85 and Sunny

Yup. That’s right! That’s the forecast.

The WeatherPixie

By noon tomorrow I’ll be at the pool, virgin colada in hand. First, we will have made the obligatory homage to the hamburger at THE BEST HAMBURGER JOINT IN THE WORLD. You guessed. Georgie and I don’t vacation unless there’s an In-N-Out within driving distance. I could tell you stories.

Have no fear, I’ll be blogging from Arizona. You won’t have to miss me too much.

Ah, the desert. My home away from home.

Have a great weekend everyone!

PS: I feel really bad – yesterday I listed all my favorite TV lovers and I missed one of the best ones: Sonnylicious, Port Charles‘ very own gangsta lova! Mmmm. Delicioso!


  1. 28 degrees and sunny.

  2. Have a wonderful trip! Enjoy that virgin colada. 🙂

  3. 85 degrees! Harumph!
    Have a great time. I’m so jealous :-).

  4. Your cactus photos are gorgeous!!

  5. Ughhh……..it is going to be -10 degrees here tonight and snow over the weekend. Spring is NEVER going to get to NH!
    I’m with you on the Sonnylicious part though……..YUM!

  6. yeah, yeah 85. 🙂 Have a wonderful time! And enjoy that burger! Good stuff.

  7. Have a great trip!