Sorry it took me so long to get this together! Meli and I trekked out to LI today for a wonderfully WII visit. Ann got a WII for Xmas and I took my remote and my mii and we all – Annie, Flair, Meli and me – had a blast! Thanks girls! I needed that!
Here’s the contest I promised! Tina at Blue Moon gave me a most excellent birthday present! A COLORWAY FOR MELI! It’s called NEVER ON SUNDAY and it’s beautiful!

Meli’s Color: Never On Sunday
Thanks to Tina for the picture!
In honor of this new gorgeous colorway, my beautiful daughter and my lovely friend Tina, I’m going to give away my family of yarn. Two grand prize winners will receive THREE skeins of Lightweight Socks That Rock in the January One, G-Rocks and Never On Sunday colorways!!!

(l) G-Rocks; (r) January One
Three prize winners will receive ONE skein of Lightweight Socks That Rock in Meli’s Color, Never On Sunday.
All winners will be selected from the comments by random. Here’s how to win:
Leave me a comment (in English – sorry all my Russian commenters!) and tell me one of your knitting goals for the coming year. For instance, my knitting goal for the coming year is to actually knit. One comment per person please. Comments will close at 11:59 PM EST on Tuesday, January 6th. I will announce the winner on Wednesday.
Just so you know – the colors are currently not available on the Blue Moon website, but all three colors will be up there sometime later this month. I’ll let you know when they become available. In the meantime, you can try to win them here! Go ahead! Leave your comments!
Thank you!
L, C
My knitting goal for 2009 – finish the projects I have in progress. That’s a boring goal but something I REALLY need to do! Happy New Year to you!
My knitting goal is to finish all the sweaters that have been hanging around my house for over a year. I hope you have a happy new year with your lovely baby girl!
My goal is to make a pair of socks. In sock weight yarn, not Cascade 220. In my size, not 4 year old size. And I’m going to do it. Yes I can.
My knitting goal: knit my first sweater!
My knitting goal is to actually use up my stash and knit my dad the sweater that I promised him before I started grad school!!
Happy Birthday! My knitting goal is to get better at Continental knitting, which I’ve been practicing lately (I originally learned English style), with hopes of getting a little faster at knitting.
This is so exciting!
I would like to knit my mom a sweater for Christmas ’09.
My knitting goals are to finish what I start (there are three UFOs within reach of my couch!) and to make something besides a hat out of my own handspun.
How great that Tina made the colorway for Meli! I want to make my knitting skills grow (what lame grammar that is) and to finish my UFO of a blanket (once I’m done with my first sweater).
One goal is to knit one pair of socks per month to give as Christmas presents.
What beautiful colors. A lovely skein of yarn for Meli.
My knitting goals: One is to finish all my WIP’s. I have some going on two years!
My knitting goal for 2009? To knit the dragon shawl that has been taunting me from my Rav queue for well over a year now.
Happy belated birthday and a Happy New Year to everyone!!
Lovely colorways. My knitting goals for 2009 – to learn color stranding. I love the look of it, but it scares me 🙂 g
Beautiful, really lovely colorways.
My goal for 2009? Knit myself the green cardi I’ve been dreaming about for months.
My goal is to actually knit too! More specifically to clear out old WIPs (either finish ’em or rip ’em)
My knitting goal is to knit one pair of socks per month to reduce my sock yarns stash.
My goal is to finish my first full-sized sweater! (It’s going to be a Rogue, in pretty blue Patons Classic Merino. I already have the yarn–now to get the pattern. And the nerve.)
Beautiful colorways! One of my goals is to do more colorwork in my knitting.
My goals: 1. Use more of my sock yarn. Both in knitting it up, and in wearing the finished products. I have a tendency to go “oh, what a pretty sock, I couldn’t POSSIBLY wear it as an everyday sock!”, which…kind of defeats the purpose. And, 2. Knit a blanket. I’ve done a few lap blankets over the years, but I’d like to have a proper huuuuge one. I even know what pattern I want to use, but I keep chickening out of taking a massive project on. No more!
WOW, Meli’s colourway is totally gorgeous (as is she! 🙂 )
One of my goals for this year is to try lace knitting and cabling, finally. I don’t know why I’ve been putting them off!
Congratulations on such a lovely gift! My goal is to finish the year with 12 pairs of socks completed. Three are currently in progress, so I don’t feel like it’s TOO unreasonable…
I’m going to knit something of great beauty for myself, not just to give away.
I’d like to finish my Christmas knitting by November of this year, so that I can relax and just wrap gifts in December. That’s a reasonable goal isn’t it? Hey, why are you laughing?
What a beautiful colorway!
My knitting goal for this year is to knit five sweaters!
my goal is to knit through my sweater stash… or at least not add to it!
beautiful family, beautiful yarn
I want to actually finish some lace knitting. I have projects laying around everywhere. Maybe I should just change that to finishing all the WIPs.
My goal for this year: Knit an afghan for my brother-in-law and his fiancee for their wedding. And finish all of my projects that I have promised to myself/other people. Oh, and make something for MYSELF, too 🙂
My goal is to finish at least 3 pairs of socks!
I want to actually finish some lace knitting. I have projects laying around everywhere. Maybe I should just change that to finishing all the WIPs.
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My goal is to knit more sweaters for myself! There are so many patterns I love and just don’t get around to knitting.
My goal is to knit everybody that I love a pair of socks!
How awesome is that!!! My goal this year is to knit some sweaters for myself. Actually, my goal is to actually finish some sweaters that are marinating in my WIP cupboard.
What an honour! Your whole family, forever immortalized in yarn. How great is that! My goal this year is to tidy up my stash, catagorize it so I know what’s in there and then finally, try to whittle it down to what I’m actually going to use. Lofty goals I know. Let’s see if I even get step one done.
What an honour! Your whole family, forever immortalized in yarn. How great is that! My goal this year is to tidy up my stash, catagorize it so I know what’s in there and then finally, try to whittle it down to what I’m actually going to use. Lofty goals I know. Let’s see if I even get step one done.
My goal is to finish or frog all of my WIPs and to get the Xmas knitting done on time this year and not have “IT” happen. 🙂
My goal for 2009: knit every day for 15 minutes or more while reading something wonderful and uplifting.
Now I am reading “Miss Buncle’s Book” and knitting the Moss Grid Hand Towel from Mason-Dixon Knitting. Next up for reading is “The Eustace Diamonds” and for knitting are the Sweet Tart Anklet socks from BMFA which I think I started sometime last summer. (Dang, has it been that long?)
Two days down, 363 days to go.
My goal…continue my momentum! I’ve produced more finished objects in the month of December than I have in the last 3 years. So my goal is to keep the momentum up! I’m waiting for yarn to be dyed for my next project (sweater on size 2 or 3 needles), and yet, I’m still cranking out hats and scarves…I’m also on the hunt for felted dog sweater/coat that provides good coverage for the tummy. Still looking on that one!
My goals: 1. Use more of my sock yarn. Both in knitting it up, and in wearing the finished products. I have a tendency to go “oh, what a pretty sock, I couldn’t POSSIBLY wear it as an everyday sock!”, which…kind of defeats the purpose. And, 2. Knit a blanket. I’ve done a few lap blankets over the years, but I’d like to have a proper huuuuge one. I even know what pattern I want to use, but I keep chickening out of taking a massive project on. No more!
Happy birthday! My goal is to set and meet realistic short-term goals, starting with finishing this Fair Isle bag. If I actually worked on it daily, it would be done in a week.
Oh man. So many specific projects, so my goal will be to finish what I start, and to spend more time knitting without injury.
Ohh, I love that! A family of yarn! My goals for this year are to knit a lace shawl out of laceweight yarn, attempt to knit 12 sweaters for NaKniSweMoDo, knit a ton of socks, and try to knit/crochet through my dishcloth cotton stash. 😀 AND I’m trying to read 52 books in 52 weeks. I’m nothing if not ambitious!! 🙂
My knitting goal is to make something lace and finish another sweater–maybe at the same time!
For 2009, for every new project I knit, I plan to wrap up a languishing UFO as well. Kinda gives a sense of how many UFOs I have hanging about!
Oh so pretty. My knitting goal is to actually learn to crochet, so that I can get the edging on a little jacket that is oh so close to being done!
Happy belated birthday! What a wonderful gift to have a yarn colorway named for Meli. My knitting goal for 2009 is to knit a pair of socks for both my DH and myself.
My goal is to knit only patterns that I truly love with yarns that I truly love as well.
i aim to make this year the year of socks. when winter rolls round my toes are so cold i wish that i had so many more pairs of knitted socks. so that’s the plan. :0)
My (somewhat terrifying) goal for 2009 is to knit a sweater a month with NaKniSweMoDo. Eep.
One of my knitting goals for the year is to make a small dent in my sock yarn stash as well as finish the two sweaters I have on the needles for myself. I’m close on one, but the other (cable and o’s from no sheep for you) is going so slowly.
I love Meli’s colorway–so gorgeous!
My goal is to build a happy stash. I’m moving cross-country and then cross-globe soon so I haven’t bought yarn in months and months. Once I get set up in Japan I’m going to slowly, lovingly, build a stash of yarn I love and won’t feel guilty holding on to.
All of that being said, I’m sure I can find room in my luggage for three gorgeous skeins. Positive.
My knitting goal is to finish the “japanese sweater”.
My knitting goal is to write doewn more of my designs.
Since it’s the new year, I have tons of things that I want to start. I have set a goal though to finish two of my WIPs…my Central Park Hoodie (needs seaming and a button band) and my mitered square blanket (needs, um, a whole lot). I also want to knit lots of socks. 🙂
I love Meli’s colorway! I’ve never used Socks that Rock, and that might have to be the first skein I buy. 🙂
My knitting goal is to finish at least 2 jumpers and 2 pairs of socks.
My knitting goal osss to finish at least 2 jumpers and 2 pairs of socks. If I start small everything over that is a bonus.
My knitting goal is to knit a sweater which I haven’t done for years. 2009 is going to be the year 🙂
my knitting goals this year include knitting at least a few more christmas stockings toward the goal of one for each family member.
Wow! Count me in! One of my major knitting goals this year is to not end the year with any of the yarn presently in my stash. It all has to be used up. This is not to say that more yarn can’t be added, but I have to use up all the “old” stuff.
I’m going to have to buy me some of that Never on Sunday – unless of course I win it! My knitting goal for the year…I’m going to go with finishing (or frogging) all the current WIPs and having all my knitting pay for itself.
meli’s colors are great! i think i will make the goal to knit more socks, especially if i win here.
happy new year!
Congrats on the new color, Meli! You’re a star!!!
Knitting goal? Maybe more of a declutter goal! The goal is to knit up more than I buy! We’ll see how well I fare! 😉
Beautiful yarn!
My knitting goal is to start knitting sweaters again. Too many socks already!
Wow, so exciting! Congratulations on your family of yarns 🙂
My knitting goal for this year is to finish knitting a sweater. Just one and I’ll be happy.
Oh my goal is to finish all the FO I made for others and actually knit a sweater for myself which I will wear 🙂
Wii is really fun with kids 😉
Wow! How great for the J1 family. My knitting goal is to not buy any yarn for the year, and to get reacquainted with all the wonderful yarn I have in my stash already.
Wishing you and yours a wonderful 2009.
My knitting ambition is to knit one sweater for each of my two kids, one sweater for me, socks and hat for each of us and a couple more pairs of socks for me. And a Kitty-pi bed for each of our two cats.
Hubby doesn’t like wearing handknits so at least I’m spared knitting for his 46″ chest, 6’4″ frame and size 12 (UK) feet, lol.
My knitting goal is to knit a sweater. What kept me back all this while is the fear that after knitting such a big project, the size will either turn out to be too big or too small.
Happy new year to you and I love Meli’s Colour! It has all my favourite colours in it!
Gorgeous colourway for a gorgeous girl. And I always wondered what G-Rocks was named for and now i know! My knitting goals for 2009 are mostly about completing partners for a bunch of single socks and knitting myself a February Lady Sweater.
My knitting goal is to find my niddynoddy, so I can finish spinning the yarn to make a sweater, and then make it!
Happy New Year! I began knitting just this past year after Stumbling Upon a lovely knitting blog that featured socks. Socks has been my ultimate goal and that’s my knitting resolution for this year…my first pair of socks!
My goal for the coming year is to re-do my stash so I can knit productively – after I finish the few ufo staring me in the face. Love the pictures/videos of little Meli.
My short term goal is to finish a blanket I’ve been making for the past few months – the bit I hate is tying in all the loose ends! My long term goal is to knit my first pair of socks – as a life long knitter I’ve never been brave enough to tackle a pair, but I’m ready for a challenge.
PS your baby girl is sooooo beautiful, she reminds me so much of my daughter as a baby (she’s now 22). She must be the joy of your life.
My short term goal is to finish a blanket I’ve been making for the past few months – the bit I hate is tying in all the loose ends! My long term goal is to knit my first pair of socks – as a life long knitter I’ve never been brave enough to tackle a pair, but I’m ready for a challenge.
PS your baby girl is sooooo beautiful, she reminds me so much of my daughter as a baby (she’s now 22). She must be the joy of your life.
My main knitting goal for 2009 is to focus on the knitting projects that make me feel good.
the new colourway is beautiful. my 2009 goal is to work down the stash by knitting from stash … ;0)
My knitting goals are to first, finish what I have started. I have this thing about deciding I don’t like what I am working about75% of the way through. Most things I soldier on, but in knitting I seem to move on. I have about 8 projects at this point and I need to either frog or finish. Second, I want to knit myself a sweater. I knit a lot of little things, scarves, hats, booties, purses….and even a sweater for my daughter, but I have never taken on a big challenging project… is the time!
Love the family colors!!
My goal is to knit a fitted garment of some sort — probably a sweater.
My knitting goal for 2009 is to knit many beautiful things from my stash, without buying a single ball of wool – it’s a toughie but I’m going to try!
I wish you a happy new year and (belated) happy birthday!!! That´s a beautiful colorway for Meli.
My primary knitting goal for 2009 is to design my first sweater and write up the pattern for some accessories I knit last year.
I have so many knitting goals! I want to knit socks that fit, a cardigan for myself, at least seven Knitspot patterns…What a lovely family you have, both in person and in yarn.
Happy Birthday! My daughter is also a New Year’s Day birthday.
My knitting goal is to knit at least 3 sweaters for myself this year.
My goal is to knit more often again, too. It’s amazing how toddlers just suck the time into the vortex … but it’s a fun exchange. I need new socks, so I’m shooting for six pairs in the new year (if I can’t do one sock a month then I’m worse off than I thought!)
Happy New Year and Happy Birthday!
What beautiful colors and what a great honor for such a little girl to have a yarn colorway designed just for her! It will make a tremendous story to tell her throughout her life.
My goal is a simple one; to knit a sweater for my husband. I have a pattern and yarn that I chose more than a year ago, but have always put off working on for one reason or another. All my reasons to delay the start of a big project are no longer valid, and I think the person who has been by my side for the past 34 years deserves something nice.
My knitting goal for 2009: finish the sweaters I start. I can’t blame toddlers or young children or children of any age, for that matter, it’s all on me. So that has to change. Thanks for making me say it publically! Happy Birthday to you and Happy New Year to the three of you!
My goal is to block and sew together all the sweater I made two years ago from Kiparoo Farms wool, to knit from my stash, and to knit a complete pair of socks that actually fit me!!! whew – I will be a busy bee! Love the new color of STR.
My knitting goal for the year is to knit more handspun handspun handspun! Particularly the handspun sweater that I just started spinning for this week. eek! (It will be so much fun.)
Happy new year to you and your beautiful family.
First: I´m not entering the contest (not because I don´t love your family colours-I do!- but because I live overseas).
I just wanted to wish you (belated…) a happy birthday and to tell you, how much I enjoy reading your blog. And my 14-months-old daughter is very fond of meli-videos 😉
My knitting goal 2009: to try to knit AND think simultaneously again so I can knit something other than plain socks and stockinette sweaters for the wee one…
Have a lovely weekend!
My knitting goal for 2009 is to go from sheep to sweater – prep, spin, and knit (and to remember to actually blog it along the way!).
Beautiful colorways and beautiful family! Thanks for the inspiration to decide on (and commit to) a knitting goal for the year.
Try Fair Isle!!!!!
Have a happy and healthy 2009
My knitting goal is to knit sweaters that I will actually wear, out of nice materials. My sweater knitting til now has been all about cheap and quick, but I never wear any of my sweaters. I want to knit nice things that I will WEAR.
Iam going to make my son-in-law a pair of socks to wear when he ice skates.
What lovely colours.
My goals for 2009 are to finish languishing WIPs (easier said than done, I know), knit a pair of socks a month, and knit from the stash as much as possible.
My goal is to stop being an ADD knitter…meaning not start so many projects at once…and finish my huge WIP list. Ok…that’s two goals.
Happy belated birthday!
I love meli’s colorway. I haven’t made any year long goals but a friend declared January ‘international selfish knitting month’ and I agreed to join in. (according to ravelry I have knit and finished 15 things this past year and only one for me so I think a month of knitting for myself sounds balancing). I started a pair of socks Jan 1 and plan to start a hat and a shawl this month. I might even finish one of those this month. 🙂
Beautiful colorway! My goal is to try a felted knitting project for the first time, even though I’ll have to borrow someone else’s top loader to do it.
Meli’s colorway is stunning (as is she). My knitting goal for this year is to knit a lace shawl in laceweight yarn.
My goal is to let go of the startitis and finish something! What a novel idea, heh?
Finish the sweater I gave my husband for his birthday last year before his birthday this year! (I have until March…). Finishing some other things, too, would be nice, but that one is top priority!
My goal is to finish my sweaters and to de-stash the stash!!!
What a lovely idea – a family of yarn!!
This year, I am looking to learn something new – maybe continental knitting? tunisian crochet? – and work on sizing down the stash… unless I win here, of course, in which case I’l start destashing a little later…
How cool! My goal is to make a great “something wonderful” for myself that I will wear for years and years. Thanks for the chance at some yummy yarn.
My knitting goals this year are to finish UFOs and to use up more stash.
My goal is to finally do some of the projects I’ve had on my to-knit list for years. Oh, and to use up more stash than I accumulate.
I will try and conquer fair isle!!
my goal is to knit a bit more and stash a bit less, and I’d like to figure out lace.
That’s a beautiful color!! I have lots of goals; -knit from the sock yarn stash, -start knitting lace (particularly shawls), -and spin more.
Last year I mostly knit hats and scarves. This year I want to make (amongst many other things) the February Lady Sweater and a cable-heavy item like Koolhaas or Chevalier Mittens.
Happy New Year!
What a great colorway! Its beautiful! My knitting goal for the year is to finish up some of my old WIPs.
Knitting goal 1: finish my damn Mermaid already! It’s amazing, it’s actually 13 miles of garter stitch despite being a small jacket.
Knitting goal 2: knit more sweaters for myself. Out of, erm. Chunkier yarn than Mermaid and less garter stitch.
Gorgeous colours on that yarn 🙂
My knitting goal for 2009 is to design and knit a sweater for myself and finish various UFO’s.
Happy New Year! Happy Birthday! (Egad – but this must be a busy time of year for you!!)
