Sock Tease

Click on the picture for a better view. 😉

Heh. Heh. Heh.
Okay, sports fans, I kicked ass yesterday on the sock front. I actually considered pulling an all nighter to finish it, but alas, I didn’t. 2:30’s late enough to go to bed and then I slept like shit. 87000 dreams. I don’t think I ever hit deep sleep to be honest. I’m exhausted. Back to the sock. I’ve done 44 pattern repeats (I’m counting the double decreases down the front of the sock) and the finished sock has 57. So I have 26 rows left before I start for the toe decreases and as the scale says, I have half an ounce left.

A word about the scale. There’s definitely something wrong with it and as soon as this sock is finished I’m returning it. I knew pretty much as soon as I opened the box that it was a return – the instructions were kind of wrinkly and there was a Duracell battery in it already. And the low battery indicator was on. In fact, after changing the battery to a fresh one, the low battery indicator is STILL on. I weighed another one of my STR skeins and it came out to 3.8 (or 3.9 depending where it sat on the scale) as well, so I’m not too concerned that I’m getting small skeins, I just think the scale is off. I will be buying a new one.

Regardless, I’ve been weighing the freaking yarn like every ten rows. Which is ridiculous because I have no idea how much the first sock weighed at any given point during the knitting. I only know what it weighed at the END of the knitting. I will probably finish the sock today (or as much as I can – you know – if I run out of yarn) because I CANNOT STAND THE SUSPENSE! It’s killing me not knowing if the yarn will make it to the end. The pathetic little ball looks so tiny.

In the meantime I’ve become convinced these socks are magic. I’m almost afraid to finish them for fear the White Sox will lose if I’m not knitting ROCK STAR socks. Ugh.

Now go back up there and click on the picture already. Lazy ass. 😉

Calling all Sock Mavens! URGENT!

I finished the first ROCK STAR sock. And it is indeed very ROCK STAR, although Georgie said it was pretty and well, that’s not quite what I was going for, but what does he know right?

Anyway, here’s the problem. Or maybe it’s not a problem and I’m getting all uptight for nothing.

I went out and bought myself a postage scale. I weighed the finished sock and got 1.9 oz. I weighed what’s left of the STR yarn and I get…wait for it… 1.9 oz. Exactly the same as the first sock. Does this mean I’ll have enough? This is decidedly less than the 4.25 oz. that are supposed to be there (according to the label.) That said, the wound ball of Koigu I’ve been comparing my STR to weighs only 1.8 oz.

Opinions please. Thank you very much. In the meantime, let’s all just sit back for a minute and talk about how it took me just over three days to finish one sock. (I cast on about 6:30 Wednesday night. But all the knitting was Thursday and Friday.) I don’t think the other one will go as fast unless I’m panicked the whole time about the yarn. If (and that’s a big if) I run out of yarn I think I have a solution. I have some very dark wine colored Koigu in the stash which might work for the toes. So that’s the plan if I run out. I’m going to cast on for the second sock. Pictures Monday.

Rock Out with Your Sock Out

Every once in a while, the Knit Gods smile.

I’m not sure I can put into words how much I LOVE this sock. I love everything about it. The yarn, the electric colors, the PATTERN! I think I have chosen the EXACT pattern this yarn needed. EXACTLY. There is NO OTHER pattern that would work. What do you think?

There’s just one problem. Beth left me a comment yesterday and upon receiving it I went and checked out her lovely blog. She had just finished her own pair of STR socks, which are gorgeous by the way, and in reading her re-cap she pointed out something that I had missed. THERE ARE ONLY 325 YDS IN THE BIG SKEIN OF SOCKS THAT ROCK. Please take note of this people! That’s 25 yds LESS than two skeins of Koigu. Cherry Tree Hill gives you 370 yds. DUDE! The socks still rock, but just a teensey bit less.

