Nothing Says Hell Like High School

Via Ann and Vicki. Hey Ann? Where’s YOUR picture?

Fill in the blanks about your senior year. The longer ago it was the better.

1. Who was your best friend? Beth and Steve, that is until Steve got a girlfriend and she wouldn’t let him hang out with me. From what I understand, Steve eventually married her and they had at least one kid who was born on 01/01/01. I always found that CRAZY amusing.

2. What sports did you play? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

3. What kind of car did you drive? I was at the mercy of my parents on this one. Usually I drove my dad’s car which was a Pontiac Sunbird. White. I didn’t mind that car. My sister and brother and I drove that thing into the ground. I learned to drive on a Chevy Impala Station Wagon, but they got rid of that sometime my senior year and my mom drove a Buick something or other which was totaled by the neighbor across the street right after I left home. Did NOT like the Buick, but because of the Chevy, I can parallel park anything.

4. It’s Friday night, where were you at? Somebody’s basement, but most likely Dave Goodman’s. We would listen to the Grateful Dead or Led Zeppelin or some other classic rock (I don’t remember any Bruce, to be honest – not with this crowd) and we would drink and get high.

5. Were you a party animal? Not really. I had a midnight curfew, which I was usually very good about unless I arranged to sleep out. I never really liked getting drunk or high and when I drove there were RULES about my car – no alcohol, no drugs. I kicked somebody out of my car for drinking. I guess I was more scared of my father than peer pressure.

6. Were you considered a flirt? Yeah. Probably. I liked to fuck with the boys. I was smart and had a fairly voluptuous body, but I was way too honest for my own good. ETA: I should clarify this – when I say I liked to fuck with the boys I meant tease them or mess with their minds or whatever. Not necessarily get down and dirty. Also, when I say I was too honest for my own good – I mean very free with my opinions, of which I had many, which maybe didn’t go over so well. I think I was a little bit scary.

7. Ever skip school? All the time. There was a two month period when I missed 7th period English almost every day.

8. Ever smoke? Yes.

9. Were you a nerd? Yes and no. I was known, at times, to eat lunch in the M.G. room (the place where the mentally gifted mentors and students hung out – about as nerdy as nerdy can get.)

10. Did you get suspended/expelled? No.

11. Can you sing the Alma Mater? Maybe, but somehow it mixes with the UMich fight song. So no.

12. Who was your favorite teacher? In high school? No one really comes to mind.

13. Favorite class? None. I really couldn’t stand high school. I was bored and restless and probably thought I was better and smarter than everyone. I couldn’t WAIT to get out of there.

14. What was your school’s full name? George Washington High School

15. School mascot? Eagle

16. Did you go to Prom? Yes I went to the prom – both my Junior and Senior and they both sucked for various reasons. Although I did wear great dresses for both.

17. If you could go back and do it over, would you? Not if you paid me millions of dollars and threatened the lives of small animals.

18. What do you remember most about graduation? After it was over, I remember finding a friend – an old friend – we hadn’t talked in a LONG time after a particularly nasty blow up in tenth grade where she called me a bitch and I told her she taught me everything I knew. When we “broke up” I lost my base, if you will, and never really solidly belonged to any one group again. I was kind of friends with everyone and friends with no one, you know. Anyway, at graduation we some how met up on the football field and had a huggy/weepy moment. Otherwise it’s all a blur.

19. Favorite memory of your senior year? We had a class trip to NYC. I already knew I wanted to live here and I remember leaving the class and hopping in a cab over to the Hard Rock Café where I bought a t-shirt. A very risky thing for me to do. I also remember English Class with Mr. Lynch – we were reading The Portrait of An Artist as A Young Man and I said I didn’t believe in God. Mr. Lynch, I’m assuming he was a Catholic, put me on “trial” at the front of the class and the two of us argued theology for the rest of the class.

20. Were you ever posted up on the senior wall? I don’t know what this means.

21. Did you have a job your senior year? Absolutely. I worked, if you count babysitting, from when I was 12. My senior year I worked at Casual Male at Welsh & the Boulevard. I was an Assistant Manager.

22. Who did you date? I had a steady boyfriend for a couple of years from 9-11th grade and in 11th grade I dated a guy that was bad news and totally fucked me up and in 12th grade I didn’t really have a boyfriend. I did sleep around a bit. Just a bit though.

23. Where did you go most often for lunch? Probably Aldo’s Pizzeria if I left school – otherwise we just hung out on the back steps and smoked.

24. Have you gained weight since then? Yep.

25. What did you do after graduation? The summer after graduation I was a counselor at an overnight camp. I had signed up for it because I didn’t know if I could leave home to go to college, so this was a test run. Needless to say, that September I started at NYU and I never lived in Philadelphia again.

