I watched the sun rise this morning.

Was it because I stayed up all night reading a deliciously wonderful book that I couldn’t put down and I watched the sunrise surrounded by tissues and happy tears and cocoa? NO.

Was it because my deliciously wonderful husband rolled over very early this morning and nudged me awake with kisses and promises and hot breath and love? Yeah. Right. Don’t think so.

(No offense honey. I know you’re not a morning kind of guy! – Neither am I for that matter. A morning girl, that is.)

Was it because I woke early in a romantic, carpe diem kind of way and wanted to get a headstart on the first day of the rest of my life? Spit take, followed by howls of evil laughter.

If you think this might be correct, I haven’t been a very good blogger. Shame on me for sharing so little about my life.

No. Nip. Nada. None of the above.

I was up waaay before the crack of dawn because I’m SICK. The icky, gooey, drippy, snotty, wet tissues in the bed, coughdrop induced numb cheek (from hiding it there at night so you don’t choke, of course!), have to sleep sitting up SICK.

I couldn’t take myself anymore so I moved to the couch about 4AM. I think it was 4AM. While I was away at my sister’s the electricity went on and off a couple of times and the clocks are all screwed up in the house. This may not seem a big deal to you, but my husband is a little strange about clocks. We have a lot of them and they have to be set EXACTLY to Greenwich Mean Time or whatever. I guess EST, but going by GMT. Or the atomic clock. I don’t ask. I don’t care. As long as I know around what time is. Let’s just say it was 4AM.

There are some advantages to being up that early. Well, not really. But I’m trying to make myself feel better. I did manage to catch up on my bloglines subscriptions. I was woefully behind.

The visit to my sister’s was good. Except I’m pretty sure that’s where I got sick. My sis had it, the kids were in various stages of it, and well, you know. It’s either that or something going around the knitblogging community. Wendy’s got it apparently and I so hope M.J.’s over it by now!

We had a fun last two nights of Chanukah. They both got their hats from me – Charlotte didn’t take hers off – too cute pictures to come – and she also got some baby doll diapers and bottles and art supplies. She loves to draw. She’s so cute, too, the way she lays on her belly with her feet in the air drawing. Oooh I could eat her up. Her new thing is going around singing “Happy Birthday to You”! We think its a slight confusion thing with the Chanukah candles and all. She also says my name now. It sounds a little like Ya-ya, but she’s definitely calling me.

Max received from us a Pirate’s treasure chest, with a parrot, map in bottle, eye patch, book, and treasure chest coins that he’s been wanting for a while and a beginners Magic set. That was a lot of fun. He was really getting good at the tricks when I left – and just totally cracking himself up! I miss them already.

Anyway. Did I mention I’m sick? I’ve got some work to clear up this morning, but then it’s just me, the couch, some yarn and at least 5 hours of The Gilmore Girls. My new favorite TV show. I’d like to say it’s because of the witty repartee – but really it’s about the drama and the guys. I’m a sucker for a good soap opera – and that’s really what it is. I like the small town “charm” and all but it’s really the guys. The character Jess (I’m not sure what season I’m actually in with repeats and all) is very cute. And smart. And cute. And bad. All a lethal combo. Especially when you’re sick.

Alright. Enough for now. I’ve got a tissue dangling out of the nostril that’s seems to be permanently clogged and I ran out of tea. I’ll be back though. Don’t you worry.

Liar! Liar! Pants on Fire!

So I said I wasn’t going to work on Georgie’s Vest until I came back from my sister’s, but I lied.

We have an armband!

The picture sucks – that’s what you get with bad light, dark colors, and a flash. (Shhhh. Don’t tell my clients. I’m supposed to be a professional. Eeek!)

So, I think the shoulders look a little boxy and the armband may be too wide out. G tried it on, and he says it’s a tad tight, but I’m thinking it will soften up/stretch out a little with a wash. It’s amazing how much softer the waistband single rib is since I blocked it. The shoulders seem to stick out a little. I might rip out a couple of rows, just to see. But I’m pleased with it. It’s starting to look like a real sweater. We’ve already decided G can wear it for Xmas at his parents (so he can tell everyone I made it!) I will not be taking it to my sister’s. Too much for the train and with the kids I’ll probably get no knitting done while I’m there.

In the who says you can’t get smaaaht reading the gossips department, I found the following item in the Rush & Molloy column over at the New York Daily News:

Bad source code at NYT?

