PS: Blue Heaven

I told myself that if I folded the 87 loads of laundry and put my stuff away INCLUDING the piles of towels and sheets that had been sitting on the floor folded for like two months, I was allowed to ply up all the merino I spun up on Sunday.

I was a good girl, obviously. I switched out my regular flyer for my plying flyer and plying bobbin because I wanted to ply it ALL. I’ve got about 310 yds there. For some reason (and yes I can hear you all laughing) I get really obsessed with the spinning and have to get it all done AT THIS MINUTE. And I never remember how long it all takes. I’m ALWAYS surprised at how physical the plying is – much more physical than the spinning – and seriously – it takes forever.

I’ve really only had one spinning lesson and that was really focused on plying and I was taught that no matter how thick or thin the singles being plied, the distance between the two singles should always be the same. I think I’m managing that pretty well.

I’ve got another 4oz of Amy’s Spunky Eclectic Merino in the Moonflower colorway from the Almost Solid series to spin up. I still don’t know what the wpi is on this but I compared it to some STR lightweight I had and I’d say it’s a fairly consistent sportweight. I’m also still feeling really precious about my hanspun and I have visions of a large basket or bowl sitting on the magic dresser filled with handspun – something like a living art installation where I can see it and touch it but never never actually USE it. I was thinking socks for this patch but how can I put this stuff on my feet and wear it around in smelly shoes and god forbid I get a hole.

In all the Spin Out excitement, I forgot to annouce the Bruce Quiz winner!!!

CHRIS from Woolybuns!

Congratulations Chris! I hope you enjoy the CDs and Yarn! Thanks everyone for taking my funny quiz. I think out of 202 quizzes, 95 were eligible to win. For those of you with less than stellar performances, here’s a little annotated answer grid:

Question 1: Which album introduced me to Bruce?
A) The Wild, The Innocent & The E Street Shuffle
B) Tunnel of Love
Georgie used to drive me around NJ and sing me Tunnel of Love. Incidentally, I fell in love with both G and Bruce at the same time. Cheezy I know.
C) The River
D) Lucky Town

Question 2: Am I
A) wrapped up like a douche?
B) asleep in a papoose?
C) snapped by a noose?
D) cut loose like a deuce?
Manfred Mann recorded Bruce’s Blinded by the Light and totally mangled the words. To this day Manfred Mann’s version is Bruce’s highest ranked song – it reached #1 on the charts.

Question 3: Which artist DID NOT appear at a Bruce performance I attended?
A) Terrence Trent D’Arby
B) Billy Joel
C) Peter Gabriel
We attended the Rainforest Concert at Carnegie Hall a bunch of years ago that featured Bruce and Elton and Sting and Billy Joel and a bunch of others. Billy Joel also showed up at a concert we went to out on Long Island and Terrence Trent D’Arby showed up at a concert to sing Jumpin’ Jack Flash.
D) Sting

Question 4: Which song was first played for me at a toll booth on the New Jersey Turnpike?
A) Drive All Night
I’ve told this story before.
B) Thunder Road
C) Racing in the Street
D) Stolen Car

Question 5: Where did they blow up The Chicken Man?
A) Trenton
B) Philadelphia
Well they blew up the chicken man in Philly last night they blew up his house too….
C) New York
D) Atlantic City

Question 6: What was my first Springsteen concert tour?
A) Born in the USA
B) Human Touch/Lucky Town
’91 or ’92. Can’t remember. I pumped my fist so freaking hard I had black and blue marks across my palms. No lie.
C) Tunnel of Love
D) The E Street Band Reunion Tour

Question 7: In how many states have I seen Bruce play?
A) 9
B) 5
C) 3
New Jersey, New York & Pennsylvania
D) 1

Question 8: Which song did Bruce write about a suicide bomber?
A) Point Blank
B) Paradise
Lyrics here. But I just the few people who gave answer C!
C) You Can Look (But You Better Not Touch)
D) Souls of the Departed

Question 9: Bruce sings about getting stuck “somewhere in the swamps of Jersey.” Who’s he trying to get to?
A) Mary
B) Terry
C) Rosie