26. When did you graduate? 1987.

PS – The picture. I didn’t have some kind of weird skin disease back then, it’s the scan and oh my god I wish you could see the tan lines and FROSTED hair! I was a looker, that’s for sure! 😉

Spin Out: Double or Nothing!


Thanks to a spectacularly generous donation from Luise in MA, we’ve PASSED OUR GOAL! So LET’S DOUBLE IT!

DOUBLE DOUBLE CHAI! I’m bringing over all of the information on giving – and we’ve added BEES!

Here’s how to donate:

I’ve set up a REGISTRY at Heifer International.

For every $10.00 you spend on this registry, your name will be placed in the proverbial hat for drawings in the coming weeks. For instance, if you spend $50.00, your name will be put in the hat 5 times. You can win more than one prize if your name is in there more than once – we will not be pulling out multiple names after a win. There are various ways to spend:

— Knitting Basket: $500.00
— Share of a Knitting Basket: $50.00
— A Full Llama: $150.00
— Share of a Llama: $20.00
— A Full Sheep: $120.00
— Share of a Sheep: $10.00
— Trio of Rabbits: $60.00
— Share of Rabbits: $10.00
— A Full Goat:$120.00
— Share of a Goat: $10.00
— A Full Pig: $120.00
— Share of a Pig: $10.00
— Chicks: $20
— Bees: $30

The way the registry works is this – click on the type of animal you’d like to buy – whether it be a full animal or a share of an animal. You will then be taken to a page about the animal and given the option to purchase the whole animal or just a share! It’s as EASY as that!

I hope there is something for everyone here. The FABULOUS and FANTASTIC PRIZES will be awarded ALL OVER THE WORLD! YOU DO NOT HAVE TO ATTEND THE EVENT TO WIN! So if you can’t be there on the 24th, you can still be there in SPIRIT! LET’S BUY A WHOLE HERD PEOPLE!

Since the registry only tells me that you’ve given, not how much (for raffle purposes) here’s what I’m asking: WHEN YOU DONATE TO HEIFER THROUGH THE REGISTRY (and I know you will 😉 ), PLEASE SEND AN EMAIL TO STATING HOW MUCH YOU GAVE. Otherwise, you’ll be put in the raffle pot ONCE, regardless of how much you donated.



This is my 500th post. And wouldn’t you know, I couldn’t come up with a good title.

There isn’t any knitting. I think I finally finished the heel flap on my second Heat Wave sock, but I have to count again. I really miss my squares and I just don’t feel like knitting anything else. So I spin….

I’ve had this Dudley Spinner tie-dyed roving in my stash since I first bought my spindle. I don’t have a lot of it – I think that’s about 3 3/4 oz so I wanted to make sure I could REALLY spin before I used it. I first saw the Dudley Spinner roving spun up at Mary’s and I was INSTANTLY inspired. For some reason, when I pulled it out this weekend, I thought it was merino. I was all set to tackle merino – to see what I could do with it! And I couldn’t believe how well I was doing. It wasn’t until I went to look up which colorway the fiber was (Mattie in case you’re interested, but I don’t think she does repeats on anything) I realized that it’s a wool blend. Maybe there’s some merino in there, maybe not. Obviously, no matter how well I think I’m doing, I’m still a newbie. Merino, not merino, I’m very pleased with the results!

I’ve got about 220 yds here and it’s probably overspun and overplied but this yarn is EXACTLY why I spin. So I’m happy.

And I’m ECSTATIC about how things are going with the SPIN OUT and the Registry! Do you see the total today? Over $3300! THAT’S AMAZING! I’m so thankful to all of you who’ve donated! Just FANTASTIC! I’m adding some new prizes today as well: Heather over at All Things Heather is putting together some hand-dyed yarns for us and Peggy at Rivers Edge Wool & Fibre has promised us some handspun yarn and vintage knitting needles. Thank you ladies! AND Tom Diak of Grafton Fibers has graciously donated a Swan Drop Spindle, a crochet hook and a pair of US8 circular needles! His woodwork is just gorgeous – make sure you check it out. Thank you TOM!


The Beat Goes On

Did you see!?!?!? (Check the sidebar!) We’re over HALF WAY THERE!!! I’m so excited. Thank you all SO MUCH! This means so much to me. YOU ROCK!

After my marathon spinning weekend, I haven’t done much spinning or knitting. I did finish plying up what I could of the Spunky Eclectic Tahiti Biffle:

It’s even thinner than the stuff I plied the other day! Socks – here I come!! I think I’m going to practice on some Merino I have in the stash before I dip into the really really really cool stuff:

That’s The Beat Goes On on the top and Mustang Sally on the bottom. Fiber from Teyani over at Crown Mountain Farms so I can spin my own Sock Hop Sock Yarn! How great is that! I’m so excited to spin this stuff up, but I have to practice practice practice first. I want to knit my own handspun socks. It’s nice to have goals! Wish me luck!

