All You Need Is A Collar and A Dream

Georgie worked real late last night, poor baby, so I stayed up, like Penelope, seaming my little heart out.

Now all I need to do is pick up the collar and knit a few rows – nothing to it – and press the hell out of the edges so I can whipstich the picot hems. Have no clue as to how to whipstitch. This yarn is so soft, it’s ridiculous. I hope it fits her.

Plumbers BEWARE!


What Do YOU Care What Other People Wear?

As per Norma, the Virginia State Legislature’s at it again. First this, now you can’t show off your Calvins – introduced by a Democrat, no less. Hey bozos – what if I wear my underwear on my freakin HEAD you fucks! (Besides the fact that this is an unbelievable waste of tax payer money and Virginia has no other issues to legislate, right? – this really boils down to nothing but racism in my opinion.) No, they’re not laughing at us too much. Thank fucking GOD I live in New Jersey.

I think I feel another Knitblogger Protest coming on. COMMANDO DAY! (from Cassie’s great idea to go without!).

Where’s Bill Maher when we need him most? (Oh, thank god, he’s coming back.)


  1. Thats is beautiful picture that you have on your picture of the week. Did you take that?

  2. You know, just when I think that the South may be all right, they go ahead and do something like this
    [Running outside to kiss the New England ground that I call home.]

  3. For cryin’ in the beers…this is re-donk-u-lous. Maybe they could use the $5 to buy everyone belts. 😉

  4. Beautiful baby, beautiful sweater. Well done!

  5. Your niece is so cute! I hope the sweater fits. It is beautiful.

  6. Picot-boo is nearly as cute as your niece! I hope it gave you some nice calming energy to balance the fumes coming out your ears at the ridiculousness of politicians and law makers. Ugh.