I guess if I was a toe-up kind of girl this wouldn’t matter too much, but alas, I’m a downer, so I’m in a little bit of a panic. Beth was gracious enough to give me the measurements for her socks and I decided that I would get to a 6″ cuff and start the heel. It actually is okay so far – I’m ready to turn the heel. I do like a longer sock, but it seems that this particular sock wants to stop where it has – and I’m okay with that. I will though be in a panic for the entire knitting process until both socks are done and I know I’ll have enough yarn. Blah!

The real, real problem is that I LOVE these socks so much I want to knit them forever until the are so long they will cover my whole body like a ROCK STAR BODY SOCK. They are that beautiful to me.

The Sox Channel*

Okay. I’m giving away my allegiance. Even though some people will be nail-less watching their Killer Bees, in our house it’s SOX, SOCKS and more SOX.

When rooting locally, we’re Bronx bound. Should the Phils ever come close again, I’m right there. But in our heart of hearts, we’re South Side all the way. (And when I say our hearts know that I mean G’s heart, but since our hearts are permanently intertwined when he loves, I love. Ann – that was your cue! Run with it!) Why are we rooting for the Sox? You see, when Georgie was a wee one he lived in Chicago, for the first four years (or five – it varies in the telling) to be exact. Then they came to New Jersey. But the love of Chicago lived on in his older brother and sisters, so The Sox it is. And since they’ve never really had an opportunity to root for the team – here we go.

On to SOCKS! Guess who I talked to yesterday? Toni at The Fold. I missed her. And I needed more SOCKS THAT ROCK! I’m not kidding. I heard a certain someone gifted her STR to someone else and I couldn’t let her go STR-less so I took care of that right quick. And she’s a ROCK STAR so that’s what she’s getting. I LOVE YOU MAN! (And Toni totally seconded my notion of the Lendrum – she was quite encouraging. Now to find one to try. Hmmm. Where could I try a Lendrum? Anybody know anybody who can lend me a Lendrum?)

And since Margene told me yesterday in no uncertain terms that I was to drop everything and start a ROCK STAR SOCKS THAT ROCK, that’s just what I did:

Here’s the B-Side:

Funny how different, huh? I’m going with Kathy‘s Jaywalker pattern from MagKnits. I mean, c’mon! Who ever heard of a ROCK STAR that crosses at the light? Puhleese! I cast on for these socks while waiting for my class to show up last night. I’ve just started the pattern, so I can’t see how it’s going to shake out yet – and honestly – I can’t really tell from the pictures either, but we’re crossing our toes. GOAL: to have one sock finished by the end of the weekend.

I’m going to need to kick ass on this because there are more socks to be knit. I got my Sockapal2za angel recipient yesterday. This poor sole (hahahahaha) not only didn’t get socks from her pal, but wasn’t able to send out the socks she knit to her pal! Doesn’t that SUCK? So she’s going to get SOCKS THAT ROCK from me! YaY! And I found out that I WILL be getting a pair myself. I believe in the POWER OF THE SOCK!

Alrighty then. Enough is enough is enough. I’m going to take it easy today. Knitting. Some laundry. Straighten up a bit. Pay my NJ ST Taxes. (DO NOT FORGET TO PAY THE TAXES!!!!) You know. Stuff around the house. Tomorrow, I’m off to The Spinnery with Jen! Scary stuff I tell you. Sccaarry stuff.

*Anybody out there watch Elmo? You know how they always have “The ___ Channel” on Elmo’s TV? Like The Bicycle Channel or The Arm Channel or something. That’s what I’ve been thinking of. Little old kidless me has been thinking about Elmo. Kill me now.

Knocking My Socks Off

It seems everytime I open my bloglines, Lolly‘s got a new Soctoberfest update! Did you see how many participants? And the prizes? And I’m all like shit. I need some sock yarn to start some socks. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! The really sad thing is that I JUST started the second Sunshine Sock. With Vicki. On the couch Sunday night. I’ve got about ten rows of ribbing done. It’s a stockinette sock. And there’s still poor Retro Rib – I’m about ready to turn the heel on the first one, but I can’t even remember when I last picked that up. And let’s not forget that I’ve got a baby blanket to knit for a baby that could, in all reality, come any day and I need to just CHART my dad’s Aran for goodness sakes and the Powell 106 is feeling lonely. What’s a girl to do?