My tires were slashed and I almost crashed but the Lord had mercy
My machine she’s a dud, I’m stuck in the mud somewhere in the swamps of Jersey
Hold on tight, stay up all night ’cause Rosie I’m comin’ on strong
By the time we meet the morning light I will hold you in my arms

D) Linda

Question 10: Will I cry at the concert tonight?
A) Nah. I only cry when the E Street Band’s playing.
B) Maybe. Depends on the set-list.
C) Only if he plays The Fever.
D) Are you kidding? The waterworks will start on the Turnpike on our way down to Camden.
I’m pretty sure I made it there without any tears, but I was totally crying when
he played We Shall Overcome. I’m a wimp!

Last but not least – all you Chi-Town folks! You think I’m dumb just because I’m from New Joisey? The first thing I did when I found out I was heading out to Chicago was call Toni at The Fold and tell her I’m coming. 😉 G and I are roadtripping out there Saturday. I basically have Friday night, Saturday morning, Saturday night, Sunday morning and all day Monday free. We’re staying right off of North Michigan Avenue if that means anything to anyone.


PS: Forever in Blue Jeans

All I did yesterday was SPIN! I was so inspired by all of the spinners – old and new – at Saturday’s gathering that I couldn’t help myself. And I was so tired I didn’t want to have to think or use any brain power whatsoever. So I watched like 8 hours of Another World and spun up this GORGEOUS blue merino from Amy at Spunky Eclectic. It’s Moonflower – part of the almost solid series – but I think it should be called Forever in Blue Jeans.

I’m one of those people who drops trou the minute they walk in the door and leaves the clothes wherever they find the floor. So yesterday I was spinning in the bedroom and out of the corner of my eye I was constantly seeing my favorite pair of jeans (read the only pair that fits my fat ass these days) on the floor (pretty close to the closet door but more towards the middle of the walkway) and they looked JUST like the fiber I was spinning up.

This is my first attempt with merino and I have to say I’m really proud of how I’m doing. It’s a bit overspun in spots when I forget that I’ve got the drive band set on the lowest whorl and I’m treadling away like a madwoman, but for the most part it’s good. I’m going to finish up the little bit I have left of the first 4oz today and hopefully ply it all tonight. I think it’s a nice sportweight and I’m very tempted to make a pair of socks out of it. Depends on how much I get from the 4oz. I have another 4oz of this so if I get a lot I may make a shawl or something. We’ll see.

I promise a nice long post about Saturday but I’m really beat and need to process it all. When I talked to Shana and found out we had a place, I totally lost it. Tears and everything. I was just so relieved. Thank you again Shana and thank you Kim McNeal at the Parks Dept. Seriously rocking my world.

There’s still LOTS to do with Spin Out. The registry will close on Friday – but as of right now we’ve raised $13,467!!!! There are a few more prizes to announce and I can tell you right now that prizes will not be awarded until after July 4th. I’m sorry about the delay – but my family’s coming up to visit Friday thru Wednesday and I still haven’t received all of the prizes to put together gift packages. So I’m not going to kill myself about it all. I know you know that it will all get out and things will be GRAND! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!

Here’s something for some of you to think about: I’m coming to CHICAGO! Yarn crawl anyone? I’ll be there the third weekend in July – Fri-Mon and while some of my time will be spent with G, it’s a work thing for him so I’ll be on my own a lot too. Let’s plan something!! (ETA: Um, I meant the weekend of the 15th. I figured that’s the third weekend because the 1st is on a Saturday. So sorry!)

Is this you? Or someone you know?

I’ve had a request for information about the spindle you were using on Saturday, but I’m sorry, I forgot your name! Can you leave me a comment so I can get in touch with you? Thank you so much!

We Came. We Spun. We KICKED ASS!



Real post on Monday – if I’m awake by then. I’m exhausted. If I ever do this again, well, it’ll be in September.
L, C

PS – Just a friendly reminder that the REGISTRY is open until JUNE 30th. Raffle Prizes will be awarded after the registry closes! Thank you so much for EVERYTHING!



We will now be meeting at the

348 East 54th Street (between 1st & 2nd Avenues)
New York, NY 10022

Travel Directions
Bus: M15 to 54th Street
Subway: 6 train to 51st Street or E and V trains to 53rd Street

More about the facility here.
I’m trying to get there by Noon and the event will go until about 3:30.

