Don’t everyone plotz all at once. Yes. I am indeed posting two days in a row. I’m hoping to make this blogging thing a habit again. It’s too good not too.
This is my Aunt Syd:

Really she’s my paternal grandmother’s first cousin, but I’ve always known her as Aunt Syd. Her real name is Sarah (maiden name Guggenheim. Unfortunately no relationship to the rich ones.) and I think the story is when she married her second husband she changed her name to Sydney. His name was ALSO Sidney. So they were always Aunt Syd and Uncle Sid.
I remember Uncle Sid as kind of curmudgeonly, but I didn’t know him very well. Aunt Syd, on the other hand, is one of the nicest, sweetest, most loving people you will ever meet. Dead honest, but not a mean bone in her body. She’s a teaser too. Somehow my mom and her got pretty close, and I did too I guess because I usually go with my mom when she goes to visit her in the Bronx, where she’s lived all of her life. So yesterday my mom came up and Meli got to have another first – a birthday party for Aunt Syd, who turns 98 on Saturday!

Aunt Syd can’t see very well and she can’t hear very well and she told us over and over again how old she’ll be on Saturday and how she doesn’t understand how she got to be this old! She never imagined it would happen! But she’s still got all of her faculties. And she just LOVED the baby!

I remember having lunch with her one year and she was telling us a lot of family stories, which I just love to hear by the way, and she was saying how she was her parents’ first born and that her mother had many many miscarriages after her. Like maybe some astronomical number – 15? Something awful like that. She thought probably there was an RH Negative factor that was causing all the losses, but for what it’s worth she was an only child. Which is why she was so close to my grandmother and my aunts, but especially my Aunt Syl.
Aunt Syl and Aunt Syd were very close in age and Aunt Syd never had children (her first husband died young and I don’t know how old she was when she married Uncle Sid) and my Aunt Syl never had children either – she married my Uncle Al pretty late, so I’m sure the two couples spent a lot of time together. (Although honestly, I can’t see how my Uncle Al and Uncle Sid got along – two different people you will never meet! But my Uncle Al was sweet as can be too, so maybe that’s how.) I miss my Aunt Syl very much. She died when I was 19. We used to celebrate Christmas and Easter at their house in Pennsauken, NJ because my Uncle Al wasn’t Jewish and whenever we left she always gave us a little bag of treats for the car ride home. And you could always count on Aunt Syl having Canfield’s Diet Chocolate Soda. Thank god for my Uncle Al because he had cable tv! The first time I ever saw MTV was at their house!

Anyway, I named Meli after my Aunt Syl. Her middle name begins with S (although it’s not Sylvia. I would’ve loved to have named her Sylvia – can’t you just see a little girl running around in a flower dress with someone calling after, “Sylvie! Sylvie!” Yeah. Georgie couldn’t see it either! But that’s okay, I love our little girl’s name.) And in Hebrew, I named her Sarah. Nothing formal, but I know that her Hebrew name is Sarah, as was my Aunt Syl’s. And my Aunt Syd’s. They’re named after the same relative. So it was important for me that Meli meet Aunt Syd, and that my Aunt Syd know I named my daughter after her favorite cousin.