A knitting goal for 2009: Arrange some quiet time to finish some/all of my “old” knitting goals. I have a blanket that is not sewn together. A sweater that is not sewn together…
Hey-It’s just me….Meli’s colorway is SO pretty!
My knitting goal is to knit a sweater with a flattering fit for my body.
My knitting goal for 2009 is to knit more wearable garments for myself. I don’t always get a lot of knitting time, so I need to be more in love with what I knit!
My goal is to knit from my stash more, especially for socks! I’ve quit all my sock yarn clubs, and I really want to make some headway into my stash before I join any more.
My knitting goals for 2009 are to *finish* things. I’m a great started, but especially since my girls are getting bigger, knitting time is a precious commodity. And sometimes finishing is more daunting than starting something new.
Happy belated birthday, and Happy New Year!!! Meli’s color is almost as pretty as she is!
My goal for 2009 is to continue my “winning streak” – in December, for the first time in my life, I finished a deadline project on time. I have a few more coming up in ’09, and would like the recipients to get them in time to wear them 🙂
This year, my knitting goal is to finish a sweater. I have two on the needles that have been languishing for the better part of 2008 and I’d like to get one (or maybe both!) of them finished.
a. Happy Birthday!
b. Knit my husband a vest for his birthday in February.
My knitting goal for the new year is in two parts. First I will knit atleast 6 completed items. Doesn’t sound like much, but I figured it should get me going and I don’t want it to feel like a chore. I knit because I like to knit, after all, and I’d like to keep it that way. The second part, which is less official is that I intend to learn to knit socks. I love socks and the very thought of handknit socks just rocks my…well…socks.
My goal. Finish all of the projects that I’ve started and left languishing.
That and to knit more from stash. A lot more.
Goals are more socks for husband and son – who love them (isn’t that nice to have someone who appreciates your knitting?) and finish projects that I start more quickly while I am still enthused with the pattern/yarn (I guess that means be more mindful and purposeful with my knitting).
How cool! My goals are to knit more with handspun, spin more and make another sweater for me.
Goal: Make baby sweaters. I’ve only finished one in the three years I’ve been stitching. I’ll never get to adult sized ones unless I get some practice! LOL
Thanks for the contest. The colorway is gorgeous!
My goal is to knit from the stash and finish up some old UFO’s.
Glad you are back posting on regular basis. The pics of Meli are so cute…. keep them coming.
What a gorgeous new colorway and what a lovely gift from Tina! My knitting goals for 2009 are to try colorwork and a project that involves steeking (eek!).
How cool! My goals are to knit more with handspun, spin more and knit a sweater for me.
Happy Belated Birthday! We bought a Wii for the family for Christmas and we love it.
My knitting goal for this year is to clean up the WIP’s. I have some that have been sitting for mumblemumblecough years. Some of them require ripping and reworking, some need the pattern located and my place in the pattern deduced, and one, a sweater, is my own based on an EZ pattern and I need to make a decision or rip it out. I’m going to do the extra work that my disorganization has created for me, rather than take the easier route and rip them all back.
To knit something for myself other than socks.
I want to knit the Forest Path Stole. I have the yarn, but eeeep! It’s huge!
This year i am going to knit more for me.
My goal this year is to stop knitting things I won’t wear. I know I can’t stop being a process knitter, but I need to find patterns that appeal to my sartorial as well as my knitterly instincts!
Happy Birthday! I’m tempted by a Wii for myself – it’s nice to hear you’re enjoying it.
Knitting goals – I’ve spent the past 3 days sorting the stashes (yarn and fiber) and joined the 12 sweaters in 12 months group on Ravelry. Success is my goal.
My goal for 2009 is to knit only from my stash- no new yarn (unless I run out mid-project; then I have a dispensation to get enough to finish!) This goes for my weaving and spinning fibers too… but the hubby is allowed to get me yarn for gifts. (Come on, Valentine’s Day!!)
My first baby is due March 1st, so the primary goal is to finish all of the projects I have planned for her before her arrival.
My goal is to knit more socks and get ravelry updated. Those colors are stunning.
My knitting goal for 2009 is to get some order in my stash/projects. We just moved to a new house and I’d like to get my stash looking a bunch nicer (get the icky acrylic… the stuff I was giving from another woman that’s from the 70’s… finish up or rip out projects) I’d like to buy more animal fibres, and actually complete the KAL that my local knit group is doing.
Happy Birthday! My goal is to knit less for deadlines and more for me. That doesn’t necessarily mean I won’t knit for others; more along the lines of knitting what I want when I want.
My main goal is to knit something for myself. I knit a ton, but never for me. I even have a sweater picked out; now I just need to set my priorities.
Happy Birthday. The yarn colors are all beautiful.
My knitting goal is to knit from stash. I have enough for many pairs of socks, a few sweaters, and lots of scarves and hats. That should keep me busy all year.
Happy New Year!! My goal is to knit from my stash (world’s biggest stash?) and try a bunch of patterns that I have!
My knitting goal is to complete full-size blankets for both my kids.
Happy New Year!
My knitting goal for this year is to slow down and not be in such a hurry. I want to knit myself sweaters with finer (not worsted) yarns, and they take longer. Last year I was a production knitter, trying to reduce my stash, which was good. This year I want to savor my knitting and knit with nicer yarns.
I’d like to finish two sweaters this year as well as an afghan for each of the girls. Hitting the third goal (what to do with all that sock yarn) would be nice too . . . so would winning a contest!
Happy New Year and belated birthday wishes. My goal for the new year is to actually knit something for myself.
How fabulous! I love that there’s a family in yarn.
My goals this year are about stashbusting. I have a sweater I want to knit, but I have tons and tons of sock yarn I’d like to knit up– maybe into socks, maybe not– but get a move on to make room for other things later!
I want to experiment more this year. Try intrasia and knitting with multiple colours. And get rid of my huge yarn stash.
Happy Birthday and happy Meli color!
My goal for the year? Colorwork; both in mitten and in yoked sweater form.
Happy new year!
Gorgeous colors. Who could resist?
My knitting goal is to knit some color work knee-high socks that I can enter into the fair. I do color work and I do socks, but never the two together. I’m afraid they won’t fit well. It’s time to overcome some of my fears.
My goal is to try steeking. It looks so scary!
Belated happy birthday and happy new year, Cara! CONGRATS on those beautiful colorways! My goal? Finish the WIPs and knit a sweater for ME (not for the hubster — must finish one on the needles for him).
My goal is to finish my Swedish Heart-warmer shawl
My knitting goal for 2009 is to learn to spin. I’d like to know more about yarn and how it’s made, how it works. Thanks for your blog and best wishes to you and your family in the new year.
My goal is just to knit too…it seems I do nothing but spin these days. Seriously though, I’d like to knit myself a cardi and a lace stole.
Beautiful colorways!
My knitting goals this year, I have a few:
1. To blog my knitting better.
2. To learn to knit socks with a short row heel, so far I’ve only used a heel flap.
3. To use a toe up sock pattern.
4. To make a felted bag.
5. To organize my knitting better.
Happy Birthday, Happy New Year!!
Ah, goals – my knitting goal for this year is to finally DO that top-down sweater/sweatshirt out of the lovely cashmere/merino cone I got at School products two years ago. I bought it, I swatched it, I decided the basic outlines of it and the pattern for cuffs and collar and hem, and then…
Decided I wanted it to be top-down. And haven’t gone to the trouble of getting “Knitting from the Top.” But my husband bought it for me for Christmas – whee!
My goal this year is to knit an afghan. I have wanted to for the last few years, but always end up feeling daunted by the sheer magnitude of it. Hopefully 2009 is my year!
My knitting goal for 2009 is to finish up my WIPs. In the order I expect to do them: anniversary socks for my husband, Christmas sweater for my husband, Dakota on the Side jacket for me, modify a Kauni sweater that I made over a year ago (into a v-neck and lenghten the sleeves), line a Booga bag that I made about 3 years ago, and mend 2 pairs of socks. If I finish all that, then I will let myself cast on for a new sweater for me. Oh yeah, and learn how it knit continental (at a Stitches West class in February).
My knitting goal is to finish three planned sweaters. I signed up for NaKniSweMoDo thinking to get 12 done. But I’d be really happy with the three! 🙂
My knitting goal is to knit a sweater for myself. One that fits and that I love to wear. Hopefully before spring.
My goal(s) this year? To do challenge myself to do more than the basics, because I know I can. Also I would like to learn more crochet to become more well rounded.
My goal for 2009 is to knit a sweater of handspun yarn. I have dyed and blended the fiber, now I need to spin it and knit it. I look forward to the process!
My knitting goal for this year is to knit for myself, not for all the people I think I should be knitting for.
my goal is to knit more for my 8mo daughter!
My knitting goal is to use my handspun yarn – for some reason I never feel it is good enough to knit with! So I have bins and bins of handspun, and need to begin knitting it.
Happy belated birthday wishes, and congrats on Meli’s colorway – the whole family is beautiful!
I’d like to knit a sweater for me this year – I end up doing a lot for my two year old since it’s so much quicker to do a small sweater. I have the yarn and the pattern already – just need the time 🙂
I’d like to actually finish a pair of socks from the Rockin’ Sock Club, too.
My goal is to knit through the yarn I bought at Rhinebeck 2008 BEFORE Rhinebeck 2009 rolls around.
What a beautiful colorway and what a beautiful gift from Tina!!!
I think my knitting goal for this year is to start on the Philosopher’s Wool Sweater kit I bought last year at MDSW.
I want to finish my Bohus sweater this year and knit a pair of socks a month.
I have started knitting “my first sweater” – mind you, several different sweaters at that – but have yet to complete one! My knitting goal for 2009 is to finally complete my first sweater!
Happy New Year! My goal is to get thru some of my stash. I love my stash, the colors, the texture – but I need to use some of it to make more socks…my feet are cold. How cool that you have 3 colorways!!
I would like to knit with ebullience (and abundantly) from the joyfully colorful stash. On tap: a selection of sweaters, a basket of socks, and an array of shawls, scarves, and other warm things.
Tina sure is good to you guys. Meli’s colorway is so inspiring! Happy belated birthday as well.
My knitting goals include knitting up the yarns I bought on our honeymoon (a road trip around the Great Lakes, with lots of stash-enhancing pit stops!) and to spin the yarns for a pair of fair-isle socks.
With a 4 month old and a 3 year old, my knitting goal is to knit, too.
Happy Belated Birthday!
My knitting goal for 2009 is to truly organize my overwhelming stash and weed out the yarn that I will never, ever use for any project, ever!
The colourways are gorgeous. My goal is to knit myself a lace shawl (and to reorganize my stash).
To finish several languishing project including a sweater that just needs sleeves.
As much as I would love to knit a sweater a month, my goal is to finish something each month (probably mostly baby socks and wash cloths with an occasional adult item tossed in for fun).
My knitting goal for the year is to actually knit something from my handspun yarn! Why am I so nervous about using ‘my’ yarn?!
My goal for 2009 is to not constrain my knitting by my fears. I tackled lace in 2008, so the sky is the limit! (OK, my budget is my limit, but …)
my goals are to make time to knit. and to try fair isle again. and to make a finished project that i actually will wear (other than a scarf/hat).
My knitting goal for this year is to actually keep track of my projects…FO’s, stash, UFO’s, etc. Take pictures, write notes, record changes on patterns. I’ve been so remiss this year in taking photos of FO’s. I think that I have made at least 9 pair of socks this year…but I don’t have the evidence to prove it!! (Many were gifts!)
Happy (late) Birthday! My knitting goal for the year is to finish up some long suffering WIPs and to end the year with less WIPs than I started it with (37! yikes!).
I received knitting needles as a Christmas gift and just learned to knit last week. My knitting goal for 2009 is to make my first pair of socks and also try cables!
Knitting goal for the year: well, there are several, but for this purpose, one pair of Norwegian-style mittens, for me, from stash. Glad you enjoyed your birthday!
Pretty yarn! Some 2009 goals: learn colorwork, use some stash, finish some UFO’s. Happy New Year!
My goal is to finaly knit something for myself that my daughters don’t rip off my body and take home. It will either be shapeless or ugly but it will be my own!
it is the same every year and with the same outcome. here it is:finish something before casting on something new, knit with yarn from doomsday stash, only buy yarn for specific project, knit xmas gifts and stockings in july not xmas eve,knit rockelstra sweater by cth, and lastly stop knitting sock and actually knit the pair for goodness sake. happy new year and b.d. january one.
My knitting resolution is to knit whatever I want. Not to worry about the small stuff and to create a “gift basket” of things I knit for gifts and holidays… that way no stress next year.
Love Meli’s colorway. 🙂
In 2009 I plan to knit my mom the sweater I’ve been promising her for years.
Over at Knitters Review, GFTC suggested a special Sock club. One that we would love all the colors and not cost an arm an a leg. I have put 13 different skeins of yarn into different baggies and will knit socks from them. 😀 I’m pretty excited, I love socks, and I love sock yarn. 😀 My goal is to make socks from all of these skeins this year. This is a challenging goal because I’m in school full time and have 3 little ones (and husband) to take care of. 😀
My knitting goal, complete NaKniSweMoDo (i.e. knit 12 adult sized sweaters/tops this year). We’ll see if I can keep up the momentum, but I hope that doing this will keep my knitting momentum going throughout the year!
My knitting goal is to simply knit. I’d like to finish some stuff that’s on the needles, but if I don’t, it’s not the end of the world.
New to blog and enjoying it!!
My knitting goal is to learn how to knit something new socks, mittens, or a new stich/pattern
Happy new year
New to blog and enjoying it!!
My knitting goal is to learn how to knit something new socks, mittens, or a new stich/pattern
Happy new year
I plan to finish all the mittens I’ve promised to people and also, finally, learn to knit intarsia.
I didn’t know G-rocks was for YOUR G! My MIL loves her January One socks I made for her (I do too).
My knitting goal for this year is Anne’s Honeybee stole!
Happy Belated Birthday!
I’m glad you had such fun WII visit. We love our Wii, too. My knitting goal for this year is to knit at least 2 sweaters for myself. I have the yarn and I am tired of being cold! Knitted socks help, but knitted sweaters are even better.
My goal is to figure out how to find time to knit as a new parent. Our little girl is almost 4 mo old and I have barely knit since she was born.
Love the new colorway!
One of my goals is to tackle all the unfinished projects sitting around. I am amazed often that only an hour of knitting remains- what was I thinking when I stopped???
My knitting goal is to be more fearless with my projects. Being timid only stalls my knitting progress and delays satisfaction. Knitting more often and knitting my “dream” garments — well, that’s true satisfaction — despite how many times I may have to frog the results.
Thanks for asking!
My goal is to finish a sweater. I have 3 nearly finished sweaters staring at me,
Finish my UFO’s and use stash! Then of course start another 10 projects. My same goals every year.
To actually finish what I start!
Hi Cara,
I love your contests! My knitting goal for this year is to actually finish something for my husband. I’ve knit for my kids, my family, and for myself but I’ve never finished something (not even a hat or pair of socks) for my husband. So, there you have it! 🙂
My goal for 2009 is to finally get the stash down to a manageable size. Something that doesn’t scare me every time I open the closet.
My knitting goal is pretty boring- I really would like to finish some of the WIPs that have been shoved into various corners of the house. Sadly, it is the same goal I had last January.
My knitting goal for this year is to knit a sweater that I’ll actually wear!
I have a bunch of knitting goals for 2009, but the most ambitious is to actually design my own pattern and get it published! Thanks for the contest and happy new year to you and your family.
My knitting goal for this year is to knit a sweater that I’ll actually wear!
My knitting goal is simple: clean up some WIP’s and get organized before casting on my next sweater! And I hope to spend more time on some of my other fiber art projects, like felting & spinning.
Happy Birthday, Cara! My knitting goal for 2009 is to finally knit my husband a sweater. Oh, and to finish all my WIPs.
My big knitting goal for this year is to figure out how to put the top down set-in sleeves into the sweater I’m working on. Note to self: when designing a sweater on the needles that will require lots of counting (because I’m bad at making notes) and picking up of stitches, choose a light colour, ’cause this deep purple is making me crazy even though I love it.
My knitting goals for this year are:
1. Clear out my WIPs (finish or rip)
2. Join a Knit Night
3. Start my very own blog
4. Figure out how to knit a circular lace shawl
Happy New Year!
I have this one sweater that has been in progress for a couple years now. I want to finish that. At this point, I only have seaming left, but I’ve been putting it off since November, when I finished the last sleeve.
My knitting goal is to use up a good portion of my sweater yarn stash. Finishing or frogging old projects would be a bonus.
I’ve got a few knitting goals this year. The major one is to finish spinning enough yarn to knit myself a cabled sweater.
Meli’s color is as gorgeous as the rest of the family’s. I love love love love them!
Resolutions for 2009! Well I hope to finish up some WIPS! I was looking through mine yesterday and I have to decided what to keep and what to frog, then move forward to finish up unfinished projects!
My biggest goal for 2009 is to knit a sweater for ME that I will actually wear – many have tried and all have failed. I also want to knit a big log cabin blanket like your family blanket. I love that project!
My first knitting goal is to finish a Rambling Rows Afghan for my 2 year old son. (I also plan to sew him a stocking.)
The new color is gorgeous! Yay!
My goal is to knit fewer socks (36 pair in 2008) and more mittens (0 pair in 2008)…they do both come in pairs and they both knit up wonderfully with sock yarns…or shall I say “fingering” weight? 😉
My goal is twofold – explore my creative side, and knit more for others. Happy New Year to all!
My knitting goal for this year is to make mittens–usually at the start of a year I pick one thing to obsess over, and knit that almost exclusively. Last year it was doilies, the year before that silk shawls (wool ones didn’t count), the year before that socks. I hope to turn out a pair of mittens a month.
That’s neat that they named a colorway after Meli!
Happy birthday by the way (January One!)
My goals for 09 are to design a few more patterns than I did in 2008 (which was 5) and accomplish more finished objects than I did in 2008 (which I think was 20 finished projects). Also, to finish started projects that are currently on needles. As well, to knit my first sweater (adult sized). I’ve only ever knit baby sweaters so far. (Currently I have 2 on needles, 1 for my 6.5 month old, and one for 18 month sized that was supposed to be for my now 2 year old, I guess the baby is getting it now!) LOL.
Happy belated birthday! One of my knitting goals for this year is to finally knit a lace shawl. I have the yarn and the pattern, now I just have to do it!
Gorgeous colorways!!!
My ambitious-for-me goal for 2009 is to actually finish things = one FO a month for 12 months. Eeep.
My two knitting goals for 2009 are to concentrate on knitting for charity for at least the next three months and to use up lots of stash.
Happy New Year! and thanks for the contest.
As a returning college student with three kids my knitting always seems to get put on the back burner. My goal for 2009 is to make time to knit for 15 minutes every day. I know that doesn’t sound like a lot, but I’ll treasure every moment and it will do wonders for my mental sanity! Have a wonderful New Year.
Happy New Year! My knitting goal for 2008 is to finish the three sweaters that I’ve started. Two have back completed and fronts started, and the last is for the boy, bottom up raglan that’s up to the neck – I just need to get it done already!
Beautiful colorways!
My knitting goal is to knit a sweater that fits. 🙂
My goal is to knit something for my 3rd child. Poor baby has no handknits of his own.