Wind up some SOCKS that ROCK, that’s what! This is pretty much what I did upon waking. Colorway: ROCK STAR. Dude! I’m all about the ROCKING these days. (Aren’t you all sick of me yet? Seriously. I will completely understand.) Anyway, the yarn’s all wound up, now I just need to find a pattern.

What’s that? Need some sock books to go with that sock yarn?

Lucky for me, some came in the mail just the other day! We’ve got (clockwise from the top) Handknit Holidays by Melanie Falick, Holiday Knits by Sara Lucas, Sensational Knitted Socks by Charlene Schurch, Knitting Vintage Socks by Nancy Bush and Simple Socks by Priscilla Gibson-Roberts.

I bought the two holiday knitting books solely for the ornament patterns. It’s coming pretty close to the holidays and I need to send out cards. Usually I use one of my flower/plant/tree pictures, but I’m running out of archives. And unless the weather turns really nasty really fast (read: snow) I’m not going to get a new one this year. So I thought I’d knit some ornaments, take them outside, and take a picture! Voila! I get to combine two of my loves and get a nice card this year. We hope! The best laid plans and all that.

I bought the sock books – well that should be obvious. (I really got the Nancy Bush because of Margene!) I haven’t really had a chance to look through any of them – they came Friday afternoon while I was frantic getting ready for the weekend. But the girls had a good look and they gave all of them a thumbs up. The Sensational Socks looks, well, sensational, from what I’ve seen. It’s a cross between an Ann Budd template book and a Harmony stitch guide. My favorite part – it’s got directions for 4 dpns, 5 dpns, and TWO CIRCULARS! Whippee! I’m sure I’ll be picking a pattern out of here for my socks that rock.

Alas, not sure it will be today. I’ve got class tonight that I’m woefully ill-prepared for and stuff to ship out (my business is really going crazy. WHICH IS GOOD! I AM NOT COMPLAINING! Just stating facts.) But Lolly, I really want Soctoberfest socks. Really, really really!

Before I sign off, I wanted to mention two women I met at Rhinebeck that I left off the big post. And not because they weren’t on my mind – they were – I guess I just didn’t know where to put them. Judy of Smatterings said hello to me at the meet-up and I am so glad. This woman is a REAL artist (who almost died for her art!) while I’m just faking it with a big camera, as Laurie so eloquently suggested. Judy – it was wonderful to meet you and talk with you and you are so beautiful and elegant – I can’t wait to buy some of your yarns! Thank you for saying hello!

And Terry – my kindred spirit – my worry sister! Parting was such sweet sorrow (how many times did we say goodbye?!) It was so great to meet you in person – I dare say there wouldn’t be a Flower Basket without you!

Gotta run! Really! It’s been over a week! L, C

Love At First Note

Thank you, Georgie, for showing me the way.

Do yourself a favor and push play.

I’m DYING. Dying I tell you. DYING. DYING. DYING.

Oh my GOD. I just pre-ordered it so I could see the documentary clip about the making of Born To Run. All I have to say is it’s a good thing G’s out late tonight. Ima gonna be busy. 😉

Wicked Nice

I think Alison has the same picture – great minds think wool!

I’m so not sure where to start. Do I begin with Thursday when Vicki ended up at my house, in the ridiculous rain, with me mid- job and mid-cleaning? I did shower to pick her up and thank god I had washed the sheets that morning. Do I tell you how Friday morning I ran around like a chicken with two heads (that seems worse almost than no head) trying to get the jobs finished so I could run to the post office, in the still ridiculous rain? Do I tell you how we stopped for shoes for Vicki – because she didn’t anticipate the beyond ridiculous rain and only brought open shoes? (I’ll let her tell you that.) Do I tell you that we got home and Ann called to say her and Peggy were down the block and I hadn’t showered or packed yet? I just don’t know.

