
BINGO! We have some winners!

First, the winner of the Ghost Story contest is:


And the winners of the Mason Dixon contest are:



Thanks everyone for playing! Tune in for next week’s contest: Guess how much toilet paper is in my house RIGHT NOW?!


  1. I won! I won! Thanks Cara!

  2. The desperate tone of the question leads me to guess, NONE!

  3. Wait. A contest I didn’t win!?!?! lol
    I say you have NO toilet paper!

  4. THANK YOU, CARA!!!! I can’t believe I won something. Maybe this will break my losing streak. I never win anything.

  5. That’s my guess Scout! NO TP for Cara and G. That’s a big pet peave of mine so I buy it by the truck load!

  6. I think you have one left and are panicking like I would because I always have to have the place stocked full of toilet paper and one roll does not last long.

  7. No TP at all – you’re down to using coffee filters.

  8. Zero. Zip. Nada.

  9. 12

  10. One lousy roll. Thats all thats left right? And its raining and you have no clean underwear and don’t want to go to the grocery store. Right?

  11. A Gross (144 rolls) — that’s so you can spend more time knitting and less time shopping for paper products!

  12. None a-tall. So you’re using kleenex. Or you’re using paper towels. In which case, dude, you’re gonna need softer underwear….

  13. Congratulations to the winners!!

  14. 14 rolls