Since it’s Wednesday and my life is all about the random, LET’S GO!

Member how I said something about bad numbers and my trepidation about keeping up with this random thing? Yeah. THERE ARE NO BAD NUMBERS! This thing is totally random – I swear on my STR Stash that I haven’t cheated AT ALL and it looks like it was completely meant to be this way and is totally perfect and oh my god I can’t wait to make my next one! I swear I could NOT come up with anything better than this if I tried for all eternity. RANDOM IS GOD!

The perfect garter stitches are like pearls, plucked from a juicy oyster in the South Sea. FANTASTIC! Right now the piece measures about 16×20 – and I’m no where close to running out of yarn. I’m going all the fucking way!!! My plan right now is to knit until I run out of a color, since they won’t be used evenly, and no matter what the number for that section, I will end the row and then I will continue with the remaining colors until they run out, etc. I’m feeling like there will be great balance in this project. Great and perfect, carefree balance.
And in the “you’re never the first with your brilliant ideas so get over yourself already” department, I saw this link to Pixelated Knitting over at Kellee’s. She’s taken this whole random thing about a gazillion steps further and is doing Sudoku Knitting. And she came up with it way back in April. Very, very cool.
What else? Well, you saw the fun we had packing boxes over at Kay’s but that’s not all the fun I’ve been having. Firstly, let me say thanks for all your suggestions and concerns about mailing out many packages. I think to get USPS pickup you need to weigh the boxes first and pay for shipping and I don’t have the means to weigh the boxes, so I will use the cart my apt building supplies and pile it high then go to the PO around the corner. No biggie. Besides, I love the girls at the Post Office – they are very nice.
Now, on to the fun! I’m not sure if I’ve ever mentioned this or not, but my sister and her husband own a bunch of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream shops (no – they never have freaking ice cream in the house. It’s pathetic!) around and about Philly and South Jersey. Saturday night was a HUGE partay down at The Borgata in AC to celebrate the big opening of their store in the food court there. We stayed overnight, had a FABULOUS dinner, lost $$$ way too quickly (the losing doesn’t necessarily bother me – I gamble for entertainment – the part that bothers me is that I lost quicker than I usually do and I could literally be at the craps table ALL NIGHT. So the fun was over there way too fast.) and DANCED the night away! We had a great VIP Suite at the HOT HOT CLUB (which is very nice for us geeky nerdy completely UNCOOL types who can’t get into clubs at all.) I DANCED AND DANCED with my husband, which I love – he can rock out with the best of them – and my sisters and I had FUN!

This is me with my sister right after I came off the dance floor. I’m sweaty and gross and HAPPY! One of my favorite parts of the evening was my outfit, believe it or not. When my sister was here we shopped and shopped with three kids, the oldest being 5.5, looking for a HOT outfit to wear to the club. Nothing. We are not hot. We are old with kids and fat and ick. But somehow, on Saturday MORNING, right before we had to leave to go to the shore, I found a great pair of jeans, a tight black sleeveless top that allowed me to wear a bra and didn’t show my back (I don’t like my back) and wasn’t obscene, and a FANTASTIC pair of shoes.

I LOVE the shoes! Nine West outlet, $30, comfortable! I wore them all night and at 3:30 AM I was a little bit crippled walking back to my room, but I had worn them since 6:30 and boogied my little heart out so I say BRAVO!
Another thing I received Saturday and which looks dirty and wrinkled in the following picture is my fabulous shirt(s) from Urban Yarns!