My sister had a great day at her first day of work yesterday. Ah to be 24 and beautiful and smart and have the world at your feet. I have to admit, I’m a little jealous. It’s so great to see her so excited – she’s been looking for awhile, trying to decide what she wants to do, and this job seems to be the perfect fit for her. And it will be really nice to have her so close. She was in Michigan for college. It’s kind of funny – when I went to college in NYC she was five and she would come and stay with me and sleep in my dorm room and now she’s all grown up. Man I feel old.

Oh yeah and did I mention WE’RE GOING TO SEE BRUCE!!!!!!?! Only 18 days and counting! Yeah Baby! Everyone I’ve spoken to who’s seen the new shows says their AMAZING! If you have AOL, you can catch a glimpse – they’re showing clips from each night of the US concerts. Oh Mary Don’t You Weep is my absolute favorite from the album – I listen to it over and over and over again. Bliss!

Have a great weekend! DON’T FORGET TO DONATE! THANK YOU!
L, C

PS – I just arranged to have my new stove installed on 06/06/06. That’s a good thing, right?

Ombre, my Hombre!

Before I get down to today’s business, a poetic interlude:

Uh oh Spaghetti-O!
Filled me with your orangey seed
and now meatballs in nine!

Never say I back down from a challenge.

I am FINALLY getting around to picking finalists for the Ombre Contest! FINALLY! You’d given up on me hadn’t you? I’m so sorry it took me so long. It’s not over yet because Ann and Kay still have to pick a winner, but these are the finalists:

Oops, [H]ombre! by Kathy
Shattered eggshell, yolk yellow, and gritty floor gray….

Junk Yard Ombre by Dave
Rusty brown, moldy green, seagull poo white (why do seagulls go to junk yards?) and a smoldering ashy grey.

Candle Ombre by Meghan
dancing dark brown, melted cream, tarnishing beige, and glimmering gold make for a lovely Candle Ombre.

New Baby Girl Ombre
by Nichole
baby pink, soft, bright blue (the color of her eyes), pale yellow (like her soft little tufts of hair), and some white (for the spit-up). I love being a mom!

by Liz in Nowhere PA
Dark green skin, light green flesh, studded with white seeds.

A Very Brady Ombre
(or “Groovy Ombre”) by PBnJ
Avocado Green, Burnt Orange, Harvest Gold, and “Paneling Brown.”

The Drunken Ombre by Kristina
A little black, a little blue, some puke pinkish/brown, and some green to represent the giant lizard that was staring at me when I passed out the last night on my Cancun Spring Break.

by Anne Margaret
A hit of dried spinach (green), a heavy streak of milk (white), a sprinkling of Cheeto crumbs (orange), completed with a Kool Aid (red) overtone rinse. This is either the floor under our kitchen table or a new yarn color (with a nod to all moms out there cleaning up after their kids.)

“Goin’ My Way, Ombre?” by Heather
Is a seductive selections of scarlets, blushes, and bad-eyeshadow-blue.

And last but not least, in honor of today’s date:

Hurricane Ombre by Carol
Imagine every color there is outside blowing by at 150 mph.

Thank you all for participating! It was great fun going through all of them – you guys are WAY creative. The winner will be announced as soon as those MDK girls get back to me. Thanks all for your kind words about the car as well. And yeah – I’m catching lots of shit on the automatic purchase. Sure the manual’s faster, but DUDE! Faster is NOT what I need. Not to mention that I can’t drive a stick and that with G’s hip and knee problems it’s just not practical. Especially since a lot of our driving is stop and go in the city.

Yesterday was family day – I spoke to every member of my immediate family – which is kind of rare – and most of them I spoke to multiple times. I think my sister and I talked like fifty-seven times. At one point the phone was ringing every five minutes. I folded clothes for like two hours yesterday in preparation for my baby sister – today is her first day on the new job! YAY! It’s her first grown-up real world job and it’s perfect for her and I hope she loves it. She’s moving up near me so that will be nice but she hasn’t moved yet – so she stayed here last night and tonight. I drove her to the train this morning all first day of school like. She’s twelve years younger than I am so she’s still a baby to me.

No knitting. No spinning. No nothing. Hopefully tonight though.
Thanks so much!
L, C

Spin Out: Let’s Raise A Barn!

One of my favorite movie moments is when they all raise that barn in Witness. You know what I’m talking about – the local men, led by Alexander Godunov are all doubting Harrison Ford and his carpenter skills but then he turns out to be a stud among studs and then Kelly McGillis pours him his lemonade first causing a HUGE scandal to erupt among the silent lunch goers. It’s an uproar only the Amish could pull off – all raised eyebrows and whispers. Shudder! And the music – oh my god the MUSIC! I had an aerobics teacher who used it for her wedding march and also for the cool down at the end of class. I love that music.

