The Pretty Plucky Julie has plopped the letter P in my path! Thank you Julie! The way this meme works is that you get a letter from someone and then you have to list ten things, themes, theories, etc. in your life that begin with that letter.


Photography If you had told me a few years ago that my main source of income would be from photography – let alone that I’d have my own business where naive parents have me come to their home and photograph their kids for all posterity – I’d have peeshawed right in your face. No way. Yet, this is my life. And I love it. I love developing my pictures after a shoot and finding that perfect shot. The one I know will bring tears to a parent’s eyes because THIS IS THEIR KID! Not the fancy dress goofy background shot they get at Sears or JC Penney (not that those studios don’t have a place in the world of kid photography – I mean where would we be without those awful pictures to look back on?) This is the picture that captures the essence of a child – who they really are. It’s a moment in time. And I’m thrilled that I can do that for a family. Thrilled.

Prose Just like I try to take photographs that are a moment in time, that’s what I used to like to write. Short Stories. Unlike novels which can span a lifetime, a short story, in my opinion, needs to begin with a single moment – and the story must grow out of that moment. I miss writing stories. I miss telling stories. I do write everyday – or almost everyday – right here on this blog and you know what? That writing DOES COUNT. It does. And I need it in my life. But in my soul I need to be writing fiction. I hope that one day I’ll get back to it. I really really really do. It tortures me that I don’t do it. Writers Block is a particularly pernicious poison in a writer’s soul.

Right now we have no less than four jars of pickles in our house – five if you count the sweet relish I like to put on my hot dogs – but only boiled or microwave hot dogs – not on bbqed hot dogs. Anyway, back to the pickles. I love pickles – sweet pickles, gherkins, kosher pickles – there really isn’t a pickle I’ve had that I didn’t like. Growing up (and by growing up I mean, like, last week) pickles were the main attraction at any holiday meal. My grandmother – god bless her – is not the greatest cook in the world – so all of the kids – my sisters and brother, my cousins and I – would devour the pickles set out in the pickle dish before the meal. I swear they’d be gone in like five seconds. I’ve never had the pickles we eat at my grandmom’s anywhere BUT at my grandmom’s. I’m not sure why – it’s not like they’re special or anything. Some kind of peculiar kosher blend I guess.

Panic Unfortunately, panic is an everyday part of my life. I’ve learned to live with it, to be sure, but it’s always there, playing possum, waiting to pounce. Sigh. I’ve accepted it as a way of life and every day it gets a little bit better.

Pimple The other day I made Georgie inspect my face for wrinkles. It’s not that I’m particularly vain or anything like that – it’s just that I don’t really have any wrinkles. A fact which amazed G. He had me scrunch up my face then relax it and proclaimed that No! I don’t have wrinkles! You know why? Because I have pimples instead. A dermatologist once told me that because of my large pores and my oily skin I won’t wrinkle badly at all. At that time, this wasn’t that much of a panacea because c’mon – who wants some humongous PIMPLE on their face? But now that I’m aging gracefully, I don’t mind that pimple as much. Makes me look young(er) don’t you know! The only really bad thing about pimples is that I’m a picker. Pimples and Picking go together but when you pick, it can often lead to pockmarks.

Perihelion Today is the day that the Earth is closest to the sun during it’s orbit. I think. At least that’s what perihelion means. But this passage isn’t really about perihelion, it’s about the fact that Georgie reads the paper every morning while I’m on the computer and oftentimes – sometimes daily – he’ll shout out a word to me and ask me what it means. Oftentimes – sometimes daily – I have no idea what it means and I reach for my favorite dictionary: Webster’s Ninth Collegiate Dictionary – the red one I bought to take to college. I love when G asks me what a word means. I love looking it up in the dictionary and I love giving him the meaning and I love asking him if that makes sense. It’s just a little thing that we do, but those little things add up to plenty.

Partridge Or more specifically, the Eye of Partridge heel. I decided to use this heel on my new pair of socks. So far I like it! Usually I’m a slip 1 knit 1 kind of girl, but it’s nice to mix things up a bit. The Eye of Patridge heel is simple and the directions can be found here. You have to pay a little bit more attention, but that’s okay. I’ve had a couple of questions about doing socks on two circulars and I wanted to give you a couple of links. I first learned how to do socks on two circulars here. The whole site is actually a great resource and I especially like this page. There are no hard and fast rules with knitting. I do my socks on two circulars, yes, but when I get to the gusset I move things around on double points and shift the knitting so that half the gusset and half the instep are on one circular and the rest on the other. When I’m done with the gusset decreases, I shift the stitches back to the way I started. That’s what works for me. You do what works for you, of course. And two socks on two circulars? I cast on each sock separately and join them in the round – THEN I move both pairs together. There’s a way to cast them on at the same time – or on the same set of circulars, but I couldn’t figure it out. You can find all of this information by doing a simple google search.

