I settle down for the evening, Shedir in hand, eagerly anticipating it’s finish. Nope. Sorry. Not to be.
I was flying along, decreasing left, decreasing right, the beautiful star pattern taking shape under my fingers. I had reached row 71 when it was clear I need to switch to the dpns. Now, I’ve mentioned before that I’ve never used them. So I called Jen. She wasn’t home – probably out knitting with the girls in her neighborhood. So I consult my Vogue Knitting: the Ultimate Knitting Book. Got to say, not really that helpful. I pop on the Internet – looking for a good video or something. I find something that says you use the extra needles to knit (insert deep blush here). Ah. Now it makes more sense. So I go back and I start knitting. Except it’s all purl stitches now and for some reason I cannot do the purl when going from one needle to the next. (In the end I purled the last stitch on one needle then slipped it to the next – seemed to work.) In the meantime – I don’t realize it but I’m dropping stitches all over the place. Calmer is really hard to grab when you’ve dropped a stitch, especially on size three needles. The yarn splits really easily. Now I’ve got needles everywhere, cable needles trying to grab lost stitches and I’m about to start crying. I try to move the stitches back to the circulars so I can feel like I have more control as I try to pick up these lost babies – but the pattern is so funky I can’t tell where things have been knit, or purled or twisted or cabled and now I’m really crying. The only thing I can see to do is RIP IT OUT!