Anyway – LET’S RAISE A BARN! I’m determined and you all know when I’m determined it GETS DONE! Only usually I’m doing things on my own (delegate is a bad word in my vocabulary honestly) and now I NEED YOU!!!

I’ve decided on $3600 as my fundraising goal for the SPIN OUT Heifer International Registry. Why $3600? Well, it’s my thirty-sixth year and also it’s Double Chai. Each letter of the Hebrew alphabet is assigned a number and the word for LIFE equals 18. So 18 is a hugely significant number in Judaism, as well as it’s multiples. I remember, growing up, my dad would always write checks – to Bar Mitzvahs or Weddings – and always add change on the end in multiples of 18. Or write a check for $216. You get the idea. So $3600. And look at that – we’re already almost HALF WAY THERE!

All it takes is $10.00!!! Get yourself some chicks. Or a pig’s tail. Or a sheep’s fleece. Or a cute rabbit nose. You’ll be helping out a GREAT CAUSE. And don’t forget – for every $10 you spend, YOU’LL GET A CHANCE TO WIN! I’m adding new prizes to the PRIZE PATROL right now. We’ve got new prizes from Mama-E over at C*EYE*BER Fibers, Marie at Brooklyn Handspun, Chris at Woolybuns and Marie in Florida added some sock yarn to the mix. Head on over to see all the prizes!

WHEN YOU DONATE TO HEIFER THROUGH THE REGISTRY (and I know you will 😉 ), PLEASE SEND AN EMAIL TO STATING HOW MUCH YOU GAVE. Otherwise, you’ll be put in the raffle pot ONCE, regardless of how much you donated. Don’t forget, for every $10 donated, you get entered (so $50 gets you 5 entries.)


J is for


Please allow me to introduce the newest member of our family: The Volvo S60R. As usual, I’ve gone overboard with the pictures, but it’s only befitting my new love. With its 5-cylinder turbocharged engine and 300 hp, this baby does 0-60 in like 6 seconds. It’s fast, but it’s smooth as silk to drive. It hugs curves like a little girl hugs her dolly – it never lets you go. We got the Magic Blue exterior and Atacama leather interior, which looks and feels like a worn in baseball glove.

On the outside, this car is your staid Volvo sedan. Safe. Practical. Yuppie to the core. A family car. But what people (and hopefully the cops) don’t know is that the R is a driving machine. We’ve been talking about taking it out to a race track. There are enthusiast clubs that we can join that do just that. Production is very limited per vehicle year, and most of them are sold in Europe. Owning an R is like belonging to an exclusive club; we’ve only seen two on the road – one before we took ownership, and the other one yesterday. We pulled up and exchanged the secret handshake. That’s what you do when you own an R. (Okay. You can throw up now.)

Seriously though – I LOVE this car. We’ve got satellite radio which rocks. It’s beautiful on the inside and out – the seats are the most comfortable I’ve ever sat in. I get my own memory setting for the seat and side mirror positions. The key looks like a switch blade (G and I have already done our “when you’re a Jet you’re a Jet till the end” impressions.) And it drives like a dream. Almost too well. I’ve already gotten the “we can always get a new car but we can’t get a new Cara” lecture from G and I’m trying to be good. But it’s so so much fun to be bad. I told him I’d either get bored or get a ticket. Which do you think will slow me down?

It’s a LOVE Game

So it’s “officially” Summer. Summer and I don’t get along. Almost all of my mental breakdowns have occured during the Summer. Add to that I hate being hot. ( I’m talking humid city heat not breezy by the sea heat or even dry 2 inches from a pool desert heat.) Also, this is the time when I become a tennis widow. G and I have spent sixteen summers together and every summer that I’ve known him he’s spent the majority of every weekend on the tennis court. In the olden days, when I was young and hot (the sexy kind of heat), with long flowing hair and a twenty yr old body, I used to go to the tennis courts at the park and lay out in my bikini. Yeah. Not so much anymore. That was the first Summer we were together and I was trying to impress. Pretty much every Summer after that one I bitched and moaned and cried when tennis came around. Stay with me. Play with me. Don’t leave me alone. As the years went on I would try to find something, anything to occupy my time while he was out doing his raquet thing. And then I found knitting. My Summers are now blissfully free of heat and loneliness and even the breakdowns aren’t as bad as they used to be. With the airconditioning set to frigid and a good movie on the tube I can while away the hours while G plays tennis happy as a clam. Now when he tells me he’s leaving for the courts, I say see ya! And when he tells me he’s sorry he’s home late I say, wha? Late? I think, these days, he’s actually missing me. 😉

I was hoping to work on the squares this weekend but I had a problem with the yarn so I’m still waiting. Instead, giving that I’m up to my ears in organizing the SPIN OUT, I thought I should take some time getting reacquainted with my wheel.