I saw them first over at Lauren‘s and immediately went and ordered a long sleeve and a short sleeve! I have barely taken the short sleeve off. I ordered both in the XL and the short sleeve could use a bit of shrinking in the length (and a little in the body) and the long sleeve could probably be a smidge bigger across the bust. Just so you know. I love them!
CHICAGO! Chicago is fast approaching. We’re leaving Friday morning and practically go straight to WRrigley Field (FUCK! You think they’ll let me in now? I’ve been up since 6AM! I’m sorry!!!) when we get there for an afternoon game – against The Mets for pete’s sake. I hate The Mets. GO CUBBIES! I’m free the following times – Friday night, Saturday night, Sunday morning/day, Monday day. WHO WANTS TO ENTERTAIN ME? I’m more than willing to “host” a little get together at my hotel either Friday or Saturday night. We’re staying at a swanky joint so the lobby/bar area should be really really nice. Don’t let me be lonely in a city of such fantastic knitters! 😉
Have a randomly great day!
great shot of you and your sister! you look like sisters!! now which sister is it?
ps. you know I love that shirt!
The randomness is looking good. Do you think you could also handle the colors being random (like rolling an extra die each time to get the color)? I don’t think I could.
I always end up reading your blog really quickly and imagine you typing with steam coming from you fingers and not pausing for breath. The blanket is looking brilliant (I knew it would) and have a great time in Chicago!
god, you have me totally thinking about log cabin blankets ALL THE TIME! i’ve got serious log cabin fever 🙂
If you’re going to see the Cubbies and root for them the least you can do is spell the name of their ball field correctly! WRIGLEY! (like the gum)
Love the blanket…LOVE IT! And you DO look hot, hot chic hot in the top and the shoes rock, too. You and your sister do look quite a bit alike! Enjoy Chicago, Chicago!
Oooo! I want one of those Ts but can’t find them at Urban Yarns online….
Sounds like a blast, Cara! I want a t-shirt or two myself but I was unsure about the sizing without being able to see them.
I must have that shirt! Hilarious.
Blanket: brilliant. (Sudoku knitting? Gotta check that out. I just started playing Sudoku. Major time sink, and I’m still really slow.) Shirt: brilliant. Shoes: um, you know what they call those shoes, don’t you? Of course you do. Brilliant.
Love the pics of the randomness! Fantastic shirt too!
Those are some damn cute shoes.
Your log cabin is fabulous. (I loved the green one, too.) And I really need one of those T-shirts. BTW, Congrats on the spin-in and the fund raising. You did a fabulous job of rallying everyone. xox, J.
The randomness is freaking awesome. Love it.
Have fun in Chicago – I’m sure people have already told you to go to Loopy’s – lots of Lorna’s Laces there!
Wow, that’s random!?! Cool! OK, do you have lots of ends to weave in???
yeah! love the shoes! and the t-shirt! and the pic of you and your sister – happy happy!
and i love your random logcabining; the colours are so amazing together, i get a little misty-eyed 😉
I love the blanket! The randomness looks almost planned!! 😉
What will you do when the “squares” aren’t the same sizes? make smaller ones to fill in the gaps?
have fun in CHicago!
Sounds like too much fun! Love the shoes dontcha love heels that you can actually wear comfortably for long periods of time?
omg. ben & jerry’s in the FAMILY? oh, that is heaven. heaven i tell you!
The blanket is awesome.
You danced all night in THOSE SHOES?! My feet are hurting just looking at them. AT least I would need heel straps.
Oh, bummer. I’ll miss you in Chicago by one week.
Make sure to hit Loopy Yarns (in the Loop, natch) and Arcadia (up north). The last time I was at Loopy I had to sit down for a little while … I’ve never seen so much Lorna’s Laces in one place.
Have a great time in Chicago! I’ll be in Philly. Well, in King of Prussia. Yeah, I know, it’s a big mall, but I’ll be with knitters, so it might be all right. LOVE the randomness! How big do you predict it’ll be?
I’ve been told I’m a pretty good tour guide. I’m totally willing to be one of your Chicago hosts. Maybe a Saturday yarn crawl topped by cocktails at your swanky hotel?
You are a total hottie, girl.
The pink purls are mesmerizing. They’re telling me not to get off line and pack for being away from home for five weeks. We will be driving south and then west of the Loop (and Loopy’s) for the last gasp of our schlep from Phila as you celebrate over silk yarn. Even though we’ll be facing rush hour traffic, I doubt I can get a man and two boys to consent to stop to see yarn. Enjoy!
blanket, GORGEOUS. shirt, must get. happy you, BEAUTIFUL! love those shoes. enjoy chicago, get garrett popcorn (cheese and caramel together).
Tee hee hee — look at you rockin’ out the randomness. I LOVE this! What fantastic colors you chose!
I love the random log cabin, it is tempting me. Have fun in Chicago.
“Ardomn” looks so good, i love it!
where can i find those tee shirts??
Fun picture of you and your sister!!! I love those shoes!!!
Those are some sexy shoes–and show off some sexy toes!
Nine West Outlet…GOTTA LUV IT!! Found a pair of mules I fell in love with. $54, but I resisted the lure. 3 weeks later they were $24.99 AND they still had my size. I love them. I love Nine West!
Ooooooooooooooo that log cabin is stunning. YUM.
More fascinating blocks. I’m just about ready to jump in. Urban Yarns is one of the cool stores I have actually been to. I live about an hour out of Vancouver, and used to shop in that area when I went to UBC. I don’t feel so left out now.
Love from Sardis.
Honeybun, that random log cabin is WORKING LIKE CRAZY. I rillllllly love it, love the idea, love your loving log cabins, love the whole world you inhabit. YOU RAWK.