Philadelphia Born and Raised. I’ve actually lived outside of Philadelphia about three years longer than I ever lived there, but I still feel the connection. I’m a Philly Girl no doubt about
it. Ask me something about the city, though, and I probably don’t know the answer. I grew up about 45 minutes from Center City (still in Philly) and pretty much all my family is still there but I never really explore the city – save for the trips we took as kids. (I’ll never forget the itty bitty stairs in the Besty Ross House.) Most of the time when I go, I’m visiting the family and sometimes we venture out with the kids, but mostly it’s close to home stuff. I know all the good yarn stores though. For sure.

Perfectionism Ahhh. The double edged sword of perfectionism. Knitting helps me – sometimes. One of the things I love about knitting is that I can go back and fix my mistakes and it can almost be perfect. I love too that I can have a vision and many times translate that vision into a knit. I can make the yarn do what I want. I can’t say that about my other creative endeavors. Perfectionism is a sickness, no doubt, but like the panic I list above (of which pefectionism is a contributing factor – it’s all about CONTROL baby!) I’ve grown to live with it and love it for what it is in my life. I try not to let it get me too crazy.

Did you see these awards? Did you see the one I got? Most Enthusiastic! Thanks girls! I take that as a high compliment. Everyone should have passion in their life. And not just the romantic kind, but every kind. I thoroughly believe in loving something – hard and deep and with verve! Why not? I find it very hard to believe that when I’m on my deathbed I’ll regret being head over heels about something – geez. I wish I loved that knitting a little less. I’m passionate about being passionate, sure, but who can blame me? There is so much to be sad about in this life – so much pain and life is very difficult. I feel it all the time. So why not balance it out with as much passion as possible? One of the best things I heard this end of the year was on The McLaughlin Group. Georgie likes to watch the Sunday morning news shows, and I like to sit by him, so I’ve taken to watching them as well (even though they have me frothing at the mouth half the time.) The year-end awards on TMG are always fun and the last weekend of the year Mr. McLaughlin asked for everyone’s resolution then he gave his own:

MR. MCLAUGHLIN: More mirth in my new year. That’s my New Year resolution. Mirth is underrated and so is unadulterated exuberance. Laughter is healthy and needed, so I’m going to seek more.

Unadulterated Exuberance. I couldn’t agree more, Mr. M. Couldn’t agree more.

So there are my Ps. Would you like your own letter? Ask me in the comments and I’ll try to get one to you asap. This was kind of fun. Thanks Julie!


  1. How could she have known that P was the perfect letter for you? Passion for living life is way under-rated. XOXO

  2. I love that kids pic sooo flipping cute. Letter please.

  3. I will de-lurk and first, say hi. Hi!
    Second…I’ll ask for a letter. 🙂

  4. phew, phabulous post pumpkin’!

  5. I only discovered your blog a few days ago, and it’s quickly becoming one of my favourites. Thanks for the link to your business site. Your photos are wonderful. Almost makes me wish I had a child just to be able to get photos like that (almost!). I’m sure your clients are just as thrilled as you are.
    I would like a letter, please.

  6. You ARE passionate…infectiously so. Every time I see you have a new blog entry, I click over as fast as I can to read you, because you are a constant source of inspiration to me. Your photos and knitting cause a great burst of enthusiasm in me and I literally cannot wait to get home and pick up my knitting needles. Thanks for sharing so much of your life with us, Cara.

  7. Perfect Post. I’ll join in! Letter, por favor!

  8. Great post.
    And I’ll take a letter, please. (Do I have to buy a vowel?)

  9. Psst! The no-relish-on-grilled-hot-dogs thing? Coulda been on the “Six Weird Things” meme. No offense (trust me, I’m way weirder), I’m just noting it for reference.
    Letter, please.

  10. Oh, hell, why not? Letter me, baby!

  11. Pickles! Mom’s homemade crock pickles are my favorite but any pickle jar in the ‘fridge will do. A lovely post, May I have a letter, please?

  12. Also delurking to tell you what a great post. P seems to be the perfect letter for you!
    Could I have a letter too please?? Should I call you Vanna, since you are doling out letters?