How about I start with the 1.5 hours it took us to go about two miles (I’m being extremely literal here) because of flooding. Once again, I’m sorry girls. I wish I had read the directions better. I’d like to think I could’ve gotten us out of it. But still and all, I think that Ann is secretly glad we got stuck because somehow I got control of the I-Pod and Barry Manilow got extra airplay and now she has something ELSE with which to torture me. Blogless (but not wheel less!) Peggy was the BEST driver – a girl after my own heart – aggressive and pissed and the quintessential NY driver. Yay Peggy! She got us to Rhinebeck (and home) safe and sound under adverse conditions. Listening to Ann and I go back and forth cannot be easy. Thanks again!

We finally got to the hotel in Poughkeepsie (blogger central) about six hours later – including a stop for dinner – to find Kris and Michelle looking for Norma. We invited them in until the festivities started. The cake was delish! Thanks Norma – and congratulations Nathania! Bloggers flowed in and out of Norma’s huge room all night. As Juno pointed out, I made the mistake of knitting something that I still needed the pattern for – not a big complicated chart – but a pattern, with like two YOs and some ribbing. I think I ripped 814 times. Next time, only socks for me (like pretty much everyone else) and st st ones at that.

Saturday morning we were up bright and early. I didn’t know what knits to bring, since it was raining (AGAIN) and even though it was supposed to stop, it was going to get hot. I had brought DFS, AEC and my one and only pair of handknit socks. Saturday I threw DFS in the car and headed out. My one and only goal, as you may have already heard, was to get to the Socks that Rock Booth before anyone else. I succeeded.

l to r: Fire on the Mountain, Watermelon Tourmaline, ROCKSTAR, Petroglyphs

l to r: Hard ROCK, Azurite

l to r: Black Onyx, Obsidian, Black Onyx

Um. DUH! Ann’s going to give me such shit for this, but in my haste to buy up all the SOCKS that ROCK, I missed. I wanted three Black Onyx to make a shawl – something dramatic with fringe (and maybe beads?) so I grabbed three. It wasn’t until I got home that I realized only two of them were Black Onyx and one was Obsidian. Although for the life of us, Vicki and I couldn’t tell the real difference. It seems like the Obisidian has a bit more brown in it and one of the Black Onyx has a lot of white, but really all of the them look pretty different. At this point, the only reason to get another Black Onyx is because of mental problems and packaging, not because of yarn and dyes. Thought you’d like that story. Oh and if you’re counting up the skeins and want to call me a liar because there are only nine, not ten, one is a gift. That’s right. Only one. Don’t you wish you were the lucky giftee. 😉

After SOCKS that ROCK, I really didn’t care anymore about anything festival related. Oh that’s not true. Please. I went shopping for a special someone and elicited the advice of many a blogger/spinner. Julia was particularly helpful. Thanks Julia!

When we finally got out of Building A, it was time for the blogger meet-up. I had mixed feelings about facilitating this one, to be honest. I wasn’t going to do it. I did it for Maryland and it was disappointing to me. I think, having the 20/20 vision of hindsight, my expectations were too high. And the area we met was less than condusive to meeting. This fact alone I think contributed to the fact that the Maryland meet-up lasted like ten minutes. So I wasn’t going to do it, but then Vicki was coming and she asked for it so I did it. It was great! First off, at MDSW, I picked a bad spot. It was right in the middle of traffic and the line for the t-shirts was still a mile long and, well, it just didn’t work. I wanted to meet EVERYONE at MDSW because I didn’t know anyone. This time, I was a little more grounded. I came with some great girls. I knew I’d see them (a little too much if you know what I mean.) Wendy and Elisa were sleeping with us that night (more on that later.) A bunch of girls I’d seen the night before. I knew I’d be seeing a bunch at the hotel later on. So for me, there was no pressure. Everyone I met at the meet-up was like gravy, you know? A very different feeling than at MDSW where I felt like if I didn’t meet them then, I’d never meet them. And the spot I picked was right on. A big open thoroughfare with benches and plenty of space to linger and talk and move around. People thanked me for setting it up and really, all I did was put some names up on my sidebar. You guys did all the work – you came, you met, you (hopefully) got to talk to some great people who you really wanted to meet. That’s all I asked for – and I received ten-fold. The only regrets I have is that there were people that I didn’t get to spend ENOUGH time with – they know who they are and all will be rectified. Mwah! Just because I didn’t hug you enough doesn’t mean I don’t love you! I do! I do!

