Yes, Officer?
Do you know how fast you were Jaywalking?
Yes, Officer, duh. They don’t call them Addi TURBOS for nothing!
Have I ever told you my goofy story about my Addi Turbos? I was a fairly new knitter – eh – I don’t know – maybe a year in? And I had seen these Addi Turbos at yarn stores and I was intrigued. But I was nervous. Everything I read said they were super fast. I wanted something fast – it would make me feel like a real knitter, I thought. But how fast was fast? So I’m in an LYS buying some yarn with a non-knitting friend and I say to the sales person, “So do these needles go really, really fast? How fast are they?” (I guess I was looking for some kind of miles per hour equivalent – like minutes per row? MPR?) She looked at me in all seriousness and said, “Well, they go as fast as you can knit.” DUH! I love that story. Not sure my stupidity translates so well in the retelling, but trust me. I felt mighty stupid.
Anyway, it’s been suggested in the comments that maybe I have a problem with a certain yarn and a certain sock pattern and a certain singer whose first name begins with B and last name begins with S. I’m just saying. Why can’t the Jaywalker pattern become my stockinette sock? If I’m getting results as wonderful as the ones in the picture above, why should I get bored? Or feel the need to move on? And for some reason – I’m not sure I can articulate it – these socks go RIDICULOUSLY FAST for me. Maybe it’s because I know all the numbers in my head? So I can count my progress and immediately know where I am in the sock? All I know is that it took me a month and a half to finish the cuff on my Retro Ribs socks, a pattern I will probably never pick up again, and they’re only a couple inches longer and have less stitches. I know the cuff is short on these, but I don’t think they’re THAT short. Whatever. I’m not making excuses, I’m just casting on again:
Last time I checked, the blogpoll race between Carbon and Hard Rock was still pretty tight, so I’m sticking with my plan to do one Carbon, one Hard Rock, blah blah blah. I can’t WAIT to see how the Hard Rock knits up. I’ve finished the ribbing and did one pattern repeat. Today I’m going to visit a friend in the hospital, so I think the progress will be good. I’m not going to kill myself on this sock – read finish it in three days by staying up until past 2AM three nights in a row. I’m freaking exhausted. I need to break the stay up late cycle. I have too much work to do and I’m tired of the holidays already. Yeah. Bah Humbug to you too.
I’m updating the Jaywalker KAL page with names, and also Natalia has started a pair toe-up with some notes, so I’ll put a link on the page as well.