A is for


This is my first entry in the ABC-A-Long. As pretty much all of you know, I’m a photographer. Over the past year, I’d say 90% of my work was client related and while I love taking pictures of kids, I miss the pictures I take for myself. So when I saw this ABC thing come up I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to get back to my own photography. Hope you enjoy it. I have to say, taking these pictures today really brightened my mood.

You know how there’s all different kinds of hangovers? Alcohol, of course, too much food, too little sleep, etc – well today I’ve got an emotional hangover. Lots of working out those pesky feelings that don’t WON’T stay down no matter how much you push them. I’m very lucky though to have the amazing support of my can’tfindthewordthatreallydefineshowmuchIlovehimandhowwonderfulhereallyis husband and great family and friends but in the end you have to deal with your own shit on your own time and it sucks. But you get through it.


  1. I definitely WANT TO JOIN! I’ll be updating my blog (http://knittogether.blogspot.com)around noon (PST) today, with an update on my Jaywalkers.

  2. How generous that you upped the drawing! Thanks.

  3. You make it look good enough to eat;-)
    BIG HUG!

  4. I LOVE artichokes.
    I think you should go for one of the other hangovers. You know — like acupuncture.
    (Just kidding. I hope you feel better.)

  5. What gorgeous photos! I can’t wait to see what the rest of your ABC along entries will be. Big Hugs on the sucky working through stuff part. Am there, doing that, and it’s not much fun. I’m glad to know you’ve got such wonderful support.

  6. Hey!
    Hey You!
    you and I discussed that I was to be your A!!! wtf? didn’t think you could make me look as good as an artichoke??

  7. Beautiful photos. I hope you feel better too. I’m a huge “hug it out” person. I try to hold on for dear life until the moment passes. I love that ABC along. Looking forward to X 😉

  8. I am going to do this too… but I have the feeling your pictures will be better than mine 🙂
    PS… It never helps me but if it helps you- you are not alone in that ride. Sure we all have to deal with our own shit (and shoving feelings down isnt the best coping mechanism out there) you arent the only one coping with deep down programmed shit. I admire you for how you do it (both putting it out there and dealing)!

  9. gorgeous photos. gorgeous. will j be for socks? will have pics of mine up in a matter of minutes, btw.
    i’m here if you want to vent.

  10. Ooooh, my favorite, too, and very nearly my A; but then I have a kid with an A, so that was that. It would have hit the steam pot before the pictures were even downloaded! I like mine with butter. You? It was a very sad day for me when Maddy discovered that she DOES like the heart, but Ali doesn’t, so I still get double hearts. And I do hoard them — an artichoke heart is a difficult thing to share. Mmmmm.

  11. but don’t forget those wonderfully crazy knitting friends that are out there for you and well some of us are feeling the same things, you just say it better.

  12. Just wanted to say: gorgeous photos and I hear you on the last part of your post. Support is key, but sometimes shit still sucks. Hang in there. (Oh, and I finished my 2nd Jays.)

  13. Well then, I guess my ABC photos (if I ever come up with an A) are going to suck ass compared to yours. And I love Artichokes. You just made me hungry on top of it all. Hrrmph!

  14. Ya know, I hate it when you show us all up with you uber-photography skills. 😉
    As for the emotional stuff, you said this was the chewy part.

  15. That’s my “A” too (although not posted yet). And my picture is going to be of a can 🙂

  16. Those are gorgeous, just like you. Yes. Chewy. Like caramels. Mmmmm. Just a little word association thing going on there with your post and the comments. SMILE! You’re on Candid Camera! (I know, I’m goofy.)

  17. OK, I surrender. I’ve enjoyed seeing your Jaywalker passion. I’ve loved to see all the different variations in blogland. I’ve gotta join in. Add me to the knitalong list – I’m going to bring some of the Tess’ sock yarn I got at MDSW last year with me to Mexico and cast on. Thanks for propogating this madness!!!

  18. I just wanted to point out to you that its the imperfections in the artchoke that make those photographs so interesting. Remember to be nice to yourself today. 🙂

  19. Emotional hangover. I like it. That’s what I’ve been feeling!
    Oh! And Cara? Your man just came on my radio. He’s not singing your favorite song (I mean, it is a mainstream radio station) – it’s “Dancing In The Dark”. Must be a sign.

  20. I would like to join the KAL. I have cast on tonight. No blog but I will email pics. Love your photography by the way.

  21. Beautiful photographs.
    And the Jaywalkers of yours? INsAnE!!!
    Love your blog 😉

  22. That picture makes me think of the movie Amelie — she says to the mean grocer, “Well, clearly you’re not a vegetable, because even an artichoke has a heart.”

  23. I’ve joined this too and I think it’s so much fun thinking of things. Now I can watch for your gorgeous pictures!! Fun.

  24. i love those photos….almost makes me want to eat the artichokes raw!
    i know exactly what you mean in regards to emotional hangovers – i’ve been suffering from a few of those myself recently. look after yourself.

  25. Argh, I’d rather have an alcohol related hangover than an emotional one any day. Nasty little things.
    I love, love, love seeing your photos!

  26. Love the photos. I didn’t sign up in time for that one, but guess I could just do it anyway (just not officially if that’s allowed). Hang in there! We’re all here for you.
    My Jaywalkers are growing up – slowly. I had a later picture when I started the heels, but I will see if I can post a more recent photo. I’m working the feet of both.

  27. I posted an update on my Jaywalkers last night. I would’ve finished my second pair in exactly one week if I hadn’t run out of yarn! The story and pics are on my blog.

  28. Beautiful pics Cara! I once dated a guy in college that added some greenery (ya know, the kind the florists use) to an artichoke and gave it to me. I loved it. Unique. Better than flowers and I appreciated that he could think out of the box. He did however have other issues that led to the demise of the relationship but kudos to him for originality.
    Hope you’re feelin’ up again soon!

  29. I hate emotional hangovers. Yuk.
    Can’t wait to see the rest of your alphabet pictures! The artichoke is fantastic!

  30. Great pictures and I know about all that emotional shit. Great to have a good husband.

  31. And B is for BEAUTIFUL! It always amazes me when photography can take something ordinary and make you see the beauti in it.

  32. Oooooh, I come to see all the pretty knitting and watch Ann give you shit, but the lovely photos are even more fun.
    Here’s hoping the emotional stuff gets dealt with satisfactorily. I go through phases of being a complete lunactic, so I know whereof you speak.

  33. I want to sign up.
    My update is up now, somewhat boring, but it’s there.

  34. LOVE the artichoke shots! Gorgeous! I’m psyched to see more of your photography.