Reacquainted my ass. We, my wheel and I, are now inseparable. Bosom buddies. Lovers even.

I finally finished plying the remaining Hot Flash Biffle. If you remember, I was overjoyed at my results with the first Hot Flash plying adventure. This weekend was no different:

I was so happy that I could still ply after my lesson, being as I haven’t touched my wheel (I think, literally) since then. In the end things were either overplied or overspun because the skein was pretty twisty when I took it off the niddy noddy, but everything straightened out with a nice wash and hang. I’m very pleased with it and I’ve got another 8oz.

I have to say though, I was getting sick of Hot Flash, for the time being at least, but I definitely WASN’T sick of spinning. And since I had three days of tennis to get through, I took out some of Amy Boogie’s Spunky Eclectic Biffle in the Tahiti colorway to play with. I’ve got 12 oz. of this and spun up 4.

This is about as nice as it gets – this fiber is prepared so so well. It just falls apart in strips and you barely have to predraft at all. This is the absolute best spinning I’ve done to date. The singles were even and thin and the whole time I was spinning it up I was thinking of what I could knit with it. I think I might take a page from Wendy and make a shawl, but I’m not sure I’ll have enough. I’m still not sure how to figure out how much yarn I have – you know – that pesky math. I counted 65 strands when it was hanging – so do I multiply that by 4, then multiply that by 18″, the size of my niddy noddy? Anyway, I love this stuff and therefore you will see lots of nice pictures.

Gorgeous, isn’t it? Tonight I’m going to ply up what’s left on the bobbins and then start spinning more. The most important thing to come out of this weekend is that I definitely feel like I’ve conquered Biffle (Blue Faced Leicester) and am ready to move onto something a little more difficult. I’m not sure what yet, but I may tackle some of the merino in my stash to see how things go. I’m going to need to learn Merino soon because I ordered two different fiber colorways from Teyani so I can spin up my own Sock Hop socks!

Speaking of which, when I wasn’t spinning I was knitting on my Heat Wave sock.

I’m still absolutely LOVING this yarn. I think next I’m going to knit up the American Pie colorway – hopefully I’ll have a pair in time for July 4th.

stuff continues! I had a great talk with Linda Cortright today, the editor of Wild Fibers Magazine. She asked me to write an article about the event! And photograph it! We’re getting a page in the magazine. How COOL is that!? She also offered up three subscriptions as prizes. If you haven’t seen it already, there are amazing prizes to be had in the Raffle benefiting Heifer International. I started the raffle in conjunction with the SPIN OUT, but they are two separate things. The registry will close on June 30th – a week after the SPIN OUT. You don’t have to come to the SPIN OUT to participate. You don’t have to spin to participate. All you have to do is spend (at least) $10 on a great cause and you will have a chance to WIN lots of FANTASTIC prizes. I’m adding new prizes everyday and right now I have more prizes than I have potential winners. I’m hoping you can all help me change that. Go HERE for all the relevant information. Thank you so much.

Car news soon. Like to
morrow. The pictures are taken I just have to work on them a little bit.
Have a great day!
L, C

Spin Out: PRIZES

06.30.06 – $17360 RAISED SO FAR! THANK YOU!

Hey Everybody! Having a great weekend I hope! I’ve got a little problem I’m hoping you can help me with.

You know how Friday I posted this big post about the Great American Spin Out? And the equally Great American Raffle? Welp, it turns out that on the Heifer Registry I get information THAT you gave, but not HOW MUCH you gave. I know, I know – what business is it of mine how much you gave? Every little bit helps and you’ve got 841 other charities that you give to and you’re all INCREDIBLY GENEROUS! But, see, I said that the amount you gave would determine how many chances you had to WIN the FANTASTIC, FABULOUS, FANTABULOUS prizes coming down the hatch. Why just yesterday Toni from The Fold informed me she’s putting together a stunning prize package and Stephanie of Spritely Goods has generously donated one of her handblended Batts – winner’s choice! You see my problem.


It was all Tina‘s idea. And then she talked to Toni and WE’RE GIVING AWAY A WHEEL!!!!! I shit you not!!

It’s a Majacraft Suzie Pro – with the green wheel – and Toni tells me it’s handpainted on the back.


Julie at Black Sheep Bags is donating some patterns; Teyani of Crown Mountain Farms is donating two skeins of SOCK HOP Yarn in the never before seen colorway Love Me Tender; Lisa Souza of Lisa Souza Knitwear and Dyeworks is putting together a PACKAGE OF GOODIES just for us!! Sundara of Sundara Yarns is offering up a bunch of prizes including silky merino (both dk and aran) and silk lace! Winners choose their colors! Felicia from SweetGeorgia Yarns is dying up some yarn and fiber ESPECIALLY for us!

