A DDos attack at that.
As many of you may know (well, you should know – I blogged about it. C’mon people – there WILL be a quiz!) I switched hosts around Christmas. Everything went pretty smoothly and I was terrifically impressed with the customer service. The cs at my last host was pretty much non-existent. These new people were emailing me Xmas eve. Very nice.
Apparently their service is so good, they host many a blog. (They have good MT support – which is one of the reasons I went with them.) Some of these blogs are very controversial. (I won’t link to them because I don’t want any backlash. Yes, they are pretty bad.)
Well, these blogs (I’m assuming) were the subject of an Internet attack that took place Friday night and Sunday night. The way I think it works is that an unimaginable amount of information was being sent to the servers so as to crowd them so bad no information could get through. The result – all the servers appear down, which means no websites for me! (And many others.)
That means no this site, no K1R2, no business site. No good.
I and my sites are a little ity bity pawn in the big bad war against opinion (alright – some pretty sick opinions, but opinion nonetheless.)
Now I’m all for free speech. The free-er the better. I remember my Hebrew School teacher telling us all the time – you have to let the Nazis march, because if you tell them they can’t march, then they can turn around and tell you YOU can’t march. So bring on the vitriol, I say. Especially on the Internet. (You can turn it off, people. Just like the TV, close a newspaper, etc. It’s called free will and goes hand in hand with free speech.)
So what do I do? I like the service – I’m very happy with it – especially in the time of outage – regular updates. They seem to have worked very hard to get everything going again. I guess I’ll wait and see what happens. The last big attack they had was in 10/2003. Maybe they won’t have another one for a while.
Speaking of attacks….
He’s ba-aack!
That’s right! Our favorite Lost Boy is back with a vengeance. It’s totally not my thing, but somehow I’ve become completely addicted to it. It all started one ridiculously rainy weekend we spent in Nashville. Georgie was having hip surgery and we were pretty much confined to our hotel room, and not just because he was recuperating. Noah would have had a field day that weekend. The best part was we had the first season on DVD. You CANNOT watch just one episode. We watched many, only coming up for air to eat and sleep. We somehow made it home that weekend just as the blizzard was hitting and were stuck in the house for another few days and watched more episodes. The way a cat takes to nip, I took to 24. Scary, I know.
But Georgie LOVES this show. He gets so excited which gets me excited and it’s so over the top as to be grand almost.
BUT, (yes another but) it’s AWFUL. It taps into all the paranoid red state ideals of America Against the World! Fight for Freedom! AND, to make matters worse, it’s on that faux news channel.
If I like it, does that make me a bad person? Do I have to give back my Roe vs Wade button? My ACLU card? My blue state status? (I swear! I didn’t know Amazon was BAD!)
I ask you! How can something so good make you feel so bad?
School Daze
I managed to finish the back while I was at my sister’s. I’m still a little iffy on the sizing, but I’m going with it. I cast on for the front and finished the rib – now the fun begins! Pictures later. Hopefully.
Oh and Picot-Boo will have to be ripped, yet again. But this is the last time, I swear.
I’m back, baby! I’m back!
Yes you are back & I’m glad! I’ve never seen “24”, but I’ve heard it is addictive. Just what I DON’T need. 🙂
Hey, welcome home.
Wasn’t the discovery of Amazon’s iniquity a dissapointment? I love them – but it makes sense if you think about it – clearly they were aiming for world domination from the get go – and for that you need tax breaks and for those you need republicans.
Anyway, I don’t think liking a TV show can make you a bad person ;), even on Fox.
Glad to see you’re back!
If they’re good, stay with them.
Everyone’s got a guilty pleasure. You’ve just admitted yours to the world. Mine? The Fiddler on the Roof. L-O-V-E it!
We watched “24” for the first season. Then it just got unreal. We prefer to keep it real. 😉 Welcome back!
Okay, I’ve been a naughty, negligent blog-reader so didn’t realize you were gone. Welcome back anyway! 😉 If you’re satisfied with the host, stick with them. Free-speech is worth a bit of downtime.
Oops, almost forgot to mention my own guilty TV pleasure: Lost. Granted, I keep missing the first half of episodes but all the good stuff happens last anyway!
dos attacks happen, if they haven’t had any serious downtime since late ’03 then they sound fairly together to me, given the contoversial content. Do they have an uptime gaurantee in their contract? Did this break that?
welcome back btw – can’t wait to see school daze.
The only thing keeping me from watching 24 is Keifer Sutherland… I know I’m weird but he played the bad guy in “Eye for an Eye” SO well (which, true, is a testiment to his acting ability) that from that point he gives me the heebie jeebies. *LOVE the LOST BOYS though, I know I’m weird*
My TV guilty pleasure? Probably The West Wing. Why can’t all presidents be like Martin Sheen 😉
So happy to have you back!
Wow, Cara, you really summed up the way I feel about 24… and I happen to be addicted to it too.
So, I will keep watching…