My knitting goal for 2009 is to finish up all my WIPs. (I may have a huge pile of them which is overwhelming.) And by finish, I mean actually finish or frog.
my goal is to knit a long sleeved pullover sweater for myself! and more outdoor/hiking wear for the family
I am starting with the gift guy socks this year, 8 pair of boot socks. So that I won’t be rushing to finish them at the last minute.
Wow that is really pretty!
My goals are easy, either frog or finish all of the wips laying around plus a pair or 2 of socks for me would be nice too!
My knitting goal for 2009 is to make myself a weeks worth of socks. (DH has enough now & I keep wearing holes in the pairs that I’ve made for me)
I plan to knit more lace socks, as the very first one I made came out to be more gorgeous than I ever imagined. I’m also looking to try more challenging patterns now that I’ve gotten some basic sock patterns down pat!
Meli’s color is exquisite!
I just had my first handknit sock casualty…. so many more handknit socks are in order this year!
This year, I would really like to knit more sweaters; and maybe finally learn stranded colorwork.
Happy 2009!
my knitting goal for 2009 is to finish all my projects before I start any new ones- should be tough since I have the yarn and patterns ready to go!
I need to finish a sweater that I started for a friend toooo long ago.
I would like to finish Eris, but I think that one needs to hit the frog pond.
My main goal, though, is to continue to MAKE the time to knit at least once a week instead of allowing nursing school to continue to take over my life 🙂
Happy New Year!
Such lovely colorways! My resolution is to really learn to knit lace.
My biggest goal this year is to learn to knit Continental to hopefully make knitting easier on my hands, and then finish all the English projects I have. Everything else new that I plan to learn (lace, stranded knitting) or do (have 8 pairs of socks total this year, start a sweater) will be icing on the cake!!
Your blog is one of my favorites! I love it when you update!! Meli (the baby and the colorway) is beautiful!
Happy Birthday!
My knitting goal is to finish all the projects I currently have lined up. And to design my own sweater.
That should take about a year, I think….
Beatiful color!
My knitting goal is to finish the projects I have started so I can finally begin knitting bigger projects (like sweaters) with my handspun yarn. I keep squirreling away all this yarn and I’m itching to use it. I just don’t feel right starting until I finish the WIP’s.
Happy belated birthday!
My goal is to knit something for each of my eight grandkids… it was so easy to make a sweater or hat and mittens for them when they were little… but last year I just knitted sweaters for their teddy bears…. but this year for their birthday I want to knit something for them!!!! They are growing so fast that it’s tough to make them sweaters…they outgrow them too quickly…
My goal is to make a sweater for myself that fits, and to knit lots of practical items for the family.
I guess I should say my goal is to finish my WIP’s, but I’m going to say to organize my yarn and projects and to make myself at least one sweater.
The colors are gorgeous!
My goal for the upcoming year is to knit what I want! No more feeling like I have to knit the “in” pattern, or buying yarn to fit an upcoming KAL…. nope, just what I want, when I want! I’m feeling more free already!
My knitting goals are to finish the sweater I started last Christmas and use up some of my sock yarn stash!
I just got my first STR skeins last week, and wow, now I get the obsession 🙂 They are scrumptious!
One of my knitting goals is to knit something for everyone in my family. Still haven’t decided what that will be, but everyone will have a handknit something in 2009 🙂
My knitting goal for the year is to make it to a knitting group meeting and finish knitting and sewing up my nearly finished cardigans.
My goal for 2009 is to actually knit a sweater. All I find myself doing is knitting accessories and socks – tons and tons and tons of socks. So sock yarn is always welcomed here! Have a great 2009!
My goal is one pair of socks a month using stash yarn. It doesn’t seem too lofty to most but I haven’t been knitting as much as I would like and this is my motivation.
Hmm, knitting goal… I want to make a decent cardigan with some Rowan Magpie I have sitting around. Kinda like the February Lady Sweater, but I’ll jiggle it quite a bit to make it my own. Happy new year to you all!
How fun! My knitting goal for this year is to knit more socks, and only from my stash. Because it’s getting a little out of hand 🙂
Pretty colors!
My knitting goal for 2009 is to knit 12 pairs of socks – all from the stash.
Those colors are so pretty!
One of my knitting goals for 2009 is to steek a cardigan. I’ve already started the sleeves, and I picked out the colorwork pattern for the circular yoke. I’m super excited about it!
Yay for Meli and her very own colorway!! Way to start off, young lady!! What a great 2009 it’s looking to be. My knitting goal? To exceed the number of projects I did in 2008 (shouldn’t be too hard – it was a measley 17) and to finally do my Hanne Falkenberg kit. Bring it on!!
All of the colors are so lovely! My knitting goal is actually the same as yours–to actually knit. (16 month old in the house!)
An FO for every 10 lbs lost, and as you saw yesterday, that’s a freakin’ wardrobe!
LOVE “Never On Sunday” – it’s almost as beautiful as she is!
My knitting goal is to finish up projects that are currently on the needles, inventory my stash and needles (possibly even posting them on Ravelry), and post more comments on the knitting blogs I read. (Yours is one I get through Google Reader, and I love the pictures of Meli and reading how happy your family is with her in your lives!)
My goal is to knit more this year. I will continue to make socks, socks and more socks, and I’m looking forward to my first sweater.
My knitting goal is to finish up projects that are currently on the needles, inventory my stash and needles (possibly even posting them on Ravelry), and post more comments on the knitting blogs I read. (Yours is one I get through Google Reader, and I love the pictures of Meli and reading how happy your family is with her in your lives!)
My knitting goal is to finish up projects that are currently on the needles, inventory my stash and needles (possibly even posting them on Ravelry), and post more comments on the knitting blogs I read. (Yours is one I get through Google Reader, and I love the pictures of Meli and reading how happy your family is with her in your lives!)
One of my knitting goals for the coming year is to use up my leftover scraps, either through little projects or destashing.
Happy birthday Cara and thanks for the cool contest. My goal for 2009 is to design something for myself. I can follow a pattern, but I want to WRITE one!
What gorgeous colors! I’m going to get the hang of knitting socks and stash bust by making the tessellated fish blanket.
Finish 1 FO before casting on a new project. Some of the my FO’s need to be frogged and that will count as finishing as long as I rewind, label and weigh all the yarn.
My goal is to knit a project with steeks and to have another design published!
Beautiful colors!
My major knitting goal this year is to complete a sweater. I’ve started a couple and get frustrated (bored) or worried about fit and give up.
My goals are to finish several WIP’s and to knit everyday, even if it’s just a row or a few stitches, but preferably a couple of hours.
Wow – those colors are all beautiful!
Sadly, my goals for the year are very simple: find my needles and finish something. Also, I really want to make a pair of socks for my dad and my daughter.
My knitting goal for the year is to make myself a sweater I don’t hate.
Yay–those yarns are lovely!
My knitting goal is to knit more! and make the dollar and a half cardigan.
My goal is to complete Nakniswemodo.
My goal for the year is to commence baby knitting in force – I’m due in May. I’m dreaming of wonderful baby hats, booties, and sweaters!
Steeks- I’m going to make a steeked cardigan ala Elizabeth Zimmerman.
Oooh, slim chances, but worth a shot. Those are yummy colors!
My knitting goal…to finish….no, first to start and then to finish…the sweater that my daughter wants. (Two strands of fine alpaca in black and dark gray, knit together….yikes.)
Meli’s colourway is simply gorgeous! I love the deep blue and the brown (burgundy?) in there; those colours bind everything together.
My knitting goals for the coming year are:
– finishing the two sweaters I’ve had on the needles for too long now (they’ll be more useful on me than on my needles!)
– spinning more and knitting with my handspun, starting with a shawl (I haven’t forgotten your handspun shawl, it’s a great source of inspiration!)
– go and spend time knitting with my grandmother, and also with my nephews (5 and 7) whom I just started to teach how to knit (and while the first quick lesson wasn’t even over, they were already over knitting with practice yarn and wanted to get to the real thing: knitting a sweater for themsleves! I have ambitious students!)
Thanks for hosting this contest, and for making me stop and write down these goals.
My knitting goals for 2009-
Go to as many Stitch n Bitch nights as humanly possible
knit the beautriful alpaca yarn I bought 2 years ago
Knit a shawl/wrap/poncho for work
I also want to be more mindful when I knit. It’s my most favorite hobby, more than a hobby really, it’s a part of me. I want to make sure that I recognize as often as possible how much I love it, enjoy the soothing feeling I get. I vow to let frustrating projects go but never be afraid to take on a challenge where I can learn something new.
My goal is to knit my husband a sweater. He has been asking me for years to make him a cardigan, and I have finally ordered the yarn and I will get it done!
Happy New Year! My knitting goal is to finally organize my knitting needles so that I will hopefully stop buying duplicates.
My knitting goal is simple: Knit a sweater.
ps: the colorway is lovely, just like your daughter.
pps: Happy birthday!
My goal this year is to finally try fair-isle. I want to start with the Autumn Rose sweater.
My goal is to finish my long neglected sweaters.
My knitting goals are:
1. Finish colorwork sweater and steek for the 1st time
2. Finish DS #1’s sweater
3. Knit 3 more sweaters that I have the yarn for
4. Knit more lace!
That colorway is just gorgeous!
My knitting goals for the year are to finish my first sweater and to use up my growing stash of sock yarn.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Goal: to actually knit myself a sweater for the size I am now instead of waiting until I lose weight. I’ve waited long enough 🙂
Meli’s colourway is just beautiful (as are the others)! My first knitting goal this year is a pair of Toirneach kilt hose, which shot to the top of the list after all the digs about my tragically bare-legged companion at Rhinebeck this year. 🙂 Happy birthday, and happy new year!
What a beautiful color! My knitting goal for 2009 is to knit a pair of socks and finish the fair isle sweater for my son before he outgrows it.
Knitting Goal 2009 – Knit a sweater I’ll wear.
My goal is to knit up 100 skeins from the stash. And to speed me up on that I’m going to do some garment knitting, rather than just socks and shawls. First up – February Lady Sweater. Meli the baby and Meli the yarn are both so pretty!
I want to turn the bamboo yarn I brought from France into something wearable.
Happy birthday, belated.
Awww…Meli’s color is my favorite! I love the whole family of skeins, though.
My 2009 goal is not so much a knitting goal as a seaming goal. There’s $110 worth of Noro in pieces that just needs a few seams to become a Klaralund sweater.
How exciting!
My knitting goal for 2009 is to knit a lace project, a nice scarf or shawl. I also plan to knit enough socks so that I will become comfortable with turning heels.
My knitting goal is twofold: knit myself a sweater(I will wear) and to knit the gifts I give.
Thanks for the contest,
my knitting goal this year is to knit something with lace weight yarn. mostly so it can just be over with 😉 and the beautiful lace wgt will stop mocking me and my non lace knitting talents. 🙂
i’m sure you will take no offense to this, while the g-rocks and January one colorways are quite awesome, i do believe the meli colorway might be the most beautiful colorway that STR has… and i know. that’s saying alot for them, they do such good work! i love me some purples 🙂
happy birthday! 🙂
hahaha, that russian comment cracks me up 🙂 how wonderful to have a whole family of colorways!! my one knitting goal for the year is to design more. i want to have a few small patterns up on ravelry by the end of 2009.
Gorgeous color! I love to read your blog. I’m
a Jan 1st too! and I love to see your little one!
I have a few knitting goals:
1. knit from my stash (do my level best not to buy any new yarn. sob!)
2. FINISH the things I knit
3. knit something for me (other than a hat)
my knitting goals for 2009 are …. to actually knit for myself. no, wait — to knit more for my baby. no, hold on — to knit more for myself! okay, my goal is just to find the time to knit . . . period! happy new year and happy birthday, Cara! xo
Beautiful colorway for a beautiful breastfed baby!
My knitting goal for the year is to finish my Kauni sweater in time for Madrona. It’s going to be close – I’ll probably finish setting in the sleeves on the flight to Seattle.
Great contest! I always have so many goals running through my head, but the first one is to finish a couple WIP’s then on to some stash organization…
Happy birthday and 2009!
What a cool thing to have a family of colors named for you. They’re beautiful and complimentary but different. My goal? To learn something knew. Since I am still relatively new to knitting, that’s not too hard.
I received a gift certificate for Schoolhouse Press, so my goal is to knit the Pi shawl blanket that Jared knit in the unspun wool.
What a lovely colourway!! My knitting goal for 2009 is to finish all my UFOs!! As someone above said, maybe a little boring but I will be so happy! 🙂
One of my knitting goals is actually a spinning goal – I want to spin and then knit at least two shawls (one for each of my girls) sometime this year.
My knitting goal is to finish my Tangled Yoke Cardigan and to end the year with fewer UFOs than I started it with…13 Yikes!
Just in time! One of my knitting goals is to knit more socks this year– the other one is to only knit from my collected books & magazines & not buy more. Happy New Year!:)
One of my knitting goals is to actually finish my projects. I’m good at getting things off the needles, but when it comes to weaving in ends and blocking I have a tendency to procrastinate.
One of my knitting goals for this year is to knit a sweater for myself, to celebrate my weight loss. No more “size isn’t an issue” shawls for a while – I’m knitting a sweater with shaping!
Well, I signed up for NaKniSweMoDo, so my goal is to knit 12 sweaters. Since that is more than I have ever knit in a year (by a long shot), my real goal is to knit the eight sweaters that are fully ready in my stash (number nine needs a little more yarn…).
One of my goals is to knit a sweater for myself from the gorgeous yarn I was given this season. So much knitting for others, so many socks, and I’ve never made myself a sweater!
Knit more yarn than I buy next year.
As a mama of an 8 month old my goal is the same as yours. Knit.
happy new year
So much yarn, so little time! My goals are to finish up the half-dozen or so WIPs that I have going, knit a pair of socks each month, and maybe knit through more of my stash! I also want to blog more and post more comments.
Knit Sweaters! I have yarn and patterns for 4 for me and then a few others for the kids. I want to finish those sweaters. Some of them are hibernating WIP’s.
My knitting goal is to learn to steek! There’s a class at my LYS and I’m definitely signing up. It’s too scary to contemplate doing on my own.
That’s so sweet! What a pretty colorway for Meli. My knitting goal? Knit from the stash. I may die in a stash yarn-valanche if I don’t! PS- Happy belated Birthday!
I plan to knit socks! I’ve been avoiding them for the past 2 years and currently have sock #2 of generic toe-up pattern on my needles for my hubby. I’m excited about small projects that are easily portable for all my work travels.
Happy New Year!
My goal is to take a knitting class to stretch my beginner horizons. This is a bit of a challenge, because the 2 closest LYS went under in ’08. To accomplish this goal, I will need to explore a little further afield and find a good store AND a good class!
As a fellow new mother – my daughter just turned four months old – my goal for 2009 also is to actually find some time for knitting, especially since I’ll be going back to full-time work soon! I hope to make lots of stuff for the baby, now that she’s growing out of all I made for her before she was born!
Mmmm… I love the Never on Sunday! My knitting goal for 2009 is to knit something from the reclaimed wool I have. And to knit from stash!
hmmm, my goal is more sweaters and vests, and slightly less socks.
My goal is to knit a sweater for my mother that she actually likes. And to knit some beautiful socks from those three colorways! Fingers crossed! Pick me!!! Pick me!!
I hope to finish some of my UFO’s. I have a whole bag full. We’ll see how much I finish!
I just took 6 totes of stashed yarn out of my sewing room. My plan is to knit at least half of it, and sell, or give, the rest away! (But that doesn’t mean I would turn down more yarn)
My goal is to knit some knee socks. I only started knitting socks in October but now I want a pair of cabled knee socks.
My knitting goal for this year is to make more socks for my friends.
My knitting goal for this year is to make more socks for my friends. (More! I should clarify and say, just make socks for my friends.)
Each month for the next year I plan to knit a square (or a strip) using different combinations of cables. By the end of the year, I will assemble them together and have a blanket. It seems like a manageable way to practice lots of cabling, which is an area of knitting that I haven’t played with very much. I haven’t found a suitable pattern to follow, though, so if anyone has a suggestion, I would love to hear it. I think I will be using Cascade Eco Wool.
My goal: to use more yarn than I purchase this year.
I love the new colorway!
My knitting goals are to knit some sweaters for myself, experiment with colorwork instead of being afraid of it, and to knit more socks!
My goal is to knit my first sweater, and to finish up my twins blankets before their first birthday(may 1)
My goal for this year is to get a few more patterns up on ravelry.
My knitting goal is to knit mostly from the stash, and whittle it down a little.
Happy New Year! The new colorway is gorgeous for a beautiful little girl.
This year I want to knit the things I’ve planned to knit but never started. I seem to enjoy the planning process but never sit down and start anything!
My knitting goal is to finish or rip all my unfinished projects and put that yarn to good use!
My knitting goal is to knit my first sweater (for myself) in 2009!
Lucky Meli – her own colourway!
My goals for next year are to design my first socks and to finish more projects than I did this year!
My goal this year is to remain project focused and finish what I have on the needles. It’s only the 3rd and I already feel the need for new projects. Oh well.
My knitting goal for 2009 is to actually knit. I didn’t knit much at all in 2008 and I either need to start knitting again or find my yarn new homes.
I have several knitting goals this year. I want to actually knit, finish all the projects I have going & try something new – like lace or color work. Haven’t decided yet.
I want to start and FINISH a sweater. I have three languishing sweaters in my stash and I want to actually complete one this year. I would also like to knit 5 pairs of socks. This sock yarn would really help that one! 😉
That’s so sweet! My knitting goal for this year is to spin enough yarn for a pair of socks (and then knit them!).
My knitting goal for 2009 is to finish the four sweaters that I have in progress! In 2008 I did a good job with shawls – I wonder if my fear of fitting has anything to do with my seeming inablility to finish a sweater?
My 2009 knitting goal is to finish projects. new ones and wips.
my knitting goal is to include knitting time to my weekends and to complete at least one item – no matter how small – a month!
My Goal is to knit a cabled sweater for myself this year. I’ve already got the yarn and pattern purchased so I’m ready to start. soon.
My knitting goal is to enjoy my knitting. Frog the stuff I don’t like and make it fun again.
My knitting goal is to enjoy my knitting. Frog the stuff I don’t like and make it fun again.
I’ve decided to knit thermal. so far i have one sleeve done and a decent start on the second. i’m hoping to get it done by next fall. i’m hoping it will be a little faster than that.
My knitting goal is to enjoy my knitting. Frog the stuff I don’t like and make it fun again.
Funnily enough, one of my 2009 knitting goals is to knit mates for a bunch of single socks, one of which is a Pomatomus made out of January One STR! Other goals include knitting a lot more socks and a pair or two of gloves.
2009 is the year of me (after I finish the stuff i didn’t quite get done for Christmas of course, and the sweater for the baby due in March, and….). Yeah. I need to knit things that are just for me!
My goal in 2009 is to knit and finish a Fair Isle sweater for MYSELF! (4 new grandbabies in the last few years have co-opted my knitting time in an enormous way! I bought the yarn (Shetland 2000) and plan to start on Monday.