5/30/06 – NEW PRIZES!

Amy Boogie of Spunky Eclectic is putting together a prize package for us – if you haven’t spun with Amy’s fiber, you don’t know what you’re missing! Susan is offering up a prize – she’ll let us know what she comes up with – I’m sure it will be fabulous. Linda Cortright, editor and publisher of Wild Fibers Magazine generously donated three subscriptions. Then she told Anna of Unicorn Fibre Products about us and Anna sending over some of her Fibre Wash – excellent for all things FIBER! Yahaira, of Pure Knits, is generously giving sock yarn in the Pure Knits colorway, handblended merino batts and some Nature’s Palette in the winner’s color choice! Yahaira – YOU ROCK! And Sheila, of Michael and Sheila Ernst Finely Crafted Glass, is donating some of her STUNNING GLASS BUTTONS. Have you seen Sheila and Michael’s work? It’s amazing. Linda LaBelle at The Yarn Tree in Brooklyn has graciously offered up a $25 Gift Certificate. Thank you Linda!!

6/01/06 – NEW PRIZES!

Mama-E from C*EYE*BER Fibers has donated a membership in her Project Spectrum Sock Club! That’s five skeins of yellow orange green blue purple natural goodness! YAY! Marie at Brooklyn Handspun is putting together something fabulous for us! Chris over at Woolybuns is harvesting some bunny fun to share and Marie in Florida has donated three pairs of socks. Well you have to knit them yourself – but she’s supplying the yarn! Ashley at Libertina Yarns is dyeing up some new yarns just for us! Thank you Ashley!

6/5/03 – MORE PRIZES!
Heather over at All Things Heather is putting together some hand-dyed yarns for us and Peggy at Rivers Edge Wool & Fibre has promised us some handspun yarn and vintage knitting needles. Thank you ladies! AND Tom Diak of Grafton Fibers has graciously donated a Swan Drop Spindle, a crochet hook and a pair of US8 circular needles! His
woodwork is just gorgeous – make sure you check it out. Thank you TOM!


Paula and Kate at Woolarina are pitching in some yarn and stuff. (Go tell Paula CONGRATULATIONS on her wedding this weekend! YAY PAULA!) Allison from the Simply Sock Yarn Company has some fabulous Toasty Toes to send us. Lori Lawson, fiber artist extraordinaire, from the Capistrano Fiber Arts Studio in San Juan Capistrano, CA, is putting together a generous package of hand painted fiber and yarn for us. And last but not least, Cecil Miskin from Buffalo Gold has donated a huge gift of buffalo goodies: fiber and yarn and fiber for felting! I can’t wait to feel the buffalo! (Oh and be sure to check out the contest Buffalo Gold is sponsoring over at Wild Fibers Magazine – you can win $1000 shopping spree at Buffalo Gold!) THANK YOU ALL!

06/08/06 – It’s getting boring already! 😉
Susan from Spinning Bunny has donated 16 ounces of hand dyed targhee in any of her colorways – winner’s choice – and 2 skeins of 50% superwash merino 50% tencel sock yarn in any of her colorways – winner’s choice. And Roxy from Roxy Yarns is sending us Serendipity Knitting Needles and Interlacements yarn. THANK YOU SUSAN AND ROXY!

06/12/06 – MORE!
Jeannine Bakriges, knitter, spinner, dyer, teacher, writer extraordinaire, has generously donated FIVE copies of Knit Lit Too and an Adam Mielke spindle! THANK YOU JEANNINE!


Teyani of Crown Mountain Farms has upped her prize contribution from two skeins of SOCK HOP Yarn in the never before seen colorway Love Me Tender to include one skein of superwash merino fiber (in Sock Hop Colors), one set of GORGEOUS handmade Asciano rosewood knitting needles and a handmade Jenkins turkish drop spindle. Thank you Teyani and Klaus! Morgaine from Carolina Homespun is sending us a generous prize package including learn to spin kits and fiber! Thank you Morgaine! And last but not least, Patty and Maureen from Green Mountain Spinnery in Vermont are sending in a Painted Hat kit which includes the pattern and two colors of Mountain Mohair and a carry bag. The best news though – THEY’RE COMING DOWN FROM VERMONT FOR THE EVENT! Can’t wait to meet you! THANK YOU THANK YOU!