WE ARE ON! I just don’t know where yet. If you would like a number to reach me during the day – in case you’re traveling in and won’t be able to get updates here – email me at and I’ll get you a number to reach me. I’ve had a couple of possibilities on indoor space come up – but I won’t know for a little bit. We might just get a late start to the day is all.


Raffle Update

So I might as well cheer myself up by telling you that we’ve got ourselves another cool grand!

While the actual event might not go off as planned, the fundraising angle is better than I ever imagined! THANK YOU SO MUCH!

Spin Out: PLEA FOR HELP!!!!

Does anyone anywhere out there have connections to some kind of (covered) space in Manhattan large enough to hold a lot of us and our wheels? I know this is a tall order but I’m trying to work all the angles here! I’m thinking community center, library, place of worship, office building, gallery, etc.



DUDES! The weather forecast for Saturday is TOTALLY FREAKING ME OUT!!!!

I’ve checked here and here and here and here and here and here and here and they seem to get worse and worse! What should we do? Do we move it to Sunday? If it doesn’t happen this weekend – it doesn’t happen. Period. It HAS to be this weekend. I don’t know how much cover there is and how close we are to cover. I’M SO UPSET!!!! All of you traveling from out of town – what’s the latest you will need a decision by? Is tomorrow night too late? ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!


So I’m looking at the permit last night and it says nothing about a raindate, even though I applied for one. (Yeah. Might have been better to check that out earlier. Sue me.) Called the office first thing this morning and they told me they don’t schedule raindates in the summer because it means double booking every event and they’re already booked solid anyway. So the event goes off tomorrow – or not at all – or at some other TBD date.

I’m going to decide this tomorrow morning. If I wake up and I see Noah out there with his Ark, I’ll reconsider. Anthing less than a deluge I’ll be out there. Spinning my little (broken) heart out. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR YOUR SUPPORT OF THIS PROJECT! I appreciate it so much.

If you need me today – I’ll be out buying tarps. If I spend a shitload of money on rain protection, that means it won’t rain right? I’m going to look for stuff that can’t be returned. 😉

AND in the IRONY SUCKS category – my building has no water – hot or cold – for the day. YAY!

Wet T-Shirts

See, now, this is why I shouldn’t do housework. Wet. Soaking wet. Although they’ve been sitting there since last night so now they’re probably moldy and wet. Normally G does the laundry. He’s kind of particular about it and apparently I’m just not up to snuff so he does it. Of course, I’m perfectly capable of folding all of the said laundry which is totally a cop out. I mean how hard is it to throw clothes in the washer then move them to the dryer? The folding is where all the skill lies. But I digress. We generally do laundry on Sundays – which is a holdover from apartment living when you had to lug all your clothes down to the basement and save up all your quarters and try not to get grossed out by the other things living down there. We have our own washer and dryer now – in the kitchen under the counter – so why limit laundry to Sundays? Anyway, yesterday was NOT Sunday but somehow we had missed laundry on like the last two Sundays so I was desperate for clothes and thought I’d do a nice thing. I got through the dark load and the white load okay fine. But the delicates (I don’t know – ask G. It’s his system!) didn’t fare so well. I really stuffed the washer, but they made it through that fine – it’s the dryer where everything fell apart. I cleaned out the lint compartment and then went to set the cycle timer and that’s where I think things went bad. The freaking machine won’t turn on. Can I just tell you? ALL MY CLOTHES ARE FREAKING DELICATE! I literally have nothing to wear. Sure, sure, what about all the clothes in the closet? Very funny. You see I’m fat and it’s summer so I have like one pair of pants and two shirts that fit and I feel comfortable in. You know what I’m talking about. And now they’re wet.

I completely blame G for this. When the stove blew up, he kept saying things like “I wonder if everything’s going to start to go bad now. You know it’s been nine years.” JINX JINX JINX! I told him to SHUT UP! Like NINE is the magic number when all your appliances stop working? Is that true? I thought these things are supposed to last forever. When we moved in here all the appliances were from the Stone Age. I swear there was a little fairy or something rubbing two sticks together in the back of the oven. We got everything new then anyway because it was all supremely gross and the cootie factor was enormous. But c’mon? Is everything really supposed to stop working now?