My goal is to learn something new every month or so. I’ve just taught myself how to knit two socks on one needle. 🙂
Meli’s color is GORGEOUS. It’s so sweet you have colorways 🙂
My goals for this year are to knit my first sweater, and to at least start the Frost Flowers and Leaves shawl 🙂
I love that Tina whips up special colorways for people she knows.
My goal is to make sure every other project includes a technique I’ve never done before – a different cast-on, edging, button bands, etc, and that includes practicing more with Continental until it actually feels normal!
I want to actually finish a sweater for myself, LOL! I also intend to dip my toes into fair isle knitting and learn to knit two socks at once with the magic loop. We will see how far I get! (Did I also mention that I have a mitered squares blanket in progress that I’d like to make more progress on as well???)
My knitting goal for 2009, I have more than one! LOL I want to knit socks for my DH and two sons. So, winning sock yarn would help me out on that goal. I also want to start christmas knitting in January! Which means planning ahead, I’m not so good at that when it comes to knitting.
Oops. My computer had an issue and put my post in about 4 times. Hope you can delete 3 of them. Thanks and sorry.
my knitting goal is also to finish all of my current WIP, definitely. some of them have been languishing for over a year!
Happy New Year! My goal is to knit a whole sweater! For ME! My SIL bought me the yarn, so I can’t ignore it!
My knitting goal is to knit 4 pairs of socks – one for each calendar quarter.
And for you, may you finally find some time for yourself to knit a bit. (And even if not, you will eventually get back to it. Been there, know that.
Hi Cara! My knitting goal is to knit something for everyone I know who’s going to have a baby this year (right now, that’s six new babies on the way…)
my knitting goal – to knit a steeked cardigan (eek – steeks!). i love knitting in the round, and i love cardigans – but the thought of CUTTING UP my knitting??? scary.
My knitting goal for this year is to knit more stuff that I will actually wear (socks!), or give away. I have enough beautiful projects languishing in boxes under my bed.
My knitting goals for this year are to learn new techniques (right now, I’m thinking set-in sleeves in the round) and to try to be more social with my knitting (join a knitting group maybe, or make more real-life knitting friends).
LOVE Meli’s colorway!
What a beautiful family of colors you have!
My knitting goal for the year is to knit from stash. I’ve joined the 100 ball challenge on Ravelry, so that would be a lot of stash if I can succeed, but I’d be happy to just contain the sprawl of yarn before it takes over my apartment. 🙂
What a beautiful family of colors you have!
My knitting goal for the year is to knit from stash. I’ve joined the 100 ball challenge on Ravelry, so that would be a lot of stash if I can succeed, but I’d be happy to just contain the sprawl of yarn before it takes over my apartment. 🙂
Mt knitting goal is to not hurt my wrists while knitting. I have a long-term injury that the doc says is nothing so it up to me to take care of myself.
my knitting goal is a project a month. i ahve a few in progress, so i may finish them as part of the goal, but i hope to also start my first sweater as part on the deal.
my other goals are to take a picture every day and try a new recipe every week.
My knitting goal for the new year is to knit up my existing sock yarn stash. It’s kind of the backwards stash busting, in that I am allowing myself to but other yarn, but if I’m knitting socks, it has to be STASH. This starts, um, today – I bought four skeins of sock yarn yesterday for a specific project, haha.
My goal for this year is to Knit more gifts in time for timely giving, do more designing, and teach more.
Knitting goal for 2009: make myself a sweater. If a shrug counts, I’m on my way!
One of my knitting goals for this year is to finish knitting the Cable Luxe sweater and to have it fit me so I can love it.
Yay, a giveaway! My knitting goal is to knit my stash into semi-oblivion in 2009. I’m doing that by making my stash into a Personal Club by bagging everything up with patterns. Then as soon as my WIPs and a commission are off my needles, I’ll be picking one big bag and one small bag to work on at a time.
I hope you had a wonderful birthday – sounds like LI was fun! 🙂
My 2009 knitting goal is to take time for knitting. School (both teaching, and grad school) have severely limited my time to knit. I would like to set aside at least 1 hour every week JUST to knit – nothing else. And teaching knitting does NOT count as knitting time!
Thanks for hosting a contest! 🙂
My knitting goal is like yours, to actually knit. This is my first year out of school and with a real job so now when I come home, I’m home, and damn is I won’t get some thing done! There is also a laundry list of other goals in the knitting world: specific projects, patterns I want to design, spinning to learn… But I just want to sit and knit. I’m thinking of cranking out some garter stitch washcloths just to get myself started.
To use my stash more wisely. It’s large and doesn’t really need to be bigger!
My knitting goal for 2009 is to knit a fair isle sweater for my daughter, use my stash to knit sweaters for me and to knit for the babies expected in 2009 by me and my friends. And really, when we have a newborn and a toddler, just doing any knitting at all will be a big accomplishment!
That’s it – just selfish and baby/toddler knitting this year. 🙂
My knitting goal for 2009 is to actually finish what I have on the needles 🙂
My knitting goal for the year is to finish my beaded Pi shawl and enter it in the state fair.
I love all the colors! ; )
My knitting goal for this year is to finish the gift projects I’ve started – 3 baby sweaters, a wedding blanket, 2 Christmas scarves not yet finished (but gifted with needles in), AND finish ONE SWEATER – an actual sweater – for myself. ; )
First time commenter – long time reader here… my knitting goals are to learn to knit, again. It’s been 20 years or so and this is the year to get back into it!
Ohhhh…Meli’s colourway is gorgeous! My knitting goals for the year are to work on my WIP’s and to knit from stash.
OMG, those are all SO beautiful, and socks are my favorite thing to knit!
I have many knitting goals: “finish a full-sized adult sweater and wear it” is probably my top goal. I’m also looking to try steeks and color knitting like Fair Isle after a failed attempt in 2007.
Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and Birthday!
I lost 45lbs. this year, so my goal is to knit myself some sweaters that actually fit!!
My top goal for the coming year (along with a ton of other commenters apparently lol) is to knit myself a sweater. An adult-sized, made-for-me, and completely finished sweater. I’ve got the yarn but am still debating patterns…
I hope you had a lovely holiday season and a nice birthday too! Keep up the blogging, I love seeing pictures of your little cutie…Meli is such a doll. 🙂
So pretty!! Tina sure does rock!! A family of STR…love! My goal for the new year is to knit more from my stash (which Tina would laugh at the thought probably!)!! But it is quite a pretty STR stash!
My knitting goal this year is to make at least two pairs of socks for myself. I like making socks, but I never make them for me because I have big feet (and big calves, and big everything else….) But this is totally going to be the year! (And new sock yarn couldn’t possibly hurt!!)
Happy New Year to you and your family!
I WILL switch to knitting continental. I’ve been knitting for five years and for the past four I’ve said I would learn switch to continental knitting. The lure of faster knitting has been hanging over my head and this is the year to make it happen!
(Don’t you just love the Wii?! It’s so much fun!)
Meli’s colorway is gorgeous, what an honor!
One of my knitting resolutions is to knit for my in-laws – I have knit *something* for my grandmothers, parents, brothers, future-sister-in-law, husband and daughter. But for my mother/father/brother-in-law – nothing. Yet.
Hi Cara! My knitting goal for this year is to actually FINISH a pair of socks instead of just knitting one 🙂
DROOLING over your “family” of gorgeous colors – you lucky girl, you!
My resolution: to finish up those UFO’s taking up the storage space in my ottoman, and to focus more on the KNITTING rather than finding new things to knit. The latter is far too easy, and can take up all of my precious knitting time!
My goal is to knit 6 pairs of socks within 6 months (mostly Socks That Rock)
What a beautiful new colorway! My knitting goals for the year are to finish the two sweaters I have half done and the second sock of my first “real” (fingering weight) pair of socks.
My goals for 2009 are to finally finish my husband’s project and make a pair of socks. everything else is gravy.
My 2009 knitting goal is to make a couple sweaters, and knit more challenging stuff. The past year I’ve pretty much stuck with socks and small easy projects. It’s time for me to go back to knitting at my skill level.
I also have a bead weaving goal-to learn everything I can about making beaded beads.
Thanks for having the contest. Much appreciated.
my goal: to knit veronik avery’s mosaic yoke jacket. I admit to being a bit scard by the complexity and if I made the right yarn and color choices.I hope I will find out in 2009!
Oh, I have lots of knitting goals, but my absolute top two:
1. Finish my first GOOD sweater for myself (I made one that ended horrendously two years ago).
2. Start and finish a new baby blanket for my baby-to-be, coming in June, BEFORE June.
The colorways for your family are GORGEOUS!!! Tina is a master of color.
Wow, look how many comments an STR giveaway inspires! My 2009 goal is to learn to do colorwork, although it is intimidating. I’d also like to learn a different 2-at-a-time toe-up cast on since I am not really satisfied with the one I currently use. Thanks!
Wow, you are so lucky to have such a talented dyer take such a shine to your family! My knitting goal this year is to knit myself a sweater. I’ve done two so far, one from a kit I won in your SpinOut raffle last year which I love and another which doesn’t leave the house. I bought my first sweaters-worth of yarn last May at a festival but have been pregnant ever since so never got started on a sweater. I know it is going to be a challenge with a newborn but I have all year so hope I can get it done. Thanks for the contest!
Happy BBD (Belated Birth Day)! I’ve so enjoyed your photos of Meli – you are talented and she is beautiful! My goal – learn socks by making socks for Warm Woolies.
Wow, those are all gorgeous! My knitting goal is to finish the log cabin blanket for my son.
My goal for 2009 will be to cast on less and finish more. I have two small boys and knitting time is a bit hard to come by. Beautiful colorway for your beautiful daughter:)
My goal for 2009 will be to cast on less and finish more. I have two small boys and knitting time is a bit hard to come by. Beautiful colorway for your beautiful daughter:)
Knitting Goal for 2009: Finish the Green Sweater (that’s been sitting in pieces in the bag for more than 2 YEARS!!!)
My biggest goal this year is to not keep more than 3 things on the go at once, and finish everything I start in 2009. Heh..should be interesting.
2009 is knit from the stash year for me! Happy New Year.
Aside from also wanting to actually knit, I want to get on the sock band wagon and finish a pair that I really like, then make lots more!
To knit through my sock yarn! I’m tired of looking at all the skeins thinking, ‘That’s 8 pairs of socks right there. I’d really like those.’
My goal is to make my daughter (Fenner’s) first big girl bed blanket. It will be the sock remnant blanket that the Heathen Housewife knit a couple of years back….could you just imagine the STR squares and how beautiful they will be?
knitting in 2009, for me it is going to be about dealing with all the WIPs in my basket. i’m promising myself to either finish them or frog them by midyear so i can move on to all those patterns i have in my ravelry queue.
My knitting goal is to knit baby things for my sister who is currently trying to get pregnant, and to start now on 2009 holiday gifts.
Happy belated birtday!
My knitting goal(s) for 2009: Finish all my WIPs (one of which is actually from the last millenium …).
I LOVE Meli’s colorway! It’s so pretty.
My knitting goal for 2009 is to finish the lace project I’ve been working on since May.
Hmmm. My knitting goal for the next year is to become more confidant with colour and to try both fair isle and intarsia. I would also really like to finish all the things I have on the needles at the moment! (We shall see about that)
My most ambitious (for me) knitting goal for 2009 is to finish a color work piece. I have started, frogged, been unhappy with small bits of color work but never come even close to completing a piece.
It is good to see you blogging more!
My goal is to get at some of those baby patterns and wool that I have been gathering for my future grandkids – you never know with 4 girls aged 20 – 26 when I will get the news that I will be a grandma…maybe 2009???
Knitting goals for 2009…
To be more thoughful about the yarns that I buy and only buy yarns I love. Also to knit my first sweater and at least attempt lace shawl for my MIL for next Christmas – I have time right? 🙂
My knitting (and spinning) goal for ’09 is to spin and knit a faboo sweater from the alpaca fleece I bought in September. I also want to knit enough pairs of socks to replace the hand knit ones that are wearing out (way too fast to be worth repairing), and then some.
It’s been said before, but I’m focusing on reducing the stash this year. It will clear up some much needed space in the closet, save me some money and reduce the mental guilt of buying the yarn without a plan in the first place.
Thank you for sharing!
My knitting goal for the year is to enjoy the yarn I’ve stashed. I’ll probably buy more yarn, but I have a tendency to be distracted by the new and the shiny, and forget the lovely yarn (which was new and shiny when I bought it!) I already have. I’d like to knit more from my stash, because I love the yarns in my stash.
Knit lots for my soon-to-arrive-baby so that they feel as loved in knits as my daughter does. (can you still find time to knit with 2 tiny kids?)
Happy New Year!
Meli’s colors are MY colors! My 2009 goal is to pick up and finish my Fifi sweater. It’s off to a great start but has been lying lonely and ignored in my closet for a long time. I’d like to finish it by spring ’cause I think it will be a great addition to my spring wardrobe.
Knitting goals for the year – to actually finish some hibernating WIPs, and to make more time to knit.
Love the new color!
My knitting goal is two-fold, first to try my hand at knitting a sweater with cables and secondly to attempt to make socks. Yikes, I can’t believe I’m going to try socks. Tell me it’s not that hard. Great colorways by the way.
TO knit something for me. And I’d really like it to be a sweater. I have knitted so many hats and scarves and bags for other people that it’s time for me and a major project!
My knitting goal is also a spinning goal. I’d like to make regular use of my new spinning wheel and knit a hat or scarf out of my own handspun in 2009!
My goal for the new year is to try something new, like fair isle. And to finish my ribby cardi that just needs a collar & a zipper. Sometimes that last little bit is really hard to finish. Thanks for the fun giveaway!
I have to confess – I have a skein of January One I’ve been coveting in my stash since Stitches East 2007. This year it is going to be my mission to find the perfect pattern to knit myself a pair of yummy socks. Love that color way. 🙂
Happy New Year and thanks for the great contest! ::fingers crossed::
My knitting goal is to USE UP some cashmere I inherited. It should turn into a fitted work-day cardigan for me.
For this year – I am going to knit some things for myself!
I’d really love to knit a sweater for myself in 2009. Also, I want to knit six pairs of socks. I figure a pair every two months isn’t too unreasonable. I love the new Meli colorway. It’s so pretty!
my knitting goal is to finish or frog all my sitting WIPs before casting on anything new. also: make a sweater FOR ME from that gorgeous Aurora 8 sitting in the basket.
My 2009 goal is to actually finish projects!
Happy new year! Happy belated birthday!
My knitting goal for 2009 is to learn to knit socks.
My knitting goal for 2009 is to learn to knit socks.
I want to knit sweaters! New england weather is perfect for sweaters, and I’m not taking advantage of it!
My goal is to finish all current WIP before next year. There is one sweater that is a likely candidate to be procrastinated further, because the steeks are scaring me. So I stalled out after the sleeves. But I don’t want it to feel like a ball and chain, because I like the colors. Also, reading the posts of others, it sounds like a large WIP pile stifles creativity. So my goal is to not accumulate a pile.
My knitting goals are to knit things that will challenge me this year!
My knitting goal for 2009 is to become a better finisher, and learn better seaming techniques and how to weave in ends properly. Currently, I’m handing everything over to my mother for this part of the job, and since I’m thinking this might be the year I move out of her house, it might be a good year to learn to do this myself!
My knitting goal is to knit more challenging sock patterns–I’m currently ~60% done with a vanilla pair and they drive me batty with boredom!
What gorgeous colorways! My knitting goal for this year is to design and knit my own sweater for myself. Wish me luck!
My goal is to knit my first pair of mittens. I have a beautiful red yarn that I hope to use for this first pair!
My goal is to knit my first pair of mittens. I have a beautiful red yarn that I hope to use for this first pair!
My goal is to knit my first pair of mittens. I have a beautiful red yarn that I hope to use for this first pair!
My knitting goal for 2009 is to knit more from my stash instead of going out an making anew purchase for projects. I would also like to do a pair of socks a month.
I like “once a month” goals. This year it will be to knit a baby item to donate each month.
My knitting goal for 2009 is to master fair isle and make lots of mittens and hats!
My knitting goals for 2009 are to make my wedding shawl, to start writing up my designs, and to knit for charity.
To finally finish my Apres Surf Hoodie. Poor neglected thing.
Wowzers! Look at all the comments! =)
My knitting goal for the year (at least one of them) is to knit lots of cute cuddly things for the baby we just found out a few weeks ago we are having!
My knitting goal is to make beautiful, challenging patterns. Love the new colorway!
Happy New Year. I would like to finish the afghan that I started last January for my oldest daughter. I would like to knit only from my stash this year.
Happy New Year. I would like to finish the afghan that I started last January for my oldest daughter. I would like to knit only from my stash this year.
My knitting goal is to finish a sweater this year for myself, either the one languishing for 2 years now or Tubey from Knitty.
I only have 2 knitting goals for this year: finish the sweater that I started for my husband two years ago, and finish the year with less yarn than I started with.
My two immediate knitting goals are to finish the shawl I’m test-knitting (I guess that’s more of an obligation than a goal!) and to finish at least one of the two sweaters in my WIPs.
Holy crap am I late to this party – 470 comments ahead of me. 🙂
My goal: I’ve been spinning for about 18 months and have made a few things from the yarn I’ve spun, but they have all been small projects. This year I want to at least spin enough yarn to make myself a sweater. If I reach that goal before let’s say July, then I want to knit that sweater before the end of 2009.
What a lovely Meli colorway and thanks for the opportunity to win such a fab prize.
Happy New Year!
My knitting goal is to knit from stash whenever I am able to do so. Another goal that I have is to knit presents for people’s birthdays, instead of saving it all until Christmas!
What an amazing thing, to have colorways named for all three members of your family. Wow!
My knitting goals for 2009 are many, but the one I think I’ll actually get to is to knit one of the myriad sweaters for which I bought yarn specific to a pattern, like the Hanne Falkenberg kit I’ve had for two years now (d’oh!).
The other biggie is to knit something wearable out of my handspun.
big hugs to you and yours!
What an amazing thing, to have colorways named for all three members of your family. Wow!
My knitting goals for 2009 are many, but the one I think I’ll actually get to is to knit one of the myriad sweaters for which I bought yarn, like the Hanne Falkenberg kit I’ve had for two years now (d’oh!).
The other biggie is to knit something wearable out of my handspun, either for one of my children or myself.
big hugs to you and yours!
one of my knitting goals…
I want to knit, finish and WEAR a sweater this year. Nothing big as I can do it, it is the do it part that is the goal 🙂
My knitting goal for 2009 is to knit a lovely summer top.
Such pretty pretty yarn!
My knitting goals for this year are:
1) Stop buying yarn and knit mostly from the stash. There is a lot of stash there.
2) Knit more sweaters for myself, now that I’ve actually knit a few things that don’t look totally hideous. =)
My goal for this year is to focus on one project at a time as often as I can control myself to do so. Socks don’t count, of course. 🙂
My main knitting goal for 2009 is to finish at least two of my WIPs before buying more yarn. I’m not holding out hope that I’ll meet that goal though!!
I’m aiming to make lots of my wedding party hand-knit thank you gifts!
That is a lovely colorway.
My knitting goal? Catalog and use more of my stash. Its gotten out of hand…
My knitting goal is to enjoy the process and not to set unreasonable targets, or be too critical, thereby stripping out any ounce of enjoyment.
