Trouble. Right here in River City.

So. I go on vacation 3000 miles away and in some spare moments away from my beloved, I visit some yarn stores. I buy lots of yarn and I generally have a good time. I come home and share my impressions with you all. I was honest – I think fair and honest – but apparently I screwed up. It was intimated in the comments that I intended harm against one of the yarn stores I visited by giving it a less than stellar review. Nothing and I mean NOTHING could be further from the truth. I’m honestly astounded that anyone could think that. I wrote that I visited a yarn store – I’ve been in LOTS of yarn stores all across the United States – and then I wrote MY experience of this yarn store. It wasn’t the best yarn store I’ve ever been in, and it wasn’t the worst. In fact, I spent a decent amount of money in that yarn store. I stated that it could’ve been me that day that caused the bad vibe – but for whatever reason – I wasn’t as comfortable in that particular store as I’ve been in others.

That’s not really the part that troubles me. What troubles me is that I talked about my impressions and feelings in what I felt was a humorous, yet respectful fashion. To be accused of ill intent and downright meanness in tone worries me to no end. Does this mean I can’t be honest on my blog? Does this mean that unless I love something to distraction I’m not allowed to talk about it? Because I really feel that that’s not honest. Believe it or not, I don’t love EVERYTHING. In fact, most things I DON’T like. You might not know it from reading here – but I’m incredibly picky about stuff.

I guess I have more influence than I ever imagined if a sort of ho hum review from little old me can be construed as taking business away from someone. That’s NOT a power I want to have. Not for the first time, I questioned whether or not to blog at all.

I don’t think somehow I’ve transcended above opinion and critique. I stand by what I wrote about this store and I would not be afraid to say it to the owner’s face. I thought they had a beautiful store with an abundance of yarn, but after repeated attempts on my part, I just didn’t feel very welcome. Where’s the mean spirited criticism in that?

I’m not opening the comments on this post because I think a rehash is counterproductive in the end. If you’d like to engage me on this topic, I welcome you to email me: cara at januaryone dot com.

Thank you for reading my blog.