  13. Huh. I for some reason always thought perehelion coincided with the Winter Solstice.
    Gimme a ….? (Letter please .. I want to play too!)

  14. Oh yes, letter please!

  15. I would love a letter! Thanks Cara…happy belated!

  16. Letter Please 🙂
    this will be fun!
    Thanks for being so Passionate and a non P word, Inspiring

  17. Pretty please with plums for a letter. Although I’ll get you if you send me X.
    By the way, I highly endorse Heinz India Relish. It’s a hard to find relish variant.

  18. I love the partidge heel too. Does that one have a gartered edge? That’s the one I do.

  19. Your writing is Phenomenal. Thanks for sharing your passion with us.

  20. Hit me. 🙂 Love the eye of partridge heel – might have to try that one.

  21. I hope that right now you’re not lighting your eyes on my “Letter, please!” and sighing deeply. If you are, then please allow me to make it up to you by buying you a few gallons of pickles from Guss Pickles on Grand Street. Or dessert at the Pink Rose Pastry Shoppe on South Street the next time you go to Philadelphia.
    Ummmm…letter, please. Thank you. 🙂
    And I concur with everybody else. Your post is brilliant.
    And I concur with everybody else. Your post was brilliant.

  22. Sheesh. Apparently there *is* a big empty space in my head, and it echoes. And changes tenses.

  23. I’ll have to try that heel out, it looks so cool on your sock!

  24. Pimples and wrinkles…I have had creasey wrinkles in my face since at least the 7th grade when a boy told me that my face just crinkles up so much when I smile. At some department store makeup counter the sales girl told my friend (who had a multitude of pimples on her forehead at that moment) that she had peaches and cream complexion. When she “did” me, she said oh my god I keep putting on moisturizer and your face just sucks it all up. I never had terrible acne, but as a 45 year old, let me tell you, there is some pimple revenge…I get pimples on top of the dry skin! And the wrinkles, well, they are more permanent. Well, yessss, I do remember that day as a young teen thinking that I looked forward to the day that I was as wrinkled as my grandmother (WHAT WAS I THINKING??). That day hasn’t arrived yet…btw.

  25. Incredible photos. I’m with you on the pimples.

  26. if you haven’t given away all 26 (are there more that I don’t know about?), then please send one letter my way …

  27. I will de-lurk and ask for a letter as well if you have any left.
    My dad watches TMG too and I always loved how he tells everyone they are WRONG.

  28. I just had to comment- what a fab idea! I am a list-maker, and this is totally up my alley.
    About the storytelling- You spoke right to me. I am a comics creator (writer and illustrator) and a few of my comics-minded friends have decided to start something we call Write Club. It’s something my studio-mate and I have been doing for ages. We give each other three elements, like a color, a number, a profession, a place, an object, etc., and we must come up with a story involving all three. We’ve turned it into email form among ourselves- whomever wrote a story first passes three things along to the next person in line. We can get some great feedback and it keeps our storytelling muscles strong. The stories are short, only about 2 pages, but it’s a great exercise. The point is to tell stories, as much as you can, any way you can. It’s what makes my life worth living.

  29. I don’t want a letter, but I would very much like for you to come to Toronto and photograph my child.

  30. After you leave Toronto, will you come to my house? Why not make it a tour of the (N.American) continent? Peripatetic photography!
    Can you dispense more than one of the same letter? Because I think I’m #30 or so…but I’d like a letter, please. 🙂

  31. letter please!! 🙂
    great post – i’m interested to see what everyone else comes up with as well (& hoping that i won’t regret asking for a letter of my own!)…

  32. SuPer Post, I hadn’t really read the intro at first so I didn’t get what was up with all the Ps, but then I read it and understanding came to me.
    A letter for me Por favor?

  33. I LOVED the post!!!! Could you give me a letter please??

  34. Perfect. I haven’t given anyone a V yet. Or a Y. Or, for that matter, a U. Find some smartie-pantses! The photograph of the little plumpkin reminds me, again, of how cute the Biscuit would look through your lens. Sigh.

  35. Oh! And my granny used to make watermelon rind pickles. It is a Southern thing and utterly mouthwatering. Tried them?

  36. What a great post, thanks Cara and a very belated Happy Birthday to you. This summer was the summer of hotdogs and pickles for us after visiting Denmark on holiday….yummmy!!
    Can I have a letter, pretty please.

  37. Love the post! Love the transition from panhelios to a discussion of difficult words. Well done! And hey, could you toss me a letter? Thanks much.