I’m never doing laundry again.

Spin Out: GOT SWAG?

Forget the assholes of this world! PEOPLE ARE GOOD!

WE’RE AT $11006!!!

Once we reached $11,000, I upped the goal again. Am I being greedy? I don’t think so! We’ve got a little more than a week to go before the registry closes – please feel free to donate up until JUNE 30th! This whole experience has so lifted me! I HAVE FAITH in ALL OF YOU!

And I’ve got swag too:

You’ve got buttons and magnets (they look the same) and bumperstickers and postcards I made advertising the raffle. Get there early peeps! I only have a limited number!

I promise – I haven’t been checking the weather obsessively, but it looks like it’s going to be in the 70s with scattered thunder storms and a 40% chance of rain. Sunday looks to be the same. So we’re on as of right this second. I will update Friday night with a definite go ahead, but I think it looks good. What’s the worst thing that happens? It rains a little? Bring your trash bags just in case. Also, Ruth was kind enough to check out Cherry Hill Fountain for us – everytime I’ve tried to get there I’ve had a change of plans! – and she says there are a bunch of benches around one side of the fountain – but you still might want to bring some kind of stool if you’re bringing your wheel. What else? Oh yeah – some more prizes!!

Dani of Sunshine Yarns has generously donated a MEGA skein of Emerald Isle Sock Yarn – enough for TWO PAIRS! And the fabulous Adrian of Hello Yarn is sending us 8oz of her merino/silk blend! THANK YOU DANI AND ADRIAN!

And this JUST IN! LEXIE BARNES herself is donating a KNITTING BAG! How fabulous is that! Lexie YOU ROCK! I’ll be sure to fill it with some of our other donated prizes for A FULL BAG!

Just so you all know, I’ve decided that instead of a million little prizes going out, I’m going to combine prizes into fabulous pseudo gift baskets – each filled with all kinds of different items from various vendors. So they’ll be fewer winners – but whoever wins will be VERY HAPPY! TRUST ME! I’ve got many of the prizes sitting here tempting me and they are all GORGEOUS!


Pay Me My Money Down

First off – the quiz was broken but now it’s fixed. Basically I had to start a new one – if you’ve already taken it, please don’t take it again. Thank you! (Over a hundred of you took the quiz – is it the chance at free yarn, or bless my heart, do you all really want to learn about my religion, BruceSpringsteenOlogy – where it’s okay to take any drug you want?)

I don’t know where to start, really. I’m exhausted. We got home about 1AM and had something to eat then went to bed. But I was up at like 5:30 still thinking about the concert.

I expect a lot from a Springsteen concert. I expect to be transported to another place – a place where everyone pumps their fists in harmony. No, really, I expect to be lifted by the words and music. I expect the bass to pound in my throat and to be thrown into a frenzy and get extremely emotional. And I am RARELY disappointed. Last night was no exception. For the most part.

This time around Bruce is touring with a HUGE band – like 3 or 4 guitarists, bango,back up vocalists, piano, drums, a horn section, two violins, stand up bass, an archordian – there are A LOT of people on stage. And while the sounds of his new album verges on country (which I really don’t like) or hootinan, the horns save it! The horns are everything. (I may be in love with La Bamba!) (OH MY GOD! La Bamba and I went to THE SAME HIGH SCHOOL! HOW COOL IS THAT!!!) The whole concert feels like you’re at a New Orleans funeral. And the songs aren’t his – they are mostly songs that have become part of the fabric of America – old Negro Spirituals, protest songs, ballads. In the liner notes most of them aren’t attributed to any one person – they just are. But the presentation is pure Springsteen – it’s rousing and fun and playful and serious and heartfelt and AMAZING.

The first four songs were a blast. I wore a smile so big my face hurt. I was bouncing around like a kid presented with a puppy – complete with squeals and clapping hands. I was sweating and dancing and singing at the top of my lungs! I WAS IN MY GLORY! I had Bruce and my man by my side and nothing could go wrong.

