January One -- Jaywalker KAL
February 14, 2006
Jaywalker WINNERS!
This is the end. Beautiful friend. This is the end. My only friend, the end.
Before I annouce the winners, I just want to say what a FANFUCKINGTASTIC time I had doing this. Yes it got crazy. Yes I lost some sleep. But really, I met so many great people and got to share my love of yarn and this pattern and got to watch other people love the pattern, and sometimes the yarn, and that's just great. Knitblogging at its finest! I can't say I'll be hosting another KAL anytime soon, but I wouldn't trade this one for the world. And I mean that from the bottom of my heart. Thank you all so much for knitting along! And just so you don't feel like you're walking away emtpy handed, I made you all a button. WEAR IT PROUD!!!

Now, to annouce the winners. Let's bring out the accountants from Ernst & Young to explain the choosing:
The list of winners was dumped into an Excel spreadsheet in the order they appeared in THE LIST. The Internet Random Generator was then employed to choose six integers between 1 and 174. The numbers chosen were: 1 8 97 101 115 156.
And without further ado, the winners are:
(All links are to pictures of the winning socks!)
Congratulations to all the winners! Email me your address and your choice of Socks That Rock. Thanks! For those of you still knitting, KEEP ON KEEPING ON! You will not be disappointed. (And Noelle's got some buttons for you too.)
L, C
Posted by Cara at 11:11 PM | Comments (23)
Jaywalker Twelve - THE LIST!
Just so you know - I've been knitting along with you - right down to the wire! Tonight, at 10:18, I finished my EIGHTH pair of Jaywalkers.

These socks are two repeats longer than my usual. I thought I had a bigger skank so I took a chance on the first sock and added the extra repeats on the leg. I knew immediately upon finishing that I wouldn't have enough for the second sock, but I ordered more instead of ripping. The color in the second skank is pretty different than the first, but I only used it at the top of the foot, so I don't think it's really noticable. I have enough left over for another pair. ;-)
ONTO THE LIST! If your name appears here, you will be entered into the drawing at 11:11 PM. If your name does NOT appear here, and you think it should, please send me an email to cara AT januaryone DOT com and let me know. I will check it out and get back to you. Thanks everyone for an AMAZING RIDE!!!

Posted by Cara at 12:00 AM | Comments (30)
February 13, 2006
Jaywalker Admin Stuff - Last Minute REMINDER!
I will be posting THE LIST at 12AM Tuesday, February 14th. That means TONIGHT! Send me an email with Jaywalker Update in the subject line (email cara AT januaryone DOT com) and let me know you're finished. The list goes up tomorrow for the day so you can argue with me about inclusion etc. and winners will be chosen and posted at 11:11 PM tomorrow night. GOOD LUCK TO ALL!
Posted by Cara at 09:20 AM
February 01, 2006
Jaywalker Eleven!
DONE. Finished. Finito. Baleep Baleep THAT'S ALL FOLKS! The Great Legendary Absolutely FREAKING INSANE Jaywalker KAL is officially CLOSED. NO MORE!
But oh my god it was a blast! Wasn't it? Sheer madness! As of 2AM last night there were 311 people involved in the KAL. I can assure you that I visited every single one of you at least a half a dozen times. Thank you for inviting me into your homes.
Here's how the last two weeks are going to work: Check THE LIST. Make sure you're on it if you think you should be on it. If you finished your pair way back when and for some reason you didn't get a star next to your name, let me know. If you're not on the list and you can show evidence as to why you should be on the list, let me know. If you finish your pair, let me know. EXTREMELY IMPORTANT: TO LET ME KNOW SEND ME AN EMAIL WITH THE WORDS JAYWALKER UPDATE IN THE SUBJECT. THE EMAIL ADDRESS IS CARA at JANUARYONE dot COM. I WILL IGNORE ALL UPDATES IN THE COMMENTS.
Here's how the winning's going to work:
At midnight on February 14th I will list all of the people eligible AS OF THAT DAY to win yarn. I will keep the list up for the day and at 11:11 PM on the 14th I will pick the winners. You will have the day to let me know if there is a mistake with the list.
Any questions? Email me.
I gotta say, with all the craziness, I hope I haven't come off as disliking the KAL. In fact, I'm bowled over by it. Proprietary about it. I love it but I hate it. I definitely want my blog back. I want to be able to post something and not have half the comments that day be about jaywalkers when my original post was about spaghetti. I'M NOT BLAMING ANYONE!!! I asked for this. Actually, I'm blaming myself, but that's a whole other story. The good part of all this - I still LOVE the socks, goddamnit!!! In fact, just this weekend I finished two more and cast on for another two. They will never be old to me!














































































Lisa I.























































Posted by Cara at 10:41 AM | Comments (21)
January 25, 2006
Jaywalker Admin Stuff - IMPORTANT!
Tomorrow morning, at 6AM, I will be safely seatbelted in (we can only hope) a first class seat on a flight to sunny FLORIDA. I'm taking a vacation people. A VACATION. That means NO WORK. And as much as I love you all and love my jaywalker updates and I've come to love my goofy smileys and I'm so glad you have too - I WILL NOT BE DOING UPDATES THIS WEEK.
After ten weeks I think it's okay to take a little break. Because DEADLINES are fast approaching, I thought yet another look at the draconian rules would be good:
The rules:
1. Knit a pair (or more - hey - I'm going to start my THIRDEIGHTH!) of Jaywalker socks. I know a lot of you have already started a pair - and that counts. But if you've finished a pair already, that doesn't count. Instead, go on over to Kathy's and let her know. She'll add you to the gallery.
2. You don't have to adhere strictly to the pattern, so all you Drunken Jaywalker people (you know who you are!) come on over.
3. The socks don't have to be for you. I know everyone's crazy with holiday knitting (Suckers. I'm just saying....) so why not make a pair of Jaywalkers for that annoying relative in your life? Nothing like a pair of Jaywalker socks to send that subtle message - I wish you'd go play in traffic! You're the only one who has to know the sentiment behind the gift! ;-)
4. You don't have to knit the socks with SOCKS THAT ROCK yarn - use whatever yarn you like. BUT the prizes will be Socks That Rock.
5. There are no deadlines on when this KAL will end, BUT
6. On February 14th I will draw three SIX names out of the proverbial Internet hat of all the FINISHED KAL socks and each of these people will WIN a skein of SOCKS THAT ROCK in their preferred colorway. That is, assuming I can get Tina to dye it for you. I won't tell you how many colors are in the recipe book - your head will spin around. To be eligible to win the socks, you will have had to give me at least ONE update before February 1st. I want you to really be in it to win it you know? No pulling in at the last minute with a finished pair of socks to get in on the lottery. ;-)
7. Updates will be on FRIDAYS. So leave me comment or email me and I'll do the updates then. K? Terrific!
THE NEXT UPDATE WILL BE FEBRUARY 1ST. In order to be eligible to win yarn - you need to have updated at least ONCE by FEBRUARY 1ST and complete a pair of socks by FEBRUARY 13th. The drawing will be held on FEBRUARY 14th. So, if you haven't sent in an update - now's your chance. PLEASE, when sending updates, either leave A COMMENT RIGHT HERE or send an email to cara AT januaryone DOT com with JAYWALKER UPDATE in the subject line. At midnight on February 14th I will list all of the people eligible AS OF THAT DAY to win yarn. I will keep the list up for the day and at 11:11 PM on the 14th I will pick the winners. You will have the day to let me know if there is a mistake with the list.
I know I miss people each week. I don't even know how many people are in the KAL anymore, to be honest, but it's a freaking lot. Okay? I'm only human. If you're not sure if you are in CHECK THE LIST. If you aren't on it and think you should be, let me know by leaving a comment or sending an email. A shining star next to your name means you've got a finished pair - if you have a star or don't have a star and think it should be different, let me know. Please note - if you finished a pair since the last update, the list hasn't been changed to reflect that. I will change it on Feb 1st.
If you have any questions about anything - please leave a comment or send an email. I will tell you though I suck at math and the best answer I have to the all important question of which came first is this:
A chicken and an egg are laying in bed together. The chicken rolls over, lights a cigarette, turns to the egg and says "Well, I guess we answered that question."
Have a great weekend everyone. Knit hard. I'll see you on the flip!
L, C
Posted by Cara at 11:06 AM | Comments (67)
January 20, 2006
Jaywalker Ten!
Before I get on with the updates, I'd ask you all to bow your heads for a moment of silence. This is the first week, since October 19, 2005, that I did NOT complete a jaywalker sock. I've gone back to some other projects and my latest jaywalker has suffered for it and you know what? I miss the damn sock. Much more than I thought I would. Sniff. Sniff. I'm going to Philly tomorrow for the weekend and I'll be knitting that sock on the train, goshdarnit!
That said, the Albuquerque STITCH AND BITCH (am I allowed to say that?) got together this week and apparently SEVEN knitters cast on for SEVEN pairs of Jaywalkers ALL AT THE SAME TIME. Was it like a feat of sychronized knitting or were you too busy flipping off the camera in your best Johnny Cash to bother with timing? Carole and Scout have pictures to prove it - as if we wouldn't believe something so ridiculous! JAYWALK ON GIRLS!
Updates? You want updates? You got it. With new and improved smileys. Don't forget to read the LEGEND, Ann. I've also added superfantastic blinky stars to the participant list. If that doesn't spur you on to finish a pair, I don't know what will. Oh and if you're missing from the updates, it's because I didn't see anything on your blog. I'm sorry if I missed you. If you're worried that you aren't in the KAL, please check the participant list before emailing me. Thank you!

























































