New York Times columnist David Brooks might want to do a background check on the next “expert” he quotes.

Brooks, the reigning conservative on the paper’s op-ed page now that William Safire is leaving, is coming under fire for his recent column about Red State “natalism” and birth rates in which he quoted writer Steve Sailer’s finding that President Bush “carried the 19 states with the highest white fertility rates.”

Brooks doesn’t mention that Sailer reportedly runs a Web discussion group whose members include white supremecists and anti-Semites.

Sailer also writes for vdare.com, which the KKK-fighting Southern Poverty Law Center has labeled a “hate group.”

Brooks didn’t immediately respond to our E-mail.

But on political magazine The American Prospect’s blog TAPped, writer Garance Franke-Ruta asks, “Why is David Brooks promoting the work of a well-known eugenicist sympathizer who regularly indulges in racial stereotyping? … [It’s] journalism at its absolute shoddiest.”

Remember I told you what a stupid column this was? Vindication shall be mine!

In case you’re interested in the straight poop, here’s the link to The American Prospect‘s blog. [See the December 7th entry.]


[Warning: lots of pictures in this post!]

Well, the fifth times the charm. I literally visited five LYS between Monday and Saturday and finally, on the last visit, I BOUGHT YARN. Fell in love is more like it, but I’ll get to that.

I went to visit Handknits in Englewood, New Jersey. I’ve been wanting to go (Jen, we’ll go back – I promise!) and I’m glad I did. This is what a yarn store should be! There was a ton of yarn – rooms and rooms of it! And somewhat organized to boot. There was a back room that had the sale yarns and books. The room next to it had a big table (sort of like a conference room) with all the baby yarns and fingering weight yarns. The front entrance where the checkout was had all of the novelty yarns and the big, big room in the middle had everything else. Lots of Rowan, Karabella, Takhi/Filatura di Crosa/Art Yarns, etc. Clearly the owner takes issue with KFI because there wasn’t a Noro or Debbie Bliss to be found. There’s a lot to compensate though.

The staff was extrememly helpful without being solicitous. In fact, no one really said anything until I seemed ready for help. And then they were very helpful. I was there much longer than I anticipated.

I was looking for some felting yarn for Sophie – I really wanted Cascade 220. They didn’t have any Cascade but the owner was nice enough to go through the store with me and point out all of the yarns that felt well. One of the ones she showed me was the Manos del Uruguay. I’ve never knit with Manos before, but I’ve certainly heard of it. I in LOVE now. I’ll tell you! I was looking for something to make a Sophie for my sister – and for me. Well I ended up finding the most gorgeous colors!

Aren’t they beautiful? The first one is a tan/camel with pink running through it and the second is a pearly pink with gray running through it.

I love this yarn! (Did I say that already?) I absolutely love the color and the texture – I don’t even want to knit with it – I just want to look at it and touch it. I think the saleswoman thought I was crazy when I said I was going to felt it – but why not? Just because it’s expensive? I know that I carry my other felted bag all the time – much more than I would wear something, I think. So is that bad? I bought all they had in those colors – my idea was that I’d combine them for a larger Sophie for my sister. I thought the tan/pink would look really good with her tan leather jacket and the KSH gloves I’m going to make for her, eventually. But I’m thinking I might buy more of the tan/pink for myself. I’ve got some Chanukah gelt waiting for me at my sister’s – it’s got Manos written all over it! If anyone reading has felted this stuff – can you make me feel better? Or tell me I’m crazy? OOOh, I LOVE it!

While I was at Handknits, I also picked up a few more balls of Filatura di Crosa Primo – the yarn I used to knit Max’s blue striped hat. I wanted a hat for Charlotte, my niece, and I didn’t want it to be blue as well. Charlotte looks good in primary colors – pastels wash her out – so I went with a bright purple/red combination. I think it came out cute!

I know Charlotte will love it – she’s really into hats these days and the weather is supposed to turn really cold this week – so the kids will be nice and toasty!

Also, I finally finished the two booga bags I had sitting around. They’re for my best friend’s daughters (2.5 and 6). I originally made the pink one, but tried to felt in my front loader washer and it didn’t really work. When I say it didn’t work, I mean I ran it through like five times and it still wasn’t really felting well. So I washed it again at my sister’s with the blue one. The pink one is a little smaller because of it. They’re both made with Noro Kuryeon. I don’t remember what colors.