06/19/06 – Get your prizes here! Right here!
I’ve got quite a few prizes to announce: Emily of Sophie’s Toes Sock Yarn has graciously donated two skeins of her hand-dyed sock yarn in the colors “Handsome Park Ranger” and “Summer in the City” – you know – in honor of our little event! (And be sure to check out her quilts. They are breathtaking!) Stacey at Made By Ewe offered up one of her hand painted spindles and some of her yarn. Beautiful stuff! Potter Craft, publishers of the ever famous Mason Dixon Knitting and Big Girl Knits, is sending over a collection of goodies. Kelly at The Gabby Knitter is donating some of her fabulous hand dyed sock yarn. Jennifer over at Spirit Trail Fiberworks is sending us some of her hand-dyed gorgeousness! Sivia Harding has donated two BRAND NEW beaded sock patterns. You know how I feel about my Sivia (of the Diamond Fantasy Shawl fame!) And last but not least, Kathy Elkins of WEBS has generously donated a fantastic knitty prize! More details to come! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU ALL! I’m overwhelmed by all of your generosity!

06/21/06 – IT NEVER ENDS!
Dani of Sunshine Yarns has generously donated a MEGA skein of Emerald Isle Sock Yarn – enough for TWO PAIRS! And the fabulous Adrian of Hello Yarn> is sending us 8oz of her merino/silk blend! THANK YOU DANI AND ADRIAN!

herself is donating a KNITTING BAG! How fabulous is that! Lexie YOU ROCK! I’ll be sure to fill it with some of our other donated prizes for A FULL BAG!

I’ve got a few more prizes to announce: Linda at Stone Leaf Moon is sending us one of her inspiring and unique handspun yarn creations; Jennifer of Knit Notes has offered up a set of her amazing cards; Helen of Bay Colony Farm is sending us some of her fantastic bunny fiber and Cathy Cooper handed me some gorgeous Grafton Fiber batts last weekend! ! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!

06/30/06 – LAST BUT NOT LEAST!
The original Knitgrrl, Shannon Okey, has generously offered one winner a personalized signed copy of her not even released yet book, Spin to Knit.

The book isn’t do to be released until October, but the winner will get their hot copy right off the presses a bit early. THANK YOU Shannon! This is definitely one I’ll want on my book shelf!


I’m putting a list of participating vendors in the extended entry. These people are being extremely generous with their time and products. Please visit them.

I spoke with the expert on charity giving and she said I could ask you to tell me how much you gave. And if the Zen Master says it’s okay, then it’s okay.

So here’s what I’m asking: WHEN YOU DONATE TO HEIFER THROUGH THE REGISTRY (and I know you will 😉 ), PLEASE SEND AN EMAIL TO STATING HOW MUCH YOU GAVE. Otherwise, you’ll be put in the raffle pot ONCE, regardless of how much you donated.

Oh, yeah, and we’ve added a few animals. SOMEONE was really pissy about the fact that there were no PIGS. To reiterate, here’s how to donate:

I’ve set up a REGISTRY at Heifer International.

For every $10.00 you spend on this registry, your name will be placed in the proverbial hat for drawings in the coming weeks. For instance, if you spend $50.00, your name will be put in the hat 5 times. You can win more than one prize if your name is in there more than once – we will not be pulling out multiple names after a win. There are various ways to spend:

— Knitting Basket: $500.00
— Share of a Knitting Basket: $50.00
— A Full Llama: $150.00
— Share of a Llama: $20.00
— A Full Sheep: $120.00
— Share of a Sheep: $10.00
— Trio of Rabbits: $60.00
— Share of Rabbits: $10.00
— A Full Goat:$120.00
— Share of a Goat: $10.00
— A Full Pig: $120.00
— Share of a Pig: $10.00
— Chicks: $20
— Bees: $30

(Yes. I’ve added Chicks to the mix. Mondo Chef Bakerina sent me an 8 page email outlining the virtues of chicks who grow up to become chickens who eventually lay eggs. It had footnotes and everything. This is what I read: Blah blah blah Middle Ages blah blah blah protein blah blah blah fertilizer blah blah blah CHICKS ARE CUTE. How could I resist?)

The way the registry works is this – click on the type of animal you’d like to buy – whether it be a full animal or a share of an animal. You will then be taken to a page about the animal and given the option to purchase the whole animal or just a share! It’s as EASY as that!

I hope there is something for everyone here. The prizes will be awarded ALL OVER THE WORLD! YOU DO NOT HAVE TO ATTEND THE EVENT TO WIN! So if you can’t be there on the 24th, you can still be there in SPIRIT! LET’S BUY A WHOLE HERD PEOPLE!

I’ll be updating prizes and information in the coming weeks. Prizes will be awarded once the registry is closed – I’ve kept it open until June 30th. PRIZES WILL BE AWARDED IF THE EVENT HAPPENS OR NOT! I’m sure the event will go off without a hitch, but say it’s like a hurricane or something, in the middle of Central Park or it snows. Or whatever. we’ll still be giving shit away. YAY!