  38. Hi Cara,
    I was going to send you an email, but I can’t find your address on the blog (because apparently I’m completely stupid this morning) so into the comments this goes!
    This is in response to your post about leaving grad school, and if you bear one more “changing my life” story then skip this one.
    Oh, and hooray for Philadelphia! I was there this weekend and damn, I love that city.
    I just — three days ago — decided that I’m leaving my PhD program. It’s taken me three years of crying, vomiting, not sleeping, anxiety, and dark, dark places to realise that (surprise!) I’m not happy here. I stayed because I was, and still am, in love with the idea of academia. But it’s not right for me, not now.
    So thank you for writing that post. I’m so glad that I had it bookmarked and at hand this morning when I started to consider staying because I’m worried about what my fellow grad students will think of me. I’m so glad that I “know” someone who left grad school and is smart, happy, and successful.

  39. What a great P post! P was really fitting for you I think! If you get the time once you get down this far in the comments I would love a letter!

  40. Sure, hit me! I haven’t done any memes on my knitting blog, at least not since Socktober!

  41. I also happen to be doing an Eye of Partridge heel with the socks I am currently working on. I added garter st edges to mine.
    On occasion, I’ve only done 1 sock on 2 circ b/c I could never understand how to cast on both at the same time. Thanks for sharing what works for you.

  42. Julie gave me one too 🙂 Very fun read! And yes! I remember the Betsy Ross steps-that was one of my phobias. Betsy and family must have been ty nee! You know we all think your photos are phabulous! And and congrats on the Knotty award!

  43. I have adult acne too–actually they started in adolescence and just decided to homestead on my face for good. I’m a picker too! 🙁 🙁 🙁 Glad to hear I won’t wrinkle badly, though.

  44. Ah yes – totally about the Proactive for me. Where outside Philly? I’m in West Chester.

  45. Love your blog, especially for the incredible photos. I plan to take a photography class soon so that I can figure out what would be a good camera to buy… and then go from there. I’m in awe of your talents.
    I’ll play along. A letter please. Hope it’s a fun one!

  46. Ah, you are an inspiration girl. I love that Eye of Partridge heel also! The letter would be a challenge…but I’m attempting Ariann so bring it on!

  47. Prose–When I was in graduate school (and please, let me tell you how glad I am not to be in graduate school anymore) I had a 2+ year bout of complete writer’s block, the kind where you spend many hours each day staring at the computer screen or the notebook, keep trying new set-ups around the house/office, and nothing, nothing, not a word. For YEARS (come to think of it, I was in Philly at the time!). Somewhere in there I found out that I could still write letters, and began writing letters in lieu of papers. Once I left school I realized that, indeed, EMAIL DOES COUNT, and more recently so does blogging. That’s a long way of saying that it’s nice to know others out there are thinking similar thoughts about similar ordeals…
    And I would love a letter, but since you’ve gotten so many responses I’ll be forebearing if you run out!

  48. Man, is that a lot of pee!
    Okay, I’ll bite on this one!

  49. LOVE your photography!! (And thinking I need those awesome Dansko shoes, except without the offending heel-catch….)

  50. If I had time, I would do a letter but I don’t.
    I do have time to tell you that you should come over to my house for coffee and a pickle. I adore pickles and we always have them in the house. I thought I was the only one until reading this post. Cool, sister!

  51. Love the pictures and the letter P – perfect presentation of P with poise and powerful prose
    If you have time I too would love a letter

  52. Yet another de-lurker. Wonderful post. And one of the things that I like about knitting is that you can make something nearly Perfect.

  53. Phabulous Post! Sure, send me a letter, I’ve been in a blog rut anyway! The end of the year crunch got to me and I could use a lift! Love ALL your photos, but that kid is the cutest! Those curls should be illegal!

  54. Weeeelll, then. Resolving to get to know Beatiful Mount Airy should be on your list of good intentions for 2007, don’t you think? Happy belated birthday wishes from my corner of Phila! Cristina

  55. Pefect post! Also a belated Happy Birthday! I was in the boonies (dial-up only) with a modemless, modern laptop on your great day. I have read several entries of this meme (Margaux was phenomenal with X!), and I have been puzzling about me and several letters. So, if you are inclined, feel free to give me a letter.

  56. WONDERFUL pictures. I can’t tell if I like the hydrangea or the child or the budding flower or or or
    Passion. Yes. Why live without such things? You can be here, and be unhappy, or you can be here and be happy. Passion makes the happy more possible.