I started my Ribby Cardi!

The color seems really off in this photograph.

I’m not sure about the yarn as far as softness is concerned – it seems a little scratchy in my hands, but it certainly knits up easy. I think this project will go pretty quickly. I’m excited about it!

I even knit some on the geometric scarf last night while watching Spiderman 2. It’s looking good and is oh so soft, but it’s boring (and a little tedious since the yarn splits) to knit. I’ll get there.

Tomorrow I leave for my sister’s until Thursday. My brother-in-law is going away so I’m going down to lend a hand. She’s pregnant and the kids are crazy! My nephew is excited though. He doesn’t really understand time exactly, but he knows I’m coming for the seventh and eighth nights of Chanukah. My sister says every morning he wakes up and asks her, “Which night of Chanukah is it tonight, Mom?” So cute.

And last but not least, Bonne Marie’s blocking tip worked perfectly! The Silkroad Aran Tweed exapanded exactly how I’d hoped and the size looks great. It also softened up considerably (not that it wasn’t already soft.) I might not start to put it together until I get back from my sister’s. There’s still lots to do what with the armbands and neckband.

Okay. I’m done! Thanks.

What Knitting Means To Me

I had more to say about Annie’s post yesterday.

This is what I said on her blog:

Knitting for me is a new passion, although I tend to become passionate (translation: obsessive) about many things that I like. I find that knitting does a lot for me – it calms me, it helps ease the anxiety I so often feel, it’s creative and challenging, it gives me a wonderful sense of accomplishment. How is that to start? I’m finding too that knitting has given me a sense of community that I usually don’t have in my life. I’m a writer and photographer and spend an exorbitant amount of time alone. Knitting (and the knit blogging community) has opened up a whole new world of people who TRULY UNDERSTAND! While my family is very accepting of all my “passions,” if they themselves don’t get involved, how can they really know?

I’ve been thinking about what some of the other commentators said and it struck a chord with me as well.

All my life I’ve been plagued with anxiety, panic attacks, debilitating perfectionism, obsessions, you name it. Not a very nice life sometimes (most times it’s a great life). I used to want to be like my best friend and my sister who always seemed to be so level headed and calm. Unemotional (in a good way).

Then one day I realized that besides their children, these two women I admire so much don’t have anything in their lives they’re passionate about. They don’t have anything that keeps them from falling asleep at night thinking about new and better ways to advance this passion. They don’t spend hours working on this passion (granted, they have kids – I don’t.)

Now it can be said that I may have too many passions, but I’m so grateful I have them. And I also know that the bad stuff in my life, like the anxiety and obsessive-ness, is just the flip side of the characteristics that make me knit until my fingers cramp. And that’s good. In fact, that’s great. So I’ll take the good with the bad.

What makes knitting so wonderful for me, is that it encompasses all of those obsessive traits, WHILE CALMING ME DOWN AT THE SAME TIME! What more could you ask for? Knitting – it keeps me crazy and sane all at once. I LOVE IT!

Block Head

Block Island. Block Party. Knock Your Blocks Off.

You guessed it, fine readers. I finished the front of G’s Vest and it’s off to the Blocks we go. I have towels in the washing machine as we speak so I can try Bonne Marie’s wonderful blocking tip. I think I might run out to Home Depot today and pick up a blocking rug as well. Thank you Bonne Marie! Thank you!

I’m not as upset about the neckline today as I was yesterday.

I’m confident that whatever inconsistencies there are will be taken care of nicely when I pick up the stitches for the neckline. I’m not quite sure I understand the directions for the said neckline, so I may be back with questions.

My new concern (you knew I’d have one) is that it won’t be wide enough to fit Georgie. I’ve been using a vest he has to measure against and I really, really think another repeat would have rendered the vest too wide. I’m hoping it really just needs a very good blocking. That and that fact that the Knitter’s Review article distinctly says the yarn “exapanded by 5% per inch” after washing. I’m hoping the blocking and expanding will do the trick. [Of course, the article is about Jo Sharp Silkroad Aran – not Aran Tweed, but the expanding should still apply. Right?] It’s plenty long though and G’s really excited about it. He keeps asking if he can wear it to his Xmas party. I told him I’m not sure it will be ready by then, but we’ll see. (Actually I’m not quite sure when his party is exactly, but it seems like a good answer. Always cover your ass.)

