Eye Candy Baby! v.4

I thought it was time for another installment of MELI: Cutest Baby In The World.

In this video, Meli’s back at the window where she likes to pretend she’s a cat (or a pug) and yell at all the trains, planes and automobiles that pass by.

Window Talking from January One on Vimeo.

Oh and just so you don’t think I’m crazy, clicking her tongue is her new trick. She does it all the time – except, of course, when I’m filming her.

And this video is future ammunition for when she’s about five, and refuses to eat everything. I’m going to pull it out and say, “See! You did so EAT BROCCOLI and you might have even LIKED it!”

B Is For Broccoli from January One on Vimeo.

Have a great weekend!
L, C & M


  1. Her outfit in the first video is awesome. Seriously – I would wear that. And the sober look on her face in the second one cracks me up.

  2. There is great hope for a broccoli-loving baby. My niece started that way, and at four, she still lists it as one of her favorite foods, asking for seconds of it.

  3. Seriously, those little baby feet in the first video are precious. How cute is she in those leggings?

  4. My son does all sorts of cute things in person, none of which he is willing to do for the camera. Must be a baby thing. 🙂 She is pretty cute. I put H up to the computer to watch the first video and he kept trying to talk to her and touch the screen. Adorable.

  5. seashoreknits says

    okay – I say it all the time – but – cutest baby IN the world. Love the fun times at the window, but her sweetness while munching on the broccoli was just too much. Did you notice how ladylike and dainty she is when she’s putting the morsels in her mouth? cracks me up! thanks for sharing new videos of that cutey pie Meli.

  6. She looks almost contemplative with the broccoli! She is most definitely a cutie. And I love the outfit in the first video, too – adorable!

  7. Too cute! hannah thinks she’s adorable too.
    I have video of Noah eating “goppoli” (which is what he called broccoli) when he was about a year old and it is indeed good ammo to get them to try new foods.

  8. Yay for a cute baby fix!!

  9. Parents for generations have been asking the same question, “why do they do (fill in the blank) when no one is around, but will not do it for gramma, aunts, friends, etc?” And as for the love of broccoli, well my son could out eat any adult on a variety of orange veggies and now at 35 he eats them only because he must set a good example for his own children!

  10. Very cute and how I wish I had some photographic evidence to prove to the 9 year old that once upon a time he loved cheese, spinach and bananas. Sometimes all on the same plate too!