
That’s how long G and I have been together – and to be honest – it’s freaking me out a little.

Saturday is fifteen years since THAT DAY. The day we first decided that we were going to be together forever, and while it hasn’t been completely smooth sailing, time has definitely flown by. I can’t believe it’s been that long. We’ve lived together for fourteen of those years and been married for four. When we finally did get married, I insisted that it be on August 6th – THAT DAY – eleven years later. I’m so glad we did that. It was a Monday, like the one in 1990 and we eloped in Vermont, just the two of us and Taffy, our JP and the flowers in front of the court house where our ceremony took place exactly matched the flowers that were painted on my dress. I got married with a plain platinum band and inside it’s inscribed August 6 – because I couldn’t decide between 1990 and 2001 and I wanted to incorporate both.

Why is it freaking me out? I love G more than anything and he’s truly my best friend in the world – the person I feel safest with. I think I’m freaking out because I’m getting older. It’s really odd to think that I’ve been with him my ENTIRE ADULT LIFE. I’ve now lived out of my parents’ house longer than I lived there. I’ve known G for eighteen years.

G is almost eight years older than me (his birthday is on Sunday) and he’s fighting the whole aging thing and I’ve always been pretty cavalier about it – you’re only as old as you feel yada yada yada. But guess what? Turns out those numbers are kind of scary after all!

Of course, I know, you can’t look at your life as a series of numbers – but it’s anniversaries and birthdays when you DO look at those numbers and they keep getting bigger and bigger and you just have to wonder – where did all that time go? And how much time is left? [GASP!] It doesn’t seem like it’s been that long at all, which I’m sure is a good thing – if it felt like forever I’d be really worried.

As I mentioned, G’s birthday is on Sunday. Birthday’s were never a big deal in his family, but they’re a big deal to me. G and I are incredibly generous with each other all year round – in time, in love, in gifts – I mean really – if we want it we generally just get it for us. But I used to love spoiling him early on in our relationship. Waking up on his birthday and pulling out all of these elaborately wrapped gifts. He would get so choked up and I love making him feel special. As the years have gone on – it’s getting harder and harder to spoil him. Hence, I have nothing for his birthday this year. Sure, keeping sane has kept me preoccupied, but still, I like to have SOMETHING.

Lee Ann might have solved the problem. She found a Dali print we saw last year on a trip to Cape Cod – a lithograph of St. George & the Dragon that we fell in love with (my patron saint, if you will!) and I looked and looked and couldn’t find it and then LeeAnn goes and finds it in like five seconds. But anyway, it’s up for auction today and I just put a bid in. I have no way to gauge the price on these things – it’s beyond my scope – but I hope I get it and I hope it doesn’t go to my high bid.

I didn’t do any knitting – well a couple of rows on a square – yesterday. That’s okay – I’ve still got ten weeks and three days to finish short rows.


Remind me, next time I throw a pity party, I better put out some snacks. I’m not sure you’ve got the magnitude of my pain. I have to RIP out HALF a sweater I’VE ALREADY KNIT because it’s TOO BIG!!!! A sweater where I’ve already woven in 4,361 ENDS!!!

Okay. I’m done feeling sorry for myself. My new goal is to have the sweater done by Rhinebeck. Think I can do it? I’m going to order some new yarn today – I think I can do it. I’ve got 10 weeks and like four days or something. Definitely doable. Even with some other stuff thrown in there. COME ON!!!!! YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!! (Got to psych myself up.)

I’m feeling much more even these days and therefore thinking about things that aren’t so bad – like writing and photography. I haven’t taken flower pictures in a while – due to the extreme weather. Even though it’s broken and isn’t quite so hot, it’s been breezy here and breeze is BAD when it comes to macro stuff. It’s hard enough to get little bugs and the insides of flowers in focus, but have the stuff blowing around and it’s just a headache. A hot headache.

I’ve been working on a kid’s job I shot right before we went away and I’m VERY happy with it, to say the least. That’s been fun. Some of my best work, I think. I hope the parents are as happy.

What else, what else…. Oh. Did you see Melissa’s Fishie Blanket? It’s absolutely fabulous. Go tell her how much you like it – because, really, you can’t NOT like this blanket. I want to make a blanket like this.