The washing machine just buzzed so I’m off to block, block, block!

PS – I’m instituting some new features today:

  1. Bruce Springsteen Lyrics of the Day:
    Because everyone needs some Bruce Juice, I will be choosing a link to a song that best reflects my mood today! Yes, I’m crazy.
  2. On My Nightstand:
    This is the book(s) I’m currently reading. I’m hoping to have book reviews on a monthly basis. I haven’t been reading as much as I should and this really bothers me. So maybe putting this out there will shame me into reading more.
  3. Picture of the Week:
    Every Friday I will change out the picture of the week. All of the pictures that will appear have been taken by me. Shameless self-promotion I know, but they are pretty pictures.

Oh and I just got off the phone with Jen and she helped me formulate my idea of great knitted ornaments. I’ll be back later if they work!

What is the World Coming To?

I’m trying to be all purple and about the love and all and then I read these letters to the editor of the NYT. So I backtrack and read that asshole columnist David Brooks’ original opinion piece. May need registration to read.

Here’s one for you Mr. Brooks – my sister’s about to pop out her third kid (and probably not her last) and she’s bluer than Papa fucking Smurf. What the hell are you talking about? This column has got to be one of the dumbest things I’ve read in a long time.

Then I go over to read girlreaction and she has a link to this. I’m about to lose it completely. What is the World coming to?

Thankfully, though, Vicki saved me with some truly wonderful, incredibly practical holiday slippers. I almost pissed my pants!

Second Guesses

Ugh. I’m almost finished my holiday reprint orders – I’ve got a pile ready to go out in the mail – but there are a few snags. I hate snags.

On to second guessing.

Second Guess #1
Yesterday started out pretty good. Georgie and I drove into the city – which was okay – too much traffic – but it was nice to spend the morning together. I had a haircut at 10:00. I was early and I didn’t have to wait. Haircut took no time at all. [I felt a little guilty about it though. G had told me the night before wouldn’t it be neat if I grew my hair out. It’s pretty short – but back when he met me ~gasp~ seventeen years ago it was very blonde, very wavy and halfway down my back. I think he’s being pretty nostalgic, but he was cute about it and I went to the hairdresser with my much darker, much shorter hair thinking about growing it out. It took Tom and I about ten seconds to decide that was a ridiculous notion and once I was back to my short, tamed self I felt so much better. No second guesses there.]

Haircut over I trekked over to the West Side. I was going to make fish for dinner and I’m very particular about where I buy my fish. So off to Citarella I went and in the meantime, I thought I’d stop into my most hated despised disliked LYS. I had originally vowed never to go back there again – I’ve literally NEVER had a good experience – but this time I really only needed needles and I thought that maybe it would be okay. I had no plans to talk to anyone. I was on a single-minded mission. It was okay. The fates seemed to agree because I found a parking space RIGHT IN FRONT of the store. If you’ve ever been to Manhattan – scratch that – ever DROVE in Manhattan, you know that this is definitely a planetary alignment kind of thing. It was about 10:50 AM at this time and I figured I was good to go. Only problem. When I got out of the car to put money in the meter, I ran up to check if they were open. Of course not. [Should have been my first clue to run screaming.] They didn’t open until noon. Lazy asses. I shoved in enough quarters to buy me an hour and figured I’d get the fish first. I meandered to the fish market with a detour in Staples, a quick check in a used book store for the Holy Grail (not there), and bought my salmon. Not before flirting shamelessly with the lovely older gentleman also buying salmon. (Suffice it to say lemon pepper was involved. Trust me, you don’t want the details.)

On my way back to sit in my car and knit while waiting for the LYS to open, I passed by a costume jewelry store. I went in. I bought this:

for my Geometric Scarf. This scarf is slowly becoming the Million Dollar Debacle. I had a bunch of other pictures, but my stitches look sloppy and the border is gross and it’s taking forever to knit (admittedly I haven’t been spending that much time on it) and now, in taking the pictures, I don’t even think I like the stupid $40’s worth of earrings I bought. Second guesses.

[OOOOOO – I’m feeling better! Bruce doing Jersey Girl just came on my ITunes. I can be happy now!]

Anyway. So I now I have to run back to my car to put more money in the meter and the store is STILL not open and then I realize I left the fish in the jewelry store, which I’m sure they’re not appreciating. With money in the meter I don’t have to run, but I’m hot and sweaty now and does anyone really care about this? I don’t know. It’s my blog so fuck it.

