukkah! hope it’s a great one!

  17. The buttons look perfect, Cara. I love Tender Buttons. ; )

  18. i love the buttons! stay with them!
    happy hanukkah to you, too! i know nothing about hanukkah, unfortunately, but still, happy happy!

  19. Love the choice of buttons.
    *same as kris*: happy hanukkah to you, too! i know nothing about hanukkah, unfortunately, but still, happy happy!

  20. happy hanukkah to all, and for those of you who know nothing about the holiday, just try this: and you wlll learn something about it – not a major Jewish holiday, but a pretty interesting one …
    all the best, and yes, Cara, your buttons are pretty tender, to say the least! ;-D

  21. good luck with the finishing! Have a lovely holiday!

  22. Perfect buttons! Can’t wait to see the finished item. I get all my buttons for my hand knits at Tender Buttons.

  23. Happy Hanukkah Cara!
    The buttons look lovely on Ariann. I’m looking forward to seeing her in her finished modeled glory.

  24. hey, if we keep calling it Sleeve Island – could I be Mrs. Thurston Howell III?

  25. Hope your sleeves (and DH) are coming along fine now. My sleeves languish in the emergency baby gift knitting, but I’m not sad. I needed a break.
    I’ve tagged you on my blog, so have at it!

  26. What a great Hanukkah gift! And if you’re late with it, it’s a birthday gift… (maybe I’ll finish my sweater in time for my birthday, which is the same as yours!)

  27. go go go go go go go

  28. Ariann looks like it is progressing wonderfully! And where is this Tender Buttons of which you speak? I live in the city, but don’t know which are the primo crafty places and which are not…

  29. Lovely buttons. Can’t wait to see it! Happy Hannukah to you, and thanks for the Yarnival! encouragement. It’s up, and I’m down.

  30. Hey, Cara! The Arian is looking great. Can’t wait to see the finished product. Once you are done with the Arian will you be getting back to the Casino Shawl? I have the Casion shawl too, but since its my first lace project I find it a bit intimidating – – will you be having a KAL for the Casino Shawl? Just wondering. Have a wonderful holiday season! Rosalia

  31. Those are beautiful and perfect buttons! After sorting through millions of them, you struck gold. Gorgeous!