I also want to knit more lace. I have like five balls of this, and I want a great big wonderful lace shawl that I can wrap around myself in the winter that’s soft and warm and I can’t find a pattern. I’m thinking the Leaf Lace Shawl because it’s not as open as the Flower Basket Shawl, but I also saw all these wonderful lace patterns in my Barbara Walker books and I wanted to design my own shawl but that will never happen because I haven’t the first clue. Any suggestions other than LLS or FBS are welcome.

I do like these patterns by Robert Powell – especially #103 and #106 (on the Kits page). I should buy it to look at it and see how hard it is. Anybody knit any of his shawls? I think I’ve googled it before and not found much. I like that the shawl seems really modern, but still old. Know what I mean – is it retro? Is that it?

Sorry I’m boring lately. Sometimes boring is good. Trust me on this.

Got Gauge?

I want a t-shirt that says this. Who’s going to help me design it? We can sell it and give the proceeds to charity. I’m not kidding. I need a t-shirt that says “got gauge?” and maybe one that says “swatch-n-bitch“. What do you think?

This weekend was all about the knit, baby. And even though there was some phenomenally BAD news of the knitting variety, I enjoyed the weekend and thinking about my knits.

I’m leading off with the bad, because, well, it’s so bad that I want EVERYONE to read it – none of this skimming through and missing it at the end.

Okay. Here goes.

Friday night, I FINALLY cast on the front of Short Rows. And guess what? I GOT GAUGE!!!! This may seem like a good thing, but trust me, it’s very, very, very bad. Why you ask? Because when I knit the back, I didn’t get gauge. Or at least I thought I didn’t – I seem to remember measuring it a bunch of times. I even remember starting it a couple of times and ripping it because I DIDN’T get gauge. I deliberately, painstakingly decided to move up a size in the pattern – which would leave me with a sweater conveniently between the medium and large size. Nice and comfortable for me. But while I was casting on and knitting the front, something kept nagging at me about the back. It just seemed, so, I don’t know, HUGE. And I kept pushing those bad feelings down, down into the locked closet of my brain that sucks all the bad thoughts in like a hoover – as I’ve been training myself to do. (It’s working. A little bit. Everyday.)

But. I just couldn’t let it alone.

Sunday, I got out a sweater I have that fits pretty good and put the two backs together. Then I took out not one, but three tape measures. Sure enough I GOT FUCKING GAUGE! The sweater matches perfectly to the dimensions the pattern lists for a large. It is WAY too big.

I think you all know where this is going. Do I really have to say it? At least I didn’t get too far on the front (honestly, I was getting bored pretty quickly. What happened to all the love?) I’m going to cast on again for a back. In the size I should’ve done the whole time. I’m going to knit said back, and compare the two. Then I’m going to rip the sleeve I’VE ALREADY KNIT, because I can salvage the yarn easily. I think I might just leave the first back and buy more yarn. The thought of ripping it, after I’ve cut and WOVEN IN all those ends is enough to – I don’t know – NEVER KNIT AGAIN?! What’s a few extra dollars for a project I really loved (once) and want to get right? Don’t you agree? Eventually I can rip out the bad back and make something with the yarn. But right now, I think that would just be way too depressing.

That’s it. That’s my awful knitty news. Feel sorry for me. Seriously – I WANT the pity.


On to the GOOD!

I found a new knitting store this weekend. I was looking through the new VK and came across some interesting notions. When I went on the website to see where they were sold, I found Stix-n-Stitches in Montclair, NJ. They literally opened about a week ago. The store was very nice – nice wood – roomy – lots of cool notions and stuff. Tons of Classic Elite yarns. I asked the proprietress, Sheila, what kinds of new yarns she was going to get in. No Noro or Debbie Bliss, because another yarn store in town is going to carry it. What about Rowan, I asked. Another new store opening up is going to carry that, so no. I found this really, really interesting. What do you think? Is she limiting her business by not carrying yarns that other stores in the area are carrying? I’m not sure what I think about this.

One thing she does have is a full line of ArtYarns – which happens to be one of my all time favorites – so that’s good!