I get back to the LYS and believe it or not THERE IS A LINE TO GET IN! I’m flabbergasted. I mean c’mon people. A LINE. I repeat over and over again I just want needles, I’m not going to talk to anyone, I just want needles. They finally open and I follow the line upstairs and it’s packed already. Head down, I beeline to the needles. A wall of freaking bamboo. Nothing that I want. Crap, crap, crap. I just stuffed an hour of quarters in the meter (that’s six quarters for the uninitiated.)

[You may ask, legitimately, why I thought I’d spend an HOUR in a place I really don’t like, but this is New York and there was a space RIGHT IN FRONT and a parking ticket costs like $7000! I put all I had in the meter to save myself.]

I attempted to ask for help and I can assure you – I’M NEVER GOING BACK THERE.

After a very brief stop at Patricia’s Yarns in Hoboken (she’s very nice, but didn’t have what I wanted either) I think I’ve solved the needle problem for the KSH. Elann.com, my newest enabler, has Swallow Caseins IN EXACTLY THE SIZES I NEED – 3.0mm and 2.75mm. So I ordered them. How easy was that? No muss no fuss and now I can attack the hairy dental floss armed to the nines. Or 1.5s and 2s.

Second Guess #2
Number 2 hurts me a little more. I’m struggling with G’s vest. Because I’m 11 stitches short of the smallest pattern size to get gauge, I keep getting confused in the binding off/decreasing. On the back I had this problem – but remedied it by binding off the 20 stitches they asked for and having less left on the stitch holder for the back of the neck. Well, now I’m decreasing for the arm and the neck. I realized that I better have 20 stitches bound off to match the shoulder on the back. Which means I have less decreases on the neck.

[OOOOOOO. Bruce’s FOR YOU just came on – Now I feel ecstatic!]

Fine, no problem. Then I looked at Bonne Marie’s beautiful new Aran Cardi and I’m feeling bad about my stitch work on the neck. I know, I know. I’m far from the expert she is and I shouldn’t compare myself to anyone but myself. But I can’t help it. It looks sloppy and I really don’t feel like pulling it out. I just want the vest done. Georgie won’t notice and he’s the one who has to wear it. Heck, he said Max’s hat was the best thing I’ve done so far. What does he know.

Alright. I’m done feeling sorry for myself. What a self-serving post. If you’ve read this far, can I call you my friend?

From the Small World Department….

Georgie brought me Chung’s for dinner. Translation: he brought me P.F. Chang’s, one of our favorites, but he calls it Chung’s. Not in any kind of derogatory way but just because Georgie can’t call anything by it’s real name. Like Northwest Airlines is Northworst. Wal-Mart is Wal-Fart. Home Depot is always referred to as Deepott (long e, hard t). You get the picture.

We’re sitting at the table, enjoying our Mongoloian Beef and Pork Lo Mein (a special Chanukah treat – sorry Mom!) and G says, “I had a nice email from Kate today.” I say, “That’s nice,” while sneaking some extra beef on my plate. He says, “Have you ever heard of the Hifer, Heffer organization.” I say, “Heifer International?” He says, “Yeah. That.” I say, “I gave them money last week. It’s a knitblogger thing.” “That’s funny,” he says. “Kate’s grandfather, Dan West, started it. She told me she was in Ecuador helping out.”

So there you have it folks. It’s a small, small world. Don’t forget to donate!

Yarn Porn…

for Cassie.

Jo Sharp Silkroad Ultra

Jo Sharp Silkroad Aran

Oooo…look how it bends…feel how soft…caress the curves!

And Max’s hat, just in time for Chanukah!

Also, a HUGE thank you to Jo for helping me out with the technical stuff! I realized that my blog looked awful in Netscape and Firefox. She gave me some great suggestions and wahla! It should work ~perfect~ now! Thanks again Jo!

The Holy Grail

Since I’ve been reading the knitting blogs, I’ve seen it mentioned everywhere. Now I want it. Really want it.

It’s like when Doctorow told our class that everyone should own all nine volumes of Writers At Work. Guess who went out and bought all nine volumes? Yep. Me. And did I mention they’re ALL out of print? (OH MY GOD – they’re ALL (well, at least the 1950s for now) online, for FREE! These are must read interviews for anyone who likes to read, or write, or live.)