Where are the pictures you ask? Welp, even though I carried that big ass honking camera around for two days, I really
didn’t take any pictures. Besides what you will see here – the only other ones I took are over on Kay‘s blog. The conditions at these shows are less than stellar for photography and I was too busy having fun with friends (old and new) to worry about getting the perfect picture. I should’ve left the camera in the car, but god forbid I should miss something like this:

Ann – you found the booth, right? (Kay actually spied this sign.)

So I had to have the camera. But, alas, I didn’t even get a good picture of a sheep. Sorry to disappoint.

Where was I? Oh yeah. If you aren’t bored out of your mind already, read on.

[Read more…]

Did you hear the one about the wood?

See, now, this is how rumors get started. Laurie doesn’t remember who said it, but it sure made her laugh. Wendy‘s taking credit for it. Kay thinks it was Juno who sent us over there, but I remember it being Knitty Amy. I’m setting the record straight right now. Whatever got us there, I was the one that went over to Norm Hall, looked him straight in the eye and said, “They told me I needed to touch your wood.”

Believe me, I swear on all that is holy in knitville I had no idea what I was saying.

I won’t, however, swear on a stack of Shirret rugs that I didn’t know what I was saying when I told him, “I hear there’s a seven year wait for your wood.”

Ah, Rhinebeck. How I miss thee.

Knitters That ROCK!

The weekend was so fabulous, so amazing, so inclusive and warm and fuzzy I want to throw up and I was there. My apologies to all of you that weren’t. I’d be bitter too. If you feel the need to tell us to shut the fuck up already, I will completely understand and in no way will you be held accountable. But, the truth hurts sometimes and it ROCKED!

The purpose of this post, though, is to set the record straight. As you read on and on and on about the glories of this past weekend, and there were many, people may, in their excitement, tend to exaggerate. For instance, if you should read a post by a blogger that you usually trust to tell it like it is in their accounts, and you begin to read about how a panic may (or may not) have been started by the intrepid blogger that goes by the quirky name of January One that might have had something to do with SOCKS THAT ROCK and Toni at The Fold – RESIST! It’s ALL LIES! I did not yell FIRE in a crowded fiber fest, I merely preformed a public service announcement. SOCKS THAT ROCK sock yarn simply ROCKS and since I had already purchased the TEN skeins you see above, I thought everyone else should get the opportunity. But that shit sells faster than Brooks Farm in the hot Maryland Sun and if you wanted your preferred colorways, you needed to get your ass over to Toni’s. I was HELPING. And anyone that tells you differently didn’t get the color they wanted. 😉

Besides. A hug from Toni was one of the highlights of my weekend. Man, she ROCKS!

And yes, Vicki is still asleep in the room across from me. And no, I did not sneak into her room today (so far.) I took Georgie’s pants out last night. Just in case.

More later. When I’m not so, so tired.

Princess Cara needs lots of luggage for a 3 day trip.

– cara needs a flesh rocket
– Cara needs 34 tablets of phenobarbitone a day along with potassium bromide.
– Cara needs your help, and your cash.
– Cara needs a little wolfpack shirt!
– CARA needs help!!
– Cara Needs Some Heroes Fast!
– Cara needs a bit of notice – but she is definitely worth the wait!
– Cara needs a tough girl image, rather than a pretty girl one.
– cara needs to start taking her meds again today since she was afraid to talk to people yesterday
– cara needs a sandwich, and i’m not talking about food.
– Cara needs to take a cold shower now!
– Cara needs to adjust her attitude.
– Cara needs more rock ‘n roll in her life
– Cara needs your help in order to achieve her goal of making the US National Luge Team and competing in the 2006 Olympics in Italy.