The next part of the story I’m a bit ashamed about. But I’ll tell it anyway.

I’m not much for public sharing – i.e. movies, concerts, theater, sporting events. I’m acutely aware that there are many people out there just waiting to ruin public experiences for me. No, I’m not paranoid (much) to think that they are DELIBERATELY out there waiting to ruin things for me, but they are there. Waiting. It never fucking fails. I go to the movies and even when it’s empty someone sits next to me and talks the whole freaking time. I go to the theater and someone talks the whole freaking time. So I avoid these situations. I rarely, if ever, see movies in the theater. I’d rather watch at home where the only person who can ruin the experience for me is myself.

Inevitably this happens at concerts as well. Especially Bruce concerts. Bruce’s fan base is such that there are many people stuck in 1984 (the year Born in the USA was released and Bruce became MEGA.) These fans feel it is their god given right to see Bruce in New Jersey whenever he performs, get shit roaring drunk and scream out THUNDER ROAD every opportunity they get. Doesn’t matter if Bruce is alone on stage playing acoustic. Doesn’t matter if it’s the E Street Band. They come and they drink and they scream. It’s really quite a shame because in the end (if they remember anything) they don’t like the show because they don’t get Thunder Road and they don’t get arena rock and still they come. One of my favorite concert moments ever was seeing Bruce at the Beacon Theater in NYC – a very small venue. He was on the Tom Joad tour, which was a solo acoustic tour, and he started the show telling people that he needed quiet to sing these songs and please help him out and still there was one asshole – no doubt from Jersey – who wouldn’t stop yelling out Thunder Road. Bruce stopped, in the middle of the show, and told him in no uncertain terms to SHUT THE FUCK UP. If you don’t believe me – I’ve got it on tape. 😉

Last night, the first four songs were SPECTACULAR! I heard my favorite of the new album – Oh Mary Don’t You Weep, which was followed up by a nothing short of astonishing version of Atlantic City. Really – blew my freaking socks off. I was dancing I was singing I was deliriously happy. It was GLORIOUS. And then this asshole and his girlfriend bogarted their way into the seats next to us. Now, I know when you buy tickets to a concert it’s a crapshoot who your neighbors will be. That’s the price you pay (along with your first born to Ticketbastard.) BUT when assholes show up next to you WHO DON’T EVEN BELONG IN THE SEATS then you have every right to be livid. Don’t you? So these cocksuckers show up and they’re plenty drunk and the girl is holding one of those extra large beaker bottles filled with beer and she kept her bag on her shoulder the whole time so the beer bong thing is swinging around and her bag is swinging around and they’re dancing like drunken fools they are and they have friends two rows up who they keep high fiving with over this poor older woman’s head who wisely stayed in her seat the whole time because really she probably would’ve gotten sucker punched if she stood up. In between songs, when Bruce is talking about the homeless and the death penatly and war, this fucker next to us is shouting “Who loves you Bruce? Philly loves you Bruce! New Jersey loves you Bruce! THUNDER ROAD!!!”

Now I understand full well that this is a concert. People are allowed to dance and SHOULD dance and people are allowed to scream and SHOULD scream (hey I can BROOOOOOOCE along with the best of them – and I do) but the drunken disorderly-ness is UNACCEPTABLE. I will never understand why people pay A LOT of money to come to a concert to get shitfaced. Wouldn’t it be a lot cheaper to stay home and drink that six pack in front of the tape player? You can yell all you want there. It’s just so obnoxious and ignorant and base. And yes I think I’m better than this guy. I really do. Because at the end of the night he’s going to get in his car and drive home drunk and I can only hope he was arrested.

The worst part of all of this? I let the guy ruin my night. I HATE THAT. HATE IT HATE IT HATE IT! I tried so hard to be all zen and say that it was okay and I was there and the music was good but I was so freaking aware of his spastic moves and that his drunk ass girlfriend was thisclose to hitting G in the head and that they yelled through the quiet songs and screamed during Bruce’s talks and that there was nothing I could do about it because anything action on my part of G’s part would’ve ended in a fight and I HATE IT! I LET THE FUCKING DRUNK ASSHOLE WIN!