That’s Ultramerino 4 – a new fingering weight yarn. They’ve come out with Ultramerino 6 as well to go along with the 8. Good stuff. Oh and I bought some circular needle size markers as well. They clip onto the wire and clip right off. Never seen them before – maybe they’ll help.

All in all – a nice store that I definitely plan on going back to – Jen – whenever you’re ready!

I spent a lot of time looking through stitch pattern books this weekend. I was pulling together cable patterns for my dad’s sweater and also looking for stitch patterns for squares for the John Glick Afghan Project. Some fits and starts, but I’ve managed to identify all of the cables and I’ve finished one square and started another.

Both squares are from Cascade 220 I had in the stash. I love the blue-green heather color and I have more, so I might make another one with this. The stitch on that one is the Quaker Ridge from Barbara Walker – I figured it was fitting for John since by all accounts he was a peace loving man, traits the Quakers embody. The brown square stitch is called Jacob’s Ladder or Ladder of Life – both of which I thought were appropriate. I’ve tried to infuse the squares with love. I hope they bring comfort to the recipient.

And last but not least, when your knitting gets you down, KNIT SOCKS!

I’m calling these my Walking on Sunshine socks! I’m hoping to remember the bright, warm, NOT HUMID, sunny day I started them on when I’m wearing them on a particularly cold and gray winter day. Also, they match my bright orange flip flops (which I won’t be posting a picture of – they’ve turned black under my toes and well, ew.)

I’m using Trekking XXL Crazy Stripes in Color 38 – I’m loving me some stripes and stockinette and hey, you can never have too many socks, right Margene? (Check it out – she’s got FOUR FEET!)


that I still knit:

Socka-Pal-2-Za Socks
Acorn Sock pattern by Evelyn Clark/Fibertrends
Koigu, color #1110
Done on two circs – Addi size #1s

Actually, my knitting was a little overzealous. I finished the second sock, well, all but the grafting, in bed last night and this morning I woke up and grafted. When I compared it to the first one, I realized I had gone too far on the foot – you were supposed to stop at either row 9 of the lace repeat or finish the repeat and stop at row 1 of the next repeat – I should’ve stopped at 9. So I ripped and finished the sock while watching Meet the Fockers – which was pretty funny. I thought Dustin and Babs did a great job.

I really like these socks and the pattern is terrific. They’re a little tight around the cuff – should’ve done it on size twos probably, but I think they’ll fit my sock pal fine. She’s about the same size as me, if not a little bit smaller, so I say they’re good to go. Now, a question. What about blocking? I washed my first pair, but didn’t block it. How do you block socks (if you don’t have a sock blocker tool.) Do you need to block socks? Can I just wash them and leave them to dry or do they need to be blocked? Thanks!

I’m planning on casting on a lot this weekend. Progress picks on Monday, hopefully. Have a great weekend!

Better, no?

Hold Everything!!!

Look what just came in the mail!

From the lovely Juno! Thank you! Thank you! (You enablers are good, let me tell you!)

Hold my calls for awhile will you? I’ve got some stuff to spin….

Goldilocks and the Not Quite Right Bed

I waited around for the delivery guys yesterday (I hate waiting around) and finally it came:

Something’s not quite right here.

The funniest part was trying to explain to the delivery guys’ boss and to George what exactly the problem was. No one was getting it. I think the boss guy thought I was crazy, because I heard the delivery guy saying, no, it really is messed up. I’m thinking we got somebody’s special order bed because it’s supposed to be an Eastern King, which has the regular dimensions of 76×80. As opposed to a California King, which has regular dimensions of 72×84. Georgie called our bed a Midwestern King, since our mattress measures about 74×80. Of course our box springs are standard Eastern King measurements at 76×80. See what I mean?

The other day Rachael had a post about her and LaLa’s anniversary and she talked about luck. I told her that G always used to complain about bad luck and I told him that we used up all the good luck we had when we found each other. Now our bad luck isn’t the devastating kind, it’s the kick your ass only could happen to us kind. You see, this is something of a special bed we got through a friend for a very good deal (Oprah may or may not sleep on this bed – no not this EXACT bed, but one just like it) so it’s not like we can call Sleepy’s and say give us a new one. But it’ll all work out in the end. And if not, I’ve got a nice little ledge to rest my feet on while I put on my shoes. [ETA: Despite the size issues, the bed was a dream to sleep on! Well, at least I think it was, I don’t remember anything from last night. More importantly, G didn’t wake up with a backache. YAY!]