Posted by Cara at 02:18 PM | Comments (28)
January 13, 2006
Jaywalker Nine!
Honeys, we've reached the Tipping Point.
It's 5:13 PM EST on Thursday and we've got over 250 people signed up for this KAL. The way things are going, I would wager that by the time I hit publish on this post tomorrow morning ten more people will have signed up. I think I can safely say that this knitalong has reached the proportions of Clapotis, Rogue, Birch - whatever came before that I don't know. It's INSANE. I never, ever, in my wildest dreams thought it would come to this. NEVER. I have to say, honestly, it's making me a little bit uncomfortable. I was reading over at Stephannie's today and she had a very compelling post. I'm quoting it with her permission:
"There's an interesting tension in the knitting world.... It's about whether to join a trend on the blogs.Do you knit the Jaywalker socks or not? If you really like them and have sock needles free and the right yarn, are you a mindless trend follower or are you just knitting what you like, recognizing that lots of other knitters like it too? How does something become a big knitting trend anyway--the next Birch or Clapotis or Jaywalker or Rogue?
In the end it shouldn't really matter to anyone else what you knit or what you do with your knits. We all come to this craft with differing sets of motivations and desires and that's what makes it fun. Yesterday at Lettuce Knit (yes, I finally attended a Stitch'n'Bitch and had a great time) there was a woman knitting a beautiful Jade Starmore steeked stole, two of us making jaywalker socks, some blankets, a baby sweater and a nifty-box in progress. Some swore they would never make Jaywalker socks now that they are the thing, others were thinking about it despite the teasing of their friends.
Really in the big world out there, we are not a trendsetting sub-culture that will be on the cover of People magazine, we won't get to the front of the line at the "right" bars because we knit. And we like it that way. We're used to be on the outside of what the media deems as popular culture. So who cares if a bunch of us knits the same thing?"
Steph's post came a very interesting time for me - what with my inbox filling up every five seconds with people wanting to get in on the KAL. I, myself, follow along the lines of I knit what I knit when I want to knit it and am not one to follow trends - in knitting or in my life in general. In fact, I'm often one of those people that WON'T go along with the crowd - sort of following Groucho's maxim: I wouldn't want to be a member of any club that would have me as a member. Along those lines, this is my reply to Stephannie:
This is such a tough question for me! I'm generally one who really likes to go along with my own thing - only knitting things I really want to knit.I have knit Clapotis - and I enjoyed it. It was the perfect gift for a friend and I got to use glorious silk yarn and over all I was very pleased with it. That said, I haven't knit any of the other knits you listed. Except of course The Jaywalker.
Ah the jaywalker. As I said before, I knit what I want to knit. How did I find the sock? Well, I had come home from Rhinebeck with a lot of STR, lol, and was looking for the perfect pattern. I really don't like the whole feather and fan sock thing - at all - and I'm not a real chevron fan either - although an argument could be made that the Jaywalker is a chevron. There was something about the clean lines and stripey goodness and I cast on. I never swatched. I never deliberated about size. I just cast on and started to knit and I LOVED the way the yarn looked. And of course, I love the STR. I mean how could you not love that yarn? But anyway, back to jaywalkers. I was EXTREMELY lucky in that the pattern fit right off the bat, if not a tad tight over the heel, and I managed to make a pair without running out of yarn and it really was one of those fated yarn things where the pattern and the yarn and the wearer all kind of had a kismet relationship.
So I tried to see if I could duplicate that lightning strike again. And I did. And I did. And believe it or not I cast on for sock #14 last night. I've got six pairs of finished jaywalkers with no end in sight.
Did I mean to start some kind of crazy knitblog fad? ABSOLUTELY NOT! In fact it's starting to drive me a bit crazy all those jaywalkers out there. Believe it or not, I feel COMPLETELY AND TOTALLY responsible when someone has fit trouble or runs out of STR or basically hates the sock.
The only reason I keep knitting them is because I love how they look and I love how they feel on my feet. I love the yarn. In fact I have all this other non-STR sock yarn that would be perfect for jaywalkers and I can't do it. It's like they have to be STR, for ME, or nothing else. And I've seen some great jaywalkers out there with other yarns, yarns I have in stash, but I guess my goal is to work my way through the small(er) skeins of STR in the stash - stuff I know how to make a pair of fantastic socks with.
Each pair I cast on is my new favorite pair. I completely understand the idea of I'll never make them because everyone else is making them and honestly, I've done that in my life. Not wanted to do something because everyone else is doing it. At this point I'm like THANK YOU! That's one less update I have to worry about. ;-) Although it also makes me a little bit sad because, you know, I do think it's a great pattern.
In the end, what's so AMAZINGLY WONDERFUL about knitting is that there's stuff like this out there! You can knit what everyone else is knitting, or you can't or you can make up something on your own or be inspired by something else or knit dishclothes all day long and be EXTRAORDINARILY HAPPY! How LUCKY are we to have found such an amazingly diverse outlet for our creativity!
Thanks for your post and I'm sorry to take up so much space - I probably should've saved this for my own blog. But it's something I've been thinking a lot about - feeling guilty I guess - and wanted to get my feelings off my chest.
So, that's how I feel. I appreciate all those people out there that say Clapotis, Schmapotis. Rogue, Schmogue. Birch, Schmirch. And of course, Jaywalker, Schmaywalker. If I had come along right now, with all those Jaywalkers out there and jaywalker jaywalker jaywalker I would think twice about it too. I honestly would. Which is kind of a shame because I know what a great pattern it is FOR ME and how nice MY YARN looks knit up with it and how comfortable it feels on MY FEET. And I have no problem knitting it over and over again. BUT I understand that there are people that knit something once and have to move on. There are no WRONGS in knitting. NONE WHATSOVER. We need to knit what we need to knit when we need to knit it. And for those who don't want to jaywalk, I've made you your own button:

Dudes! I'm all inclusive! No one should be left out! Which brings me to my next problem. I can't keep up with you people. When it was a small group of say 100 people, I could write up all my superfantastic updates and trust me when I tell you I had a lot of fun doing it! It's great fun to go and visit all your blogs week after week - especially the ones I don't normally read. But now, now I can't. It takes hours to go through all the blogs and honestly, the updates you send me end up getting lost in the shuffle with all the sign-up comments and I'm not as organized as I'd like to be, so what I'm going to do is list everyone who has an update with a link to their blog post, and if you're a non-blogger I will still post your pictures and where you're at in the progress. I'm sorry. My only other alternative is to close the KAL and I just feel like I can't do that. We've got over a month to go in the KAL - or at least until the winners are announced, and I just know the updates are going to get bigger and bigger and I need to do other things. Sometimes at least. I hope you all understand. I just hate disappointing people! HATE IT!
That said, MY OWN SOCK updates will go on forever. Yes, I've finished another pair of jaywalkers. Introducing: TWO POP ROCKS!

Remember this song, Two of Hearts? 80's Madonna like, artist is Stacey Q? I always thought it sounded like Two Pop Tarts. (Apparently I'm not alone either.) So the whole time I'm knitting these socks I've got that song playing in my head. Made for interesting knitting that's for sure. Suddenly I'd burst out with Two Pop Tarts and G would start laughing at me. Craziness. These jaywalkers are making me CRAZY!

I tried to do the whole sexy shoe thing like Anna, but I don't really have many sexy shoes. I'm a Merrell girl. But I did find the shoes I wore for my wedding, which happened to be dyed in almost the exact pink of the POP ROCK Jaywalker. Here's the artsy fartsy shit I came up with:

Um, my calves aren't that big. I mean they're not skinny or anything they're nice and shapely and the one in the picture above just looks weird.
Oh and in case you were all wondering, I immediately cast on for another pair. Yeah. I can HEAR you all groaning.

I swear to God - this is my favorite Jaywalker YET! I SWEAR! And before you all jump all over me about the yarn, this is Socks That Rock, BUT it's a Rare Gem which means there is NO OTHER YARN LIKE IT IN THE WORLD. Rare Gems are skeins that don't quite make it to the color they're supposed to be, so they become like blank canvases for Tina and she does whatever her genius deems necessary at that moment. They are truly rare gems. Sorry y'all. This one's mine. ;-)
Which leads me to my last point before I start with YOUR updates. Kris, my better than the best better pal, said something really profound on her finished jaywalker post, she said:
"what is wrong with me? i never want to do a pattern twice. there's something strange with this pattern - just look at cara; she's up to double digits soon - it is just so brilliant in combination with self-striping or variegated yarn that you can't help yourself, you need to try it one more time to see if it's as gorgeous in another yarn."
Couldn't have said it better myself! BRING ON THE JAYWALKERS!
(Updates in the extended entry!)

Carmelle A little bit of this and a little bit of this
Chelle - she had to rip it good!





































Kristie - A little of this
















Maritza (again!)



Morgan (again)






















All you finished sock knitters, go over and add your totals to Amie's blog - she's hoping to count up 2006 socks knit in 2006!