PS – I got myself a sheepie and a share of a pig. YEEHAW!
PPS – Don’t forget to click below to see the GREAT VENDORS DONATING PRIZES TO THE CAUSE!!!

[Read more…]

Spin OUT!


Do you know what this is?

That’s right. It’s a PARKS PERMIT BABY!!!


Saturday, June 24th, 11AM – 5PM

Central Park, NYC

Cherry Hill Fountain

Cherry Hill Fountain is a beautiful location assigned to us by the Parks Commission – they hold weddings there all the time to give you an idea of how pretty it is. It’s location is mid-Park at 72nd Street, West of Bethesda Terrace. It’s like dead center in the park so you can enter from either the west side or the east side. Here’s a link to a map. COME ONE COME ALL! YOU DO NOT HAVE TO SPIN TO ATTEND! There will be plenty of knitters and spinners. Spindle spinners, wheel spinners, etc. WANT TO LEARN? I can’t believe there won’t be people there to help you. Don’t KNIT or SPIN? Come anyway. See what the craziness is about. The raindate will be the following day, Sunday, June 25th.

There are rules to go along with the permit:

— NO SELLING OF ANYTHING. You need a crapload of other permits to sell stuff, so please don’t bring your wares to sell. Thank you!

— NO CARS. Cars are not permitted in the park without a crapload of other permits, so please don’t bring your cars. Thank you!

— NO WHEELS ON THE GRASS! They’ve given us an area with a lot of pavement around a gorgeous fountain. They don’t want their grass messed up so please don’t put your 1908 antique saxony made from new baby oak trees on their precious grass. Thank you!

— NO ALCOHOL OR DRUGS. In bottles or cans, thank you. Alcohol is not permitted in the park without a crapload of other permits, so please don’t bring your beer. If you’ve got a prescription for the drugs, well, then, let’s just say I’m bringing mine! Thank you!

— NO PETS OFF A LEASH. I don’t know whether or not this is a rule of the park, but I’m sure it is and it’s a personal peeve of mine. I know you love your animal a lot, but other people might not love it so much so keep it on a leash please. THANK YOU!

— NO AMPLIFIED SOUND. Sound is not permitted in the park without a crapload of other permits, so please don’t bring your ten foot sub woofers with 20 foot amps. Thank you!

— NO BBQs. Cooking is not permitted in the park without a crapload of other permits, so please leave the Hibachis at home. Maybe a nice PB&J lunch? Thank you!

I think that covers the rules. Now onto the fun stuff!

You can’t go to the spinning event of the century without a cool t-shirt, right? I’ve got your t-shirts right here baby!

I went a little Peter Max, no? It’s like a Rorschach test. What do you see? (Besides the fact that I’m insane.) You can buy the crazy shirt here.

Not feeling so out there? I’ve got a tamer t-shirt for you too!

There are also hats and bags and stickers if you want. Click here to buy the tamer tee!

There is no mark-up on any of the items in the store. You’re paying the price Cafe Press has set for the items. ENJOY!

Now, it wouldn’t be a January One event without prizes, would it?

We’re holding a RAFFLE of sorts! We’ve got MANY great prizes coming!! Fiber from Blue Moon, books from Spin Off, more great fiber, tee-shirts, equipment and other goodies! You KNOW the prizes will be good. HOW DO I WIN? That’s what you’re asking isn’t it?

I’ve set up a REGISTRY at Heifer International.

For every $10.00 you spend on this registry, your name will be placed in the proverbial hat for drawings in the coming weeks. For instance, if you spend $50.00, your name will be put in the hat 5 times. You can win more than one prize if your name is in there more than once – we will not be pulling out names after a win. There are various ways to spend:

— Knitting Basket: $500.00
— Share of a Knitting Basket: $50.00
— A Full Llama: $150.00
— Share of a Llama: $20.00
— A Full Sheep: $120.00
— Share of a Sheep: $10.00

I hope there is something for everyone here. The prizes will be awarded ALL OVER THE WORLD! YOU DO NOT HAVE TO ATTEND THE EVENT TO WIN! So if you can’t be there on the 24th, you can still be there in SPIRIT! LET’S BUY A WHOLE HERD PEOPLE!

I’ll be updating prizes and information in the coming weeks. Prizes will be awarded once the registry is closed – I’ve kept it open until June 30th. PRIZES WILL BE AWARDED IF THE EVENT HAPPENS OR NOT! I’m sure the event will go off without a hitch, but say it’s like a hurricane or something, in the middle of Central Park or it snows. Or whatever. we’ll still be giving shit away. YAY!

If you have any questions about anything PLEASE SEND THEM TO THANK YOU!

PS – This was my big announcement! Hope I didn’t disappoint. HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND!