Ever have one of those days where everything you touch turns to POOP! Yesterday was that day for me – what do they call it? Murphy’s Law? Yep. That was yesterday. It was awful. Mostly work stuff – but it was enough to send me over the edge.

I feel like I haven’t been knitting either. You know, those long stretches where you don’t get up for hours and the only reason you stop is because your hands hurt too much? I haven’t had a day like that in a while. Hopefully this weekend. I picked up the Ribby Cardi again after what seems like years (okay months) and managed to get a few rows off. I want to finish the back ASAP so I can start on the fronts. I think I’m going to try to employ the method of doing both at the same time. I’ve popping into the Ribby Cardi KAL (of which I am a LAX member) and it seems a few people have been doing it that way. So why not try something new?

There was a bright spot yesterday! While I was tearing up my house looking for (literally a freaking HOUR) a check I thought I lost, I came across another skein of the Manos Flame! So I have five, not four. I thought I bought five, but since it wasn’t where the rest of them were, I assumed I was wrong. I figure another 3-4 should do it for a cardigan. I’m planning on some yarn shopping* in the next week or so, and that’s on my list.

I need some help. I want to make Clapotis for my best friend – but she told me she doesn’t do wool – of ANY kind – she has very sensitive skin. So I thought I’d do it in a nice handpainted silk. I was looking around last night and the best I seemed to come up with was Alchemy Yarns Silk Purse. Anyone knit with this? What do you think? I found only good things on the blogs, but I’d love a first hand opinion. Think it would work for Clapotis? At around $23 a skien, it seems reasonable for silk. Who’s got a good supplier? I very much want the Sea of Cortez colorway. Oh and what’s the deal with knitting silk? Is it very different than wool – more like cotton? Thanks for the info!

As a way of trying to cheer myself up, I trekked out to the Jersey City Main Library, in the pouring rain, for this:

I know I’m being completely heretical here, but I’m kind of disappointed in the book. [Holds arms in front of head to protect from stones about to be thrown….] I guess I thought there’d be more patterns. The St. Brigid does look amazing – the only problem is I don’t think I’d ever wear it. I will spend more time going through the history sections and the individual cables – so maybe my first impressions won’t hold. But really – this is selling for more than $300! Not sure I get it.

Thanks everyone for all your comments on my sweetie honey niece and Picot-Boo! The highlight of my day yesterday. In case anyone noticed, I put the comment moderator function on – so your comments have to be approved until the system knows you. You guessed it! Along with all the other shit flying yesterday, I was spammed.

Speaking of shit, in case you need a trememdous laugh, check this out. It’s the infamous Triumph the Insult Comic Dog doing what he does best – all in the name of bipartisanship!

Have a fabulous day everyone! I’m going to go feel sorry for myself – my stomach thing seems to be turning into a cold.

* All you Beantown girls! I’m coming to your hood! Where should I go for the good stuff?


  1. I’m with you…I’m all over that Sea of Cortez colorway! Unfortunately I’ve never knit with silk, so I can’t give you a first-hand account, but I’d love to hear what others have to say about knitting with it!

  2. What about the MEN’S sweaters in Aran Knitting? I absolutely know that the women’s sweaters would look terrible on me, but I’m enjoying knitting Na Craga for my husband. And, I saw someone just finished Irish Moss for her husband. http://www.purlwise.com
    When are you going to be in Boston? 🙂

  3. Hope today is better; Picot-boo was beautiful.

  4. Hey Cara–my most recent sweater, used Alchemy Silk Purse. It is amazing to work with! I loved it. When I was knitting it up, I thought how nice it would be to use on Clapotis! We are on the same wavelength! 🙂 I hope you find a good price for it… it is on the pricey side.
    Take care!

  5. Yes, when are you going to be in Boston?

  6. I live in Jersey City, too!! I love your blog!! Do you have a knitting circle? Brian (my blogging partner and best knitting pal) and I are looking for a local group to knit with.

  7. Cara, when will you be in Boston?
    Circles, you must go to Circles! Also, A Good Yarn in Brookline Village is excellent. Let me know if you’re going to Circles and I can get you a refer-a-friend coupon. Both stores are *very* good–good products, and helpful people. Lots of people will recommend Woolcott in Harvard Square (say it with me: Hah-vahd Sqay-ah) but I would skip it (rude, crowded, and a teeny bit overpriced).

  8. Silk is more like cotton than wool when knitting. It doesn’t have much give, so it’s easier for your hands to get tired. I really like the hand of the fabric when knitted – it’s very flowy, if you know what I mean. I think silk is perfect for scarves.

  9. I think silk would be fine for Clapotis. Heck, I did mine in 100% cotton and it was beautiful. I think silk is like cotton in that it doesn’t have as much give as wool. But I haven’t worked with 100% silk, so I’m not positive on that!

  10. –>o. (That’s a little stone (or maybe a ball of yarn so as not to cause injury) being thrown.) But in a friendly way! AK is all about arans, of course – for women it’s sometimes not the easiest to wear. (I just don’t seem myself sitting around on a big rock with an aran shawl on.) But the history and instruction and men’s patterns are timeless. ($300, though, obscene)

  11. My sister is using La Luz by Fiesta yarns for her Clapotis. She loves it. Check her out at http://artwinknits.typepad.com.

  12. MB is a hoot. Be careful with that ball of yarn she threw at you. It’s probably got a firecracker on the inside. 😉

  13. When are you coming to Boston? I’d recommend yarn stores, but someone already got my good ones – Circles and A Good Yarn, so that’s covered. I’ll second those recs, I guess!

  14. I have also been thinking about doing Clapotis in silk, but it is a little farther down the line on my list of potential projects. There is a knit blogger who dyes and sells silk, I have been admiring her colourways for future use, I haven’t actually bought them yet. Amy Singer of Knitty mentions her in this spring’s Interweave. The blog is at: two_pointy_sticks.blogspot.com you can find her colourways there. You have to email to get a price, but from what I have heard, I believe that her prices are reasonable. Just FYI if you are still looking for options.