If I missed you in the updates, I sincerely apologize. HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND!
Posted by Cara at 09:27 AM | Comments (83)
January 11, 2006
Jaywalker Admin Stuff
I'm still taking sign-ups - I don't think I'll be closing it ever - but if you want to sign up - PLEASE - say you want to sign up. Just because you leave a comment on an update telling me you've started your socks doesn't automatically tell me you want to be on the list. Thank you!
Also, there's over 200 people signed up for this thing now - if I don't see an update by 8PM EST Thursday evening, I can't guarantee you'll be in the updates - even if you send me an email. I'm sorry, but it's just taking too long to do these suckers, and well, I'm a crazy ass perfectionist so I want to do them right. And if you have a blog - UPDATE your blog. I check each and every blog on the list - so no blog entry - no update.
One last thing - please don't join at the last minute with your finished socks. Be in it to win it - I want to see at least ONE update of the socks IN PROGRESS before February 1st in order for you to be eligible to win and those socks MUST BE FINISHED by February 13th for the drawing on February 14th. It's a Knit ALONG people, not a knit by yourself and then jump in for the prize. Oh and speaking of prizes, since there are so many knitters signed up now, I'm going to up the prize to SIX SKEINS OF SOCKS THAT ROCK to be given away. That's double the chance to win. GO KNIT!
Posted by Cara at 12:02 PM | Comments (66)
January 06, 2006
Jaywalker Eight!
Hey Everybody! Hope you had a kick ass holiday season and are ready to start the year off right - JAYWALKING. Although, I have to say, you guys are KILLING ME! Don't you people knit anything else? Here we are at week eight and at last count we have 184 participants! CRAZY! I thought I'd go over the rules again.
The rules:
1. Knit a pair (or more - hey - I'm going to start my THIRD! SIXTH? SEVENTH? I've lost count frankly) of Jaywalker socks. I know a lot of you have already started a pair - and that counts. But if you've finished a pair already, that doesn't count. Instead, go on over to Kathy's and let her know. She'll add you to the gallery.
2. You don't have to adhere strictly to the pattern, so all you Drunken Jaywalker people (you know who you are!) come on over.
3. The socks don't have to be for you. I know everyone's crazy with holiday knitting (Suckers. I'm just saying....) so why not make a pair of Jaywalkers for that annoying relative in your life? Nothing like a pair of Jaywalker socks to send that subtle message - I wish you'd go play in traffic! You're the only one who has to know the sentiment behind the gift! ;-)
4. You don't have to knit the socks with SOCKS THAT ROCK yarn - use whatever yarn you like. BUT the prizes will be Socks That Rock.
5. There are no deadlines on when this KAL will end, BUT
6. On February 14th I will draw three names out of the proverbial Internet hat of all the FINISHED KAL socks and each of these people will WIN a skein of SOCKS THAT ROCK in their preferred colorway. That is, assuming I can get Tina to dye it for you. I won't tell you how many colors are in the recipe book - your head will spin around. To be eligible to win the socks, you will have had to give me at least ONE update before February 1st. I want you to really be in it to win it you know? No pulling in at the last minute with a finished pair of socks to get in on the lottery. ;-)
7. Updates will be on FRIDAYS. So leave me comment or email me and I'll do the updates then. K? Terrific!
Capisce? Capisce.
Ready. Set. UPDATE!
~ Seriously, she LOVES them! Don't get the wrong idea about Adelle's jaywalkers. Yes, girl, they are so purty! And it doesn't matter when you get them done - but that you LOVE them! And you do!
~ Slow and steady wins the race! Check out Amy's socks!
~ AmyP's got toe-up jaywalkers in kool-aid colors! YAY for hand dyes that WORK!
~ No socks, but it's BIRTHDAY WEEK over at Anita's and you know how we feel about birthdays! Have a GREAT ONE!
~ Super Sleuth Ann's looking for the Creature of the Black Lagoon! She's got STR Lagoon socks rocking! Hey, Ann baby, can I call you Nancy?
~ MEEEOOOWWW! Check out Anna's AMAZING sexy frilly fun jaywalkers! It's insane what a little modification can do - picot edge BABY! I LOVE IT!
~ BigLug's got a ROCKING finished pair! Magic Loop indeed! Not convinced you're a sock knitter - honey pie - you've made JAYWALKERS - the KING of socks! (I say Xmas Rock too.)
~ Oooh! Oooh! Another down to the wire Jaywalker finish! But Bridget wins by a nose with her gorgeous FINISHED pair! YAY!
~ Add Carmelle to the rip list! But things are on track now. Welcome Carmelle!
~ Carole's SECOND pair are finished! Do I smell an addict in the making? NOT MY FAULT! ;-)
~ Now I may not be one to judge, but jaywalkers to match your furniture?! Cori's socks match her couch. Thankfully she's got a pretty couch. I'm just saying. (Oh and while you're over there, check out Cori's STR XMAS TREE! Man your hubby ROCKS!) ETA: Cori's teeth are FREE! And look how PRETTY! Oh yeah. Between the writing of this update and this morning, Cori ripped out her couch matching Jaywalkers. She's caught PICOT fever.
~ Look at Deb's sad socks, all rolled up in her knitting bag! TAKE THEM OUT! LET THE JAYWALKERS FREE! Please? We want to see. ETA: Ask and you shall receive!
~ Ellie needs a vacation from her vacation (don't we all!) but she still managed some excellent progress on her solid jaywalkers. Looking good!
~ OH MY GOD! You MUST check out the beautiful sheepys on Felicia's blog! And the GORGEOUS dye job she just finished. And oh yeah, the KICK ASS jaywalker in her own hand painted sock yarn. (Available for purchase right over here. ;-) )
~ Not quite sure what this says about the movie, but Helen made some excellent progress on her pretty purple jaywalkers CROSSwalkers during King Kong. That is until the kids got scared. Jurassic Jaywalkers. I like it! ETA: SHHHHH! Helen thinks there's a curse going on over at her place. King Kong no likey knitting during the movie!
~ Holly's first FO of 2006 just so happens to be a PAIR OF JAYWALKERS in some gorgeous Tess's Sock Yarn! Woot! She says she'll knit another pair, but maybe not as many as me. I'm telling you people, they're like POTATO CHIPS. You can't just have one.
~ Mismatched is still a match! Check out Jen's one of each socks! I say go back to the zinnia Jen!
~ Check out Jenny's FINISHED pair! Not really stripey, but oh so pretty!
~ Two at a time is fine over at Jessica's! She's trying not to sweat the small stuff this year and I say keep on keeping on!
~ Um, Julie's named her sock. Cedric. It's still pretty freaking cool, even with a name like Cedric. (NO offense to all you Cedric's out there. Really.) ;-)
~ So, Julsey, how was New Year's? You know it's been almost a week already. Hangover's don't last that long do they? Julsey? Come back! Your gorgeous Jaywalker is sitting at home waiting for you! (Is that Vesper yarn? Looks like Vesper.)
~ The socks went to Disneyland! And they came back finished! So did Karen! The pattern hurt her hands, so she's back to stockinette, but your friend is going to be SO happy.
~ Kim couldn't go to sleep the other night until she finished her jaywalkers! Oh Kim, we know that compulsion all too well! Beautiful pair in Steinbach Wolle Aktiv Color 100!
~ My bestest better pal Kris finished a fabulous sock for the new year! Hey BP, where's the second one? Don't leave me hanging - you've got lots of socks to knit what with all that FABU sock yarn someone sent you! ;-)
~ Apparently Laura has some freakishly long toes (and I say that in the nicest way!) But she still managed to close up the toe, non-kitchener style, on her first Jaywalker! Nice work, Laura!
~ The other Laura (this week at least) has TOE! Now let's see some FOOT!
~ Leah's got a KICK ASS jaywalker! Her first sock! YAY! (But, seriously, I DO knit other things besides socks. Have you seen my Almost Everyday Cardigan? What about my Diamond Fantasy Shawl? I'm in a kind of zone thing with the socks, okay? But that's not ALL I knit. Really. It's not. I can knit anything I want any time I want. SHUT UP! I can so!)
~ Lisa FINISHED a gorgeous pair of Jaywalkers! Just beautiful! And guess what she did then? Huh? Can you guess? She cast on for ANOTHER PAIR. DO NOT RESIST THE JAYWALKER. It's futile.
~ Lisa's socks may never grow up! Well, I hope they do, but she did take them to see Peter Pan. Could be trouble. FINISH LISA FINISH!
~ Lisa, may I interest you in a Got Gauge? T-shirt? Right side bar. Or maybe Swatch-N-Bitch is more your speed. ;-)
~ The Good Humor guy stopped off at Liz's and dropped off some FINISHED ICE CREAM JAYWALKERS! That's Vesper's Neopolitan colorway if I know my stash and they look FABULOUS!
~ Liz has got her jaywalkers all figured out - she even has the yarn lined up for her NEXT pair (way to prepeare LIZ!) And as a testament to the greatness that is the Jaywalker, despite all that BAD math, she still loves knitting them! Whew!
~ (Yet ANOTHER) Liz is totally zen with her jaywalker - even if it does have a little green in it. Way to be one with the sock Liz!
~ Her name is Margaux and she's a jaywalker addict. Was there ever any doubt?
~ Mimsie's got some FINISHED Garnet Dreams! Beautiful!
~ Patty, sweetie, ripping is still progress! I promise! I like to keep a size #0 needle around for picking up stitches after frogging. I put the stitches on the 0 needle, then transfer them to the #1. Easy peasy. Oh and just so you know, I've frogged I think all of my jaywalkers at least once somewhere in the knitting. :-)
~ YEAH Money! Way to kick that knitting's ASS! Renata - you are the BOSS!
~ Roberta, doll, the sock is SOOOOOOO Pretty - and the baby - SO DANG CUTE! Awwwww!
~ Robyn says she's made progress and all and it's so cool but it's boring to show a picture and ahem, Robyn? JAYWALKERS ARE NEVER BORING! No matter what stage they're in! SHOW PICTURES! ;-)
~ Rosemary's got some EXCELLENT FINISHED Draco socks! Um, Rosemary? What's a Draco and should we be afraid?
~ Ruth's starting the year off right by knitting socks from her stash. Jaywalkers, natch. In Ravenclaw from Sunshine Yarns. Lovely!
~ Rainbow Brite! Rainbow Brite! Rainbow Brite! Hey Sandra my votes for RAINBOW BRITE!
~ Scout's learning all about the selfish knit - way to go Scout! Knit for yourself at all times! Oh and check out her fly new job. Stashalong. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
~ Shannon's STR Fluorite socks are DONE! Stick a fork in them. AWESOME!
~ DUDE! Sharon is SO giving me a RUN FOR MY MONEY! She's got five pair ALREADY FINISHED and is working on her SIXTH! Must knit faster, must knit faster, must knit faster.