But i still need to finish my mum’s vest…(no pressure)
My goal is to complete a pair of socks. I have started many but finished none. I have some STR that I am excited to use as well as many other lovely skeins.
My goal is to complete a pair of socks. I have started many but finished none. I have some STR that I am excited to use as well as many other lovely skeins.
Beautiful colors!!!
My knitting resolutions for this year are:
1. To finish the shawl for myself that I started in December 2006 (yes 6).
2. To start my holiday knitting in the summer so I don’t spend Dec. 09 in the state of panic that I spent Dec. 08.
3. To try and find time to knit for 30 minutes each day.
Let’s see if I can do that!
I’m going to finish one of the designs I’ve designed.
I’ve got so many designs swirling around my brain and sketched in my notebooks and a bunch that are even half-finished. The problem’s been that most of them surpass my actual knitting skills – they get half-finished, I get stuck, then they get thrown into the Closet of No Return.
This year, I clean out that Closet!
So many goals! The main one is definitely to knit up some of my yarn, specifically the sock yarn, for a purely selfish reason too! I LOVE the three pairs of handknit socks I have, and I want more. I have the yarn to do it, but I just haven’t knit them. That’s my goal!
My knitting goals are to: 1) sew up the mitered squares and 2) make a hoodie for my 2 yo granddaughter. I’ve been out of knitting for almost 2 years due to shoulder probs. The problems are much better and I just ache to get back into it. If I win, the new yarn could push me over the edge & back into it! Glad to see you back.
What pretty colors! One of my knitting goals is to actually knit a few of the adult sweaters I have been buying yarn for!
Yey for family colors!
Knitting goal for 2009…simple really, finish something, ANYTHING the same year I began it. 🙂
Those are beautiful colorways! My knitting goal for the year is to finish a lacy shawl that has languished in the UFO pile for quite a while.
My goal is to knit something special for my sweet brother-in-law, Peter. As I was wrapping gifts this holiday, it struck me that Peter has always been quietly in the background when it comes to handknit love. This year is his year!
I want to finish a couple projects and make a lace sweater.
Finish my CPH, my Hey Teach sweater and knit each of my three (adult sized)kids a pair of socks.
I did see you had several ineligible commenters on this post, so unfortunate.
Knit three sweaters and six pairs of socks.
My goal is to knit 12 sweaters in 2009… 1 per month. It’s ambitious, but I hope I can do it.
My knitting goal for 2009 is to make something that I have made COMPLETELY on my own – spinning, dying, designing, and knitting. I only just started to learn how to spin so maybe it’s a really lofty goal but I always aim high!
Also I would like to finish my first shawl which I started in (late!) 2005.
My knitting goals are to only start a new project if I’ve completed 2 UFOs. Also, to keep my notebook on Ravelry up to date, so I have some idea of what’s going on with my knitting. Last, to start and finish two sweaters-one wool, one cotton.
BTW, Meli’s colorway is GORGEOUS! Tina sure has a way with colors.
2009 goal: to knit myself a sweater that fits me now — not in the size I want to be, and not in the size I once was.
Happy belated b-day! I hope you had a great day!
My knitting goal for this year is finish the things I start knitting and all the old WIPs.
My knitting schedule (and along with it, my knitting mojo) suffered mightily in ’08. So, I concur with your goal of just knitting!
My 2009 Knitting Goals are to make FO’s out of my existing projects and start MANY more!
Thank you for having this contest – I love reading your blog! 🙂
My goal is to knit a fabulous knit for my little girl’s 1 year b-day on March 29!
Wow – 502 comments!I guess a few of us want some STR! Anyway, my kntting goals for the year are to: work on Christmas knitting all year (yeah, right), learn to Fair Isle, make socks for hubby, kids and myself, attend my local knit nights so I can see other humans over 3 feet tall, and go on a yarn diet (see how that one is last?).
Thanks for the contest!~
2009 goal– knit myself a sweater that fits me now — not the size I would like to be in the future and not the size I once was in the past.
My goal is to astonish myself with a beautiful and colorful array of holiday gifts for friends, family, and others in my cold climate–by planning ahead. Early. Now.
I am kntting for next christmas. I work retail and the whole christmas thing starts in the store in July, and by the time I should start thinking about Christmas I am so totally over it I end up getting nothing done. This year I am going to knit oversized old fashioned stocking for my sisters family and hats for everyone, maybe mittens too!!
My knitting goals for this year are to spin and knit some wearable socks and to use more handspun in my knitting projects.
Hi Cara and Meli (G too!)!!!
Well with being back to work now after almost a year,, I just hope to finish the projects I have going on now,,, and that the future one’s will probably be socks. Mainly for the portability, the small size, and the ease of whipping a sock out to get a few rows done here and there.
For the moment yet again, time is a precious commodity that I have to work around!
Oh, and Happy New Year!
Happy happy!
My only goal is to make something for myself. It’s been a whole year!
I think I would like to try toe-up socks for a change. And, I also need to work on my seaming skills. Happy new year.
I’d like to start-and-finish *wearable* sweaters for both myself and the Hubster this year. I knit him a Cobblestone last winter and it’s tooo big (my fault. Not the pattern’s!) and I have entirely too few sweaters for myself considering how much I knit and how much yarn I have in the house.
Happy new Year!
Mine is also a spinning goal. My goal is to knit a sweater from my handspun. I don’t shrink from lofty goals
My knitting goal is to block my FO’s within one week of finishing knitting them. For me, that’s a steep goal, but I’m sure I can do it!
My goal is to make as many pairs of socks during the grand slam tennis tournaments as I can. Seems that’s the only time I get to sit and watch TV religiously and I love to knit during them!
My knitting goal for this year is to knit a blanket for ME. For once.
I love your blog, btw.
My goal is to stop procrastinating and sew up my Assemblage cardi. Also to seriously start in on the cabled jumper from Needful yarns.
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year, Cara!
My knitting goal for this year is to try a stranded work Norwegian-style mitten project. Also, I’d like to try a saddle shoulder sweater a la Elizabeth Zimmerman.
Hi Cara,
My knitting goal is to finish the sweaters that I start and to get better at sewing them up; seams, collars, etc. Happy 2009!
My goal(s) for the year are to continue to finish what I start. To make socks on a regular basis and to make a sweater just for me!
My goal(s) for the year are to continue to finish what I start. To make socks on a regular basis and to make a sweater just for me!
My realistic knitting goal for the entire year is to finish a pair of knee-high socks for my daughter. My knitting goal dream is to finish a pair of socks for my son as well. I don’t have a lot of time on my hands right now.
I simply LOVE Meli’s color! What an honor!!!
My goal for this year is to have less projects on the needles–either by ripping, finishing, or refraining from casting on. Yea right, who am I kidding? Refraining from casting on??? LOL!! I crack myself up!! 🙂
Hmm, knitting goals. I guess mine would be to knit at least twice a week. It’s awful hard to do with 2 kids!
Beautiful colorway!!
My knitting goal for the year is to finish a log cabin blanket for my dad – which I promised him 3 years ago!!
My knitting goal is to finally finish a sweater. And to stop being scared of knitting a pair of socks!!
My knitting goals this year are to learn more advanced techiniques and to get on the colorwork bandwagon!
Lovely colors. My knitting goal for 2009 is to finish my sock yarn scrap blanket. It’s coming along nicely, but has had a slight delay due to the holidays and a new puppy and various other things. Once I get to working on it, it’s very addictive, but just like any other projects, after a few days of inactivity, it’s hard to pick it up again!
My knitting goal for 2009 is to learn toe-up socks along with Fair Isle and intarsia. Happy belated!
One of my goals is to finish knitting a pair of socks that I started too long ago!
To complete a lace shawl. Belated birthday wishes and great to see more of you here!
My knitting goal for 2009 is to spin for and knit up an entire sweater. I sampled some today and will do more tomorrow!
As if I needed any more than that, I would also like to finish all my FO’s (that I still have any interest in) and frog the ones that I don’t.
My knitting goals for 2009 are to actually finish what I start, to actually design something and get it published on Ravely, and to get my daughter to learn how to purl!
My goal is to knit a shawl or stole, or some significant lace project.
My knitting goal for 2009 is to knit (and finish) something for myself! I find myself constantly knitting socks for the husband, soakers for the baby, hats, gloves, etc for gifts – but nothing for me since my very first knitting project (a scarf) 4 years ago!!
Happy birthday! My knitting goal is to make a lace stole or shawl in lace weight yarn, and learn to block it!
My knitting goal for this year is to complete two more sweaters, and 10 pairs of socks.
Jen S in NH
2009 Knitting Goal: “Schedule” time in my calendar to knit…this way I plan for dedicated, uninterrupted knitting time! Crazy but I hope it works.
Oh, great contest and wonderful colorways. My knitting goal for this year is to knit up my stash and not buy more. However, gifts and prizes will both be gleefully accepted.
My goals for this year are to clear out all the WIP/UFO’s so that I can start some new patterns!!! Meli’s colorway is beautiful!
Thanks for sharing, Cara, and Happy New Year!
Maria in NY
I might be right there with you on the’ just knit something’ goal. But more specifically, I have the yarn ready to go for the ‘perfect sweater’ It would be nice to finish that before it gets too warm to wear it.
My knitting goal is to finish the Dale of Norway Sweater I started for my husband about a year ago.
My goal for 2009 is to find a way to balance work knitting and knitting for others with knitting for me.
I would like to finish everything on my needles right now. I know I can do it! Happy birthday!
A goal? Um, to make, no, to finish something for myself. Not the girl, the teacher, my mom, the neighbor, my friend’s darling daughter. Myself. There. I said it.
My goal is to knit a pair of socks every month for the soldiers. I knit with the group Socks for Soldiers (you can find them on Yahoo Groups) Of course this in addition to knitting for my grandson.
Knitting goals: finish mitered square blanket and 2 vests. Various other sock knitting as available, LOL.
BTW, I made a pair of Jaywalkers in STR January One. They’re heavenly!
Whoa, lots of goals here! My knitting goal is to finally pick out the yarn and make myself a full length sweater that I can enjoy.
Thanks for your goal of blogging more, Cara. I enjoy reading your blog.
My first knitting goal for this year is to finish my unfinished Christmas gift knitting! Hopefully before next Christmas rolls around. Fortunately for me, my family is fairly patient.
My goal is to knit (and finish!) a fisherman sweater for myself. Natural brown in color, beautiful cables, perfect fit!!
Those yarns are beautiful!
My goals for the next year are to try two new projects: a felted project and a lace project.
my knitting goal for 2009? two words: lace shawl.
My knitting goal for ’09 is to knit a fair isle sweater.
Happy birthday! Those colors are beautiful!
My goal? To knit a sweater. I made a few years ago when I first learned to knit but haven’t made one in years.
My goal is to take care of my wrists and elbow (tendonitis issues) so I can knit and spin without hurting.
Lovely colors….
Meli’s color is gorgeous! (And is the colorway name a hint that her full name is Melina?)
One of my knitting goals is to make myself a few more sweaters that fit well and that I will actually wear. Made a start on it this year, but now that it’s winter I’m noticing that my wardrobe could certainly use a few more.
Happy Birthday, and thanks for having a contest.
I hope to make myself a Hanami stole. I have the pattern, but just don’t feel ready yet.
My goal is to knit a hat for everyone of my friends who are graduating college this Spring. I estimate this to be around 24 hats.
My goal for this year is to knit wearable socks. I’m obsessed w/ socks and I LOVE sock yarn. I’ve been trying for a year books, took a class..watched videos…Something about the socks from the darn heel to the toe eludes me and I’m not quite sure what or why (besides being a novice knitter). But I keep plugging on!! I’m thinking those colors will be beautiful inspiration 🙂 When not sock obsessing, my goal is to be more adventurous with knitting and yarns.
Happy New Year!
My knitting goal is to finish up all the UFOs in my stash — some people may or may not be waiting for a felted bag that was supposed to be done in time for Christmas three years ago…
My kntting goal(s) this year are 1) to actually finish the sweater I started for my husband almost 2 years ago, and 2) to knit one for me. I’m also going to try and enjoy my knitting more and not be on the lookout for the knitting police!
Congrats on the new colorway! My first knitting goal for 2009 is to finish a cabled hoodie.
My knitting goals for this year include learning how to knit socks on circulars, finally knitting my husband a sweater, and learning more of Elizabeth’s Zimmerman’s techniques. Thanks for the great contest and Happy Belated Birthday and New Year!!
My goal is to learn a new technique.
My selfish project of 2009 is to make 4 sweaters for an impending niece/nephew due in June. My selfless project of 2009 is to make some blankets for Project Linus.
Happy belated birthday!
After thinking on this for a while. I would have to say color work. I have been completely baffled on this since the beginning. Good luck to all.
Well for one, I’m hoping to finally score myself some STR and get a chance to work with it. But there are so many things I’d like to try with my knitting this year. I’ve been saying for the past year and a half that I want to try lace, maybe this will be the year to try that.
What a gorgeous color, to adorn a gorgeous baby!
My knitting goal for the year is to write a pattern. I’m constantly unventing and inventing various things on socks, details on sweaters, so forth…I’d like to do something from scratch, write it up, and put it out in the world where people could actually knit it.
Wishing you a belated Happy Birthday! How exciting to have a whole family of colourways!
During 2009, I am determined to finish a pair of EZ’s Norwegian Mittens. It’s the first time I’ve attempted stranded knitting and so far have only one cuff done.
My goal is to knit down some of my sock yarn stash. So far this year I have knit up a BSJ out of STR.
Lace! My one and only goal for this year is a bona-fide lace project. Just Because. I may hate it, I may never use it, but I WILL complete one major lace project this year!
My goal is to finish my endpaper mitts that I started forever ago and haven’t touched in over a year. Also to learn to spin!
My goal for the coming year is to knit a sweater that actually fits me!
My big goal for this year is not just to knit another sweater, but to spin the yarn for said sweater.
My knitting goal is to knit a pair of Turkish socks that my friend and I chose the colors for 3 (or 4?!) years ago. Thanks for the beautiful Meli pics that you continue to share with us!
To knit a sweater out of Knitpicks Gloss – fingering weight.
One of my knitting goals for this year is to get back to knitting socks, so your prize would be perfect for me!
Happy New Year and Happy Birthday to you.
I love Meli’s color! This year, one of my knitting goals is to first spin the yarn and then knit a BSJ for our IVF bambino due the end of May. And I want another pair of socks for moi.
You have the best contests!
My knitting goal is to actually be able to knit after my carpal tunnel surgery on January 19th–well at least a month later after recovery. I need to finish my baby’s blanket!
Sock knitting will be cut back for sure. Instead of each family member getting multiple pairs of socks for Christmas, next year they will be lucky to get one pair each. I’m going to be knitting baby stuff, sweaters, hats, blankets, toys, etc. First grandchild will be born in May!
This year my knitting goal is to finish one top and to learn to knit socks. Thanks for the opportunity and happy belated b-day.
My knitting goal for this year is to branch out from my knitting from patterns, and actually get some of my designs published!
Yeah Baby! 2009 here I come!
Thanks Cara!
Thanks for a great contest! I LOVE Meli’s colorway ~ just my type of handpaint colors.
My 2009 knitting goals are to start and finish three Christmas presents for Christmas 2009. I picked out and bought the yarn just after Christmas 08, and it arrived here yesterday. I think I’ve decided on the patterns. All I need is the time. Ha!
Well, I love that you each have your own colorway. . . but why “never on Sunday” as the name for Meli’s? Did I miss something?
Anyhow, my goal for 2009 is to complete my Cardigan for Arwen AND my Cobblestone sweater. I would like for my husband and I to each have our first handknit sweaters this year!
Happy 2009!
My knitting goal for 2009…to work my way through the long hibernating WIP’s in my closet. And then to try something new. I want to venture into the world of fair isle.
Wishing you a Happy, Healthy New Year!
Happy Birthday! One of my knitting goals is to finally learn to knit two socks at a time using the Magic Loop method. Either that, or two toe-up socks on two circs. I’ve tried two top down socks on two circs and I found it to be a little too fiddly. I have a huge problem finishing second socks, so two at a time techniques will be very useful for me.
Lovely colourway 😉
I think my biggest knitting goal for 2009 is to design & publish at least 4 new patterns.
wow, they really love you over at blue moon! that’s so cool! 🙂 i love your 2009 knitting goal. for me? in 2009, i’d love to make a sweater as a gift for my mom. i’ve been talking about it for years but have yet to follow through. 2009 is going to be it!
My knitting goal is to get socks made for all my family!! I’m a January birthday girl, too (24th)- so Happy Birthday!
My knitting goal for this year is to use up a lot of stash!
The colours are so pretty and perfect! My goal for 2009 is to tackle fair isle knitting. This is ridiculous that I have knit for five years – call myself addicted, and I can only knit with one colour. 🙂
After years of not knitting, my goal is to knit down my stash and my mother’s hoard from her 15 years as a shop owner. It’s a tall order, but I believe I can do difficult things.
Knitting goal for 2009? You know, I haven’t really thought about that. I think my mail goal would have to be to even things up between my boys. Right now, #1 needs a sweater (I’ve made ones for #’s 2 and 3), # 2 wants fingerless mitts like the ones #’s 1 and 3 have, and both #’s 1 and 3 want a hat like the one I made #2. Note to self, next time, just make EVERYTHING for all of them.
Happy Belated Birthday! 🙂
One knitting goal for 2009 – to actually finish venezia and steek my first sweater 😀
happy new year!
My 2009 Knitting Goal is to finally knit a sweater that fits!
One of my knitting goals for 2009 is to knit a beautiful afghan for a wedding gift for two dear friends of mine who have known each other 20+ years, finally fell in love and have decided to get married. The wedding is May 3. Wish me luck!
Happy new year to you and your family.
One of my knitting goals for 2009 is to knit a beautiful afghan for a wedding gift for two dear friends of mine who have known each other 20+ years, finally fell in love and have decided to get married. The wedding is May 3. Wish me luck!
Happy new year to you and your family.
My goal for 2009 is to finish all the unfinished projects that I still like and to retire the rest. It is definitely time to move on with some of them – the love just isn’t there anymore.
I am quite determined that this is the year that I finally work up to knitting myself a sweater! *gasp*. I have done lots of socks, hats, scarfs, mitts, gloves, and bags, but it is so hard to think about the money and time commitment that goes into a sweater, and then perhaps it not fitting in a way that I like either. sigh.
I shall not be a chicken! I will do this!
As always, thank you for the blog, and thank you for the lovely contest that you have here for us. What a cool thing for Tina to do for you and your family – awww…
Oh man, I have so many knitting goals for this year…. i need to spin a whole crapload of laceweight by tomorrow so i can give my mum my old spinning wheel but i also want to finish my delicious february lady sweater *love*
Knitting goals: to knit Every Day, even if it’s just a row, or a round.
Knitting aspirations: to make a serious dint in my stash, so I can amalgamate the stash once more, and not have it spread out in every nook and cranny in the house.
Oh, and I’d like to knit myself a sweater.
My knitting goal is to conquer charts, to stop being impatient with all the squiggles…
Those are all such lovely colors!
One of my knitting goals for 2009 is to make a dent in the stash. I have considered some more specific goals, but right now things are a bit wild for me, and making those kinds of decisions is difficult, and perhaps a bit ill-advised. Anyway, I think that knitting down the stash a bit makes the task of organization a bit easier. That also allows me better access to peace. I suppose with all that in mind, it should make it easier to accept not winning this lovely yarn. Still, if I were to win, I would happily welcome it into my home.
Gorgeous colorways!!
I did a really good job last year of working from my stash and finishing up some longstanding WIPs. Goal for 2009? Continue the trend. 🙂
One of my knitting goals for the year? Finishing sweaters for my children. My daughter’s has been all but finished for 2 years. My son’s was to the neck-shaping and had to be frogged because of size. Thank goodness they are both full grown teens and I don’t have to worry about them getting taller.
Enjoy your Meli! It really is amazing how fast the time goes by.
I am running out of yarn storage space in my very small home. I have much too much sock yarn so my goal for the next year is to knit a pair of socks a month. I know that is only 12 pairs of socks but it will still make space right?
Well, my knitting goal in 2008 was to knit more for myself and only knit gifts for birthdays. I had much less knitting stress in 2008. In 2009, since I am still in grad school and in my first year of teaching, my goal will be to just finish my WIPs. I have a few socks and sweaters on the needles and if I can complete those, I will feel so much better. 🙂
My goal is to improve my technical knitting skills.
My goal is to improve my technical knitting skills.
My 2009 Knitting Goal: Be more selfish; actually keep some of the things I knit!
My knitting goal for 2009 is to knit down my stash and make a cowl neck sweater.
My 2009 goal, other then cranking out more sweaters, is to finish the Frost Flower and Leaves shawl in the nice sundara silk lace yarn I am using. It’s the longest WIP I have and the finish product would be so nice so I really want to get it done.
I sometimes try to re-colour some of the sock yarn in my stash. But I will never be able to make such pretty colours as your family ones. Those colours are just great!
My knitting goal this year is to knit a sweater or a jacket that I will actually wear. Other than that, I think I’ll stick with socks!
Having dropped over 3 dress sizes in 2008, my goal is to frog some of my beloved handknits & re-knit them to fit me. I also want to tackle Venezia (& in the process learn to fair-isle 2-handed) and knit some gorgeously fitted knits!
Fabulous colorways but even more beautiful photographs that grace your pages – of nature and your lovely daughter!
I’d like to have a “10 finished and then 2 finished for every project begun” plan – we’ll see how long that lasts!
Belated happy birthday – Meli’s colorway is an added birthday gift 🙂 One of my goals is to knit six pairs of socks this year – so some STR would be perfect.
happy new year, and lots of knittingtime to everyone.
My knitting goal for 2009 is not to knit all my free time. Because it means that I’m getting better in handling my situation at home, and my head is getting clearer. Knitting is the zen and yoga for my body and especially my brain the last year. It kept me sane.
Some of my knitting goals for 2009: conquer stranded knitting and steaking (hopefully in one magnificent fair isle cardigan). Cheers!
This year, I’d like to knit through some of my stash (preferably without buying new stash to take its place, though that might be okay, too), be better about swatching and blocking, and knit more socks!
Lovely yarn.
My knitting goal is to knit baby blankets for the four new babies coming into our family. The first one is due in February, two are due in April and the fourth is due in June.
Happy New Year.
I have several knitting goals for the year, but the biggest is that I’ve committed to knitting 12 sweaters. Yep, I joined that crazy Ravelry group! Why? Two big reasons – to get over my issues of knitting for myself and to use up as much stash as possible!
Oh Cara, How beautiful! My knitting goal is to take the time to weave in the ends of items I make for myself. I tend to weave it three stitches but don’t do it proper. Many items have the start/end tails knotted together on the wrong side. I weave in for all the gifts I knit but rarely to never bother for me. I deserve it! And if I go back and weave them in on items long finished, all the better.
My goal for 2009 is to return to knitting socks. I have 5 single socks and desperately need to finish their mates. It’s been a cold winter so far!
My goal for 2009 is to return to knitting socks. I have 5 single socks and desperately need to finish their mates. It’s been a cold winter so far!
How exciting — and such GORGEOUS colors! I’ve got a few knitting goals for 2009, one of which is to learn to knit socks. Another – knit 8 sweaters – one for each of my nieces/nephews.
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year to you and your family! My knitting goal is to knit more sweaters.
It’s so pretty, just like Meli. My goal is to knit through 4,000 yards. I made it through 2,959 this year (I am anal and keep a spreadsheet) but took a few breaks from knitting as well.
Happy New Year! I have a sweater and a shawl that I started several years ago. I want to finish them before I start a new project.
How cool that you all have your own colorway!
A few goals…
…keep plugging through the sock stash
…knit a cable sweater
…knit a lace something!
Happy New Year!
My knitting goals for 2009 are to finish my 20 something wip’s and then to knit from my queu. Maybe next year I’ll get adventerous and try colourwork or steeking:)
Goal(s): finish knitting a sweater that has been *2 years* in the making! Fair isle mittens! And that the majority of presents I give next Christmas be hand knit!
Wow, the chance to win not-yet-available yarn, in special J-1 colorways, & one of them MELI yarn? WOW!
Happy belated birthday, Cara! What a wonderful start to the year, as you look at your family and think how life has changed in a year!
One of my knitting goals for this year is to learn to knit back backwards, to facilitate entrelac and other such things. I feel sure it’s not that hard, I’ve just never taken the time to do it. So this year, I’ll pick an entrelac project and figure it out!
Take care & best wishes for the New Year!
My goal is to make at least 3 prayer shawls for gifts this year.
My first goal is to knit at least 10 items from my current stash. Second goal is to finish the vest for my hairdresser’s husband and to knit a sweater for her. After that, who knows?
The colors are so beautiful. My goal this year is to knit for myself from my stash.
My goal is to knit more from my stash and be mindful of what I already have. But there is always room for more Socks That Rock! Congratulations on the beautiful colorways for your family, and Happy Birthday!
thanks for the contest! my knitting goal for 2009 is to make things for ME! and to finish all of the unfinished things for others…
happy new year!
My knitting goal this year is to knit down my stash — and I mean it this time! I’ve got yarn for maybe 6 or 7 sweaters and many, many socks, so there’s no reason for me to be buying more when I can shop from my stash.
Wow, think ya got enough comments? I had to scroll down for like five minutes to find the end (lol). Anyhoo, my goal is to knit a handspun sweater. Basically a sheep to shawl.
I just had a baby on Dec. 2nd so I am with you on my goals….just find some time to KNIT.
I promise to swatch before jumping into projects and then figuring out who they will fit!!
My knitting goal for this year is to create more wearables for myself and others. Thank you so much for offering up the giveaways and Happy Birthday!
Heather R.
My knitting goal is to finish up my blanket made out of mitered sock yarn squares!
Goal: To finish the Einstein Coat I began in Jan. 2008!
Like you, my goal is to get back to knitting. I want to use up some of my stash, and make at least one sweater. In fact, I’ve toyed with the idea of joining NaKnSweMoDo… shoot me now (I probably won’t, I’m not that insane).
My other goal is to knit a few more baby things. Raley’s outgrown almost all of her handknits (both gifts and the ones I made) and the girl should have a few things at least!
My knitting goal for 2009 is to knit up more yarn than I purchase. I think I might already be behind on that one…
My goal this year is to to inventory my yarn stash and to finish one old project.
Last year a lot of thinking has been going on chez moi. One of the results: finally creating my own blog. While thinking, I might have pushed one or several more times the “purchase” button for some exquisite yarns. So, this year, the snob has to knit with all these treasures! Several patterns from Ysolda in queue…
Happy belated birthday, thank you for this giveaway!
knit from my stash, and finish the last UFO(maybe).
Meli’s colorway is gorgeous! My 2009 knitting goal is to knit the Cabled Riding Jacket from Loop-d-Loop.
My knitting goals for this year are to finish up my mad collection of UFOs and to remember how much I like knitting – I took a year long hiatus after my mother-in-law passed away, because I’d lost my knitting “conspirator” and it just didn’t seem fun anymore. I’ve recently picked it back up and am only starting to remember how much I enjoyed it.
Wow, 657 comments! Not sure mine will fit… you might need a shoehorn. 🙂
My first knitting goal is to finish the lovely scarf I’m knitting from a friend’s handspun merino/bamboo yarn. Yum – I love knitting it, but the pattern keeps tripping me up. Must finish, so I can wear it!
And Happy Birthday, Cara!
I am definitely going to burn up some stash and look for more to enhance what I do have :}
I am definitely going to burn up some stash and look for more to enhance what I do have :}
My knitting goal for 2009 is to try something I have been wanting to knit for a while…a real honest to goodness shawl. I am thinking of trying the Shetland Triangle.
I don’t set knitting goals. I knit for pleasure, when I have the time and the inclination. There are lots of things I want to knit, but I don’t worry about whether or not I get to all of them this year.
That being said, I have a big warm Peruvia cardi and a little pair of fingerless gloves to finish.
Hi Everyone! I actually have a goal for my completed knitting this year – I want to start taking pictures, notes, etc. of my finished projects before they go to their new homes. I’m not ready for a blog adventure yet but love to look at all the talent out there – maybe I’ll finally get the hang of ravelry also! Hope everyone has a great 2009!
I just learned how to spin yarn on a drop spindle, so my goal is to find the perfect project to knit something with my hand spun yarn.
Happy New Year (and belated B-day)!
My knitting goal is to learn how to make socks magic loop method and to get better at actually finishing projects. 🙂
Holy cow, a lot of comments! My goals: knit more, knit more socks, knit down the stash, get started on my drop spindle (I’m ok once somebody helps me get it going…). Happy new Year!!
wow, love meli’s new colour. it’s so pretty!
i don’t have too many knitting goals this year other than actually trying to finish knitting demi which has been sitting on the needles since february ’08.
My knitting goal for 2009 is to only knit what I enjoy knitting – no obligation knitting for me this year!
What a cool and generous contest!
My knitting goal this year is to finish at least one sweater–a full-sized sweater, with sleeves, for me. It can be one I’ve already started, but this will be the year I actually finish an adult-sized sweater. I hope.
happy birthday! my knitting goal for this year is to actually finish a sweater. i don’t think i’ve ever finished a sweater for me and i have at least 5 half finished ones lying around. time to finish them already. thanks for the contest!
My goal is Finish, Finish, Finish. I thought of signing up for the 12 sweaters in 12 months knitalong, and realized I should sign up for Finish 12 sweaters in 12 months instead.
i have sooo many knitting goals…but one of them is to knit my nephew (who has fought and WON hodgkin lymphoma) a pair of argyle socks.
thanks for the contest!
My knitting goal(s) for 2009? This will be the year when I establish my knitted tote empire; finish everything I start (ie not just do the knitting bit!); and set up the blog.
i have sooo many knitting goals…but one of them is to knit my nephew (who has fought and WON hodgkin lymphoma twice!) a pair of argyle socks.
thanks for the contest!
i have sooo many knitting goals…but one of them is to knit my nephew (who has fought and WON hodgkin lymphoma twice!) a pair of argyle socks.
thanks for the contest!
i have sooo many knitting goals…but one of them is to knit my nephew (who has fought and WON hodgkin lymphoma twice!) a pair of argyle socks.
thanks for the contest!
My knitting goal is to at least 4 pairs sock, 1 pair for each family member.
My goal is to knit 2 tops for myself- that actually fit! 2 tops that I love to wear. Just 2. That can’t be too onerous can it? 🙂
Happy birthday!
I will finish or frog *every* WIP lingering in my box/basket of stash. And I will finish or frog every project that I start. Even the ones I brought from Canada to the UK on the needles and haven’t touched in the 18 months since. (common goal, and I think for the same reason…it makes me feel guilty and anxious and guilty when I see those half-formed intentions lying around, and then I get dug into that cycle of guilty/anxious and get guilty/anxious instead of just. knitting. them. up.)
My knitting goal for 2009 is to knit a shawl for my wedding and later a sweater. Both of which are huge projects for me.
Thanks for the contest!
Pretty colors! I have a couple 2009 knitting goals….a few are to make a sweater for myself, knit at least 10 pairs of socks for ME, and last-release at least 10 new patterns for the new year!
A whole family of yarn colorways is just excellent.
Knitting for the new year: Learn how to do toe-up socks. And knit two sweaters, one for him (first) and one for me.
My knitting goals are threefold. First is to actually design a garment from start to finish. I have a baby’s swing coat in mind with sizing that could fit my older daughter as well..
Second is to finish at least half of the UFO’s I have in my basket. No small task.
Third is to spend some time knitting for me. That’s right, me! Something other than a hat.
My goal is to make a few knitted things for my daughter and to get some Christmas gifts made throughout the year.
I WILL learn how to do Fair Isle knitting.
Knitting goal: knit a sweater that actually fits and looks reasonable in public and not ‘hand made’.
To knit scarves for both of my sisters for next Christmas. The real goal though is to not be knitting them in December at all!
My knitting goal: to finish some of the stuff I have started (the 3 first of the pair socks, the hat, the shawl)…and in order to get these things done, I have to actually KNIT!
I love your family yarns!! 🙂
my knitting goal for 2009 is to finish the socks i started. i got to the heel and got sidetracked, and now i am in the middle of 3 other projects!
My knitting goal for 2009 is to finish at least half of my in progress projects – before I start any new ones.
I hope to knit a shawl using charts !!
Oh that is so cool! I want a STR colorway named after me! That’s my goal for the year – a colorway named after me. I think that my nicknames “Miabunny” and “Butterflybrain” would be great names. For a more realistic goal, I want to knit more for myself.
I am going to finish my mitered square blanket. It’s been a long time and I’m not even nearly done. Yes, I said this last year too, but this is the year. For real this time.
How wonderful to have another colourway named after you (or Meli in this case). It’s beautiful!
I have two knitting goals this year: one is to learn knitting socks via magic loop method. The second is to learn stranded knitting.
One of my knitting goals is to knit a fair isle sweater this year. For me.
LOVE the new colorway,and what an honor for Meli and you!
My knitting goal is to embrace the “slow stash” concept so eloquently described by Clara Parkes, and also to knit the holiday advent calendar I’ve been kicking around ever since I saw the one in Garnet Hill catalog in 2007.
Oddly enough, one of my knitting goals is to whittle my sock yarn stash a bit. But I love a good contest and these colors are beautiful.
Happy New Year!
One of my knitting goals is to look more deeply into my stash for the hidden gems. I know I bought those skeins for a reason!
Thanks for hosting the contest!
My knitting goals for 2009: I would like to try a top down sweater this year. Fingers crossed that I win!! I LOVE knitting socks!!!
My goal is to learn how to do colorwork. I’m starting with a hat and gloves for my daughter.
I want to finish the sweater that I am making for myself. I put it aside to work on handknits for a new grandbaby and then socks for everyone in the family and scarves for my daughters and then scarves for friends and….you get the picture! Happy New Year!
My knitting goal for this year is to knit more sweaters. At least 2 for me, and 1 for a friend.
My goal is to use stash yarn as much as possible. I really do have a lot of yarn down in my little room, and I truly don’t need more for quite a while! I’m going to purchase only that yarn which I need for specific RAKs, if I haven’t anything to use. Yarn diet. That’s my goal! 🙂 samm
I need to stashbust this year…and knit a ez fair isle yoke cardi!
My knitting goal for the year is to finish every knitting project that was started prior to 2008. And there’s a bunch of them!
Knit a pair of socks that someone can actually wear!
Goal: knit 6 pairs of socks!
Goal: knit 6 pairs of socks!
Goal: knit 6 pairs of socks!
Goal: knit 6 pairs of socks!
My goal is to learn how to finish a sweater. I have several sweater parts that need to be put together. I signed up for a class at my LYS. Thanks for the fantastic giveaway!!
My knitting goal for 2009 is to finish the vest I started for my mom. I bought her the pattern for Christmas in 2007. She picked out the yarn, and I cast on in February 2008. It’s not the most exciting pattern so I’m really struggling with it. The body calls for 14 inches. I think I’ve been at 12 inches for about 4 inches, if you know what I mean. I won’t let myself start a sweater for “me” until the vest is done.
My goal is to knit 4 sweaters before buying ANY more yarn. I have one that needs finishing, one halfway done, and 2 that I have yarn and patterns for, just need to KNIT.
My goal is to knit 4 sweaters before buying ANY more yarn. I have one that needs finishing, one halfway done, and 2 that I have yarn and patterns for, just need to KNIT.
Hi Cara,
Happy Birthday!
My knitting goals for 2009 are five-fold (could be more but I figure I should stop there!):
1) Learn to make socks
2) Finish my forgotten Hourglass Sweater from two falls ago.
3) Learn magic loop method.
4) Organize and record my knitting better.
5) Learn how to knit from a chart.
Loved your card, Cara! My knitting goal is to knit every day. Even if it’s just a row or two. Oh, and try to knit more from my stash. Yeah, that’s the ticket!
I’ve got two knitting goals. The first is, simply, to find more time to knit! The second is to get at least one of the sweaters I’ve stashed for done.
Gorgeous colorway, btw…how many families have colorways for each member? Lucky you!
My knitting goal for 2009 is to end the year with at least 1/4 less stash than I had at the end of 2008.
My knitting goal is to finish my husband’s Cobblestone by his birthday in March.
Your daughter is lovely and all three colorways rock, but hers is my favorite so far.
My knitting goal is to complete 15 pairs of socks by Christmas. They cannot all be stockinette or ribbled. In addition, I have at least 4 sweaters that need to be worked in there somehow.
I’d like to knit a Dale of Norway sweater for my very busy 14-month-old son! Did I mention that he’s very busy?!?!? I’ll also attempt to finish off a few projects. Ha!
Thanks for your wonderful blog and for sharing your very personal experience as a mom. Your photos are amazing!
Lovely colors! My knitting goals for the year are twofold–I want to actually finish knitting a pair of socks, and I want to knit a hat and/or booties for my baby (due in June) to wear home from the hospital!
my knitting goal for the year is to finish the scarf I started in December. Its laceweight cashmere, with beads. And with twin toddlers and a 3 year old I only get about 5 minutes every other week to knit–if I’m lucky. So Its a pretty lofty goal. I’d also like to finish (or at least work on) the blanket I started in the hospital last year and have not picked up since the spring.
Hooray! Beautiful yarn!
My only official goal is to make 26 more CounterPain Squares. Which is harder than it sounds since Ellie also has goals for 2009.
My knitting goal this year is to knit sweaters for all three kids, not just the baby who will wear just about anything I put on her, but her brothers too. The challenge is knitting for picky six year olds, I will find something warm but not “too scratchy”!
My knitting goal is really a knitting and spinning goal: Knit more lace and spin better lace weight yarn.
My 2009 knitting goal is to knit a sweater for each of my young boys, a pair of socks for my mom, and hopefully a sweater for me. Fingers crossed!
My knitting goal is to start knitting again. I have been unable to knit since (of all ridiculous things) I became pregnant three (and a half!) months ago. I stopped knitting because (of all ridiculous things) just the thought of it made me feel nauseous and, although I am no longer incapacitated by morning sickness, I somehow haven’t started up again. However, the urge has come back, however I am now torn by all the things I need to knit for the baby (can I really finally use that Debbie Bliss cashmere I bought on sale last year for the long hoped for baby blanket?) and a superstitious fear of planning for something that hasn’t happened yet. But it is only a matter of days. The needles are calling.
My 2009 goal is to knit (mostly) from stash. It’s not like I don’t have enough. Oh, and to start with, I’m going to knit my husband the ribbed black hat from sock wool that he requested…
Hello! Happy New Year!
My Knitting goal for 2009: Learn how to knit a sweater. Wish me luck! 🙂
My knitting goal is to finish when I start something, not wait and have to go back and make a second sock, or bind off, or figure out what went wrong! Thanks – and happy birthday a little late!
My knitting goal for this year is to finish my daughter 2008 Christmas sweater BEFORE next Christmas. Happy birthday and give Meli an extra hug (as if you needed my request to do that)
how cool is having a colorway named for everyone in the family!
how cool is having a colorway named for everyone in the family!
Happy New Year! My big knitting goal for 2009 is to design sweater and have it fit me properly when knit.
(and to have fewer UFOs) 🙂
Yay! It’s beautiful.
My knitting goals for the year:
Matching Wonderful Wallaby’s for baby Phoebe and her best friend baby Bo in Malabrigo.
Fingerless mitts for my kids.
Making something (anything) in Manos with Silk.
Finishing my mom’s Vine Lace sweater.
And, not leaving any single socks!
My goal is to hand spin and knit an entire adult sized jumper.
Love the Meli yarn.
What an awesome gift of a colorway. It’s so pretty too!
My knitting goal is to bump my skill up a notch and try something I’m intimidated by–cables!
My knitting goal for 2009 is to learn to graft decently. Hell, I learned to knit socks (from the start) in the toe-up fashion, all because I was afraid of kitchenering the toes!
Love Meli’s colorway. It’s right up my alley, too.
Happy new year to you and yours.
My goal for this year is 12 pairs of socks (minimum) 1 shawl ( started many, never finished one yet) and to use up most of my tashed acrylic yarn for Project Linus blankets.
My goal for this year is 12 pairs of socks (minimum) 1 shawl ( started many, never finished one yet) and to use up most of my stashed acrylic yarn for Project Linus blankets.
Gorgeous yarn in honor of a beautiful family.
My knitting goals include two things I’ve been putting off for awhile now: my first lace shawl (probably Swallowtail) and Endpaper Mitts (Eunny Jang).
But maybe I’ll just knit more socks.
Meli’s colorway is beautiful! My knitting goal for the year to find time to knit (PhD programs are soooo time consuming) and to knit from the stash (PhD programs are also very expensive).
Thanks for the contest.
Great contest! My knitting goals for 2009 are to finish my first lace shawl, knit baby booties for my friends who are expecting this spring, and to knit more socks. I would also like to knit at least one item for a charity.
My knitting goal is to take pictures of all the knitted gifts I make before giving them away.
Happy new year!
I want to knit until my fingers bleed! I need to knit miles of stash.
Your family has lovely yarn. 🙂
My knitting goal for 2009 is to finish knitting up my backlog of Rockin’ Sock Club 2008 kits on the months that don’t have a 2009 kit shipping.
Happy 2009 and Happy Birthday Cara!
thanks for the lovely contest! My goal for 2009 is to knit something for my mother, my best friend, and at least 3 things for sale at a local gift shop.
This year’s goal: to finish knitting for people’s babies before they are born. And also to hunker down, suck up the yarn cost, and knit myself a really nice sweater.
Wow, that new colorway sure is gorgeous!
I’ve never commented before but have been following your journey through your first year of motherhood with much interest.
I wish you and yours a wonderful new year. Please kiss Meli’s punkin’ head once for me!
My goal is to knit a hat for ME for once, knit a sweater for my husband, and make as many preemie hats and booties while I work nights as possible.
Happy Birthday and Happy New Year and congratulations on your gorgeous family and the gorgeous set of colorways!
Everyone has such great goals for the year. Mine are (1) to tackle cables with gusto and vim, (2) to make the Tuscany shawl from No Sheep, and (3) to make more socks. I fall short on socks.
Best wishes for the new year!
I want to knit three sweaters for the three men in my life: my husband, my dad, and my brother in law! They actually all deserve it!
My knitting goal for the year is to knit (and finish) a sweater. I’ve been knitting only socks for the past year–I love them, but I need to go back to something bigger.
Your family colorways are beautiful!
My knitting goals for 2009 are fairly simple: knit a few sweaters, and knit more from the stash, which is growing beyond reason. Easy, right?!
My knitting goals for 2009…
Knit lace.
Knit Cables.
And hopefully make some type of garment somewhere in the process.
My main goal is to make some time to knit at least a little every day, as time for myself.
A secondary goal is to finally knit something with my own handspun.
Goal #1: Knit at least 6 sweaters for myself! (I’d love to shoot for the full 12, but I just had a baby and am trying to be realistic.) 😛
Goat #2: Complete a colorwork project!
Hi Cara! My knitting goal for this year is to knit a couple of garments for my daughter now that she is a toddler and is not growing as quickly… I hesitated to knit a whole lot for her when she was younger since she grew out of things so fast. It’s fun now that she can help choose colors and patterns, too! Happy New Year!
My knitting goal for this year is to learn to competently knit continental. I’m currently a thrower, but see lots of continental knitters whizzing away around me.
TWO sets of “Advent Trees” from Mason/Dixon outside the lines. (Started out to just do one, but my DIL might be hurt… )
Beautiful colorway for a beautiful girl!
My goals for this year are to continue to knit from stash, improve my finishing techniques, and make double the amount of socks this year as I did last year.
Knitting Goals for 2009 – Finish what is started and knit a sweater…should take me through next year.
Knit something that fits my curves, suits me and is made in a yarn that doesn’t cost a bomb and look nasty after two wearings! Happy New Year Cara and thanks for the enjoyment your blog brought to me over 2008. Looking forward to more 🙂
I would love to actually knit this year, and finish at least one item per month, even if that is a washcloth! Thanks for sharing!
Sweaters, for me, that fit. And blogging more regularly (if that counts as a knitting goal).
My goal is to learn to knit!! I have done a row or two but it is soooo difficult ;(( I can crochet since I was a small girl, why can’t I knit too?
My goal is to learn to knit!! I have done a row or two but it is soooo difficult ;(( I can crochet since I was a small girl, why can’t I knit too?
Hi! I wish you and your lovely girl one very happy year!
Two big goals for 2009: knit more lace and make a serious dent in my stash of sock yarn so that I have to move less when my boyfriend and I combine households (also, so I won’t scare him quite as much…)! Happy New Year!
I want finally to knit a Clapotis. The yarn and pattern are ready and waiting! Happy New Year!
My knitting goal is to design and knit a vest for my husband before this fall. It will happen!
I would love to finish some of my wips, maybe get started on a sweater for myself, knit more socks, oh gosh, my list is so long!
Thanks for the contest!!
I actually have a couple of knitting goals for this year. One is to learn a short row heel for knitting socks. Another is to learn how to set in sleeves for sweater that I have been working on since last spring. BTW Meli is beautiful and you are so lucky to be able to spend so much time with her. Enjoy all her phases.
My knitting goal is to use up the ridiculous amount of sock yarn in my stash. I bought into the whole “sock yarn doesn’t count as stash”, but when it starts to take over I think it counts! Of course that isn’t going to keep me from continuing to add more!
I would like to get all my knitting organized so that I might actually get some knitting done.
Beautiful colors! My goal is to get some things on the needles and off the Ravelry queue list.
My kntting goal is to knit more socks.
This year, I want to complete a lace shawl. That seems like a significant accomplishment to me.
I want to knit one colorwork piece, perhaps the Anemoi mittens or one of the great patterns over at Hello, Yarn.
Hmmm…my biggest goal is to learn Magic Loop, followed by actually finishing my Mr. Greenjeans and my February Lady sweater. Plenty of time!
My knitting goal is to knit more for others. Donations, gifts for those who are sick or need comfort. And…to take the time to teach knitting, crocheting, spinning, weaving, felting to those who want to learn.
Design my first sweater.
I just want to knit up my stash of sock yarn that has been accumulating for the last 3 years.
My goals for ’09. Finish the sweater I started for my husband (a cardigan for a man with a 53″ chest). I’ve never completed an adult sweater, nor one of my on design, so this will have a two-fold reward. I also want to make a sweater for each of my boys — teh youngest has ony hand-me-downs right now, and the oldest is quickly outgrowing the one he has right now. And a wrap for me, I’ve already ordered the yarn!
Love the color! My knitting goal for 2009 is actually a spinning and knitting goal. I want to spin the yarn and knit a tree skirt 🙂
This year I am really hoping to force myself to attempt some projects that require some finishing skills. I have been sticking to easier projects that can be done more quickly, and there are some great ones to choose from, but after all these years of knitting I am still a little nervous about things like button bands or picking up stitches. Time to get serious!
My knitting goal for 2009 is to knit more from my handspun. I have so much handspun that I just leave in skeins and admire – but I love the look of it knitted up – so that is my goal.
My goal for 2009 is to knit a sweater that fits–figure out the balance between negative and positive ease. And lots of socks!
Happy belated New Year/birthday! I’m not sure if I have a knitting goal this year. If I did, it would be to knit something I’m proud of and enjoyed knitting a lot. It’s been a few months since I really really enjoyed my knitting. (and I need more sweaters!)
My Knitting goals for 2009 include finishing WIP’s, Organizing my craft room, learning to knit continental( I am a thrower, and I want to give this method a try) and learning to knit fair isle.
Happy New Year!
My goal for 2009 is to knit enough socks that I can stop wearing commercially made ones.
My knitting goals for 2009 include finishing the Celtic Icon hoodie I started for myself on New Year’s Eve, and the 10 pairs(!) of socks that my mother and sister ordered yarn for on Christmas Day. I’d also like to find a better way to organize my craft room. May not sound like much to die hard sock knitters, but my ambition for socks lately seems to be pretty scarce!
Happy Birthday and Happy New Year!
OMG these would so make a fabo chevron scarf!!! Please pick me!!!
My knitting goal is to either finish the projects I have started or give up and frog them.
My knitting goal is to either finish the projects I have started or give up and frog them.
Ditto–OMG those would be so fabulous! Pick me! Pick me!
Oh yes–my knitting goal for 2009 is to learn entrelac, and I’ve already started by casting on for an entrelac sock (which I’m on the second tier, and so far no disasters…)
My knitting goal is to finish the baby blankets for TWO nieces/nephews. The first is to arrive the first week of March (but could show up early) and the second by April 23rd (or so). I hope I succeed. My most recent nephew was over a year old when he received his “toddler” blanket. 🙂
My goal for this year is to knit a sweater for MYSELF: I’ve knit sweaters for family, but I always end up putting aside the ones I start for myself, in favor of more gift knitting.
So the goal is to knit a cardigan out of the yarn I spun last winter for it. (And if necessary, to run out of yarn, cuss at it, find more wool of a similar hand/color, spin up more, cuss at it again, and keep going.)
My knitting goals are to finally finish my first sweater that I started over a year ago (which just needs to be sewn up) and to learn fair isle. I’d like to use up some of the sock yarn stash, too.
My goal is to knit something for each of my kids this year.
I’d like to finish a sweater for me this year. I’d also like to make a hat or equivalent for all my close relatives for Christmas next year.
My 2009 knitting goal is to shower my about to be born first grandchild in grandma knitted socks, sweaters and blankets!
It may seem selfish, but my goal is to knit something substantial for myself. I’ve done a lot of knitting lately that’s been given away!
My biggest knitting goal for the year is also a dyeing/spinning goal: to dye, spin and knit a coat for myself. I’ve dyed some of the fiber already, but the spinning and knitting could take a while!
Happy New Year!
My knitting goal for 2009 is to repopulate my sock drawer entirely with handknits.
My knitting goal is to catalog more of my stash, and knit from it.
And make Sylvi before the winter is over.
Happy new year!
My goal is to get started on the three family projects that I have planned: a scarf for my aunt (long overdue), a hat for my mother-in-law (who watches my baby three days every week), and a dragon-themed shawl for my sister-in-law who just brought my beautiful nephew into the world.
I just want to finish the baby’s sweater. My son is 4.5 months old, and I started the sweater before he was born. This is baby sweater #2, which is a raglan but still much more complicated than #1, which was a neat Debbie Bliss all-in-one-piece-plus-creative-seaming jobbie. I’ve gotten the body, and one arm, and half the other arm done. Then comes the button placket and I think some neck stuff. I started this as size 6-9 month, and just hope my big boy will get to wear it before he is too big for it. Since he was 23.25″ at birth and 9lbs, he’s been wearing 6-month clothes for a while. I’m hoping that since it’s a sweater, though, that he can wear it a little longer. I made the sleeves and body an extra inch long, since I knew he’d be a tall one (his dad is 6’6″). So here’s hoping!
Hmmm. In the process of knitting through my stash, I would like to make variety the theme. I have an obsessive compulsive tendancy that can result in too many–too many socks, too many purses, too many… A sweater or two in my size would be great!
My knitting goal is to actually finish something other than socks! I knit all the pieces for a sweater last year and didn’t quite get around to putting them together yet. I even have all the parts for a sweater I knit about 8 years ago that are still not put together. Maybe that’s why I keep knitting socks – there is so little finishing to do…
My Ariann was successful, so I’d like to make something else for myself. I’ve been eyeing EZ’s fair isle yoke sweater. Socks for the hubster (I was going to purchase Socks that Rock from Blue Moon for his, so this would be great). Thanks!
One goal is to knit more from stash, and in doing that – to knit more sweaters, rather than break up large chunks of wool for little projects!
Ooh ooh!
I want to:
+ spin, design, and knit a sweater for my boyfriend.
I was amazed to discover that I had finished 30 projects last year. So for 2009 I’m looking to keep that momentum going by busting through my stash.
My knitting goal is to enjoy my knitting. No obligation knitting, no knitting stash yarn just because I have it. To what I make and the materials I make it with.
My knitting goal is to knit my 3rd sweater and to try short-row sleeve cap shaping. Happy New Year to you and your family!
My knitting goal is to finish the sweater for my husband and to make a sweater for my oldest son. Then I want to do something Fair Isle for me!
My first and foremost goal is to keep knitting down my stash. I want it small enough that when a new project calls to me, I can go purchase the yarn I want rather than feeling obligated to use something I already have. This really doesn’t apply to sock yarn though – it’s so adaptable and you always need more socks.
My knitting goal(s) for 2009 – frog or finish all wips and only knit from stash (for as long as I possibly can). Happy New Year and Happy belated birthday! 🙂
Like you, my knitting goal for this year is just to knit again. Knitting was very scarce in 2008 due to finishing my masters, getting divorced, and adjusting to really doing everything around the house and with the dogs on my own. Best wishes to you and your family for a wonderful, happy, healthy and peaceful 2009!
What lovely colorways your family is! Those are really beautiful.
My goals this year aren’t very specific. I will finish a shawl for my step mother and a sweater for my mother-in-law, and to at least finish the wips that mock me on Ravelry…
My knitting goal this year is to finish an actual sweater for myself. Not for someone’s baby, not for my cat, not for the my friend’s nephew. Me! I love gift-knitting but I think I need to make something that I can wear that doesn’t go on my feet 🙂
Happy New Year!
My knitting goals include finishing my Hanami shawl and knitting at least 6 (adult size) sweaters and or vests.
My goal for 2009 is to knit myself a whole jumper or cardigan – I have the stash to knit several, and I’ve done various baby sized versions, but this year its my turn!
My goal is to knit more from my sock yarn stash. I have wonderful things and I want to add to my own sock stash!
Ooh, very pretty yarn. My goal for this year is to knit stuff for me that I will be able to wear and use. I have been mostly knitting gifts and the few things I’ve knit for me didn’t turn out, so I don’t wear them.
My knitting goal is to graduate from my usual sock-scarf-baby knit repartee and knit myself a sweater.
I’m sorry if I posted twice for this, I thought I already did, but I can’t “find” it when I look…
I want to make a sweater! I have the yarn, I did the calculations (it’s a EZ sweater), just got to cast on and do it!
Ah my goal is the same as yours, to actually knit sometime this year (I have a 5 month old)
My 2009 knitting goal is simple – use the yarn I have (though, I’ve already been to 2 yarn stores in the past week)! I also want to revisit patterns that I’ve stashed and learn a few new skills. Oh, yeah and there is a sweater I have on the needles I claim is on the “five-year-plan.”
My knitting goal for this year is to finish the sweater for Kaya that is 90% done (so she can wear it very soon) and start and complete one more… we’ll see!
My knitting goal this year is to knit more from the books/magazines that I have instead of just collecting them.
To finish the many project lingering on the needles, to knit a sweater a quarter and finish a pair of socks (I have started many but have yet to complete a pair!).
to knit more while baby sleeps!
My goals are to finish all of my wip’s, even if it takes me the whole year, plus, do better on the handmade holidays for Christmas 2009.
My goal is to knit more for myself as well as knitting from my stash more in 2009!
My knitting goal for the year is to knit myself a good, well-fitted sweater in a super soft yarn. I’ve been knitting for 3 years and while I have a couple of sweaters, I don’t have anything classic that is hand knit.
My knitting goal for this year is to successfully knit fair isle! I’ve been queuing colorwork patterns on Ravelry for a while and I think it’s finally time to give it a try!
My knitting goals are pretty specific: 4 sweaters and 1 vest for me (try a top-down sweater for the first time); a blanket for my toddler son; 6 pairs of socks; and, god help me, finish 4 WIPs, one of which is my very oldest, a scarf about six years old.
Those colorways are simply gorgeous!
My knitting goal is to knit a sweater for myself. And to get over my pathological fear of lace.
my knitting goal is to FINISH things.i’ve got 3 things that need buttons. and the kid is getting dangerously close to being too big for them!
knitting goals… there are so many but I must say first is to finish the 2 sweaters sitting beside my bed that have been there for way to long!
Goal #1: help zee boy finish his first hat. This is my novel solution to the sweater curse: don’t knit for him; teach him to knit.
Goal #2: Knit through most of my stash. That is to say, knit regularly, as I don’t have a large stash and can rarely afford new yarn.
Happy Belated Birthday Cara!
My knitting goal for this year is to complete a pair of socks for every year I have known my husband, plus one. So, ten pairs total. This sounds easy but I have a seven month old baby who will only nap on Mama’s lap and only sleeps at night when Mama is next to her. Knitting time is at a premium. You know all abou this : ) And, I want it to be a surprise so it will have to be done when he is not home. I think I am setting myself up for failure.
I plan to present these to him on our anniversary in October. I am curently on sock one. My husband was recently dianosed with a serious heart condition. I want these socks to warm his heart and heal him in some way. The tenth pair represents the future. I know he will beat this disease and be here to wear those socks long enough to wear through the soles.
My goal is to actually finish a pair of socks for myself!
My goal is to knit an adult size sweater this year.
my goal is to make my husband a pair of nice socks. I would love this yarn for another pair of socks for me! 🙂
I’m really hoping I’ll design a nordic sweater and knit it. I already have some great rose/ivory/charcoal yarn for it.
My goal is to complete the two sweater projects started at the end of 2009 and knit bunches of new socks for my daughter post haste! Feet keep growing!
My goal is to finish my first sweater!! Yippee…now must go knit. Thanks for the contest!