In knitting news, I’ve got one more repeat before I start on the toe of my Socka-Pal-2-Za socks. Speaking of Sock Pal Socks, have you seen Karen’s socks? She’s in the beginner category too, so there’s a chance these socks are MINE! I would LOVE that because I LOVE these socks. She even had me persuring my Barbara Walker Treasury books for mosaic patterns for socks. What a great idea! Fingers (or, er, toes) crossed these socks are for me!

I spun some more yesterday too and while I won’t be showing you photographic evidence, I did better yesterday than I did the day before. I’m slowly beginning to see the benefits of a wheel and would definitely like to try one. Parking more and drafting more (thanks again Claudia!) are definitely helping. I’m getting more control over my spin as well. It’s coming along.

I owe quite a few contest prizes out there and I’m sorry they’ve been so late in coming. I have to put together every card myself, but I hope to have them ready to go this weekend. Thanks for being so patient! I haven’t forgotten!

Thick and Thin

This counts, right?

Thank you, Claudia, so much for your instructions (see yesterday’s comments!). I started there, and didn’t get it. Went to the website and didn’t get it. Found the Grafton Fibers tutorial and started to get it. Messed around a little bit – put the spindle down, did some stuff, picked it back up again. Got a lot frustrated (but didn’t think about any of the bad stuff) and then I looked over Claudia’s instructions again and GOT IT! You pinch with the right while you spin, then switch to the left – draft out some yarn with the right – then pinch higher up and let the twist travel to the pinch! Genius! I was off!

It was light when I started. Dark when I stopped. I think three hours went by. Not sure.

A question – see in the third picture how the yarn is kinking back on itself – is that supposed to happen, or do I have too much spin in the yarn. You really need to draft it thin to get thin yarn, huh.

I don’t know. I’d like to think that some of the stuff I made is a little Manos like. And wow – those Manos people don’t spend too much time spinning their stuff do they.

Thanks for all your good thoughts – yesterday wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be and certainly not as bad as it could’ve been. And I’m confident today will be better. We’re getting a new bed delivered so I have a lot to do around the house to keep me busy and my mind at rest. And a big, huge bag of fiber calling my name.

Come Back Later

I adjusted my meds last night and let’s just say, I’m not feeling so good today. Side effects suck – and anything that makes me feel like Tom Cruise might have a point – well, I’m not a happy camper today. NO worries though – all will be right. I’ll either go back to the old dose or shoulder through. But, I have to say, sometimes I’d rather have debilitating anxiety than feel like I drank 101 Red Bulls. And I never drink caffeine. Makes me crazy.

My weekend was nice and hectic and kid-filled, but it seems there was lots more fun to be had out there in blog land. Glad everyone had such a great weekend.

I barely knit on the second sock. Basically, train down Friday, train up yesterday. I’m hoping it’s finished by the next update. Got to have goals.

Oh, and my purchases arrived right before I left on Friday. Honestly, I took it all out of the box and immediately became completely overwhelmed. I tried to spin a little on the spindle – just to see what I was getting myself into – and maybe not such a good idea. I could only find directions for a bottom spindle and I have a top spindle and can you say FRUSTRATION. I think I need a lesson.

I realized something really important last night – this anxiety has been kicking my ass lately – making me question who’s boss. I know, though, that I’m doing the bare minimum to take care of it – and myself – and that’s got to change. I can’t stand it when people complain about their life and DO NOTHING about it. I’m an action kind of girl and I’m about to kick some ASS. Wish me luck.

Family Obligations

The plan was to hang with these fabulous chicas, but family stepped in and obligation took over. I’ll still be hanging with some of my faves (the kiddies and the sis), but I’m tired, and to be honest, I’d be just as happy at home. But G’s got his own kind of (j-o-b) obligations this weekend, so he’ll be scarce and I’m lonely, so off I go.

When I come back, a finished pair of socka-pal-2-za socks. At least that’s what I’m hoping. I’m on the foot, so the homestretch is in view.

Have a wonderful weekend everybody! See you on Tuesday!