From l to r: STR Watermelon Tourmaline, STR Lapis, Cherry Hill supersock Water(potluck),
Cherry Hill supersock Serengeti, Fleece Artist Wines and Fleece Artist Jester (sock in progress)
~ Stacey, sweetheart, your feet ARE SMILING! Hell, they're laughing their asses off at those rocking FINISHED Jaywalkers!
~ Susan's starting the year on safari with her ZEBRA jaywalkers! Make sure you've got your pith helmet on when you knit those!
~ Tara gave me a very sweet birthday present! She started her first pair of jaywalkers. Awww. Thanks Tara!
~ Tracy knit up some SUPERFANTASTIC FINISHED SOCKS! She tipped the ribbing and the toes with a contrast color and man do they ROCK! Much FUN!
~ Jaywalker ROCKS! Nuff said. Thanks Trek!
~ Vicki's jaywalkers are so freaking great they freeze me right in my tracks. Or should I say I'm PETRIFIED?! Love em!
~ I'm betting that by the time you read this, Wannietta's got that gorgeous red jaywalker finished. Because, you know what, Wannietta was meant to knit. No doubt.
Late Additions:
Margene, are you ready to prove it all night? THUNDERCRACK!
Sarah, Happy Blogiversary! You've come a long way BABY!
If I missed you this week, tough patooties. This stuff is hard! Leave me a comment HERE and I'll get you next week. Thanks everyone! Have a great weekend!
Posted by Cara at 09:36 AM | Comments (56)
December 30, 2005
Jaywalker Seven!
First things first.

Yesterday I finished my fifth pair of Jaywalkers - my third since the knit along started. These are Azurite STR. You know what that means? Let's do the math! I first blogged about Jaywalkers on October 20, which means I started knitting on October 19th. Yesterday was December 29. That means that in 70 days, I knit FIVE pairs of Jaywalkers. That's a sock a week people! That's got to be some kind of record, no? This morning I laid them all out in their glory.

Since this week it's all about me (I mean c'mon - it's my blog - I can brag a little - and my birthday IS two days away!) I'm taking the easy way out on the updates. They will return, in the extended fabulousness, next week. HAPPY NEW YEAR!
~ Happy New Year! Check out Amanda's socks!
~ Happy New Year! Check out Anne's finished socks!
~ Happy New Year! Check out Bethe's finished hybrid socks! And the ones she just started!
~ Happy New Year! Check out Carole's socks!
~ Happy New Year! Say a prayer for Corrina's socks!
~ Happy New Year! Check out Ellie's socks!
~ Happy New Year! Check out Gail's finished socks!
~ Happy New Year! Check out Helen's socks!
~ Happy New Year! Check out Holly's socks!
~ Happy New Year! Check out Jeanne's finished socks!
~ Happy New Year! Check out Jen's socks!
~ Happy New Year! Check out Jenny's socks!
~ Happy New Year! Check out Jess's finished socks! (December 26th entry.)
~ Happy New Year! Check out Kate's finished socks!
~ Happy New Year! Check out Katherine's finished socks!

~ Happy New Year! Check out Kelly's socks!
~ Happy New Year! Check out Kris's doomed socks!
~ Happy New Year! Check out Kris's socks!
~ Happy New Year! Check out Laura's socks!
~ Happy New Year! Check out Lauren's finished socks!

~ Happy New Year! Check out Lisa's socks!
~ Happy New Year! Check out Liz's socks!
~ Happy New Year! Check out Liz's finished socks!
~ Happy New Year! Check out Liz's socks! (She needs your vote as well!)
~ Happy New Year! Check out Manda's socks! (Manda, darling, you're the PSYCHO, not me! No one dies during updates!)
~ Happy New Year! Check out Marie's socks!
~ Happy New Year! Check out Margene's socks!
~ Happy New Year! Check out Naomi's two-color socks!
~ Happy New Year! Check out Renata's socks!
~ Happy New Year! Check out Robyn's socks!
~ Happy New Year! Check out Rosemary's socks!
~ Happy New Year! Check out Sandra's socks!
~ Happy New Year! Check out Shannon's socks!
~ Happy New Year! Check out Tracy's socks!
~ Happy New Year! Check out Vicki's socks!
I leave you with this:

Yeah. That's right. I'm rubbing it in! ;-)
Posted by Cara at 03:43 PM | Comments (39)
December 23, 2005
Jaywalker Six!