And last but not least: Cara needs to come out here and bring her camera! from MARGENE’s BLOG!

This is that google “___ needs” going around. Anna’s was the one that pushed me over the edge. I think my name has some weird shit attached to it, no?

This is going to be one of those random ass posts….

First off, THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH for your comments on my cardi. I’m so glad you all love it as much as I do! I’m not giving it a bath since I won’t be taking it off this weekend, and well, I’ll need something bright and cheery to help identify me when I’m floating down the roaring river that used to be the Fairgrounds. What a crappy weekend this is shaping up to be! Weather wise that is.

I have to admit though, I’m getting all anticipatory anxiety-ish about it. I’m excited to see everyone, but I hate leaving my home base. What if I go crazy?! What if I need to go home? What if I ruin everyone’s fun time because I’m crazy and I need to go home? These are the things I think about, you know, just in case I’m not feeling crazy enough. I will have drugs with me – so don’t laugh if I seem a little stoned and too happy to see you. And no, I won’t have enough for everyone. 😉

MY FEET WON! Over at Mim’s. She’s got a great post on feet and the body in general, so check it out! Thanks Mim!

I got a package from my BETTER PAL yesterday! YAY BP! You always know how to brighten my day. This package is ALL local. My pal is from Norway (I’m just betting she’s tall and blonde and gorgeous!) and it’s like getting presents from a far away fairy land!

Look! She wrapped everything in shades of red! My new favorite color!

Sock yarn made in Norway! Norwegian Addi Turbos – oo la la! Super cool coasters with hearts and sheep and a bunny that totally reminds me of these guys! But best of all – GUMMY CANDY! They’re called Laban Seigdamer which I’m pretty sure translates to Jelly Ladies. They’re very good – not sour like I thought they might be and I ate half the bag before I realized a very, very important feature of these ladies. THEY HAVE BOOBIES!!!!!!

How freaking funny is that? G came home late last night and I immediately yelled to him from the bedroom – look at the candies from Norway! They have boobs! Thank you Better Pal for knowing me so well. I did not eat all the candy yesterday, but saved some for today. And the sock yarn, well, right on the money because I just signed up for Lolly’s Socktoberfest and have been thinking about socks. And you know how I hate DPNs. Thank you so much! I can’t wait to really meet you!

Speaking of socks and secret pals, I still haven’t received socks or any communication at all from my Sockapaltwoza sock pal. I’ve given up and you know what – I’m okay with that. No bitterness here because I really, really enjoyed making my sock pal socks for Leslie and by all accounts she loved them and that’s enough for me. I do, though, feel really bad for Alison. The amount of work that must have gone into such a huge endeavor! She says that about 20% of the people who’ve signed up have flaked out. Too many for her. I left a comment on her blog yesterday, but I’d like to say again – I’m right there for SockapalTHREEza. Socks or no socks, I had a good time, which in my book, is all that counts. What I don’t understand is if you’ve signed up for this thing and realize that you can’t hold up your end of the bargain for whatever reason – why not bow out gracefully? Apparently there are many people who signed up and have just disappeared. Why?

Isn’t this funny? My sister was shopping yesterday and found these Jolie Raviolis. Her name is Jolie, which is pretty unusual, so whenever any of us finds something with her name on it, we sort of have to buy it. The kids loved them!

It’s STILL freaking raining. I was supposed to run yesterday. Didn’t. Don’t think I’m going to today either. I’ve been on a very good run (pun absolutely intended) and I hate to stop now but I just can’t do the treadmill. And it’s pouring. If it was drizzling I’d like to think I’d go out, but pouring no.

Yesterday I upgraded my Movable Type software with the hopes of combatting the spam I’ve been getting. Since I’ve upgraded, I’ve gotten 179 spam comments. In like an hour. I’m just saying.

Have a great day!