Really, though, in the end I don’t blame the asshole. He’s an asshole. He has no choice in his life but TO BE AN ASSHOLE. He’s not smart enough to know better. (Or maybe he was – on the drive home I said to G what could that girl have possibly seen in him and we both commented on how we observed that when the girl left (to go buy more beer) the guy became completely normal. He stood there quietly – even sat down. As soon as the girl got back MR. ASSHOLE returned. It was really quite hysterical.) Anyway, I don’t blame the drunk guy. Put beer in front of him, he’s going to drink it. He has no self control. And I really don’t blame the venue either (which was quite nice – Tweeter Center in Camden) – they’re trying to make a buck. I blame Bruce. On the Devils & Dust tour, he made it tour policy that as soon as the lights went down and the concert started, all concessions stands closed. And yes, people were drunk because they spent all day drinking in the parking lot, BUT THEY DIDN’T GET DRUNKER. They got more SOBER as the
night went on. It was one of the most enjoyable experiences ever. And while I don’t expect this at every concert – maybe half way through you cut people off? An hour in? SOMETHING? I can’t believe you enjoyed the THUNDER ROADING any more than I did. In fact, I know you didn’t. So Bruce, my love. Do something!!!! I’m with you all the way, but please. No more.

Whew! That felt good. You may ask why I still go to Bruce concerts when inevitably there will be assholes nearby. Because my friends, those first four songs – when the asshole wasn’t near us – were some of the best moments of my life. And that’s worth all the assholes in the world.

Back later with some good stuff. And if you’re interested, AOL is showing 18 Nights of Bruce – a live clip from each of the US concerts. Last night’s My City of Ruins is already up. ENJOY! (I promise – no assholes.)

PS – Oh and so far no poison ivy. But I’m still itchy – although it’s kind of an all over body itch so I think it’s all in my head.


First things first. With friends like this, who needs enemies? AND she told me to take a hot shower which is like the kiss of freaking death when you’ve been exposed to poison ivy. She’s trying to kill me and I think she’s actually enjoying herself. Bottom line. If that patch in the picture was/is poison ivy, I’d say I’m fairly fucked. I didn’t walk into it or anything, but I did try to place a square on top of it for a picture – didn’t work out though so it was quickly off the leaves. Yeah. Now I’m knitting a small pox blanket. Terrific. Apparently this shit could erupt on my skin anytime between the next ten minutes and two weeks from now. It’s like I’ve got bugs crawling on me. I itch EVERYWHERE. If you should happen to see me this weekend, oh say, at like an event in Central Park, and I’m covered in oozing pus filled sores, please note that I’m not contagious. And don’t use Ann’s wheel or anything. I’m just saying.

Let’s move on to happier things, okay? Because today is BRUCE DAY!!!!! That’s right baby! IT’S A REUNION! And in honor of the day I’m having a BRUCE CONTEST!

Here’s a quiz! ETA: THE QUIZ IS FIXED. PLEASE DON’T TAKE IT AGAIN IF YOU’VE ALREADY TAKEN IT. THANK YOU. Take it and everyone who scores 50% or better will be put into a random drawing for the following prizes*:

The Essential Bruce Springsteen
Prove It All Night STR
My favorite bootleg recording of Prove It

If you win, and you are already a Springsteen fan and feel you are above and beyond something like a Greatest Hits album, I will burn you anything you want from my bootleg collection. And if you win and for some ungodly reason AREN’T a Springsteen fan, I will have to insist that you listen to the entire Essential Bruce from beginning to end and report back to me. I will instinctively know if you are lying. Entries received after Thursday, June 22, 11:59 PM EST will NOT be included in the drawing. One entry per person please. HAVE FUN and don’t cheat! You know who you are! Hee!

Thank you for all your lovely comments about my (poisonous) green squares. Each square roughly measures about 10″x10/5″. So I’m guessing the blanket will be somewhere around 30″x40″. I haven’t completely decided on the layout yet – and for sure I will tell you all about the seaming.

Oh yeah and WE BROKE THE $10K MARK! Gobsmacked. That’s what I am. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!

* Ann, my love, you are so totally NOT ELIGIBLE to win.