We came home from a lovely Rhinebeck weekend to find we had no Internet. It JUST came back on about an hour. My week was at times relaxing and crazy with work piling up like a sonabitch, but lots of fun times with Meli, who, incidentally, had a fantastic time at the festival.

Stolen from Annie‘s Flickr Set. Thank you!
She’s been saying BAAAA all week.
I wonder why? 😉
See a lovely Rhinebeck family portrait here. (Thanks Annie!)
That is such a great picture! And such pretty knitted items being worn!
Cute! She looks like her daddy.
Beautiful photos. Kaz looks great, too!
How cute is she?
Meli looked SO cute in her red hat. I too wish we’d had more time. It was such a whirlwind but at least I got to see your little one!
Dude, she looks adorable, but please tell me that the hat isn’t the one I sent with all the (shhhhh)tied in pieces. She does look cute in it, though.
Lovely family portrait. Will you please post the names of the patterns for the hat on the baby and the sweater you are wearing.
How could I possibly have missed seeing your family posse??
I missed Rhinebeck, I missed seeing YOU. Meli is rocking that red hat.
Such a great picture. It’s been fun watching Meli grow. (You look fab yourself.) Glad you had a nice visit!
What a great picture — and you’re looking good in your CPH!
Awww I love how Meli looks just like…both of you. heeheehee
Oh, the baby animal sounds stage is so cute. That is a great family photo with it’s sense of what it’s actually like right now to be out having a good time with Meli.
aw! great photo!!! it was so good to see you again at rhinebeck. meli is even more beautiful and sweet in person 🙂
OMG, you guys are SO friggin’ cute!
Now I’m officially sad. And jealous.
Are you guys going to Maryland?
Cute picture and I see your Central Park Hoodie is getting plenty of wear!! I’m knitting my first one right now.
You couldn’t possibly be any cuter. 🙂
OK I’ll say it again: Thanks for stopping by; it meant a lot; knowing how busy you were meeting everyone. I hope you got some yarn shopping in, too! Show us the loot! 🙂
I saw a comment on another blog where you wrote something about having a math phobia. Have you ever heard of dyscalculia? It’s “math dyslexia”. Try checking out http://wwww.dyscalculiaforum.com or just do a google search!
What’s that hat your beautiful daughter is wearing in that pic (which is totally darling, btw)?