That’s how long G and I have been together – and to be honest – it’s freaking me out a little.
Saturday is fifteen years since THAT DAY. The day we first decided that we were going to be together forever, and while it hasn’t been completely smooth sailing, time has definitely flown by. I can’t believe it’s been that long. We’ve lived together for fourteen of those years and been married for four. When we finally did get married, I insisted that it be on August 6th – THAT DAY – eleven years later. I’m so glad we did that. It was a Monday, like the one in 1990 and we eloped in Vermont, just the two of us and Taffy, our JP and the flowers in front of the court house where our ceremony took place exactly matched the flowers that were painted on my dress. I got married with a plain platinum band and inside it’s inscribed August 6 – because I couldn’t decide between 1990 and 2001 and I wanted to incorporate both.
Why is it freaking me out? I love G more than anything and he’s truly my best friend in the world – the person I feel safest with. I think I’m freaking out because I’m getting older. It’s really odd to think that I’ve been with him my ENTIRE ADULT LIFE. I’ve now lived out of my parents’ house longer than I lived there. I’ve known G for eighteen years.
G is almost eight years older than me (his birthday is on Sunday) and he’s fighting the whole aging thing and I’ve always been pretty cavalier about it – you’re only as old as you feel yada yada yada. But guess what? Turns out those numbers are kind of scary after all!
Of course, I know, you can’t look at your life as a series of numbers – but it’s anniversaries and birthdays when you DO look at those numbers and they keep getting bigger and bigger and you just have to wonder – where did all that time go? And how much time is left? [GASP!] It doesn’t seem like it’s been that long at all, which I’m sure is a good thing – if it felt like forever I’d be really worried.
As I mentioned, G’s birthday is on Sunday. Birthday’s were never a big deal in his family, but they’re a big deal to me. G and I are incredibly generous with each other all year round – in time, in love, in gifts – I mean really – if we want it we generally just get it for us. But I used to love spoiling him early on in our relationship. Waking up on his birthday and pulling out all of these elaborately wrapped gifts. He would get so choked up and I love making him feel special. As the years have gone on – it’s getting harder and harder to spoil him. Hence, I have nothing for his birthday this year. Sure, keeping sane has kept me preoccupied, but still, I like to have SOMETHING.
Lee Ann might have solved the problem. She found a Dali print we saw last year on a trip to Cape Cod – a lithograph of St. George & the Dragon that we fell in love with (my patron saint, if you will!) and I looked and looked and couldn’t find it and then LeeAnn goes and finds it in like five seconds. But anyway, it’s up for auction today and I just put a bid in. I have no way to gauge the price on these things – it’s beyond my scope – but I hope I get it and I hope it doesn’t go to my high bid.
I didn’t do any knitting – well a couple of rows on a square – yesterday. That’s okay – I’ve still got ten weeks and three days to finish short rows.