Anyway, I want it.

So I managed to get all my work done last week and had the weekend free. I knew I was going to knit – but didn’t know it would end up being all day and night. On Friday I spent some time on the Geometric Scarf. I wouldn’t recommend this project if you’re thinking you’re going to knit a quick scarf. On size US#4’s it seems nothing goes fast.

Then on Saturday I spent the day working on Georgie’s Vest. I finished all the straight knitting and now I need to shape for the v-neck and arm holes. Sometimes I’m pretty dense because it took me awhile to really grasp that I’m going to have to split the neck in half and work on each side at a time. If it’s not written explicitly in the pattern, I have to think really hard to see it in my mind. But I’m getting better, I think, at the vision thing though the more I knit.

Also on Saturday I recieved yet another goody box from elann.com. The Jo Sharp Silkroad Aran and Ultra are both incredible. I ~almost~ wish I had bought more of both. [Pictures to come.]

Along with the Jo Sharp, the Filatura di Crosa Primo arrived. Which meant Max’s hat. I found a simple pattern on the web and got to work. Since my yarn was perfect for US#8 and the pattern used US#8s I started knitting. My nephew is only four and he inherited my abnormally small head, so I went with 72 stitches. The yarn was really nice and I’m going along making my cute stripes and things are good and then I lay it flat to look at it (the hat is seamed.) It looks a little small to me. Real small. I mean teeny tiny small. So I took out the tape measure and it was 11 freaking inches. Flat.

I’ll spare you the gory details but I frogged the damn thing literally three times until I ended up with 92 freaking stitches. It’s done – except I’ve got a nice hole that didn’t get cinched shut on the top – but Max wants a pompom, so the hole shouldn’t be a big deal. It really is a cute hat – I’m sure Max will like it, but it took me almost ten hours to make a hat for a four-year-old. I know, I know. I have no one to blame but myself. Gauge is a dirty word in this house, in case you haven’t noticed. I’ll post some pictures tomorrow. The weather here is so dismal there aren’t enough lights to brighten it.

I mentioned the other day I had a dentist appointment and a shrink appointment today. The dentist is near Seaport Yarn and the shrink is near Purl.

I went into not one, but two yarn stores today AND I DIDN’T BUY ANY YARN. I’ll repeat that in case you didn’t hear me scream. I didn’t buy any yarn. Do I get thrown out of the club now?

Seaport was okay. I don’t know – maybe it’s the weather (icy rain with a dash of freezing wind) – but I had a million things in my hands to buy – things I really wanted too – and I didn’t get anything. They didn’t have any Cascade 220 and I didn’t feel like being shown any substitutes, although I’m sure there are plenty of good ones. I had the Buton d’Or Layette #12 book in my hand. Didn’t buy it. Had Ann Budd’s The Knitter’s Handy Book of Patterns in my hand. Didn’t buy it. What I did buy was size US#15 Addi Turbos for Jen, a pompom maker and a pumice stone. That’s it.

Then it was onto Purl. I want to like this store. I really do. Whenever I’ve gone in and Joelle, the owner, has been there it’s been great. She’s nothing but warm, inviting and helpful. Unfortuantely the last few times I’ve been there Joelle has not and my experience has been less than nice. Not awful. Less than nice.

I couldn’t really see the Cascade colors well because of the aforementioned weather and I don’t know, I wasn’t in the mood for yarn. (Sorry, Norma! No Sophie yet!) But I do need some new needles. I’m trying to knit the gloves in the new Rowan Magazine using Kid Silk Haze. I don’t like this yarn. It’s like dental floss with hair. Really. I tried to cast on my Addi Turbos but it wasn’t comfortable. I wanted something, I don’t know, maybe not metal. I asked for help at Purl and a whole discussion ensued. The pattern calls for 2.75mm and 3.0mm needles. Addi #2s are 3.0mm. Crystal Palace Bamboo #2s are 2.75mm. #3s are 3.25mm. Same with the Bryspuns. Do you see the problem? One salesperson kept telling me just stick with the Addis. I didn’t want to stick with the Addis. That’s why I was asking for help. Another salesperson didn’t understand why I need to switch needle sizes. .25mm is nothing. The first salesperson insisted on using the same size needles the pattern called for. Back to my original problem – which needles to use. I got fed up and left without buying anything. I think I want to try Swallow Caseins.

No yarn. And no cavities either.