I call this "Day 9: A Still Life with Jaywalker Sock Number Nine, Today's Paper, and The Gift That I Will NEVER Freaking Open." Enjoy!
~ What better way to calm the Xmas knitting panic than a little Knit and Tonic Vesper sock yarn with a Jaywalker twist? Anmiryam's got it all figured out!
~ BigLug's got Candy Cane Jaywalkers! And scrumptious looking Xmas cookies! And Peppermint Ice Cream! (Not so sure about that one.)
~ Carol's got a picture of her finished jaywalkers! Thanks Carol! But guess what? It's TOO FREAKING HOT to wear socks. Sing with me: Carol comes from the land down under, where socks are warm and jaywalkers!
~ Ellie was making progress, before she broke a needle. But she managed to fill her sock down time pretty easily! Have a great time at home, Ellie, and I'll expect a finished sock(s) when you get back!
~ Helen's had a rough time of it lately. I'm so sorry Helen. Go wish her some holiday cheer and tell her how great her jaywalkers are looking. Hope the New Year brings your family much peace, Helen.
~ Jasmin's cruising along with her Jaywalkers - one down one to go! They're beautiful Jasmin - I love the Serengeti Cherry Tree Hill colorway. And check out those floral embellishments made from recycled sweaters! Very crafty grrl! (Oh and sorry I missed you last week!)
~ Jess's about to start the toe on her second sock - I'm a-waiting on a finished pair soon! YAY Jess!
~ Go check out Julia's sad, sad jaywalker. Apparently, I jinxed her. I said she was rolling along in last week's update and she immediately snapped a needle. But Julia, look at it this way, if you hadn't snapped the needle and had to wait for a new one, maybe you wouldn't have finished that GORGEOUS sweater! It's just beautiful!
~ Julie's DONE! And the socks are already off to their new home - check out her super cute label!
~ I suck. I missed Julie's updates two weeks in a row. Check them out, PLEASE! Oh and Julie - you're a real knitter by the fact that you're knitting! That alone can do it! ;-)
~ Gratuitous Jaywalker Photos! (Thanks KathyB!)
~ Now see Kim? Didn't I tell you not to be nervous? That's one magnificent jaywalker. The pair will be to die for!
~ Another sock knitter is born! Laura has turned her first heel and a beauty it is! Congratulations! It's all smooth sailing from now on.
~ Lcord's hit a bump in the road - but one step back in Jaywalkers is like ten steps back in any other sock - you'll be done in no time!
~ Oh Lisa! I am SO SORRY! Folks, go over and give Lisa lots of love. Some prick (doesn't do the asshole justice) broke into her home and robbed her family. Thank god no one was hurt, but her camera and computer was stolen. I'm sure your Jaywalker is beautiful, Lisa - and I hope knitting it gives you some comfort.
~ Let's get the business out of the way first - go on over to Liz's and vote on which yarn she should use for her jaywalkers. And once you're done with that - PLEASE check out her AMAZING fair isle stockings. Oh my!
~ May's finished! She's got a picture to prove it - all Rowan like in the snow with her stunning STR Pebbles pair! Thanks for sharing May! They're beautiful!
~ Mimsie's going the two at once route, but unfortunately, one sock ended up with more stitches than the other. Rip it! Rip it GOOD! They look really nice though. You'll have a pair lickety split!
~ Feel better Renata! Jaywalking can be dizzying - they go so fast - so proceed with caution!
~ Robyn asks the age old question: "Can you eat cookies while you jaywalk?" I probably couldn't. When I eat cookies - it's sort of an extreme sport. But Robyn seems to be doing nicely.
~ Rock Chick's got jaywalkers on the needles. She hates the yarn, and I'm willing to bet she's not too fond of the person she's knitting the socks for, but really, all you need to know is that my blog is linked in the same post as this image: "Knitting with this crap makes knitting with Kroy seem like cashmere from a goat whose golden balls gently clink out Handel's Messiah as he gambols about the meadow." Genius. Absolutely genius. Thank you RC.
~ Rosemary's not sure what to blog about, but honestly, those jaywalkers speak for themselves! They look great! Have a good trip!
~ Sandra's got one pair down, Fire on The Mountain STR (Hey! They look familiar!) and one pair just started. Hey Sandra! Did you hear? The strikes off! ;-)
~ We've got ourselves a regular Dorothy Hamill in our midst! Very impressive Sara! Back camels and sit spins and figure eights - I love the ice! (Now if only you could make jaywalking look so graceful! Sorry for the rocky start!)
~ Here are some hugs for you Sarah! Sarah's under the weather - and on top of that she got fed up with an imperfect Jaywalker (is there such a thing?) and ripped it out. Get back on that horse! You were so happy with your first attempt! Get back to the love!
~ Stacey's got one finished! Wonderful! And I love how the sock kind of matches her blog, don't you think?
~ Susan's got questions: 1) Anybody knitting the larger sized Jaywalkers? She'd like some input. 2) Anybody got stories of funny yet disasterous family holidays? Yeah. I thought so. Go on over and don't hold back. ;-)
~ You know why they're called Petrified Vicki? Because they're so FREAKING GORGEOUS that you like freeze in your tracks when you see them. I need to call Tina today - don't have that STR in the stash and I MUST have it!
~ Wannietta's booking along on her lovely Jaywalker! Glad it's working out this time! YAY!
This will be the last update before Chrismukkahkwanzaa. I leave the uninitiated with this: Jonathan Safran Foer's "A Beginner's Guide to Hanukkah." Have a lovely day, whatever you celebrate!
Posted by Cara at 10:33 AM | Comments (13)
December 16, 2005
Jaywalker Five!
AS OF MY FINISHING THIS ON FRIDAY MORNING, SOMETHING SEEMS REALLY, REALLY WRONG WITH TYPEPAD. I can't get any entries past December 10th - and I know they WERE there. So I'm sorry. I hope it gets worked out real soon - whatever the problem. I will try to update the update later on this weekend.
Okay - not a lot of time to chitchat - there are babies to cuddle!
~ Ada's got a gorgeous tree up in the house and a SPECTACULAR pair of Jaywalkers! She doesn't know what yarn she used, but I'm betting if she got some that didn't hurt her hands, she WOULD make another pair. C'mon Ada. Admit it. You love 'em!
~ Another finished pair! Love the pooling on Alison's BRAND NEW SOCKS! And she luuuuurves them too, in Lorna's Laces Shepherd Sock in 'Bittersweet.'
~ Try to ignore the pizza and beer and rather concentrate on the start of Amanda's jaywalker. Better yet, check out the phenomenally gorgeous handspun in this entry. Damn that wheel can't come fast enough!
~ It's a finishing frenzy over at Anna's! An unbelievably gorgeous Ene's Scarf - I mean really, the colors are beyond breathtaking! - a Shedir (love that pattern!) and of course, a fantastic Jaywalker. Koigu. Tiger stripes. Nuff said.
~ Mismatched? You be the judge. I don't know, they look freakin' great to me. And Anne, honey, I think Mom will understand. (But seriously, I really want to know what happened on the date. You know. With the knee. Not sure I'm buying the whole slipped on the ice thing. ;-) )
~ A serious case of malaise has settled in over at Biglug's and she's trying to blame it on the jaywalkers. DUDE! What the? Weather. Always go with the weather. Leave the poor socks alone. ;-)
~ Bridget's come through with pictures! Way to go Bridget! Love your progress, and lovin' the new yarn. Either one will be great for your next pair. Glad you figured out a way to make them fit.
~ Carol claims a finished pair. And even though we've got some progress pictures here, I'm not believing ANYTHING until I see those suckers on her feet. Oh Carol! Time to get out the camera! ;-)
~ After talking and talking and talking about them, Carole's finally showing off a finished pair! And they get the seal of approval from the kid set. I'll bet. They're fab! So much so Carole cast on another pair immediately after. In Vesper. I won't say I told you so, but I might have suggested this could happen.
~ Bling! Bling! Bling! Bling! Her schmooness, Carrieoke's jaywalkers ROCK! Her pal is going to be so totally stoked! DUDE!
~ It's drama drama drama all the time over at Christy's. First, some real (unwanted) drama! In the ER! So glad Michelle's going to be okay. And then there's the sock drama. But don't let her stories fool you. Socks that beautiful will make you forget all the pain. Trust me. I know from where I speak.
~ Ellie, one of our newbies this week, is taking a decidedly different approach to jaywalking. She's making anklets, and they're solid! Definitely check them out! Welcome Ellie!
~ Brag all you want BABY! In the "don't hate her cause the sock is perfect" category Eunny has hit a grandslam her first time out. THIS is KOOL-AID people!
~ Felicia's procrastinating. But with procrastination like that - DAMN GRRL! - all is forgiven.
~ Helen, Helen, Helen. Helen. The Jaywalker is not a "mere" sock. It's GENIUS! And genius is never easy. Hope the new one is working out better.
~ Reward yourself! You deserve it Holly! Look at those wonderful FOs! Jaywalkers are the perfect prize.
~ Another one who gets it. Feels like st st, but the results - oh so fantastic! Check out Janine's sock in Opal Elemente.
~ Go admire Jessica's fantastic finished Lucy In the Sky Jaywalkers in socks that rock. And then go make your own South Park character. Do it. Now.
~ Julia's rolling now - all the kinks are worked out, we hope. Vive la Jaywalker!
~ I'm LOVING the zigzags in Julie's sock - but WATCH OUT FOR THE BLOG! Some SERIOUSLY good food being displayed over there. I checked it out and gained ten pounds just looking. Don't say I didn't warn you.
~ It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! Christmas Jaywalkers that is! Kandy's got one pair done in STR Xmas Rocks, and another pair already started. YAY!
~ I'm going to forgive Kate for ripping out her STR jaywalkers because "the color just wasn't for me." Huh? Which color? I'll take it! But oh how lovely the Schaeffer Anne sock!
~ The proof is in the pudding my friends, and KathyB's found the mythical chocolate tapioca. GORGEOUS! Stayed tuned for modeled socks. Coming soon!
~ Really liking the colors in Kim's newly started jaywalker. Don't be nervous Kim! It will all work out!
~ It's all chibis all the time over at Kris's. She's a little concerned about Hard Rock pooling, but I told her not to fret. They will ROCK!
~ The BEST Better Pal EVER (that is, of course, unless my current better pal decides to one-up her. Hint. Hint.) Kris could not withstand the lethal combination of jaywalkers and Vesper. Vakker! (Hope that's right....)
~ Laura's using Jedi mind tricks, but I don't know what she's talking about. I don't see any ladders. Do you?
~ Laura's got some kind of crazy idea about jaywalking armwarmers. GO TO IT! But, of course, not until you show us the socks. The operative word there being show. Or socks. Take your pick. ;-)
~ Yeah Baby! Almost there is right! Lcord DEFINITELY made the right choice going with the Regia! Excellent!
~ No! No! You heard it wrong! Leah's NOT a heel - she HAS a heel. And some awesome stripes. Knitpicks sock garden seems to be working out just fine, thank you very much.
~ Lisa linked to me in a post with the word BLING in the title. I heart her. She called me gracious. Oh yeah and she picked the yarn for her jaywalkers. Go see.
~ Liz loves her sock! Mostly. I love it, if that means anything to you. ;-)
~ I'm going to let Manda slide on the whole no picture thing, because it seems like the jaywalkers are a gift, but I'll be watching. I WANT A PICTURE!
~ Try not to be distracted by all the gorgeous handspun. We're to look at a sock people. A SOCK! Marie, honey, you're killing me!
~ Now that's talent! Melissa's only made two socks (I'm assuming they aren't even a pair) but when the women at school saw her Jaywalker they wanted IN! She's been wrangled into teaching a sock class in January! Go give her tips. (I think she's a bit nervous. Don't be!)
~ There's a new target in town! Melissa's graciously offered to take the heat off of me. You know how you're all ripping on me because of my STR stash, and my Jaywalker collection, well Melissa is my Lorna's Laces rival. Go pick on her for a change!
~ We're not pointing and we're not laughing Natalia. When they're done, they're going to be spectacular!
~ January Jaywalkers. That's the goal over at Patty's. You're on your way! Excellent!
~ PumpkinMama's thinking out of the box! Check out her lime green zebra stripey sock! Please can I get a Woo and a Hoo!
~ Purlpower's got one purple sock done! They're a gift for her mom and will have to be finished in SPAIN. Poor, poor socks. Oh how it sucks to be you. ;-) Have a great trip Purlpower! We want pictures when you get back.
~ Rosemary's starting over. It's all right grrl! Whatever gets the job done!
~ Stacey's got more progress on her sock! Sure, a snow day would help, but what're you going to do.... KNIT!
~ Vera's playing catch-up. To me, of course. She's got one pair done, one pair started - this time in Wildfoote. Okay Vera. It's not a contest. (Note to self - get knitting! You're only one complete pair ahead of her! EEK!)
Typepad problems nonewithstanding, if I missed you, I apologize - there are a freaking lot of you! Have a great weekend. See you next week! JAYWALK ON SOLDIER!
Posted by Cara at 10:36 AM | Comments (16)
December 09, 2005
Jaywalker Four!
I'm starting the updates Thursday night and I've got the TV on my computer on - guess what's a Jeopardy category tonight? That's right! "J" Walking through History! So funny. I tried to get a screen shot but no luck. Did you know that one of our own knitbloggers is actually going to BE on Jeopardy? How cool is that? Go on over and wish J Strizzy some luck!
Okay! Let the updates begin!
~ Sounds like Ada's pair will be her only pair (hope your hand feels better), but look how gorgeous they are! One sock down, one to go.
~ I'm LOVING Alison's sock! Check out all that PINK! I love how the yarn is pooling. What are you using Alison? I couldn't find it on the blog. Can't wait to see the pair!
~ Angela's DONE! YAY! Look how great those socks look! The most important part: Angela LOVES them! That makes me happy.
~ Okay! Anne's a girl after my own heart! She finished one Jaywalker, and instead of moving onto the second one, she started a whole new pair! This time around she's using Trekking - got to admit - it's a different look for Jaywalker but I'm liking it!
~ Duh duh duh duh Another Bites the Dust! DUDE! I totally agree with you! This is THE rollerskating song! Sadly, though, this has a double meaning for Bethe. She finished her first sock, but it looks like she might have to rip it. And now she's got to worry about the yarn-adge. Damn that STR! ;-) (What is that Bethe - Hard Rock? Your stripes look a lot different than mine - hope it all works out!)
~ YAY! Bethieee's got pictures this week!
~ BigLug's got us knitbloggers all mixed-up, but not her Jaywalkers! No siree bob - they are looking fantastico!
~ Bridget says she's got one sock finished, but we'll need photographic proof to believe her! ;-) Oh all right - I guess a finished pair will be good enough. Soon, right?
~ Hey! I'm next on the list! Look at that. Go check out the saga. It's a good one.
~ Carol's got lots of socks, but only ONE jaywalker. Check it out!
~ No Pooling BAYBEE! Christy altered the pattern a bit, but they still rock! Loving the stripes!
~ Corrina! YOU WILL PREVAIL! Show that sock who's boss! Go give Corrina some support. Jaywalker and Sock Garden seem to be conspiring against her.
~ Gail chimes in from Portland: "I finished one sock with 60 stitches cast on. A little snug over the heel, but quite comfy once on all the way. I'm about half-way down the cuff of the second sock, so far so good!" Whoa nelly! Everyone's complaining about how tight the socks are and you're casting on FEWER stitches? Can't wait to see these! Have fun in SanFran!
~ Thanks to all your votes, Helen's chosen a yarn! Now get knitting Helen!
~ Yo! Jane! Who you calling a Jaywalker Fanatic! Just you wait! Once you put that pretty pair of Koigu socks on your feet - I'll bet you're a goner too! ;-)
~ Jess has a finished sock! SWEET!
~ I'm just loving Jessica's STR colorway! It's gorgeous! Things seem to be going well now - the sock looks great.
~ Kandy's new to the KAL! Go say hi! Oh and Kandy Darling, 11 skeins of STR does not an obsession make. Take it from me. I know. It's a noble start though. ;-) Can't wait to see a sock!
~ Karen's started on her second sock - but screw the socks. ONLY SEVEN DAYS UNTIL DISNEYLAND! WHOOHOO! Have a great trip Karen!
~ THIS is too incredible NOT TO MISS! (Which of course I did on the first run through.) Check out Kathy's new progress, and the story she has to tell.
~ Laura's jaywalker is looking grand, befitting a celebrity. ;-) She's using Moda Dea Sassy Stripes sock yarn, in colors Crush and Lucky. Oh and Laura? Give a big thank you to that brother-in-law of yours!
~ Lauren's DONE! And while we don't have any photographic proof, I did run into her on Saturday, quite by accident (how's this for funny - she recognized me because I was knitting on my jaywalker. BEHOLD THE POWER!) and she showed me her sock. Lorna's Laces. Very lovely. C'mon Lauren! Send a picture!
~ Lcord's sock in Trekking 107 are wonderful! The colors are great and I have to tell you Lcord, I think you made the right decision. While the Fleece Artist is pretty, I prefer the bolder stripes.
~ OCD strikes again! Leah had a nice start to her Knitpicks Sock Garden Jaywalkers in Geranium, only to find that she did a 1x1 rib instead of the 2x2 the pattern calls for. Rib Rip for her! Sorry Leah - but I totally understand!
~ Check out that arch! Lisa's got one finished!
~ Ah Margene. Margene. Margene. Margene. My wonderful friend Margene. Looks like we got a winner know, no? I hope so. I so want this to work for you. And for me. But mostly for you. Can a sock really be as wonderful as I think it is if the Zen Master doesn't like it? Something to ponder. Amen.
~ Get down, boogie oogie oogie oogie! Get down! Maritza's Electric Boogaloo socks are DONE! Stick a fork in em'! And while the name may be disco, the socks definitely ROCK!
~ Now that Mel worked out her needle issues, things are humming along!
~ Why are there so many songs about rainbows and what's on the other side? Sock yarn, Kermie. Sock yarn! Lorna's Laces to be specific. They're looking good Melissa! I kinda like the pooling going on. Can't wait to see them finished.
~ Oh Melissa! Pictures please! That LL Ravenswood sounds so nice.
~ Go tell Mimsie that we're all a really nice bunch and that KAL are just letters, not a lifestyle! Knit, don't knit - you're still allowed in the club. I mean c'mon - you're knitting with STR! That alone guarantees you membership. ;-)
~ Another one blaming me! Hey Nancy! Think how much fun it will be when you go back to those "normal" size needles! Size 6s are like knitting with tree trunks!
~ Uh Oh. Is it time to get out the scale again? Tell Naomi what you think. Will she make it? THIS JUST IN: Looks like Naomi's going a different route - The ribbing, heel and toe in one color, the body in something colorful. Things are just starting to get interesting....
~ Natalia has the toe-up version all written out. I find the heel flap and gusset on a toe-up SO interesting. I might just have to try it - especially since I'm not a fan of the short row heel. Thanks for your efforts Natalia!
~ Sigh. Patty's asking that age old question. To rip or not to rip. Patty, I can assure you, if we ever should meet I will tell you that your Jaywalkers are gorgeous - flaws or no flaws. You made them - therefore they're perfect! :-)
~ Renata's gone all kinds of crazy with her NEW PAIR OF JAYWALKERS. Alas, these are for her sister (keep them keep them keep them.) But have no fear, she's already cast on for another pair! Do I smell another convert? Both of her pairs are in STR. Hmmm. She's got some other STR to trade - anyone interested? Go on over and let her know.
~I'm an ass. Rosemary and I emailed a bunch of times about her jaywalkers and I still forgot to add her to the original updates. DUH. Please forgive me. Now go on over and tell her how great the sock looks. Go! Now! Don't make me feel bad!
~ Sarah Gilmored and Jaywalked in the same evening - now that's what I call a good night!
~ Oh! Oh! Oh! It's MAGIC! Stacey learned the magic loop technique to make her Jaywalkers. Looking good!
~ BEST.SAVE.EVER! Teresa's done and they are SPECTACULAR! Go play her contest. I'll give you a clue. It's not pink.
~ Well tgz - at least you had fun learning, right? Didn't fit. But she's starting over! Way to go! You'll have that first sock done in no time!
That's all I've got! Forgive me if I've missed you - let me know in the comments. Have a great Friday!
Posted by Cara at 01:14 AM | Comments (22)
December 02, 2005
Jaywalker Three!
Wow! This updating stuff is hard work. I'll start off with the promised Jaywalker FAQ. I asked Grumperina what she thought were the most important issues, and this is what she wrote me:
Please gently remind the knitters that the pattern promises, "The stitches are placed on a bias, which creates a snug, droop-less fit," and delivers! I viewed this as a big plus, but of course it's only a big plus if the person is getting the right gauge, and a sock that's the right size. Let the knitters know they should not plan to have any negative ease ease - if the foot is 9" around, the sock should also be 9" around. If it's any smaller, yes, they'll have trouble getting it over their ankle. Yarn choice makes a difference. Yarns with nylon, mohair, cotton are less stretchy than pure wool yarns or yarns with elastic. By that fact alone, socks made from wool/mohair will not be as pleasant to get on the footsie as identical 100% merino wool socks. Going up a needle size and/or knitting the larger pattern size (if possible) are great first steps to get a bigger Jaywalker. However, this won't solve problems 100% of the time because sometimes going up a needle size doesn't result in a nice sock fabric, and perhaps the knitter is already knitting the bigger size. **If the knitter is making the smaller size, leaving yarn and needles and gauge the same, BUT knitting the bigger pattern size will increase the sock diameter by about 10%. This is an easy first solution to get the right fit!** No matter the solution, I *strongly* recommend trying on the socks-in-progress frequently. Actually, all knitting! No reason to plow ahead if you can already determine the outcome won't be any good ;) . |
ETA: Kathy has graciously added UPSIZING! She's got instructions for TWO LARGER SIZES! Also, Natalia's written out instructions for doing the Jaywalkers toe-up. Thank you both!
What do I have to add? Well, the most important thing I can say is the socks WILL BE TIGHT! They are snug over the heel. They do give a little bit with wear, but my socks, which I've been wearing a lot, still have to be sort of tugged over the heel. Once on though, they fit perfectly. Also, if you think 76 stitches is a lot - because you normally cast on for a much smaller number with your other sock patterns - DO NOT WORRY! The ribbing won't be too big - it will be pulled in by the pattern and the socks will miraculously stay up on your leg. The pattern really NEEDS the extra stitches. I normally cast on for 64 stitches - I'm perfectly fine with the 76. ;-)
Also, there have been some questions about the bar increases. Here are a couple of links to help out with this:
completed bar increase - scroll down the page
bar increase video - continental knitting
bar increase video - english knitting
That should answer most of the questions we've been getting. Feel free to let us know if we've missed something.
Okay. On to the updates. If I missed you, I'm really, really sorry. I've been trying to go through all the blogs and updating as the week goes on, but sometimes I miss stuff. If I've got wrong information for you, please let me know that as well.
~Ada's on her second start, but things are working out just peachy this time around!
~Angela's praying for stripes. C'MON STRIPES! (Oh and she's knitting with Knit Picks Sock Garden in Stargazer Lily.)
~Anita's fast walkin' in her brand new Jaywalkers! She made her pair in Lorna's Laces, Purple Iris. Beautiful!
~Anne went home for the holidays and started her wonderful Opal Handpainted Jaywalkers. People liked them so much she was taking orders! Go Anne!
~Anne's got a nice start on some hot pink Jaywalkers!
~Bethe got in a bit of trouble jaywalking - but let's hope she's back on track now. No crosswalks for you ROCK STAR!
~Bethieee has all her KAL updates in one place. So organized! But, but, where are the pictures?! I want to see pictures!
~Blueadt's back on track with her Opal Tiger Jaywalkers!
~Bridget's moving right along - she's probably got a finished sock by now!
~Cece's cursing me, but c'mon - you know you love it! She's adding yet another pair of socks to her arsenal! Yay!
~Christy's got some subtle blue zigzags going on with her jaywalker version - she's using Tess's Designer Yarn. Looking good!
~Cori hasn't been working on socks because she's been working on something a whole lot more important and a helluva lot harder. Go wish her congratulations! And I swear there's something in the water in blogland.
~Debi is making, by far, the MOST EXPENSIVE socks ever! Lucky for us they're Jaywalkers and they're gorgeous. Go tell her how gorgeous and make her feel a bit better about the generosity of knitters.
~Eunny's got a finished pair and they're GORGEOUS! She used Lana Grossa Meilenweit Fun & Stripes and striped they are - perfectly striped. When do you start your next pair? You know, Jaywalkers are like potato chips. You can't have just one! (Apparently I liked them so much I commented THREE times!)
~Holly says she's unofficial, but she's on the list - so that means she's IN! Check out her jaywalker in Tess's Designer Yarn - she's doing a short row heel for anyone that's interested in that particular modification. Welcome to the club Holly!
~Hopefully Jennifer has come out of her anitbiotic induced haze to work some more on her beautiful Opal Handpainted Jaywalkers. Hope you're feeling better Jennifer - and great IKEA building!
~Jess's sock in Lorna's Laces Bittersweet is anything but bitter and oh so sweet!
~Even though Jessica's having some gauge problems - my god that Socks That Rock color is to die for! It's one of Tina's special oops blends. if only we could bottle our mistakes - especially when they come out so freaking perfect!
~Helen needs your help. She can't decide which yarn to use for her jaywalkers and the whole thing has stalled. GO VOTE!
~Kaci's sock ROCKS! She used Azure Malachite for this one, but isn't genetically engineered to make a pair using the same colorway. She threatens the second sock will be in the rarely seen Fred Flinstone.