I am hoping to finish some things I have started and to find a pattern for a really neat cardigan.
My goal for the coming year is to knit a sweater with colorwork. I’ve already started on it…if the plain knit back counts as starting! Wish me luck!
My knitting goal is to make 3 Christmas stockings in time for next Christmas!
What beautiful colourways!
My goal this year is to get through the majority of the knitting for my May 2010 wedding. I want to make lacy shrugs for myself and my three bridesmaids, and I want to make a honeymoon shawl for myself. Ideally I’d like to have 4/5 done before the end of 2009.
My knitting goal is to knit a pair of socks every month, which will make a tiny dent in my giant sock yarn stash. (I could probably knit 5 pairs each month and not run out of yarn.)
My goal is to finish the four sweaters that are “almost” finished”. Love reading your blog.
I just found out that I’m expecting, so I’m wanting to make something for the baby. I LOVE the sweet pea set pattern at Jimmy Beans, but we’ve just moved to a climate that mostly feels tropical to me, so I can’t figure out what to make that won’t be too hot for the little one. It’s really put a cramp in my plans!
This year I’d like to knit at least three sweaters. That I like. Also keep. I have a tendency to knit a sweater, not like it on me and give it away. I am a popular friend.
My knitting goal is to complete my UFO’s including my first attempt at colorwork and get new projects onto those needles.
Hello! Gorgeous yarns! My knitting goal for this year is to stay current with the Sock-A-Month Knit along. I don’t want any months to go by without a pair of socks.
My knitting goals include making my dad another pair of socks (he has 2 hand-knit pairs, while my mom has 10…in my defense, he wears a size 13 shoe), making the parental dog another sweater, blocking the 3 lace shawls I haven’t done yet, finishing a baby sweater for my cousin’s son, and restarting my blog.
My goal is to finish a pair of knee high sock.
Happy New Year and belated Happy Birthday!!!
My knitting goals are to complete a pair of socks for my aunt and knit BrooklynTweed’s Girasole (blanket) and Frost Flowers and Leaves (shawl). I better get started!
My goal is to knit something that isn’t a hat, or a scarf, or a mitt, or a bag or a shawl. Something different!
Well, after having a baby in August, my knitting goal for this year is to KNIT SOMETHING, ANYTHING! Definitely stuff for the baby.
Oh and we moved into a new house, and my craft room has not even been touched. I plan to organize that too! (that’s a knitting goal right?)
Well, after having a baby in August, my knitting goal for this year is to KNIT SOMETHING, ANYTHING! Definitely stuff for the baby.
Oh and we moved into a new house, and my craft room has not even been touched. I plan to organize that too! (that’s a knitting goal right?)
Well, after having a baby in August, my knitting goal for this year is to KNIT SOMETHING, ANYTHING! Definitely stuff for the baby.
Oh and we moved into a new house, and my craft room has not even been touched. I plan to organize that too! (that’s a knitting goal right?)
My knitting goal is to convince my husband to let me knit something for him that he might actualy wear.
I’m knitting an afghan this year. I’ve never done that before. I crocheted baby afghans when my niece and nephew were born (1989 and 1993), but have never knitted one, and, well, it’s time that changed!
i aspire to finish the things i’ve already started.
and i want to do a variation on the knit a sweater a month idea, and knit at least twelve wearable things this year. not including socks.
I’d like to cut my “dormant” list in half, either by finishing or ripping the project. It’s possible, I think.
My knitting goal for 2009? Complete my in-progress knits (finish or frog!) and knit something that makes me feel gorgeous!
Whoa! Quite the commentfest here. 🙂
My goals are to finish a sweater vest for me (almost done), knit a Barbie wardrobe or two, and three pairs of socks.
Beautiful Yarn — I hope I win!!!!
My knitting goals for the year are to:
1. Finish a log cabin blanket
2. Finish Lady Eleanor
3. Make an Einstein coat for me.
4. Make a sweater for Mom.
5. Make two additional sweaters for me — one a Bettna and one that is out of some Brooks Farm Yarn.
6. Limit additions to stash to yarns that are truly unique.
Thanks for the contest. What a nice thing for you to do. One of my knitting goals is to do a shawl from the book Folk Shawls by Cheryl Oberle. I haven’t decided which one yet but I have some favorites.
Btw, Meli just gets cuter and cuter.
A belated Happy Birthday!
My goal for the year is to knit something from my own handspun, probably a pair of socks. I only started spinning last September but I got my wheel for Christmas and I love it.
My goal is to knit an Aran for my husband that is the right size this time. No more denial about width, by either of us!
Awesome yarn! My goal is to actually finish up a few lingering projects that got sidetracked. And to complete the new ones I do start. I need to assemble the finished knits…can’t use them without seams!
I’m still working on my knitting goals (and others) for 2009, but the one that’s definite is: Knit 10 miles of yarn in 2009. I did it in 2008, thanks in large part to a giant sample knit that used 2 MILES or yarn, and I’m going to try to pull it off again this year.
My knitting goal is pretty much like yours: to knit. My baby is 7 months old, and my knitting is in such a sad state. I’ve finished 2 tiny projects since he was born, a hat and an aran-weight shawl. I’ve gone yarn shopping only once. For me, that’s so sad!! I definitely would like to knit more sweaters this year, and start Christmas knitting sometime in the summer.
I have acute second sock syndrome. My knitting resolution is to start and finish a whole, matching pair during 2009. It…could…work!!!
My knitting goal this year is to knit what I love and what I’m inspired to knit and not what I feel obligated to knit!
My knitting goal is to finish ALL my WIPs before I start any new projects for myself! (Gifts for others won’t count, of course.)
I just learned how to spin in 2008. I would like to knit a sweater out of handspun.
What beautiful colors and, of course, what a cutie Meli is! My knitting goal is to update my Ravelry account pictures and to finish my mom and MIL’s Christmas shawls before next Christmas!
2009 Knitting Goals:
1. Socks for my mom, knitter extraordinaire.
2. Finish the 3 different Mystery Stoles/Secret of the Stoles on my needles now.
3. Start a Knitspot design (maybe finish it).
4. Knit more!!!
My goal is to knit only from stash. And to finish the three (3!) sweaters currently on the needles.
What a special gift! Thanks for sharing, and for the great, colorful blog; my knitting goal for this year is to FINISH the projects I start.
Lots of goals, just a year!
1. Finish all my WIP…ok, figure out how many there really are first.
2. Up the charity knitting…my church knitting group does prayer shawls and hats for newborns
3. Actually create something with that hank of scrumptious cashmere/silk blend yarn, rather than just holding it and petting it every time I come across it in the stash.
4. Make myself the Central Park hoody(have had the yarn and pattern ready for….)
5 Keep(get) the yarn organized.
6. Knit using stash yarn for at least every other project.
Hi Cara!
Happy New Year to you and your wonderful family! It’s good to see your daughter making progress, thanks for sharing your videos. My knitting goals for 2009 are finish some of the projects started in ’08 and continue knitting socks – – which I absolutely LOVE to knit! Also joined the sweater a month for 2009 – – so hope to get some sweaters knit for this knit a long. Continue knitting some berets and skull caps which were a big hit this Christmas! Thanks for your generosity! Looking forward to continuing to read your blog and your knitting progress and also keeping up with Meli’s adventures! Rosalia
To knit a blanket for my brand-new baby girl so she’s not like the shoeless cobbler’s child. How can a knitter’s offspring go so long with NO handknits of her own?
Hi Cara:
Happy New Year to you, and your wonderful family. My goals for this year are to keep knitting socks, and to knit at least one thing from my wonderful Christmas gift – Knitted Lace of Estonia
I would like to do colorwork this year not involving a two stripe Noro scarf AND finish my long languishing Pomatomous socks. Meli’s coloway is preety, just like the baby.
My knitting goal is to try new techniques and new yarns. For instance, I am knitting a scarf with cables but not using a cable needle. Also, I bought some yarn just to see what it will look like when it’s knitted.
My knitting goal is to stop knitting things for other people’s babies and finish something for my own baby!
I also want to knit lots of socks!!!
Oops we had to have a goal?? Honestly? Just to have time to knit w/o being in a rush. Trust me, that would be great!
My goal is to me a selfish knitter this year! It seems like I knit like crazy everyone but me. I need sweaters too!
My knitting goal this year is….. 7 minutes later… to write down one of my many beautiful patterns that I have created and share it!
I would like to improve my technical knitting skills.
I would like to improve my technical knitting skills.
My goal this year is to keep my three month old little Joseph in handknit woolies. They make the best leakproof cloth diaper cover:)
My goals this year is to knit a nice shawl to wrap up in and stay warm. I see so many pretty ones and all I end up doing is knitting lacey scarfs so I want to do a proper shawl this year (amoungst everything else like sweaters and socks!)
my goal is to spin the beautiful camel/tussah top and knit a scarf with it.
One of my knitting goals for 2009 is to learn to knit socks. All my knitting friends are addicted to sock knitting, so I’m going to dive in this year!
a sweater for my grandson. thrummed mittens (it is cold outside!)
If help is wanted getting the Spin Out Heifer fund raiser and/or Central Park event up and running again, I’d happily make my participation in that effort a 2009 goal. Heifer Int’l deserves all the support it can get, plus taking spinning to the streets can bring more people into the fold (pun intended). After all, just having a box of fiber arrive at my door got me to find a teacher (and new friend), got me to SOAR with Maggie Casey, got me spinning on my own Lendrum… shall I go on?
Hmm… knitting goals for 2009…? I’d like to ENJOY it more. I too have a little one. He’s almost 18 months old and keeps me busy. I still find it more important to get down on the floor and play with him—but I do so miss knitting. However, I figure knitting will always be there……….but he will always be growing and changing so I certainly don’t want to miss anything…….
LOVE the pics of Meli. She’s adorable!
My knitting goal this year is to finish a sweater for myself. I haven’t done that in a couple of years.
My goal is to knit 12 projects this year (one for every month). I’d also like to knit more socks and lace. Maybe lacy socks…
I’m one of those crazy people that signed up for knitting 12 adult sweaters in 2009. What was I thinking!!
What lovely yarn, and what a lovely family.
My knitting goal this year is to knit more for myself. Selfish, perhaps, but I have been knitting for years and only have 2 or 3 handknits for me.
Happy New Year.
My goal is to knit more and to finally tackle socks. I love Meli’s colorway- very pretty.
Love the colors…
My knitting goal: finally make that afghan my husband wants.
Happy New Year!
My knitting goal for 2009 is to finish some of my many WsIP.
My knitting goal is to knit something for me – a blanket, a sweater, a beautiful lace shawl; whatever. I just want to knit something wonderful for myself!
My knitting goal for 2009 is to become a more fearless knitter. I avoid anything with seams because seaming terrifies me! Once I get over this so many more projects will become appealing.
My knitting goal for 2009 is to knit down my stash. I have gotten to the point where I have waaayy too much yarn – both commercial and handspun (and continue to spin more)so it is time for a good portion of the current yarn to meet its destiny as finished objects. Second goal is to keep a knitting journal this year, keep track of what I’m knitting and who it goes to.
Happy Belated Birthday, Cara! My goal is to create some of my own patterns.
My knitting goal this year is to make a man-sweater. Every time I tried, it turned out looking girly and I had to RIP. Man. Sweater. Happy New Year and Happy Birthday!
My knitting goal this year is to make a man-sweater. Every time I tried, it turned out looking girly and I had to RIP. Man. Sweater. Happy New Year and Happy Birthday!
My knitting goal is to knit the Woodsmoke Sock pattern I ordered from Knitspot!
My goal is to finish my lace tablecloth (on size 0 needles), knit a sweater I’ll actually wear for once (I’m thinking the Rogue with the tree on the back)and knit a sweater or vest for my husband. With a couple pairs of socks and baby sweaters thrown in.
Happy Birthday
My knitting goal for 2009 is to spin enough lace weight for an Estonian Lace shawl…
My goal is to make a significant dent in my stash!
My goal is to make a sweater for my husband that fits well.
My goal for this year is to knit a sweater! Preferable one that fits! 🙂
Well my goal may not be as cool or as extravagant as alot of the other’s but here goes….I plain to teach myself how to knit socks. I will not go and take a class a the lys or buy any books to do so. (My other goal is to spends less money.) I can only use what I already have which is yarn, needles, stitch mars, teach yourself to knit visualy and knit 101 books, as well as a knit socks class i found on line thanks to fellow ravelers.
I will do this on my own and give myself the slack to screw up as much as i need to and try again.(Which if you knew me would know how monumental that is).
My goal is a. to knit more from my stash and b. to try my hand at steeks:)
Simply to start and finish a project a month! Hopefully!
I just started knitting (got some needles for Christmas) and I love it. My goal is to finish the horribly ambitious scarf for my husband (it’s going pretty well, but I literally just picked up knitting needles and then decided a 4 color scarf was just the thing) and knit at least one thoroughly kick-arse, the world is jealous of me, sweater. I started because I thought it was cool and because I want fancy socks and sweaters.
My main goal is to turn a sizeable portion of my yarn stash into a stash of gifts and charitable knitting (hats, mittens, etc.) that I can distribute at my leisure by the end of the year!
My goal this year is the same as yours just to knit. I havae two projects going and I will finish them and start more this will be a great knitting year!
I really want to finish the Forest Path Stole that I started…oh, eons ago. And I want to do some stranded knitting. Even if I hate it later, I want to give it a shot!
One of my knitting goals is to try to knit socks for those in my extended family who will appreciate them…I always seem to knit socks just for myself, my husband and my daughters. It is time to expand!
My knitting goal is to reduce my WIP’s by 75%!
I plan on actually finishing the 3 sweaters already on the needles (one may be frogged). Then in February my SnB and I are going to do a St. Brigid knit along
What a nice contest; it’s good to read other peoples’ goals for the coming year. The first of mine is to finish a giant pair of socks for a big-footed friend and then a vest and felted bag for my own self! Then more socks!
My goal is to knit more socks and finish all my WIPs.
Firstly- happy belated birthday!
My goal is two-fold: to not feel guilty for knitting too much and to not feel guilty for knitting not enough. 🙂 Make sense? This being said I’m going to go start on a new pair of socks. Prend soin de toi!
Make one Christmas gift every other month. I got away from doing gifts and I missed it this year.
Gorgeous colors, btw.
Well mainly.. Faire Isle.. and to get at least 4 new loom knitting designs out and for sale!
my goal for the year is to become comfortable knitting socks
One of my goals is to knit Jared Flood’s Hemlock blanket. 🙂 I’ve swatched already but been too intimidated by a lace project of that size to get started on it…
Beautiful new STR colorway in honor of your girl. 🙂
My goal this year is to knit/design more finger puppets
My goal: knit the stash I bought at Stitches in Chicago last August before I go to Stitches in Atlanta in April! That’s doable, right?
My knitting goals are to spend more time knitting than reading knitting blogs and ravelry, more charity knitting, and finally purchasing my first skein of STR yarn!
My goal is to knit more lace! And some fair isle mittens. And knit up some of the sock yarn stash before buying ANY. MORE.
My goal is to use my stash and not buy more yarn in 2009.
I loved watching your beautiful baby girl learning to crawl and stand. She sounds adorable and I miss those sounds.
Thanks for the contest !
My knitting goal for 2009? Hopefully to be knitting for my own little one at some point this year.
Happy 2009 and Happy (belated) Birthday – thanks for the contest and an always compelling blog!
Tina sure does create beautiful colorways!! My goal this year is to complete the 3 pairs of socks, two sweaters, 2 scarves, and one blanket that are currently on my needles by February 1. Then I can start my 2009 goals, which are learning to weave and at least four sweaters by the end of the year. And maybe some socks. And that Hanne Falkenberg kit I’ve been coveting, but not until I get another job.
I had a lot of knitting goals for 2008 that I accomplished (colorwork, lace, steeking). 2009 will be the year to hone those new skills and also to delve into some crochet. I feel like my lack of crochet knowledge is starting to hold me back a bit.
The yarn is lovely!!!
My goal for 2009 is to take it easy, knitting-wise. One project at a time. Keep the rabid yarn purchasing to a minimum. Remember that knitting is a pleasant hobby and not a source of intense stress.
My knitting goal(also my sewing and cross-stitch goals)is to finish the object-du-jour before starting the next must-have project.Wish me luck with that one!!
My 2009 knitting goal is to try for even just a little bit of control when in the vicinity of yarn for sale, and knit socks out of all the sock yarn I have before it takes over the house. Happy 2009!
Knit my first adult-sized sweater…all I’ve done before has been a couple of baby sweaters. I’ve got the pattern all picked out…now to cast on…
My knitting goal this year is to at least START knitting one of the two Philosopher’s Wool sweater kits I have. I grew up very close to their farm/store and bought a sweater for my 16th birthday…well, almost 20 years later it’s still the greatest sweater I own! I really want to knit one for my hubby so his kit will be first, I hope 🙂
My goals are pretty simple, I want to knit one perfect item for everyone in my family. One husband, three sons, two dogs! Happy 2009 everyone!
My goal is to knit down a good portion of (some of, at least) my stash
My goal is to knit down a good portion of (some of, at least) my stash
My goals are pretty simple, I want to knit one perfect item for everyone in my family. One husband, three sons, two dogs! Happy 2009 everyone!
My goal is to knit. A little. I just had a baby in April so knitting has been scarce!
My goal is to knit down a good portion of (some of, at least) my stash
My knitting goal for 2009: spend less time reading about knitting and more time actually knitting! Thanks for the fun contest!
my knitting goal is to knit at least 50% from current stash.
I have enough yarn to knit for 5 years from current stash — so this is truly do-able (not to mention that I ‘plumped up’ the stash just prior to NYE just in case.
My goal is to try and knit my socks with yarn in the stash BEFORE I buy new sock yarn; one old, one new; two old, one new. There’s gotta’ be a way. Love the videos of Meli! Happy Birthday.
i have a few…stash knitting; also i want to find a home for yarn i don’t think i’ll use. all yarn needs a good home :); finish current projects (5); new knitting includes 2-color mitts or mittens, lacy scarf, 1 sweater and socks socks socks.
happy bday and new year.
My goals
1. finish (heck start) nephew’s christmas stocking, which means learning to knit stranded
2. finish feb lady sweater
3. stay in our knit from stash bet for as long as possible
What lovely lovely colorways to represent your family!
Knitting goal–2 handed fair isle. Practicing every day at least 10 minutes. Want to be able to knit lovely complicated colorwork without batting an eye.
Happy New Year!
Knitting goal–2 handed fair isle. Practicing every day at least 10 minutes. Want to be able to knit lovely complicated colorwork without batting an eye.
Happy New Year!
To finish spinning the bag of dark brown roving and knit a sweater out of it
My goals for 2009 are to knit my first sweater and to finish everything I start!
My goal this year is to relearn how to knit and finish a Norwegian Sweater….steeking here I come!
My knitting goal this year is to have a large project. Might be lace might be a sweater. I’ve just been knitting for a year and it’s time for a big one!
My goal is to finish my first sweater. I started one about two years ago and its still on the needles. Not sure if I can get excited about that one again, but a sweater will be completed this year even if I start from scratch.
I’d like to make the Kiki Mariko rug, the Lizard
Rigdge afghan — and end the 2nd sock syndrome for my 1st pair of socks. 😉