When we left Aunt Syd’s apartment and were waiting for the elevator, I told my Meli that she had done a Mitzvah. The first, I hope, of many in her life.
Awesome story! Those are photos that Meli will absolutely cherish when she gets older. I have a photo of me, my dad, my paternal grandmother, and my paternal great-grandmother that was taken when I was a little girl. We were at my great-grandma’s house at the family homestead in Kentucky. I don’t remember her at all, but I love seeing us all together and realizing that there were four generations gathered together.
Aunt Syl is a gem and how wonderful for Meli to meet her.
It may just be hormones, but I teared up reading your post! If Meli is named for someone you have such fond memories of, she is truly blessed. Clearly meeting her was a thrill for your Aunt Syd — those pictures are just precious!
You may have a little mensch on your hands!
What a great story and of course Aunt Syd is special she’s a Bronx girl;) That generation of Bronx women were some of the most special and amazing women I’ve ever known. I grew up around many of them.
First mitzvah of more than anyone can count, I’m sure. Thanks for sharing!
those pictures really trump yesterdays – that is oh so sweet – those hands holding that baby girl! ahhhh. I’m not Jewish so I gotta’ go look up what a mitzvah is!
I will turn 38 on Saturday! It will be a good day. Thanks for sharing your family.
Welcome back Cara! It can’t be hormones since I don’t have any and I teared up too. A wonderful story about a great family.
What a beautiful story. Cherish these times and the making of memories for your wonderful daughter. My daughter is studying for her Bat Mitzvah (where did the time go??!!! Just yesterday she was Meli-size!) and we have been talking a lot about Mitzvahs and their importance. You are a wonderful mother for giving these life gifts to your daughter!
Wonderful stories, and look at the size of that baby!!
Lovely post. YOU did a mitsvah, too, for reminding us of the value we can find in “ancient” relatives, as well as the reminder that we agte constantly. Best to you.
Two gorgeous people in that photo! Thank you for sharing about Meli and your Aunts.
Thanks so much for a lovely family story. Trying not to cry here at work.
Sylvie is my best friend’s name. Her family were Holocaust survivors (Poland to Amsterdam to Paris) and she was named Sylvie to keep with the traditional names. I love her name. In the fall, she’ll have her first child, a boy named Remi.
meli is beautiful…
The first of many indeed!
What a lovely day you must have had. And beautiful memories. I would have loved to know more of my family, but it is rather small. Mind you, I was able to meet a lot of my Mum’s aunts when we used to go to England when I was a child. I have pretty vague memories though. Make sure to tell Meli lots of stories of the wonderful ladies she’s named after. She’ll love to hear them I’m sure.
The story and the pictures just bring a happy tear to the eye! Thank you for sharing them
You may not blog as often as before Meli (do you remember life before Meli?) but the posts are just full of your joy. It makes my heart just feel all warm and fuzzy to read them.
Thanks Cara, this was a wonderful post. I bet your Aunt Syd will love that picture of her and Meli, who is freaking adorable.
Two great posts in two days, thanks a bunch.
oh, when it comes time to take a toddler on the train, after the third or fourth trip in a short time span it will be like riding in the car. I commuted with my son by train for about 8 months. The first two trips were VERY EXCITING, but after that he was as blase as any New York commuter 🙂
Snacks are a big help too!
So glad you are blogging again because that I was a story I was so glad to read about.
beautiful, cara. just beautiful.
What a lovely story! You brought tears to my eyes. There is nothing better than bringing all that family history together. I’m sure that being part of such a loving family will inspire Meli to make many more Mitzvahs.
I understand how Aunt Syd feels I can’t believe how fast time gos by. Every year I wonder how I got as old as I am. Wow she looks pretty good for 98!!!
That is a very beautiful story about your family.
How wonderful that your baby girl got to meet your Aunt Syd.
I think a large family even of extended members would be a wonderful thing. But, sadly my family is very small and will remain so, but they are great!
Aunt Syd is just radiating pure nachas.
xoxo Kay
Wonderful story Cara, but I can’t take my eyes off Meli’s delicious chubby little arms. Toooooo Sweet. Yum! 🙂
Oh. What a sweet and wonderful post.
I’m in the middle of turning the room next door to my bedroom into my craft room and stumbled across my naming certificate from a shul in Florida. It expressed the hope that my parents would see me grow up in the faith (I work in a synagogue and am very active in the movement so they got that), do mizvot (I was a social worker for years and still volunteer) and stand under the chuppah (hey! I did that twice!!), so I think I fulfilled my end of the bargain!!
My Dad’s mom was named Esther and I toyed with naming Emily, Esther, also Bess for my maternal grandmother. I think Sylvia would have been great but Meli is lovely and it doesn’t get better than Sarah for her Jewish name!
Meli looks very pleased with her first Mitzvah!
What a classy lady your Aunt Syd is. Happy birhtday to her!
Adorable photos!
Introducing my babies to older relatives were a few of the sweetest moments I can recall in the list of firsts. There is something about the mixing of those bookend generations that is incredibly touching and memorable. Your comment about Meli’s first mitzvah brought tears in my eyes… don’t forget your part in it.
Congrats on how well you’re doing!
Either your aunt is very small… or your baby is very big! Either way, Miss Meli is absolutely adorable, and so is the sweater!
Actually – she may be related to Marc Guggenheim, who was a writer/producer on “Law and Order” and is co-creater of the show “Eli Stone”.
Your beautiful story of Aunt Syd & your daughter touched this Bronx girls heart, and there are a few tears in my eyes also. Thanks for sharing!
on the name Sylvia: I’m a Sylvia in my 40’s, and to be truthful have never loved it. Someone was always telling me “I had an Aunt Sylvia. But she died”. However, I recently met a 5 year old Sylvia. The names Harry and Emma are young again — there could be a Sylvia resurgence!
Simply adore that first picture of Syd holding your little Meli 🙂