~Karen's making great progress - she's about to finish one sock - and look what's at the top of her December goals! Jaywalker socks for the New Year!
~Kathy was busy over her Thanksgiving break. She found out she needed glasses, got a pain in the ass - literally - and jaywalked! Hope you can see to feel better!
~KathyB is running out of yarn too! But I have to say, I'm glad she's running out of Koigu. Well, I'm not glad. Not at all. I'm relieved. Relieved she isn't running out of STR. I feel so responsible when that happens! Anyway, enough about me! If anyone has some KPPM p411 lot #34 that they can spare, Kathy will be very appreciative!
~We've got a celebrity in our midst! Laura! In the Newspaper! And her jaywalkers are excellent - what yarn are you using Laura? I couldn't figure it out. And what's your mitten pattern? I want to make a pair and I'm searching for a pattern. Thanks!
~Lauren was all ready to give up. She was going to finish her jaywalker, but pass it on to her daughter. BUT I SAID NO! Just because it's a little tight over your heel - that's nothing. Finish it for yourself! And she did. And even though they are a little bit tight getting them on, they're completely comfortable to wear. She says, "You encouraged me to persevere and I did. Happily....Thanks for urging me to press on with making the socks for me (as opposed to my eight-year-old)." Now get crackin' on that second sock!
~Libbylu finished her Jaywalkers! She used Lana Grossa Meilenweit Fun & Stripes and here's the proof:
~Liz is channeling Goldilocks: the third time is just right. Lorna's Laces in Ice House. How wintery!
~Maggi's got the STR wound up and ready to go! I say rip the socks on the circulars off and start the jaywalkers!
~Wow! When Manda says photos, she means photos. Sadly we might not see her jaywalkers for awhile - it looks like they might be a gift, but what's that I see? A Diamond Fantasy Shawl?! Another JanuaryOne favorite. Hmm...maybe we should do a KAL for that.... SOMEONE STOP ME!!!!
~Margene, zen sock knitter extraordinnaire, has started her pair in some wonderful Koigu. She says she likes to live dangerously, but she's definitely taking the safe route with her Koigu. C'mon Margene! Break out the STR! I'll pay your bail!
~Maritza's in the holiday spirit! She's got one down on her X-Mas ROCK colorway from STR! Electric Boogaloo indeed.
~May makes it in just under the wire with this report: "Just finished my jaywalker socks! They're fabulous - it will be hard to part with them, but they're promised to my sister for Xmas. Luckily I have a pair in STR watermelon tourmaline lined up for myself! First ever knitalong is a success! Yay! Thanks for the inspiration ; )" You are quite welcome May! Now where are the pictures? Send them to me and I'll post them next week!
~Melissa's making great progress with her jaywalker in Lorna's Laces Rainbow colorway. See, now, with Jaywalkers even Lorna's Laces pooling looks fab!
~Nancy's got the monkey's approval on the start of her jaywalkers - they look like comfy old jeans. But they're socks. Socks That Rock that is, so they feel even better than comfy old jeans.
~Naomi started her Jaywalkers on the train up to New York (Hey! Do you think we passed on the way? I was heading to Philly!) She's opting for different colored heels and toes - can't wait to see that. But really I'm just interested in the Junior's cheesecake. YUMMM!
~Have you been reading Natalia's blog? She's got some really great posts on doing the Jaywalkers toe-up. Check it out! Thank you Natalia!
~Pixie's socks are fading in the most delicious way. But the sock looks so lonely on that knee. Go say hi! But maybe it's not lonely, maybe it's like spy cam or something - what are those people eating over there?
~Purlpower's going purple with her pair. Check them out!
~Sarah is so sweet. She's says I've totally inspired her! I'm so glad! She's started a pair in some grey/green/blue Sockotta - she claims they're nothing fancy, but we'll be the judge of that! Show us your sock!
~I feel totally resposible for the fact that Teresa ran out of Socks That Rock. I'm SO SORRY! But it looks completely and utterly beautiful in Rhodonite. I'm sure you'll figure it out girl! I HAVE FAITH!
~Way to go Tgz! You're doing great! This is Tgz's first sock, so encourage her!
~Wannietta's been getting tons of compliments on her berry flavored Jaywalkers. Can't say I blame them - very nice!
Thanks everyone for playing! See you next week!
Posted by Cara at 12:01 AM | Comments (27)
November 25, 2005
Jaywalker Two!
I hope everyone had a great Thursday or a fantastic Thanksgiving - whichever the case may be. We had one of the best Thanksgiving's we've had a while - the food was terrific - company was good - and everyone went home stuffed and happy. I'll be here until Saturday hanging with the kiddos, but that doesn't mean business stops. Here we have the FIRST Jaywalker Update! Yay! Now, most of this information I collected Wednesday, so everyone might have finished their socks by now. Let me know if you have. Also, if you don't have a blog and want to show off your socks, send me the pictures and I'll post them here. We want to see everyone's socks, so don't be shy! Oh and if I missed you, I'm really sorry! Send an email to cara at januaryone dot com with Jaywalker update in the subject line or leave a comment here if you want to be in the updates. Thanks everyone! Have fun!
~Adele's socks, in DG Confetti, are kicking her arse, but I hope she's gotten a reign on them because I LOVE the colors she's chosen.
~Adelle's got a gorgeous pair going in Lorna's Laces Gold Hill.
~Alison is making some hot pink and purple jaywalkers - even though it's summer down under.
~Anita's already got one done. She dyed the yarn herself with Kool-Aid. Cool!
~Another convert born. Bethe thinks we should rename the socks Jayrocker. If I'm not mistaken, she's using Rock Star socks that rock. Excellent choice!
~Blueadt is making some very cool Tiger Jaywalkers. She has to rip back a bit, but we know she'll roaring to go in no time! (Forgive me. These updates are hard.)
~Bridget went out and got a blog - just for our updates. Go over and say hi and tell her how great her Seal Rock STR Jaywalkers look!
~Carrie's already on her second sock, in Lorna's Laces, but more importantly she's running a half marathon today! Good Luck Carrie! You ROCK!
~Felicia has started a fantastic pair of Jaywalkers in her own handpainted yarn available at the Sweet Shop. (I can attest to the gorgeousness of Felicia's yarns. I bought some the other day and it's WONDERFUL!)
~Gail's got a modified pair started in STR Banded Agate - send pictures Gail!
~Snuck in among the handspun is the start of Jane's STR Moss Agate Jaywalker. I think this one is going to be beautiful. (Note to Tina and Kaci - hey - can you add some Moss Agate to my order? Pretty please? ;-) )
~Joelene has started two at the same time - in yarn she dyed herself! Yay Joelene!
~Julia's got a sock going for every language she speaks. Um, I think her Jaywalkers in Lorna's Laces speak French, n'est-ce pas?
~Kaci's got some kind of bet going with Tina that she will ACTUALLY FINISH a pair of socks. In STR Azure Malchite to be exact. Imagine that! She sells the sock yarn, but can't finish a pair of socks. I'm just saying.
~Karen's got a gorgeous pair started in Lorna's Laces, colorway Gray's Corner. Unfortunately she had to rip out and start over with the bigger size - but hopefully things are sailing along now.
~KathyB's all about the eights. After a little bit of a rocky start, she's cruising along in her Koigu in seaQuest colors.
~Lisa's got some nice Jaywalking going on with some Artyarn's in great fall colors. But I'm really jealous of the Pebble Beach STR sitting there in the other picture. Those are going to be some Rockin' Socks!
~May reports that she's finished her first sock in STR Pebbles and is onto her second. Go May! Send pictures!
~Mel's hoping we kick her butt into gear on the beautiful pink/purple/blue pair she's had languishing on her needles. Consider this your wake up call Mel!
~Natalia's turned the whole thing on its head, or er foot. She's going toe up with her Lorna's Laces Jaywalkers!
~Nicole's got some nice blue jaywalkers blah blah blah - forget the socks! Go CONGRATULATE HER! SHE'S HAVING A BABY!
~PumpkinMama's got the whole Boston thing going - Grumperina's pattern (Boston girl) Hello Yarn yarn (Boston girl.) Very cool. Even to this Jersey Girl.
That's all she wrote! See you next Friday for the next installment of JAYWALKER!
Posted by Cara at 09:00 AM | Comments (25)
November 19, 2005
Jaywalker Participants
The list is too long - so I'm moving it to its own entry. Have fun everyone!
Anne Marie
Diane E.
Jessica L.
Karen W.
Kari O.
Kate C.
Lisa C.
Lisa D.
Lisa I.
Lisa W.
Liz C.
Rock Chick
Posted by Cara at 06:28 PM
Well, last night things were pretty tight between Hard Rock and Carbon - gotta admit I was pulling just a little bit for Hard Rock - but it looks like Carbon pulled through in a squeaker!

I actually asked G to break the tie (this was around 9:30PM) and he picked Carbon too. He said no one has yellow socks. You should make yellow socks.
I thought since this is my third pair of Jaywalkers and I can pretty much knit them in my sleep now (which I did last night - I cast on at 11PM and went to sleep around 2:30AM) I should tell you all my numbers. First off, in no way do you need to use Socks That Rock yarn. Use whatever yarn you want! I just happen to have an abundance of this yarn in my stash, as well as a deep undying love for its beyond soft colorful goodness, so that's what I'm using. These numbers will be especially helpful to those of you using STR, since the current skein yardage at 325 yds is a tad on the small size. (Tina is rectifying this! In the new year, STR will have 350yds!)
Here we go:
I'm using size #1 Addi Turbos - two circular method - which is 2.5mm for those of you in the real world. I cast on 76 stitches and do twelve rows of 2x2 ribbing. I do 25 pattern repeats and then start the heel. This gives me a cuff of about 6". I do 15 heel rows before turning and then continue on until I have 57 pattern repeats down the instep starting from the top. Then I start decreasing for the toe. TADA! My foot measures 8.5" around and 9.5" from heel to toe. In the picture above I've done the ribbing and 10 pattern repeats - well on my way! Yay!
I'm thinking that maybe once I've finished this sock I might switch and do one sock in Hard Rock, then go back to Carbon, etc. Might be fun to switch it up, don't you think? And they go so fast - by the end of today I should be ready to turn the heel.
Okay - we've got LOTS of interest and I'm so happy to see it! Here are the participants so far:
+name+ = finished
I've listed everybody in my sidebar as well. The more the merrier! I've also got some buttons. I made the obnoxious yellow one and Kathy provided the rest. If anyone else would like to contribute, send me the buttons and I'll post them here. Please, if you take one, save it to your own server. Thank you!

I also wanted to let you know that Natalia has started her Jaywalkers TOE-UP! I know a lot of you were thinking about this - she's got some details here. Thanks Natalia!
Remember, email me or leave a comment if you have an update - I'll be posting updates on Fridays. Thanks everyone! Now go out and KNIT!
Posted by Cara at 03:47 PM | Comments (45)
November 18, 2005
An Invitation to ROCK!
First, let's get some business out of the way. CONGRATULATIONS JULIA! YOU WIN! Crossed in Translation, a new KAL, will start on January 1. More details, buttons and signups to come soon. Thank you all for voting and for your suggestions!
Okay - onto the REALLY good stuff!
My knitting has been sporadic and directionless in the last couple of weeks - which with all the work I have going on makes for very UN-relaxing knitting. I NEED something. I need to knit and feel progress (since everyday I'm getting more and more bogged down in my work) and right now that can only mean one thing.
I'm casting on for a new pair of Jaywalkers! With Socks that Rock of course!
I love these socks. I wore my Fire on the Mountain socks yesterday and they made me happy all day long. My feet felt great and the pattern is SO comfortable: They stay up. They are nice and tight without being binding. The yarn is so soft and lovely. And I've got all this yarn taunting me every time I walk by my living room (because basically there's yarn all over my living room mixed with A LOT of crap. I promise I'm going to clean up in January. Just let me get to January, okay?)
There's another reason to start a new pair of Jaywalkers. I'm convinced this is the BEST pattern to use with Socks That Rock. And guess what? With all my screaming and yelling about how amazing STR is, Tina and Kaci over at Blue Moon Fiber Arts contacted me and I might have a job with them!!! How crazy is that? There aren't many details yet, so don't ask, but it looks like it'll involve some writing. The fact that these women are crazy and amazing and recognize something in me doesn't in any way change my opinion about this yarn. I LOVE it. Almost as much as I love Bruce.
So, because I love the yarn and I love the pattern I want to share it all with you! I'm starting a Jaywalker Knit A Long right here right now!
The rules:
1. Knit a pair (or more - hey - I'm going to start my THIRD!) of Jaywalker socks. I know a lot of you have already started a pair - and that counts. But if you've finished a pair already, that doesn't count. Instead, go on over to Kathy's and let her know. She'll add you to the gallery.
2. You don't have to adhere strictly to the pattern, so all you Drunken Jaywalker people (you know who you are!) come on over.
3. The socks don't have to be for you. I know everyone's crazy with holiday knitting (Suckers. I'm just saying....) so why not make a pair of Jaywalkers for that annoying relative in your life? Nothing like a pair of Jaywalker socks to send that subtle message - I wish you'd go play in traffic! You're the only one who has to know the sentiment behind the gift! ;-)
4. You don't have to knit the socks with SOCKS THAT ROCK yarn - use whatever yarn you like. BUT the prizes will be Socks That Rock.
5. There are no deadlines on when this KAL will end, BUT
6. On February 14th I will draw three names out of the proverbial Internet hat of all the FINISHED KAL socks and each of these people will WIN a skein of SOCKS THAT ROCK in their preferred colorway. That is, assuming I can get Tina to dye it for you. I won't tell you how many colors are in the recipe book - your head will spin around. To be eligible to win the socks, you will have had to give me at least ONE update before February 1st. I want you to really be in it to win it you know? No pulling in at the last minute with a finished pair of socks to get in on the lottery. ;-)
7. Updates will be on FRIDAYS. So leave me comment or email me and I'll do the updates then. K? Terrific!
Are you in? Leave a comment. And if anyone wants to make me a button - I would greatly appreciate it. I'm thinking something with a traffic sign motif. But you all can run with it. THANK YOU!
Now. I need some help. I've got all this Socks That Rock and I can't decide which color my new socks should be! Here are the choices I've got:




Vote early. Vote often. I want to cast on for these socks five minutes ago, you know? So I'll go with what I get by Saturday night. Or maybe sooner. And I'm not guaranteeing I go with your choice, I'm just looking for opinions. Thank you very much!
PS - I've got to give credit where credit is due. The KAL idea came from Moth Heaven Julia. She was making fun of me for starting the (not necessarily) impossible Crossed in Translation KAL and said I should've gone with a Jaywalker KAL. Hmmm. Good idea! Thanks!
Posted by Cara at 08:56 AM | Comments (82)